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Fatal Fantasy - Scarlet

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Offline Gradius

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Fatal Fantasy - Scarlet
« on: October 06, 2024, 02:15:53 PM »
Fatal Fantasy


Mai could feel the eyes on her back. Or rather her rear. The dark skirt, though knee length squeezed her hips and butt, while the white blouse and dark jacket molded to her chest, emphasizing the wasp waist and bust. She smiled behind the glasses resting on her pert nose, giving her hips a subtle extra swing and tossed her black colored hair over her shoulder. "Hey Charles." She called, voice upbeat, resting down her package to be scanned.

"Evening, Ms. Gardner." The guard sat up straighter almost immediately, tipping his helmet, turning his attention to the scanner.

Mai slipped her card into the device, giving an inner sigh as it pinged green. A month now, and no one had yet picked up on her. Moving through the door, she picked up the folder of papers, giving the guard a wink. Glancing around, she smiled, right on time. A white coat, surrounded by red coming out from a side door. If she had to say something positive about the man, he kept a tight schedule. Moving at a slightly rapid trot, she approached at an angle, hitting the elevator first, before turning to flash a smile. "Sir!"

"Hmm..." Rufus Shinra grunted, moved past her easily, only two guards following him in. "Mia...correct?"

"Ye...yes sir!" She answered a trifle loudly, and with an edge of nervousness. He turned a pair of pale blue eyes to her He stared her up and down boldly but, while he lingered at all the expected locations, Mai felt little to no lust from the blonde man. Her professional pride took a hit but before she could respond, they hit their second stop.

"Hmm...evening..." Mai immediately got alert at the entry of the newcomer. Blonde, red gown of Wutai design wrapped around a lush, if soft looking body. Mai felt an immediate sense of feminine jealousy at Scarlet's presence. And, if the annoyed look the woman shot her was any indication, it was reciprocated. "Rufus, if possible I have some numbers I'd like you to look over if you have the time."

"I have thirty minutes before my meeting with Hojo." Rufus glared over his shoulder at the guards. "You two, let him know I'll be late and ensure he doesn't disappear. Ms. Gardner..."

"Rufus, sir." Mai nodded as the young man and older woman stepped out of the elevator. Scarlet passed close to Mai, shooting her a look, then giving a sniff. A feeling of outrage immediately bubbled up in the young woman. Dirty looks was one thing, but no one disparaged her appearance. It was a failing her teachers and trainers had been unable to beat out of her. One level up and she stepped out into the hallway, counted to ten, then took another elevator back down. In her time here the two rarely interacted, but typically Rufus's guards accompanied him everywhere. So this was clearly important.

Entering a bathroom, she slipped into a stall, quickly removing her work outfit. With the potential of having to seduce either an employee or a member of security she'd been forced to forego her ninja garb for simple cotton underwear. Folding her other clothes into a small package, she slipped it into the reservoir of the toilet and shimmied her way into the ceiling. With arms and strong toes she propelled herself in the general direction of Scarlet's office area. For a moment she thought she had missed it as all the chatter dissipated.

Then she heard it.

Two voices. Quickly she squeezed through the ducts, tilting her head from time to time to ensure she was moving in the right direction. Then she heard something she recognized, but not expected to hear at all.

A groan. A deep, lustful groan. With extra care now, she approached a grille and peered below. Rufus and Scarlet. The latter on her knees, head bobbing rapidly while the former's fingers clung to her scalp. A final fierce grunt and Mai could HEAR the blonde woman slurping as she swallowed with every compulsive thrust of the blonde man's hips. After what seemed like a very long time Scarlet rose to her feet, rubbing her naked upper half all the way up to smirk on Rufus's face.

Then she slapped him.

Mai gasped in shock at the blow, though Rufus's face remained impassive. "I thought I told you to stay away from that black haired, little carrier slut!" Scarlet growled, slapping him again. "Shaking her fat ass and floppy tits at you!?"

"She is a tempting dish. In no way what I'd refer to as...small." Rufus replied calmly. He grabbed her hand before it reached his face. "She is an attractive young thing, and with a body like that I don't doubt she could do many things on par with you. I imagine she could prove more flexible. Maybe I'll invite her to my office and find out."

"You wouldn't dare!" Mai heard the fury in Scarlet's voice, the woman slashing her free hand at Rufus's face. He grabbed it, holding her in place. In response she kicked wildly, pointed red heels clicking against the counter when they missed. Mai didn't think things could get more out of control when Rufus grunted at as a painful kick landed and punched the blonde. It wasn't a particularly harsh blow, but it was enough to cause her to knock over some equipment on a low desk.

"Act your age my dear." Rufus said. She was out of view, but Mai's eyelashes soared to merge with her hairline at  Scarlet's curse, lunging back into view and tackling Rufus. She tore at his clothes in a frenzy until he spun them around and shoved her up against the wall. She spat and raged as he ripped her dress including what passed for a pair of panties. Mai felt as if her eyes couldn't get any wider as Scarlet grabbed his hair, pulling him into a biting kiss that Rufus returned with a gusto, squeezing a pink nippled breast, lower bodies joined and pounding together with no sense of a rhythm.

Just minutes later Mai dropped from the ceiling back into the bathroom. Pulling back on her blouse and skirt, the young woman took a second to compose herself before exiting the stall, jacket over her shoulder. Despite the thoughts and images rattling around in her head, she still paused in front of the mirror...turning to the side to present a profile. "Fat ass..." she mumbled to herself, leaving the room, muttering several choice words in Wutai under her breath.


For several days Mai was cautious. She had no idea how she'd drawn Scarlet's attention, but f just being in the elevator with Rufus was enough to have the woman breathing down her neck, she had a pretty good idea what getting slammed by the man would result in. On the other hand, she was also pretty sure that she could have the man singing like a lark after taking him for a ride. And he was pretty good looking to boot.


Ears open now, she'd made a few discreet inquiries. Although she was known publicly as the calm and collected face of Shinra, the woman had a temper. A bad one. She despised failure. But even more than that apparently making any reference to her age, however small would result in her making your life a living hell. And that was before you even got to the greatest complication.

Women that got a bit too friendly with the President's son getting called to Scarlet's floor either quitting shortly after, or wearing particularly baggy clothes for a period afterwards before requesting transfers to other divisions. And if what she saw between her and Rufus, the woman clearly had no problem getting physical. Hell, with how enthusiastic she while getting fucked, she probably got off on it as well.

And while she doubted the woman was any threat to her physically, beating the crap out of a Shinra Executive would no doubt be frowned upon. Worse yet if they figured out where she was from...

No...Mai decided. If she cancelled her mission because of some jealous bitch no one would let her live it down. Even worse that it was some saggy old cxnt with a taste for younger men. She nodded to herself. If things came to a head, she'd deal with it as needed. And maybe if she played this right it would open up other options as well.

These were the thoughts rattling around in her head as she made her way to a nightclub that catered to those on the upper plates. She was wearing a mini skirt and a crop top that hung on her breasts, as well as a pair of stockings and heels that made her already long legs seem longer. The ensemble was deliberate as she had it on good info that Rufus liked to frequent this place during his free time.

