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The Last for One of Them

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The Last for One of Them
« on: April 19, 2023, 07:23:51 PM »
(hi all, this is one of the Last of the Peggy series)

The Last for One of Them

Hey All, Amber here. Well we knew this day was coming, Peggy is 63 now. and though she looks 45 the years of fighting for a reason and a few for no reason at all, are starting to take a toll.

Peggy has a hard time admitting it to anyone let alone herself, but the few last fights she had, took her a lot longer to recover from. I really think if not for her creams, and workouts, this day would have come long ago.

In her heart Peggy knows it is time, she has beaten the best of the best and lost a few along the way. A couple of her fights she was able to fight again within a week. Then more and more as the years went on and a few of her rivals were just as tough, Peggy was waiting a few days to a week, and a few fights made her recover close to a month.

She would kid herself and others that, those fights meant she faced a tougher rival, and sure in some cases she did. But there were a few Peggy just devoured her rivals in and was still to sore to just go on right away.  Even when she was that tired or sore she would risk fighting to show she was the one true queen.

I guess if i was to take all the fights my Dad got her into for no other reason than to find that one woman that could soundly beat her, she might have a few more years in her. But then that there is that one injury she suffered, that when any woman she took on saw the weakness exploited it and even then she sometimes still won. 

But those were even tougher recoveries, but in the end Peggy over all her years of fighting, win or lose made every woman she fought sorry they took her on.  She ends her fights on top, having won not just her town and defended it, but was able to take over 3 other towns.

She fought for them and in the end passed them on to whom she felt would best defend them.
I asked her recently who of all those she fought was the scariest and toughest rival she ever faced. She thought about it a while, she ran through flash backs of nearly every fight, and it always came down to one name .

Yeah you probably can guess it, Gina, Peggy said as much as they hated each other and would fight daily if it were possible. By far every time she faced Gina, Peggy as confident as she was , thought each time they stood across from one another would be the day Gina breaks her and ends her reign.

She admitted the only thing other than defending her town, her reputation and pride, was the fact if she lost to Gina getting my Dad as she lay there broken to hurt or broken to keep him. She admitted Dad at that time in her life probably would never have left her for Gina, but to keep living with Dad as second best was even worse.

The thought of her love thinking he was married to the second best fighter drove her to fight more like a savage animal over any woman she fought for him, cause of him ever.

Though Peggy after it all came to a head, when she had enough of him tricking her instead of just asking her to prove she was better woman and fighter. Not only beat the woman dad was sure could defeat Mom, but beat her soundly enough that after Dad was stuck with the second best.

He then realized he had the Queen the entire time, and Dad tried relentlessly to get back in her good graces. It was no use, the only thing he didn’t try was to get Peggy to fight the one woman that she would agree to fight just because.

It was to become the last stand for not just Peggy or my Dad, but the second most savage cat out there, Gina.  A name Peggy, dad, Jeff and I were sure, was gone for good after Peggy nearly actually tore her tits off and left the worse scars on another ever.

But lets not sell that wildcat short either, despite her whoring ways and cougar lifestyle, Gina was Peggy’s ultimate equal. Maybe even more than perfect equal, Peggy over the years broke many a woman fuller than herself, with less trouble than Gina gave her.

And like Peggy, Gina left Peggy with some pretty bad scars as well, including a few bite marks that every time Peggy looked in a mirror topless, reminded her just how close Gina came to beating her outright.

In our recent chat about her toughest, I asked Mom if she ever tried to locate Gina again, if for no other reason than to fight her again and see if it was skill, luck or fate that allowed Mom to beat her as well as she had.

Peggy admitted she put the word out to those who knew Gina, quote “if you see that Bitch or talk to her , let her know anytime and anyplace i am in”. Even i admitted to Mom i tried to locate Gina, but after the fights she lost to Peggy, the last ending so so badly for her.

Gina was a ghost, but even ghosts can come back if you aren’t careful to haunt you.

So i am not sure if saying i was lucky enough to be there for Peggy’s last fight is the right way to put it. But i can tell all of you, Peggy’s last fight had every element a fight could have. The hate, jealousy, anger, revenge and desire to show all once and for all who was the best.

