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Steelkittens - Shutdown

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Offline farmboy82001

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Steelkittens - Shutdown
« on: November 08, 2024, 09:46:41 AM »
Looks like steelkittens have gone belly up.
There website was 'under maintenance' for ages and now the site has been stripped and is only a catalog viewing/order by email affair.
They are selling original master tapes as well so looking for other producers to buy their videos.

They had some classics in my opinion but nothing really of note since the 90s.


Offline jaymcmillian

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Re: Steelkittens - Shutdown
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2024, 02:59:41 AM »
Wow, that's quite a loss to the industry as they've been around I think since the late 80's or early 90's.

Looking at their site today,  it looks to me like many others in the industry, that they may have lost their ability to take credit cards.   Their site only offers Zelle and and they appear to be offering what they call a "Business Opportunity" offering a Web site for Video Media Delivery & Membership.   That's doesn't sound like they are offering all of their videos with that,  it seems more like they have an investment in a content delivery & subscription service and they want to recover the cost on it or have someone assume a contract.

I wonder if they will sell off their catalog?  I'd have t think there is a market still out there for vintage videos.   Double Trouble is still around and about as  long and has a similar catalog.  In fact,  I seem to recall their site going down for some time and had to be rebuilt several months back and still doesn't have all it's content back.   I remember thinking that was a credit card related issue at the time as well.  Be nice if those two companies could merge some how.


Offline jaybee

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Re: Steelkittens - Shutdown
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2024, 02:09:36 PM »
I just bought a couple of downloads from them a few months ago (August to be exact)???
Hearing this news I'm glad I didn't procrastinate and just went ahead and spent the money
« Last Edit: November 09, 2024, 02:12:44 PM by jaybee »