Granted he was yet to show the past nights she'd come, Mai still found herself enjoying the place. "Here!" She called, settling on a seat a suited man had hastily evacuated for her. She gave him a wink before accepting a drink. It had a tart, fruity taste and she sipped sparingly, turning to observe the dance floor. Plenty of gyrating couples plus a couple of professionals kissing up to men, still in suits. She froze.

On the far end opposite her, Rufus stared at her through the crowd with his typical expressionless face. There were three large men around one him, one bald in particular standing out. She wasn't entirely sure he'd seen her until he pointed in her direction and crooked a finger. She still couldn't believe it was her until he mouthed her name. For some reason just that made her nipples stiffen. Annoyed, she took the short path through the crowd in the middle. Her body swayed to the beating pulse of the music as she weaved her way across, dodging grasping hands and fingers.

"Impressive," he leaned back, clapping his hands together, lounging in his jacket. How the hell he wasn't sweating in that get up, she couldn't figure out. She was dripping just from moving from one end to the other.

"Mr. Rufus." She toasted him with her glass, taking a sip. "Are you slumming sir?"

"Believe it or not, this place is actually a favorite of mine." His lips curled in a thin smile, staring her up and down pointedly, patting the seat next to him. She sat beside him and he gestured at her glass. "May I?"

She nodded, only because refusing could lead to complications. He looked her in the eye and twisted to glass to sip from the same spot as her. He smacked his lips at the taste. "Sweet. Like I expected. A woman that doesn't feel the need to coat herself in makeup would be young enough to still enjoy sweet things."

"You talk like an old man." She dropped the honorific, seeing as they weren't at Shinra. His guards noticed, the bald one frowning, but Rufus seemed unaffected. "But you look barely older than myself."

"Young body, old head," he chuckled, pointing to his chest, then tapping his forehead. "Expectations have a tendency to make me feel older than I really am. Which is why I like visiting places like this. Kind of a reminder of what I'm missing."

He wasn't even being subtle. Under normal circumstances Mai felt annoyed at being so blatantly mentally undressed. And yet, she sucked in a breath at his intense stare, breasts swelling and nipples protruding under her top. His eyes were very blue. But this was what she was trained for and Mai wasn't about to allow herself to be intimidated by a mark. She crossed her legs, twisting her body to allow him easy view of what lay underneath. She kept her gaze locked with his as they talked, openly casting glances to a bulge that rose in his pants. He suddenly chuckled.

"I thought I'd be the one seducing you." He stated, reaching over to stroke her leg. "But here I find myself being the one getting seduced."

"If you'd like I could play the role of the giggly oblivious airhead." Mai offered. "But I prefer to be more direct. If I might be so bold, sir."

"I find honesty refreshing." He nodded. "It's a change from the usual sycophants. Do go on."

"Well, right now I'd like to throw you to the ground and ride you till you cry uncle. Sir." Mai smiled at the choking cough from one of his bodyguards. "Too much, too soon?"

"I was actually thinking the same thing. Though in my mind you'd be the one doing the screaming." Rufus rose from his seat extending a hand. "But I imagine doing that here would have an effect on both of our images. Perhaps we can take it somewhere private?"

"I think I'd like that," Mai smiled seductively, mentally fist pumping. It was so easy when you had the goods necessary.


It was amazing how loud silence could be.

Mai was struggling slightly to avoid openly yawning. She glanced up at Rufus, who looked fresh and as if they hadn't been having sex well past midnight. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been with a bed mate that could fuck that hard, for that long, and that well.

Instead of taking her back to his place, Rufus's security had taken them to the Grand. The largest, most exclusive hotel in Midgar, if not the planet. Once they reached the penthouse, Rufus dropped his cold, perfectly in control persona. Sex with Rufus was wild and barely controlled, the two of them ravaging each other to repeated grunts and cries as they came one after the other, again and again.

By the end, sweat coating her body, drenched into the sheets and dripping in a steady patter onto Rufus lying under her Mai heard him give one final yell. His head rose off the pillows, spasming, before falling back down, completely spent. Exhausted herself, Mai allowed gravity to take her, collapsing onto his chest.

Now she seemed to be the only one suffering the after effects...

And, as they walked towards the elevator Mai felt a burning across her back. Turning her head, she caught a flash of red disappearing down another corridor. She wondered what the response would be. And how soon it would be in coming.


It began before lunch, and the first attack was purely work related.

For some reason there were a lot of women using the elevators, that would immediately close the door upon sighting her. With no other option but the stairs, Mai found herself falling behind on her deliveries.

Then, upon return from one such late run, Mai found a pair of keys at her station. With directions to a series of elevators exclusive to those of the last ten floors. She blew the shocked women a kiss as she stepped into the high speed compartment.


As her shift ended, Mai's senses warned her of trouble. Staring straight ahead at the glass doors she didn't see anything untoward. But then again the lobby was filled with tired men and women ready for the commute home.

Whoever it was would probably wait until she was alone, Mai mused. She was then dragged from her thoughts by the appearance of the tall, bald man that had been with Rufus. "Come with me, please." He rumbled, stepping to the side. Looking around, Mai noticed everyone doing their best to ignore what was going on. Though a few that gave her a quick glance had sympathy in their eyes.

She shrugged and ducked into the vehicle Baldy lead her to. The drive was silent, the man not even glancing at her until they reached their destination. Mai, looked up at The Grand again, a bit surprised. "He's waiting for you in the penthouse." Baldy said simply, handing her a keycard before driving off. At the top, Mai found the quarters seemingly empty, until she head a splashing noise.

Out on the balcony was a sizeable pool, in which Rufus swam back and forth in a single minded fashion. He made, maybe four laps before finally pausing. "Why don't you join me," he suggested. Having already seen a flash of his naked rear, Mai merely grinned and stripped down, performing a swan dive into the water. Coming up beneath him, she grasped his length firmly before surfacing.

"I wasn't expecting a second call," She said, pushing hair from her face, pressing up against him. Rufus's arms went around her waist to cup her cheeks. She responded by gently running her fingers up and down his girth. "I imagined you having to beat off women with a stick."

"Surprisingly not. Though I have a fair idea as to why." His face was calm, though it was beginning to get flushed, in response to Mai's slow, but rhythmic strokes. "You however, seem to have escaped her notice. And, I will admit, I was impressed by your abilities. Last night was quite memorable."

"You were something as WELL!" Mai yelped, at an invasion. Two fingers probed just within. She smiled and her hand sped up. "Thinking of a repeat performance?"

"Hmm, wondering if it was all an accident." Rufus's lips curled into a small smile. Their lips brushed together. "Because I think I'm going to take charge this time!"


Mai was getting worried.

It was a well known fact that the honey trap was a double edged blade. Seduce your target, make them willing to do anything for you. But there was always the chance, however slim, of the kunoichi falling for their prey. And Mai feared that that was exactly what was happening to her. Even after two nights with Rufus she knew nothing new other than the man was an exceptional lover.