Gina while she left after her what 4th defeat to Peggy ran away. It wasn’t out of shame, Gina like Peggy lost her share of fights over the years as well. No for Gina it was the fact that she like Peggy, never fought another as savage, vicious and when making a threat or taunts would follow through on it like she would herself.

When Peggy made the vow in their fight to ruin Gina’s tits, and then did it. Gina just couldn’t bear having to explain or hear from other women “Peggy really did a number on you”.

But one thing no one counted on from Gina, was the fact like Peggy she would learn to wear her scares like medals. A sense of pride that she stood toe to toe with the toughest fighter and nearly won or was close to winning.

Like anything, a simple tilt of a head, miss step or just not your day easily could have meant Peggy would have ended up in the E.R. That last fight with Gina’s teeth imprints in her breasts and nipples.   Bandaged and stitched in fear her nipple would not be saved, but you can bet on one thing, like Peggy seeing Gina’s teeth imprint in her breast, Gina cursed Peggy and snarled for revenge each time she put a bra on or dried off.

So you ask how, other than Peggy knowing her time to fight on, was slowly approaching would these two cougars come to face each other again. Well they both knew the last time they fought, was not going to be the last time.

Neither woman was going to let it go till 1) they passed away, or 2) they met each other to settle it once again for good, something like i said no one was ready for.
Peggy over the last few years went on a trip and was not only looking for equally mature cats to fight anyway and any style she could, like always she wanted to fight another woman that was the ultimate threat to beat.

Sure a few gave her a challenge, and sure a few beat her their first time out, only to have Peggy challenge a rematch and destroy them in it, proving she was the best.

But out of all of them none satisfied her itch for that one to make her scared to take on, maybe nervous is a better word.  Things started to stir for the old rivalry, when Peggy took a trip to New Orleans .   It wasn’t her first time down there, in fact Peggy had become known around the big easy after a number of Mardi Gras fights.

All ending in Peggy taking busty women’s bras, milk, pride and beads for her own. From open balcony duels, to secluded one on one meetings. She even had a torrid series of titfights at a plantation mansion wearing a purple eye mask and bra, where she took on a wealthy alcohol manufacturers busty wife and lover for diamond necklaces and left bringing home several of their bras and both their necklaces, and left the wealthy husband/playboys women broken and alone.

Anyway, while on one of her trips to the big easy, Peggy was on a balcony and would show off her tight form round heavy 36G’s, not just to get beads and the fun of it. But as a challenge to anyone who thought they could match her. Naturally there were many as busty but when Peggy would smile and flex her large breasts, many who may have had a shot decided not to take her on.

Peggy was even thinking of taking one of the parishes for herself and become the Mardi Gras Queen. This is where an old rivalry would rear its ugly head again, Peggy was flying in by invitation to New Orleans by a certain financier who not only loved seeing Peggy fight, but just listening to her stories, were satisfying.

What Peggy didn’t know was this gentleman bought one of the first copies of the book Martha did after their fight. In it he read about the many fights she and Gina had and how each was more savage than the last.

For some reason, like many of the men who came and went in her life. Peggy’s financier while he never tried to hide he wanted and  would find women for Peggy to fight. He wanted to see Peggy take on a real formidable and hated rival.

One night post fight with Peggy triumphant yet again, Peggy was in her silver and purple sequence gown, holding the bras of her and her rivals in her purse. Black seamed thigh highs and garters and ankle strap heels.  Her hair was up and she wore a sexy silver and purple eye mask, with the feathers from the top.

Her gowns straps were strained and taught from her heavy firm veiny globes, and the dress was like a second skin to her hour glass figure. Peggy was his arm candy as always after a night of “festivities” as he called it. In one hand her purse and his arm, in the other a glass of champagne.

Her ruby red lipstick lips a confident seductive smile, he would parade Peggy about to those who watched her latest encounter, not just to show her off, but to acquire new challengers.

One particular night after defeating a busty blonde and the regime of being paraded about, there was a woman with a man who was dressed much like Peggy. If not for her gown being silver and emerald green it was an identical look.
The noticeable difference was the woman’s grey and black hair, which while shorter than Peggy’s was also up, and the eye mask was exactly the same. Her curvy figure made the gown look like a second skin, and as she ignored the queen longer than Peggy thought was acceptable, it got Peggy’s attention more , how taught the the other woman’s dress straps were so taught and her round firm veiny breasts swelled as they’d as one another, the woman’s breasts like Peggy’s bear the scars of fights gone by.

