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Offline topgear15

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« on: September 28, 2024, 05:24:07 AM »
      The girls are standing about 6" apart, staring into each others eyes. Their hearts are pounding with nervous excitement, nipples straining against the material of their shirts. After about 15 seconds they both move at about the same time. They both go for headlocks and stager around the room trying to trip the other. They are tossing each other as best they can and finally fall to the floor. They end up in a cat ball, rolling about the room trying to get an advantage. Sara is able to mount Beth and is sitting on her stomach. Beth is able to use her legs and pulls Sara off. She rolls onto Sara and gets her in a spread eagle, as they are chest to chest. Beth has Sara in a bind but Sara gets her legs free. She is bucking and is then able to roll to the side. They now have hands in hair pulling hard. Each girl is grimacing as their scalps are burning. They are slapping each others bodies and legs are entangled. Beth is able to get Sara in a scissors and is squeezing her hard, and is pulling her hair. Sara is trying to pull Beth's legs apart and slapping Beth's top leg. Beth is squeezing as best as she can and is using those gymnastic legs to squeeze the breath out of Sara. Beth pulls hard on Sara's hair.   Sara   " Stop  Stop "    Beth releases her scissors and gets up and jumps for joy after winning her first round. Sara is pissed, she feels she could have done better.                                                                                                                                                                                           
     Both girls go over and sit by their parents. They get toweled off and a drink of water. Both discuss the round with their parents. Sara is encouraged that she is doing fine. Beth is told she is doing great and to keep it up, but do not get over confident. Sara decides she is ready for round 2. All fights with this group go until 1or both girls are to tired to continue, unless otherwise determined to be limited to a number of rounds. Both girls stand and go to the center of the room. They slowly circle hands up.   Both take swings at each other, but missing. They take a few more steps circling, then Sara goes for a headlock. Beth turns and side steps Sara. In the process Sara reaches for Beth and gets her left arm around her and tries to turn Beth but grabs her left breast instead. Sara has Beth's breast cupped and keeps ahold of it. She squeezes it just a little and likes the feeling of control. Beth ignores this and hip tosses Sara to the floor. She has Sara on her right side as Beth has her back on Sara's chest. Sara has lost her grip on Beth's tit, but tries to grab it again. Beth has both hands holding Sara in a headlock. Sara is working over Beth's breast and now  tries to pull Beth's arms apart to get free. She is pissed that Beth is doing so much better then she is  She pulls Beth's pony tail as hard as she can pulling Beth's head back. Beth moans from the pain but just tightens her grip on Sara. Sara decides that no one said anything on her grabbing Beth's breasts earlier so she grabs her tit again. Sara thinks that this might startle and distract Beth enough that she might get free. She grabs Beth's left tit and squeezes. Beth just holds onto Sara even though she feels some pain, but no one else has ever had their hands on her breasts and she also feels a sense of pleasure. This is not really bothering her that much, and Sara tries squeezing Beth's tit even harder but is getting nowhere. Sara is thrusting her legs and tries to roll and finally breaks free. Sara rolls away from Beth and they are on their knees as they come back together. Both girls have hands in hair pulling heads side to side. They fall to their sides and Beth tries to scissors Sara but she is able to avoid Beth's attempt and pushes her leg away. They are now in a cat ball rolling around on the floor. Beth is able to mount Sara and is sitting on her stomach. She decides to see how Sara likes it and grabs both of her tits and is working her over. Beth's mom " Yes get her back Beth "   Sara reaches up and grabs both of Beth's tits and both girls are kneading each others breasts. Both girls are grimacing in pain and calling each other a bitch.                                                                                                                                                                                 
     Sara then tries to buck in an attempt to get Beth off. They are still working over each others tits. Sara tries to use her legs to get Beth off, But Beth leans forward and lets go of one of Sara's tits and grabs a handful of hair and pulls hard. Sara is able to pull Beth off balance by grabbing her hair and bucking at the same time. They have arms around each other and roll around on the floor.  Their legs are intertwined as they fight for control. Their parents are encouraging them as they are body slapping and pulling hair. Beth is able to get Sara's face down on the floor and is sitting on her back. She pulls Sara's hair and has her bent back and Sara cries out in pain as Beth now has two handfuls of hair. Sara with tears in her eyes  " STOP  STOP I GIVE "   Beth stands with a big grin on her face. Sara just lays on the floor for a moment as she is really pissed now. Mom comes over to help her up and console her. Gina is really proud of Beth as she takes her chair. The fight has not been one sided but Beth has showed so far to be a little bit better then Sara. Was she trained better, is she more determined or is she just a better fighter. Time will tell. Sara's mom tells her she is doing fine and that the fight is close and Beth has just been lucky. Sara knows the fight is close but disagrees Beth has just been lucky, she knows Beth is good and she is tough. Her mom tells her she needs to try to surprise Beth if she can and that she can still win this. Sara's confidence has been bruised but she will not give up. She wants to beat Beth and please her parents. Beth's mom tells her she is doing great and to keep it up. She is in Sara's head and has her wondering if she can beat you. Beth " I just want to win to make you and dad proud of me "   Gina " We are proud of you Beth, no matter how this or any fight comes out. You need to fight for yourself, you need to win for yourself, your dad and I will always be proud of you."   Beth is confident but knows not to let her guard down as Sara is good enough to beat her. This fight could go either way. Both girls are breathing hard as they towel off and get a drink. Their sweat has caused their T - shirts to almost look like a wet T-shirt contest, as their breasts are almost completely visible. The dads can barely contain themselves looking at the other daughter. The host asks both girls if they would like to go back and dry off and get fresh shirts. Both do so and Sara welcomes the extra time. After about a 10 minute break both girls come back looking refreshed and ready to continue the fight.                                                                                           
                                                                                                            TO      BE       CONTINUED
« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 05:34:02 AM by topgear15 »
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.


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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2024, 10:00:05 PM »