The second night at the penthouse had been, if anything, more intense than the first and fierce right up to the very end. Mai was very confident...proud even...of her sexual prowess but even she was stunned by the intensity of Rufus's coupling. He barely slowed, needing only minutes after coming to recover. Never giving her a chance to take charge, slamming into her missionary position while sucking furiously on her breasts, or pounding against her from behind while kneading her firm ass.

In the week that followed the attacks on her slowly ramped up from targeting her work to a direct assault on herself. Lulled into a sense of security since Rufus seemed to have lost interest in her.

Dragged into the woman's bathroom Mai yelled as she was attacked by a short haired blonde she recognized from the fiftieth floor. It was a short, furious fight, the woman tearing her hair and delivering several punches to her chest and stomach. Mai finally had enough, however, and angled them to deliver a punch that had the blonde fall into a stall. Slamming her head hard against the toilet, Mai left her slumped on the seat, adjusted her outfit and left the room.

Two days later during a delivery to his floor, he'd called her in. After a brief, inane, conversation they had a quickie in his office. Leaving the room, adjusting her blouse, jacket thrown over her shoulder, she froze. Scarlet stood, glowering at her by the elevator. "Get in," She growled. Mai locked eyed with the woman, sparks flying between them. Then she shrugged and stepped past the blonde into the open compartment. After several floors, Scarlet reached up and detached a wire, then hit the emergency stop.

"Now you and I can have can have a little talk about boundaries." Scarlet stated, turning to stare at Mai. At first Mai didn't know what she'd seen, then realized Scarlet's gaze was focused on her cleavage. Cleavage that she belatedly realized still had white spots from when Rufus had coated her tits after they'd overwhelmed his resilient prick. Maintaining eye contact with the taller blonde, she's wiped at the errant spots before popping the finger in her mouth.

"What can I say," she remarked lightly, giving her boobs a jiggle. "When you have guns like these, no man can resist."

"Don't flatter yourself." Scarlet snapped. Slipping fingers under the straps of her dress, the blonde woman allowed her top to fall. Boobs, pale, pinked tipped and round dropped to her chest with a loud and meaty SMACK and wobble. As if to make her point, Scarlet cupped the orbs, lifting them upwards and letting them fall again. This time the sound was more of a THUD and, like before, they shook for barely a second before settling. Mai couldn't help a blink, then the widen of her eyes at the sight. The density and weight behind those things wasn't insubstantial and yet displayed far less hang that you'd expect. Especially for the woman's age. Scarlet's lips curled into a smirk.  "Exactly, LITTLE girl. You might think you've got Rufus figured out. Even if your tits are barely better than average, with monsters like these to suck on, he'll drop you soon enough."

Mai's wide eyes immediately narrowed and even as Scarlet spoke and dropped her jacket, unbuttoning her blouse. Letting it fall over her skirt she reached behind her back and with a muted snap her bra came free. Scarlet's smile immediately flipped into a frown at the amount of flesh that spilled out from that bra. While's Scarlet's were a solid Double-D, Mai's inhabited the sweet spot between Triple and E cups. Broader than Scarlet's as well as sitting higher on her chest, Mai kept the blonde's gaze and gave both poreclain orbs a push from the outside. The jiggle went from one end to the other then immediately halted.

"Barely better than average?" Mai repeated, glancing down at Scarlet's rack in open disdain, lifting her glasses from her face. "You must be talking about some other woman named Mia. Either that or you need a pair of glasses yourself."

Scarlet's eyes turned flinty, then calculating as she eyed Mai's tits. The brunette had her beat in both size and perkiness. In visible firmness though, they appeared equal. Which was more of another win for Mai due her boobs's superior size. Then she snorted. "So how much did you pay for them? Better yet, what poor sap did you suck off to get the money for them?"

Mai's face went rapidly through a series of emotions. Confusion, shock, disbelief and finally fury. "You saying..." She started, flinging her lenses to land on her jacket and marched up to Scarlet, pressing their prodigous chests together. "One hundred percent natural, you old cow."

"Watch yourself, little girl!" Scarlet hissed, shoving her breasts back against Mai's. "Fucking Rufus will only get you so far. You do not want to get on my bad side."

"Oh? And what can you do that he can't simply undo?" Mai demanded, bumping her chest against the Scarlet's repeatedly. It irked her slightly that the woman barely moved, as well as the seeming denseness of the creamy orbs she sported. Then she noticed the slight curling of the blonde's lips.

"Surprised, skank?" Scarlet chuckled meanly, lowering her head so that her blonde hair mingled with Mai's auburn tips. "You think you're the first big titted whore to come sniffing around my property? Thought I was too much of a lady to handle matters with my own, very capable, hands? Or, perhaps in this case, I should say tits?

"Actually, yeah. Seeing as how you sent a very poor showing my way with whoever that was you had ambush me earlier this week."

"I like to delegate." Scarlet growled, throwing her arms around Mai. The dark haired kunoichi raised her arms swiftly, smirking at the surprised look on the blonde's face, lowering them to trap Scarlet's under her pits while her hands locked around the older woman's back. "I see you're no amateur either..."

"Hardly," Mai grunted, giving a testing squeeze. "And I don't think you and I are going to solve much just talking."

"Oh I agree." Scarlet responded, thrusting her boobs into Mai's solid rack, arms flexing. She hissed as Mai pumped back, both women now tightening their grips, crushing each other into themselves.

Grunting now in effort, legs slid back for balance as both shoved with their upper bodies and thrust with their breasts. Heels clicked and clacked while the women shuffled back and forth or spun slowly in place. No advantage.

"You're pretty tough, for an old broad." Mai admitted, grudgingly, feeling her boobs squashed up against her chest. Scarlet had surprised her. Both with the willingness, and the ability to get physical if need be.

"Plenty tough enough to handle a little housewrecker like you." Scarlet spat, muscles becoming becoming more defined as she squeezed Mai harder, grinding her jutting breasts into Mai's with surprising energy. "Let's see how arrogant you are when your breasts won't even fit a B-cup bra."

"Not even in your prime, cradle snatcher." Mai sneered, pouring increasing effort into her bearhug, and thrusting out her boobs strongly. "I was taught to be polite to my elders. But if you're gonna be like that I'll just crush you and head back upstairs for a second round with Rufus."

Scarlet cursed furiously at Mai's jeering face, both women upping the ante, applying near Amazonian efforts to crush each other. But both pair of boobs resisted magnificiently, becoming slick with the sweat that started to run down their bodies. Mai moaned at each squeeze from the furious blonde, who in turn groaned each time the determined brunette crushed back.

It was clear that this wasn't a matter that could be solved quickly, but neither stubborn woman wanted to be the one to call it off and appear weak. So light brown eyes glared into icy blue, breasts mashed together, both putting everything they had into flattening the other.

The sudden surge of power in the metal box made the women jump, and even as the elevator began moving they still kept squeezing and shoving for several mindless seconds before realizing what it meant. Arms quickly disengaged and Mai shoved Scarlet away, the blonde glaring across at her furiously while dragging her dress back up. Mai scrabbled for her blouse, cursing as she worked the buttons. At the ding of reaching their destination, she jumped upright, pulling on her jacket.