The woman unknown to Peggy at the time, even after her gentleman’s attempt to introduce her to Peggy. Knew exactly how to get under the queens skin, finally after Peggy wearing her proud smile despite the clear disrespect , says to the gentleman, “perhaps your lady friend knows when she has been beat before she has to prove herself.

There was no doubt who ever she was Peggy certainly got her attention with that comment. The woman straightens up her figure, and then with a confident smile of her own slowly turns on her silver heels.

Peggy waits, her arm on her gentleman’s, her veiny cleavage swollen threatens her gown front, watches the display. Even behind the masks eye holes, Peggy’s greens eyes flash a bit as the women slowly turning to her allows Peggy to see her own swollen veiny firm breasts, also ready to burst her gowns front, come into view.

The woman’s dark eyes flash behind her mask as she now sees her equal is right in front of her.  Both ladies inhale for the other, but despite their attempts neither can be certain if she has met the other somewhere or place before, or her match.

Peggy’s gentleman smiles as he knows exactly who is standing right in front of his best fighter. “My dear, allow me to introduce you to “.  He gets cut off by the gentleman standing beside the woman, “uhh this my dear is the lovely Ms. Purple “.

Peggy’s gentleman nods and smirks as adding that French quarter’s color accent to Gina’s name was just enough flare to make Peggy miss who was really standing before her. Gina unaware who was facing her as well for now, just stares back.

Peggy then looks to her gentleman as if to say (well are you going to announce me?), he clears his throat “Pardon my manners allow me to introduce the lovely lady and French quarter queen Ms. Gold ”.  It was Peggy’s alias as agreed on by her gentleman for these special parties he threw. He wanted fights for Peggy, but revealing her true identity meant more would refuse than accept a fight.

Peggy a sly smile  inhales as she looks back at the other woman, while neither was sure with eye masks and the years that passed who the other woman was. Neither could deny the feeling deep within they not only met each other somewhere before but had a hunger to match up if they hadn’t already.

Peggy’s gentleman not wanting these two to engage and figure out just yet, says to them, “well if you will excuse us, The Lady here does have others to meet who shall we say want to try their luck to  reign over the French quarter as well”.

The two women hold a longer but silent gaze through the sexy masks, and slowly Peggy is walked away as Gina watch’s. Once out of ear shot Gina’s financier asks if she knew who  that was, Gina her eyes still watching the equal threat walk away purrs to him, “i can not be sure dearest, i can’t help but feel i do, but i can not place it.”

Her financier swallows hoping the plan he and the other gentleman put in motion doesn’t fall apart before it is put in motion. He rubs her forearm, “oh come now dear, your just thirsty to make the French quarter yours, all in do time”.

Peggy as she is walked away has that same itch, she wants to look back to see if she made the impression that  bothered the other woman enough she wants to face her as much.  But Peggy forces herself to not look back, as if the other woman wasn’t worth the time, but inside Peggy felt the same familiar hunger, if she hadn’t fought her before, she wanted to now.

The party goes on and her man walks her through meeting only those men and their ladies who could match up to Peggy. A few from the looks of their busty figures had the potential, and from that less than half upon seeing Peggy so close felt they would give her a run for the title.

But as much as Peggy loved the taste of domination, most of the women she met, she knew in her heart would put up a fight but fall to her in the end. Running the French quarter was like a dream for Peggy and with everything she needed and wanted there for her, including the lavish style of his fortune.  Peggy was willing to defend it, all he needed to do was ask, or arrange and Peggy would fight for him and to hold her new lifestyle.

I was concerned for her naturally, not cause of any one reason other than, i would hate to see Peggy be broken in a fight she should win and retire, having had to give up a dream of running the French quarter, especially during Mardi Gras.

Maybe i was out of line going behind her back, but I was just looking out for her. I figured if mom was going to go on fighting, why not video record these last fights, and make money on the sale of Peggy the queen fighting for it all on DVD.

I went to see Mom but she was out back sunning, i was greeted by her financier at the door, he welcomed me in with a hug and told me where mom was. I paused and asked if i could talk to him first.  He stopped what he was doing and walked me in to his office, he sat and asked what he could do for me, i said i had an idea for Peggy and her up coming fights he might enjoy more.