"Tseng!" Scarlet grunted, at the man who walked in, her voice strained, smoothing out her dress.

"Scarlet," The man nodded at her, then turned to Mai. "Ms. Mia. We received word that this elevator was experiencing a problem"

Mai blinked at Tseng's Wutai features and the clear unease Scarlet had at being near him. "This isn't over." Speak of the devil, Mai felt Scarlet's shoulder shoving against her, before turning to the one she called Tseng. "Yes. We've been signaling to the camera but it seems that went down as well."

"You better damn well believe it." Mai whispered back, pushing against the blonde. "When?"

"When I'm ready for you," Scarlet glared at her out of the corner of her eye, striding out while Tseng studied the camera. "I'll be in touch."

"I would be careful," Mai's steps faltered as she moved to follow the blonde. Tseng glanced across at her. "You would not be the first woman Scarlet's convinced to leave. Her and Rufus's relationship is quite complicated."


The next couple of days had Mai on edge. Despite the blonde's clear declaration of war she seemed to have called off the dogs. No more elevator shenanagans or getting pulled into rooms for a quick tumble. She had to admit, it was also due to the fact that she'd had the woman pegged as someone who let others do her dirty work. The fact that she would confront Mai was not outside her calculation, but the easy manner that she transitioned from words to physicality...that was unexpected.

Would she actually resort to physically trying to remove her? Mai sincerly doubted it, but couldn't completely dismiss it in light of recent events. The main problem would be how she'd deal with it. Losing was out of the question, but if she just manhandled the woman it would immediately set off alarms. So she'd have to let her get some licks in...Mai's face screwed up in distaste. If she'd known seducing Rufus would be this much trouble maybe she should've avoided it.

Deep in thought, the click click of her heels the only sound on the darkened pathway Mai's head suddenly jerked upright, cursing. She'd been so busy considering a potential threat she'd been deaf to the incoming one. With a startled "WHUUF!!" She was tackled into a series of bushes and set upon by three feminine shadows. As it was dark, all she could only identify them as long hair, short hair and ponytail. Slaps and punches rained on her face, stomach and shoulders.

They were enthusiastic, but amateurish.

Instead of two of them holding her down while the third worked her over, all three attacked her simultaneously. Mai's...wild...flailing defense struck each in places that gave her some breathing room. But more amusing was how they got in each others way, hitting one another as much as they did Mai. And then more as this seemed to trigger bad feelings between short hair and ponytail who forgot about her and the third woman.

"Goddam cxnt, quit it!" Ponytail hissed, slapping the second with a clawed hand.

"Fuck you Shirley!" Short hair spat, grabbing her by the base of the ponytail and tugging savagely. "Gonna fuck you up!"

While the two disappeared deeper into the brush, long hair however stuck to it with a determination that surprised Mai. She yanked at the Wutai woman's long brown hair, punched, kicked and even bit her a few times. It would've been simplicity itself to handle the woman normally. But doing that, dispatching her too handily, might attract back the attention of the other two. Beyond that she also knew there were cameras about, intended to ensure of pedestrians.

So the air was filled with the sound of flesh smacking against flesh was followed by muted squeals and yelps of pain, often accompanied with hissed curses and grunts. Giving into her feminine side, Mai's skirt tore and rose above her waist, while her jacket fell away, blouse becoming caked in dirt and grass while she and long hair wrestled fiercely through the greenery. Occasionally she'd hear the snarled curses of the other pair, but Mai focused her attention on the surprisingly strong woman that had her arms wrapped tightly around her body.

Her large breasts pushed against long hair's that, surprisingly, felt to be of comparable size. Suddenly energized the woman growled fiercely as she bit deep into Mai's shoulder, squeezing them together tighter. The kunoichi retaliated by scratching maliciously across the woman's back, nails tearing the fabric and yanking out tufts of hair. Dragging one another up to their knees, they drilled punches into one another's side before falling back to ground, struggling furiously.

Several loud RIPS later and thorns now dug into her back, and arms and side. Arms released grips only so long as to toss away the now usesless garments before grabbing for skin once more. Mai gritted her teeth as long hair pulled her tightly, squashing their bra covered tits together painfully. "She said to make sure and bust your tits." Long hair gasped. "Bad luck for you. I enjoy flattening uppity cxnts!"

Mai didn't give her the dignity of a response and merely bashed her boobs back to display her lack of concern. After was felt like a very long time she could feel the woman begin to weaken, her hold loosening and thrusts losing their edge. Her cries became louder, more desperate. Fearing she might attract the attention of the other two and cause her to have continue this charade, Mai decided it was time to end this. She locked her hands behind the woman's back and SQUEEZED.

She heard long hair gasp in horror. Felt her boobs flatten against her own like pudding. Rolling the tired woman under her, she moved her arms up under her pits to grab the back of her head and banged it repeatedly against the turf. She could see fear, now mixed with the pain, in her green eyes and her mouth opened, possibly about to call for help. Instead she gagged on a handful of mud and grass, Mai assaulting her face with fore and backhand slaps.

"Stop...stop..." she whimpered, rolling onto her stomach, trying to get away from the stinging blows. Mai's body heaved, surprising her with the outrage she felt after the fight. Eyes narrowed and she shoved long hair, face first into the dirt and ripped away her bra. With a surge, she tore it in two, shredding the cloth, then moved down the woman's body, pulling the tights she wore. Long hair struggled weakly and Mai pressed a foot against her cxnt.

She got the message. Even as she dragged the leggings free Mai squinted, judging the outlines of the woman's face. Consigning it to memory.

Mai left her sobbing audibly in just just a pair of panties, tights hanging on a wire high above, tugging on her jacket. And even as she walked away, sharp ears could hear the other two still fighting determinedly. "Probably time I finished this up." She muttered to herself, wincing as she rubbed a bite mark.


"Well, well, well." Mai glanced around the room she found herself in. She'd never actually been in Scarlet's section before and while it was unfamiliar she quickly recognized the ones occupying it. "Hello...Shirley."

The short haired blonde looked up and her eyes immediately widened in shock, then in horror. Mai smiled down at her and pressed a finger just below her right eye. Shirely gave a soft squeak and pulled away, but her makeup was now smudged, and displayed a rather prominent shiner. Mai twisted around and spotted another blonde with a ponytail sitting down, doing her best to appear busy on the other side of the room.

"Hmmm...Kathy. You've got quite a few split ends there." Mai smiled, nudging the woman's name tag. This one managed to hide her fear better, but it was still there. "So who won after I left?"

"Don't know what you're talking about?" She replied sullenly.

"Hmmm...pity." Mai moved over to the final desk that sat in front of Scarlet's office door. She glanced at the nameplate. "Too bad about Sharon. She put up a decent fight. Maybe she'd not have gotten her tits wrecked if you two had kept your wits."

Mai left off with that, ignoring their calls and shoving open Scarlet's door.

She was busy behind her desk when Mai entered, and didn't look up until she heard a click as Mai closed the door behind her. Scarlet's head rose up, twisted in irritation, then bent back down as she scribbled on a pad. For her part Mai took her time, examining the room, giving a low, audible whistle. It was what you'd expect from one of the highest ranking executives in Shinra. The rug was thick and soft, the walls covered in dark, carved wood. There was a loveseat and wide couch in a corner by small, personal fridge, directly opposite a series of filing cabinets. Ironically it was these that looked the most out of place.

Finally tired of waiting, Mai plopped down on the cushioned love seat. Like she expected, this had Scarlet drop her act, tilting her head just enough to glare at her from under yellow lashes. "You're either very brave. Or very stupid." She said, voice calm, resting down her pen. She got up from her chair, pouring out water into a pair of glasses. "Are you in that much of a rush to get humiliated?"

"No, but I think maybe you are." Mai replied. Scarlet's head came up again to pin her in an icy stare. "I'm not fond of rolling around in the dirt with three of your girls after a rough day of work."

"I don't make mistakes twice." Scarlet's voice was cool. "If I HAD sent anyone after you, be assured they'd be capable of doing what I ask."

"Then maybe you need a tighter leash." Mai rose from her seat and strutted to lean over Scarlet's desk to ensure they were eye to eye. "Because otherwise I'd think you're scared to face me, woman to woman."

Scarlet's face turned severe and she twisted her head to the side, cursing under her breath. With her hearing Mai's ears turned a bit pink at the words being used, but at the end she found herself believing the cougar that she had no idea what the other three had done. Then she turned back to face her fully.

"Two o' clock. Second level car park." Scarlet gaze was steady and unafraid. "We'll settle this somewhere where we won't be interrupted."

Mai nodded, turning to leave. As she pushed open the door she heard Scarlet bellow for the two that were present to "get their fucking asses in here!" She smirked.


"Have to say," Mai remarked, looking around. "This is exactly what I expected."

The drive from Shinra to Scarlet's place was tense. Mai kept expecting to get a cloth slapped across her face or for the woman to stop and have a pair of gorillas jump into the backseat. But instead Scarlet drove steadily, speaking quietly into an earphone, and within ten minutes she turned into a gated area guarded by a pair of red clad troopers. "Unless it's Vice President Rufus I do not wish to be disturbed." She grunted in a clipped tone to the one on her side. One guard started to respond, but her window was already back up and the car in motion. It took another minute to get up the driveway to the car port and Mai couldn't help but wonder as to the cost to transfer soil to the upper levels to grow the grass that covered Scarlet's lawn.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Scarlet was greeted by another pair of blondes in maid outfits. They murmured quietly together, Mai straining to hear what was said, but only able to pick up that "everything was ready" and that Scarlet wouldn't need them for the rest of the day. In passing one gave a look of pity while the other of scorn.

They entered via the kitchen which was tiled in a pleasant black and white that transitioned seamlessly to the carpet of the living room, which felt bigger than the entire first floor of her assigned pad. Through an open glass door, She saw a fair sized indoor swimming pool and the other side a staircase leading up and down. To her surprise Scarlet continued down the stairs. Mai had been certain they'd settle things in the living room. She blinked as a flip was switched and light flooded the room, then gasped.

"Take off your shoes," Scarlet said gruffly, kicking off her heels.

Downstairs appeared to be a gym of some sort. Small weights occupied the near side by the staircase with the far side hosting a bike, treadmill, rowing and weight machine. On the left side were various sizes of punching bags with a fridge and bar occupying the Western corner. Wooden flooring, in between it all was a padded center, clearly used when the woman wasn't training alone. Mirrors dominated the walls, clearly to give the user a view of their workout. It was towards the bar Scarlet strode, resting down her briefcase and moving behind it. "In the interest of fairness," she started as Mai moved towards her. "I will make one last attempt to appeal to your common sense."

"Oh, this ought to be good." Mai remarked, sitting down and crossing her legs. "Do tell?"

"I've done my homework on you." Scarlet remarked, ducking behind the bar. Because of this she missed Mai's brief tensing, and when she re-emerged she was casually pulling on a pair of grappling gloves. "For all your faults you are apparently a capable worker. Your delivery rate is at least thirty percent higher than your closest co-worker. Which has led to a significant increase in productivity in your area."

Mai smiled tolerantly, though on the inside her mind was working fast. The woman's confidence, the presence of the gym AND the fighting handwear. Scarlet was supposed be the brains behind Shinra's rapid mechanization. There had been no indication of the woman ever being physical outside of typical feminine mannerisms. There had only been reports of maybe one...maybe two women of physical repute in Midgar and both lived in the slums. Of course it could just be showboating. Scarlet trying to get into her head.

"And you are also, clearly, quite physically capable. If I was going to send someone after you, Sharon would have been high on that list, as she has received actual training." Scarlet continued, resting her now gloved hands on the bar top. "So here's my final offer. I will transfer you to my division. You will work directly under me. Your pay will increase by fifty percent with an extra five percent per year for five years guaranteed."

"That is quite the offer." Mai cocked her head, nodding at Scarlet who stared at her intently. "All this just for one man? And if I refuse I'm guessing I'll be on the receiving end of what you've given every other woman that's gotten in his pants?"

"I will not mince words. I have spent a lot of time grooming the boy into the lover he is now." Scarlet stepped out from behind the bar to stand opposite Mai. "Despite anything you might have heard, you are only the fourth time I've had to step in to protect my investment. One took my offer and the other two made the mistake of thinking I was all bluster. I'm going to assume out brief discussion in the elevator discourages you from making the same mistake."

Mai smiled, carefully removing her glasses, and abruptly her hand slashed out, leaving a bright red mark across Scarlet's pale cheek. The woman barely reacted to the blow, instead her fist lashed out, catapulting Mai from her seat. "That was a good one," Mai rubbed her jaw, clambering back to her feet. "You can hit at least."

"You little sluts are always so arrogant." Scarlet growled, shimmying out of her dress. To Mai's surprise the woman also stripped off her bra, leaving both on a bar stool. "Seems to be some kind of relation between stupidity and youth."

"Oh I don't know." Mai removed her blouse and wriggled out of her skirt. "Giving up the Vice President to work under a jealous old broad like you seems pretty stupid. Besides, for all I knew all this could be theatre. All we did in the elevator was try and squash each other's tits."

"And now I'm going to finish what I started in there, cow." Scarlet's eyes glittered. "It seems all your brains went into those flabby lumps. Maybe if I pound on them a bit some will make their way up where they'd be useful."

"Don't be jealous Scarlet." Mai mocked, unclipping her bra and pushing her unencumbered breasts together. "I'm sure yours were something to look at. A decade or two ago."

"And now I'll make sure yours aren't presentable for a week at least." Scarlet growled, bouncing on her toes, fists up.