He listened in, i showed him a video of some of the ruled raw cat fights from various companies. He watched and looked at me saying , “amber these are great but this is not the primary way your mother fights, i have seen her get catty and my gosh she is as brutal at them as her titfight’s  so what are you proposing?”.

I got my cell out and showed him a fight years earlier between mom and another busy woman at her bar. It was against Martha, he watched about 3 minutes of it and his eyes got as wide as he did hard, he witnessed Peggy younger devouring an equal tit to tit before a catfight.

He swallowed, “so whats the plan then?”, I still couldn’t believe i was about to say this, but i laid out a plan to capture what might be either Peggys biggest victory, or worse defeat.

Not knowing Peggy stood across from Gina the other night , and how close they came to fighting right there she had come. But it was cause of that i put this idea in his head, when he agreed the women must remain disguised and unknown to one another, till after the titfight, and if they agreed on after a catfight or other style till the fights were either finished or masks ripped off in a fight.

When he understood the financial gains from doing nothing more than recording Peggy’s mature fights to her final his smile grew, he looked at me, “tell me Amber what would you want from me if we go ahead with this?”. I thought for a minute, then i said, “win or lose, Peggy fights as long as she physically can or wants, second if she has a major fight she is paid well win or lose, lastly she gets 10% of all royalties from every sale”.

He paused and i have no doubt he was the type to negotiate, he also saw the huge reaction these fights between mature busty women would fetch. Especially those of the well known Peggy now simply known as Ms. Gold, he agreed instantly and we drew up a contract sealing it.

I didn’t feel like i was going behind her back or for that matter setting her up, i still had no idea he and this other financier found Gina and through reputations was bringing these two hated amazons together through hidden eye masks, to keep their identities a secret for a fight.

Masks or not once these two expose their breasts to the other , they were going to know instantly who they were fighting, and that with no doubt would not only ignite the old rivalry, fully spark a new total all out fight between them . The only difference this time the loser between them, was going to be left on the floor not just broken, but totally destroyed.

I did have one last question for him and that was, “tell me, i fully understand why you chose Peggy, but i want to know, if Peggy meets her match and loses be it the next fight or the 25th fight, will you shed a tear for a queen that falls?”.

He looked down then his eyes slowly scanned up to mine, “amber all i can say is, i invited your mother here cause of her reputation, pride, and style. That being said i have fully intended to ask Peggy to stay long after she decides to hang all this up, but understand i will never stand in her way if she chooses to fight or declines”.

I thought i swallowed my heart, as much as Peggy often said she never needed a man, she was human, and what human didn’t want love at the end of their journey if not through it.

I nodded and we each signed the contract, as i stood up and was heading out of his office, i paused and looked back, “may i ask one last thing?”, he nods, “do you know who Ms. Purple is from the other night?”.

He took a breath then looked to his left, he looked back at me and he said nothing, in that second i knew not only did he know who was going to fight Peggy, but he knew it would be more than a simple titfight, it was going to be a war.

As i headed to the rear patio my heels clicking along, i pause at the French doors, and look out at Peggy standing after a quick dip to cool herself off. Her large round veiny breasts standing full, round and firm. The veins seem to thicken, as the thick nipples tent the snug cups, and the thin straps pulled so taught off her chest.

I felt a chill run through me and in that second i knew deep down who her financier found for her to fight. I swallowed,a tear at my eye, i smoothed my cheeks and walked out to her. I explained from here on out she was going to be taken care of win or lose, i didn’t reveal who i felt she was headed to fight, in case i was wrong. But i assured her Ms. Purple was going to be her toughest fight.

She looked at me s if to ask how i knew, but to a fighter like Peggy, her rival didn’t matter she would fight to destroy whoever she was. I read the agreement to Mom, she hugged me and whispered , “thank you for looking out for me, but this is my journey and win or lose honey, i have to see it through “. I whispered to her, “i know mom, and i will always be in your corner no matter what”.

What neither of us knew at the time, was Ms. Purple was being set by her financier to be the queen of the French Quarter herself. Her identity was kept secret mainly cause of her reputation as well. But he also only allowed other women to know her by Ms. Purple, they were in fact like sheep being brought to the hungry wolf’s lair to be devoured .


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Re: The Last for One of Them
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2024, 01:56:22 PM »
Where is the second part of this extremely great story