"Come and try it cradle robber." Mai placed her hands on her hips, giving her chest a wiggle. Scarlet needed no extra incentive and hunched over, darting in. She was faster than Mai gave her credit for and though she caught the blonde's right hand, the left dug into Mai's right tit, making the brunette yelp and attempt to jump away. Scarlet however, pulled on her grabbed hand, pulling Mai into a grapple before crashing her knuckles across the younger woman's face.

"You figure it out yet, lard ass?" Scarlet cackled, kicking at Mai who rolled away, getting back up quickly, almost tripping, her feet squeaking on the vinyl covered foam mat. "I'm not some brawling, catfighting slum bitch you fight behind the trash or in the dirt. I've made it my point to be better than any other cxnt that crosses my path."

"Considering the junk in your trunk I'd avoid calling anyone else a lard ass, fat ass." Mai snapped. It hadn't been a bluff. By the Serpent she hated dealing with pugilists. And it seemed she knew some grappling as well. Guess she could take things up a notch herself, Mai thought, raising her own fists clumsily.

Scarlet gave a self deprecating smile and bounced carefully towards Mai, jabbing at the younger woman's face. She smirked as she jerked back, then moved forward again. Another jab and suddenly the air whooshed from her lungs. Mai grinned at the wide eyed look of shock, then swing an arm in a wide arc that spun Scarlet around to crash against the bar, arms grabbing hold to keep herself upright.

"Have YOU figured it out yet?" Mai mocked, rocking on her heels, watching  the blonde carefully. "Did you really not think about why I wouldn't be intimidated after everything I've heard about you? I can cat brawl with the best of them when need be. But I grew up with three brothers. I know a trick or two."

Scarlet massaged the side of her face, expression guarded. "Well then," She remarked, pushing herself up and towards Mai. "I think I might enjoy this."

Before the brunette could respond, Scarlet was on her again, fists jabbing with the occasional hook thrown in to keep her off balance. Slightly shorter Mai stayed in closer, hooking for the taller blonde's body. A swinging blow had her jump back, Scarlet's knuckles brushing her bare breasts, setting the flesh jiggling. Grunting, Mai ducked under a straight blow, slamming an uppercut that set the blonde's left boob bouncing. Scarlet now gasped and shuffled back.

"What?" Mai growled at the look the blonde shot her. Then shook her head at the straight Scarlet plowed into her face.

"Not a damn thing!" Scarlet spat, grunting at a sharp blow to her side, countering by driving her fist into Mai's stomach.

Neither woman backed away, instead stepping into each other's range as fists, the occasional open palm and the even rarer kick filled the space between them. Mai was forced, once again, to amend her assumptions on Scarlet. Hearing the woman brag about her ability to fight and witnessing it first hand were two different things. Pulled into a grapple, their grunts deep in one another's ears, the women staggered to and fro while right arms constantly drilled into ribs until Mai stomped on Scarlet's instep and they separated with dual blows to the face.

Apparently Scarlet had found the one trainer who wasn't intimidated by her position and actually put the woman through the wringer. Mai was pulling her punches...but not by that much...and it barely seemed to affect the tough blonde.

Another fierce exchange and Scarlet grabbed her left arm by the elbow. Mai gritted her teeth at another blow to her stomach, hand grabbing for the sweaty limb and finding it. Arms now bent at the elbows, their breasts lightly pressed together Mai and Scarlet twisted left, then right, groaning in effort. Mai stared fully into the blonde's face. "You're tough," she admitted grudgingly.

"Plenty tough enough for you." Scarlet gritted back, shoving hard, their hands slipping down each other other's arms. She quickly wiped her palms across her hips, holding them back up. "C'mon little girl. Woman to woman."

Mai let her incredulity show, before slamming into Scarlet, their hands slapping together, fingers curling tight. Face to face, chest to chest, their arms shook dropping to their hips, the right then rising and extending outwards. Mai felt Scarlet strain, growling with the effort, belly slapping against her own as she shoved. Mai's teeth clenched as the matched the effort, heads sliding past to rest on shoulders, boobs squashing together thickly.

Bodies became damp with sweat as arms went back over heads slowly then, trembling slightly, back down to chest level. Mai could feel fatigue burning her limbs as her left arm dropped to their hips again. To the side a soft moan tickled her ear. Then, shortly after, a sharp yell as she gradually bent Scarlet's wrists. The enraged blonde, yanked her arms free, then threw them around Mai's neck, in a loose clinch. Cursing loudly, the two then bent over in a double headlock, throwing punches into each other's stomach repeatedly. Mai saw stars when Scarlet butted the side of her head, and at the second, brought her knee up and drove them apart.

She expected Scarlet to take a moment to catch her breath, maybe gloat about how she made Mai retreat. But instead the blonde moved like greased lightning, darting forward. Expecting a tackle, or grapple, Mai kept her arms up only for Scarlet to go low and spin around her waist. She saw the danger too late to prevent Scarlet's arms going under her pits and locking behind her head. "On your knees girl." Scarlet growled into her ear. "Or I'll break your damn neck!"

Mai merely groaned, twisting her body this way and that, crying out when Scarlet began applying more and more pressure to the hold. Then she abruptly leaned forward, almost ninety degrees, lifting a surprised Scarlet off her feet, then to the side. It was Scarlet's turn now to yell as Mai let the full weight of her body fall across the blonde, rolling from one side to the other. Getting quickly to her knees Mai gagged, throat grabbed as Scarlet lunged up, doing her best to throttle the brunette.

Linking her fists, Mai slammed them across Scarlet's face, then on top of her head. The blonde lost her grip, hands falling to the mats. Mai shuffled forward, grabbing Scarlet's long, sweaty hair, pulling the woman upright. A hard slap went her almost back down, if not for Mai's hold on her hair. Another pull, Mai's hand already cocked, but Scarlet used the momentum to hammer her fist into the brunette's face. Mai swung back around with a punch of her own, and now both scrabbled at one another's face, grabbing hair and pulling.

"Ow...where's all your...ow...fancy training now!" Mai gasped, tearing out a handful of yellow strands, tossing them aside and reaching for another. "You're...OW! QUIT IT!!"

"I'll rip it all...ah fucking all out!" Scarlet yelped, snarling as she yanked Mai's ponytail. The band finally snapped under pressure and the kunoichi's long, brunette hair flared out and rushed down her back. As if realizing how unlikely her threat now was, Scarlet reared up on her haunches, shoved Mai away and leapt at her.

Falling onto her back, Mai got her feet up and pushed Scarlet away, both women scrambling back to their feet and charging back together. Locking up at the elbows again, they shoved and twisted, trying to overbalance one another. Sweaty palms slid over equally damp limbs and Mai pulled Scarlet into a loose bearhug and hooked her leg around Scarlet's. The older blonde's eyes opened wide and she gave an angry shout, feeling herself falling, then a screech when Mai landed on top of her with a wet SPLAT!

Mai gave a pained grunt at the impact, but grinned at the expressive noise from Scarlet. She started to roll off when she held fast by still strong arms and Scarlet's scream rose into furious yell and her head snapped forward to butt up against her own. Mai saw stars, and was briefly open as Scarlet strained. "THAT HURT YOU...FAT...FUCKING...COW!!" The wild eyed blonde screeched, powering Mai over onto her back. One hand scratched spitefully at her face, while the pounded the top of her head before the brunette rolled the still shrieking Scarlet over. Slapping and tearing at her hair, Mai hissed and spat in the enraged blonde's face, a punch toppling her over to be mounted by Scarlet again.

"WHO'RE YOU CALLING FAT YOU CHUBBY BABY CHASING cxnt!" Mai shouted back, genuinely furious as Scarlet had found her one sore spot. Rocking back and forth, wrestling with the tough cougar, the brunette dug two fingers into her ample ass, pinching the flesh between them. Scarlet shrieked, dragging a clawed hand down Mai's cheek, leaving a trio of deep red lines there.

Grunting, groaning and snarling they slowly rolled from the bar corner towards the staircase. The vinyl squeaked and squelched as they moved in fits and starts, Mai first mounting Scarlet to deliver a series of punches and slaps, then after several agonizing rotations Scarlet rose up onto her knees punching with fists and slashing with long nails. They were sweating freely when they dropped the inch to the wooden panel floor and suddenly picked up speed, squeezing each other mightily, heads thrown back as both screamed in effort.

Then cried out in pain as their shoulders crashed into something metal. Mai found herself wedged slightly on top of Scarlet, hands scrabbling for her eyes, when those blue orbs suddenly lit up in terror. Mai wasn't so arrogant to think she'd yet caused the woman enough to pain to scare her. That and there was an insistent pressure on her side. She twisted around her head around in time to catch a series of dumbbells rocking ominously and she and Scarlet shoved each other away, rolling apart.

A series of metal crashes and clanging noises assaulted her ears and she ended up on her stomach, staring at Scarlet through a set of weights that rolled lazily across the damaged floor. Then the blonde's eyes flickered to the side to a barbell that managed to remain on the rack. Both shot up, reaching for the five foot, heavy bar, Mai reaching it first only for Scarlet to barrel into her grabbing for it. Growling furiously, Mai powered Scarlet up the wall, pressing the metal against her neck. The blonde panted rapidly, then lashed out, fist crashing across the brunette's face while Mai's foot cracked against Scarlet's leg.

Staggering and stumbling both barely maintaining her hold on the bar as they struck bitterly at one another, Scarlet's hand slipped and nearly lost her grip. Now it now became a tug of war, both sweaty, tiring women pulling each other back and forth in an effort to gain possession of a weapon rapidly gaining in weight. But eventually hitting each other took it's toll and the metal dropped from their hands to the floor and they grabbed each other's hair again.

Struggling tiredly back onto the mats Scarlet tugged Mai back into another clinch. This wasn't a precursor to another movie. The blonde simply needed a moment to rest. The equally tired brunette was also quite content to catch her breath as they hugged each other, rocking back and forth, heads over shoulders. Breasts brushed together lightly, nipples stiffened, then again. Mai then thrust out her chest firmly, boobs splashing against the Scarlet's, the shock making her grunt. She immediately bashed her boobs back into Mai's, the brunette gasping at the dent the blonde's tits made in her own.

Scarlet tightened her hug, pulling Mai into her body. The brown haired kunoichi clenched her teeth, squeezing hard, arms high on the blonde's back. Temple to temple Mai and Scarlet glared at each other out of the corner of an eye, lips pulled back in noiseless snarls. The fight had shifted in the direction Mai had expected, though not the manner. She'd not expected Scarlet to be as capable at fighting as she was. She'd expected the woman to shift to their tits after finding Mai a troublesome target. And while that was true, Mai found that she had been the one to initiate their tits tussle.

The women's grunting grew in volume and ferocity as they slowly increased the pressure, crushing the breath from one another. They staggered unsteadily back off the mats, Mai blinking the sweat out of her eyes, licking it from the top of her lips. A sudden wild shriek came from Scarlet and the blonde butted her hard, while simultaneously jabbing a knee into her stomach. Mai stumbled back, gasping, but Scarlet also stood on tottering legs, back against a mirror, glaring across at the younger woman with clear hate in her eyes.

"What's the matter blondie?" Mai panted, sparing her breasts a brief glance. They were reddening, but still appeared unaffected. Unfortunately so did Scarlet's, at least superficially. "Scared of my bigger and firmer tits?"

"Fatter maybe, cow." Scarlet growled. "Mine are the tits of a real woman. A mature woman. A..."

"An OLD woman, you fat sow." Mai sneered, seeing the flash of hot fury across the blonde's face. "Fucking milfs is only fun for so long. Then you want something firm. Something young, that can keep up. Something big and beautiful."

"Not for much longer," Scarlet snarled through gritted teeth. She lifted the the sizeable glands in her hands, glaring at Mai with open contempt. "If you're not a cowardly little cxnt then bring those flabby things over here. I'll squash them like I should have in the elevator."

"You'll regret it," Mai warned, bouncing her own heavy teats in her hands, marching towards Scarlet who matched her steps. "These babies are gonna flatten those ancient cans of yours."

"You're gonna pay for that." Scarlet whispered as their breasts met, both women shoving them together. "Once my boobs're done squashing yours to pancakes I'm still going to pummel your ass black and blue."

"Keep dreaming old woman," Mai retorted removing her hands from her breasts, curling into fists, the pressure from their counterparts supporting them. Scarlet's hands also fell away, clenching tight, the orbs beginning to flatten and spread outwards as the women leant into one another. Shoving with their upper bodies, stockinged feet began squeaking, scrabbling on the floor.

Breathing heavily Mai smiled wickedly, taking a step forward, then another. Panting wildly, Scarlet threw her arms around Mai's waist, pulling the woman closer. At this Mai flung her arms over and around Scarlet's shoulders, crushing the blonde into herself. Cheek to cheek now, Mai found herself locking eyes with Scarlet through the mirrors that gave them a perfect view of their breast battle. Boobs, once rounded and rolling out from chests, were now squashed tightly together, bulging out to the sides. The flesh shone with how tight it was stretched, Mai's orbs oozing over Scarlet's slightly smaller pair.

Gasps turned to fierce grunts as the women squeezed tighter and now began rocking their bodies side to side, frustrated at the lack of progress. With an irritated grunt, Mai began relaxing and tightening her arms in a rhythm, an attempt to wear down the blonde's stubborn teats. Scarlet surprised her, however, by being familiar with the move and after a couple rough squeezes matched Mai's tempo. Both pair of tits began to display gentle ripples, then more prominent jiggles as the thick, firm orbs weathered each other's attacks.

With a sudden lurch, Scarlet abandoned the rhythm, rearing back and slamming forward with a savage blow. Mai shouted in sharp pain, stumbling back as she released the blonde in shock. Scarlet was having none of it however and grabbed Mai by the wrists and yanking them back together. Mai's shriek was demonstrative as they came together with loud THUD. Moving with the momentum, Scarlet prepared another slam only for Mai to fling herself forward, feet leaving the ground, crashing into Scarlet. Their boobs met with a meaty SMACK at the same time their foreheads cracked together and Scarlet tumbled to the floor, sliding across the mirrors while Mai staggered, holding her head and moaning.

"That's for the cheap shot, you fuckin' skank!" Mai snarled, blinking her eyes to clear her vision. Scarlet merely shook her head and got her arms and legs under her. "Hurry your slow ass up. If I'm lucky, I'll catch Rufus at the club."

"You won't be going anywhere near him, ever again, you two gil slut." Scarlet hissed. Marching up to Mai, her breasts in her hands again, Mai did the same, expecting her to try flatten her boobs. Instead, as she soon as she was in range, Scarlet dropped her glands and thrust them at Mai's in a swift one - two.

Growling, Mai jumped back in, swinging her left to swat Scarlet's from the outside causing her boobs to wobble as the came together. Scarlet came back with a blow that hit her right on the inside, sending it flopping outwards.

For the next five minutes blonde and brunette flung their tits. While both flattened at the point of impact, neither seemed to dominate the other, bouncing off and resuming their original shape easily. The pale orbs now reddened dramatically, both women grunting in clear pain at each collision, battering each other mercilessly onto and off the mats.

A ferociously, powerful blow had both scream, but it was Scarlet that fell again, sliding once more across the wooden panel floor. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!" The blonde shrieked, slamming her hand on the floor, glaring at the mirror, no doubt assessing her breasts' beaten state. Then she leapt back up and charged the surprised Mai with an furious howl.

Once more the steady SMACK SMACK of boobs beating together echoed across the room chorused by the repeated angry squeals of the fighting women. Breasts now almost glowed red from the constant impacts and every other blow was now echoed by a shrill pained cry. Mai refused to be intimidated by Scarlet's rage, pounding the older blonde back towards the wall mirrors again. Focused as she was on taking the blonde's boobs apart, her mind reacted sluggishly when, from the mirror, she saw Scarlet's hands move from her hips to behind her back.

With a sharp lunge, Scarlet plowed her boobs into Mai's undersides, the shock making the younger woman yell and almost lose her balance. Even as she staggered, Mai felt her hand grabbed and then yelped as she was flung to crash up against the mirror with a dull, thudding, crash. Staggering forward, her eyes opened wide as Scarlet was on her again, the wild blonde not giving her a chance to recover. She gamely battled her back several steps before Scarlet beat her back with brutal breast blows. A final right on right collision and Mai gave a choking groan, falling back against the mirror and sliding down to the floor.

"YEAH!" Scarlet cackled, jumping from foot to foot, her boobs bouncing wildly. "TELL ME AGAIN HOW MUCH BETTER YOUR FLABBY BOOBS ARE, ARROGANT cxnt!"

Mai snarled quietly, pressed her hands down, pushing herself up. Then frowned. She dropped back down with a soft moan, resting her head against the cool mirror, then gritted her teeth and tried again. Once back up, she glared balefully across at the eager blonde. No more needed to be said and, with a rush they were back in each other's arms, squeezing mightily. Legs shuffled, bent, the cries of both women insistent and angry.

Shoving apart they battered and thrust the painful teats together brutally for several minutes before going for another hug. Grinding the orbs together spitefully Mai's eyes shone as her breasts flowed over Scarlet's, the blonde stoically enduring what had to be considerable pain. Shoving apart once more, they beat their boobs together with wet and hollow PLOPS that saw them both stagger repeatedly.

Mai screamed.

It was a long, despairing cry at a heavy, powerful slam that had Scarlet fall onto her rear, then back. But Mai tumbled and rolled up against the wall, curling up in pain. She snuffled loudly as Scarlet sat up and stared at her confused. " more..." she whimpered, the blonde beginning to crawl slowly towards her. Eyes then rolled up into her head, and she went limp.



Godo squatted at a low table, brush moving a careful strokes. "What news?"

Behind him, Mai dropped to the floor with a wince. "The rumors were correct, Shinra is up to something. Involving materia."

Godo accepted the small scroll she handed him, squinting at the small, neat characters. "This is disturbing. Anything else to report?"

Mai's pretty face scowled.


"Get up, bitch." I'm not done with you yet." Scarlet growled, beathing heavily, slapping Mai's face and chest. "The show's not over yet."

"I think I've seen enough." The voice that followed the sound of something opening was painfully familiar, but Mai made no move, burying herself deep into her mind, to a place without pain. She felt a light nudge. "And I had such high hopes for this one."

"Were you really going to meet her at the club if she beat me?" A squeeze on one of her boobs. "Rufus!?"

"Of course," he answered matter-of-factly. "If she managed to beat you then only your mind would've been of use to me. She is quite the tigress in bed."

"cxnt!" A sharp pain in her face. Then to her breasts, suddenly pulled away.

"Now, now." Rufus's voice was husky now, clearly aroused. She could hear Scarlet's cries of irritation. "You had your fun. Now it's time for mine. She was right that she could last longer in bed than you. Perhaps you'd like to beat that record as well?"

"Sir. What would you like us to do with her?"

"Mia?" His voice was amused.

"Leave her," Scarlet's harsh voice cut in. "If she's not conscious when we're done I've still got some lessons to teach her. Otherwise she can make her own way out."

She heard them moving upstairs, some muted talk then steps following. She lay there for almost an hour to be sure before opening her eyes. Slitted she carefully surveyed the room, finding it in darknesss. Sitting up, she breathed heavily.

Damn him. DAMN HIM!!

Another deep breath and she got herself back under control. Now she wasn't Mia, the Shinra drone that just had her tits handed to her by Scarlet. She was Mai Shiranui, the kunoichi that took a dive for the mission. Staggering over to her clothes pulled she on her jacket, digging into a hidden pocket and pulling out a packet of pills, popping one immediately. The relief was instantaneous. Blending into the shadows she slid back upstairs.

There was a steady thumping as well as loud noises in both a male and female pitch. But Mai ignored that, her eyes on Scarlet's suitcase. It was, of course, locked but nothing that could delay and ninja of Wutai. Open, she quickly ran through the pages and pages of details she couldn't make out.

Drawings of new mechanical scorpion machines.

A flying ship.

Schematics of the massive gun they had in Junon.

She immediately froze. Hands went back into her jacket, finding a hole in the lining, from which she tugged out of a tiny slip of paper and pen. Glancing back and forth scribbled rapidly and then carefully replaced everything in, what she hoped, was the same order. It hadn't taken more than three minutes, her ears open any sound other than the couple engaged in coitus.

Before, Mai would've found herself dreading this part of the mission. She had indeed begun to fall for Rufus's charms. Now learning she had just been part of some game he and Scarlet liked to play, she couldn't wait to get the hell out of Midgar.


"No," she replied shortly. "Nothing else I can think of."

Godo raised an eyebrow at her response. "Very well." He replied, turning away and dismissing her. His eyes once more studied her notes. What would Shinra consider an Ultimate Materia?


This was actually a pretty tough write. Figuring out the "How" these two would have to interact was easy, but the "Why" was a bit trickier. Think I went through five re-writes before coming up with the current story.