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Ghost Girlfriend: Part 9

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Ghost Girlfriend: Part 9
« on: December 11, 2024, 01:41:21 AM »
My resolve to find Ramona was stronger than ever after reading her diary and seeing what she had been through in her life. I was on the verge of giving up when before but now, I was going to find her and nothing was going to get in my way. Yes, the possibility that she may have finally passed on and left the world of the living was not lost on me but don’t ask me how but I knew that that didn’t happen. Something in my gut told me that that wasn’t the case. I couldn’t just ignore that. The question was how was I going to find her? I’d already been looking for days. And again, she could be literally anywhere on the planet. What was I to do? I considered asking around about her but it would arouse suspicion. I couldn’t risk anyone else finding my ghost girlfriend before I did. They might experiment on her or exorcise her or some shit.

I was looking through the bathroom for some kind of clue. Anything. I was desperate. Memories of our various sexcapades in that tub ran through my mind, filling me with as much arousal as it did sadness. Still, now was not the time to reminisce. She and I can recreate those memories all we want after I find her. I looked around for something that might lead me to her. She bathed as much as I did, so she spent a lot of time in here. Her shampoo bottle? No. Her bar of soap? No. Her makeup? It was the same brand I used. No link.

I was starting to despair when I sat down to mope but then I noticed something on the counter. Her comb. She used it all the time. She had so much hair that it would often take 20 minutes, if not longer for her to comb that endless mass of raven tresses. I picked it up and that distinctive scent of her hair that I had long taken for granted filled my nostrils. I began to feel a lump in my throat…and then suddenly it hit me. The scent of her hair!

“Pierre! Pierre! Come here, boy!” I shouted as my heart filled with hope.

I heard the pitter patter of his little paws running as my loyal little Frenchie showed his face, wagging his tail, eager to please.

“Here! Pick up her scent and find her!“ I ordered as I placed Ramona’s comb in front of his face.

He sniffed the thing as much as he could.

“I know you’re not a bloodhound but please try!” I begged him. “You can have a whole bag of treats all to yourself after we find her!”

Pierre then stopped sniffing and I looked at him eagerly. He took a bit but he started sniffing the floor and began walking out of the bathroom.

“Good boy, Pierre! Find her!” I ordered.

I followed him as she slowly but surely followed the scent. Thankfully, this was late at night, so I didn’t have to worry about any of my neighbors getting in my way. I opened doors for him as he tirelessly tracked Ramona down. He eventually led me out of my apartment and into the hallway.

“Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff…”

He probably tired out his little doggy lungs doing this but he was determined. I knew he cared just as much about finding Ramona as I did. He started leading my upstairs higher and higher. So high that I began to tire myself out but he wouldn’t stop, so neither could I. After what felt like forever, he led me to a door, which I opened for him and it led to the roof of the building where the night sky greeted us. He then turned to the right and led me to the side of the structure on the roof containing the door. Pierre then stopped dead in his tracks.

“Awwwwoooooooo!!!” He howled as dogs often do after finding the scent they’re tracking.

“Pierre…” I said, confused. “There’s nobody here…”

It was just the empty space on the side of the roof door.

“Awo?” He whined in confusion at his eyes betraying his nose.

He reached out with his paw before stopping it in midair…or so I thought at the time. He then started wagging his tail again and running in circles.

“Bark! Bark! Bark!” He barked excitedly.

I was starting to think that there was something wrong with him…until the realization hit me. I smiled deviously.

“She’s not here, boy. Let’s go home.” I said as I picked him up.

“Awwwoooo!!” He cried in frustration.

I then kissed him on the head, whispering in his ear.

A few minutes later, I went back to the roof with Pierre and this time carrying a bucket of water. I waited a little bit before I took the bucket and splashed it at the empty space Pierre had led to me originally.

“Ahhhhh!!!!” Ramona shrieked as she finally made herself visible, soaking from the water.

“You fucking cxnt!” She cursed. “Like it’s not cold enough up here as it is!”

She then groaned in annoyance before I handed her a towel from behind my back. She dried off as Pierre excitedly jumped into her lap and began kissing her. His tail wagged harder than ever.

“Okay, okay! I missed you too!” Ramona said as she held Pierre back.

As the dog calmed down, an awkward silence filled the roof.

“You never do that to me again!“ I ordered.

“What are you gonna do? Kill me? You’re too late.” Ramona joked. “How did you find me?“

“I had Pierre track down your scent from your comb.” I answered. “Why are you up here?”

Ramona sighed and looked away in embarrassment as she cuddled the dog.

My eyes went wide as I realized it.

“This…” I said. “This is where you did it, isn’t it?”

She didn’t answer me. The building was about 15 stories tall. It made sense.

“How did you guess that?“ She asked.

Damn, I was caught now.

“I read it in that diary of yours.” I confessed. “All of it.”

Ramona sighed.

“I should’ve burned that damn thing.” She said.

“You hated this place so much.” I said. “Why stay when you can go literally anywhere else?”

“I have left this place before.” She said. “But this place…It will never leave me.”

I didn’t know what to say. So I said nothing.

“At first, I wanted to stay and haunt the pieces of shit who lived here…” She continued. “But then I realized that I didn’t want the attention. I didn’t want paranormal investigators coming here to try and catch me and do God knows what…I just waited, hoping that something bad would eventually happen to this town.”

I was speechless as she spoke her true feelings for the first time in decades.

“That apartment…” She went on. “Something just kept pulling me back. It was like even in death I was a prisoner of it…I watched the people who lived in it for fun…Until you showed up. Something about you…just drew me in.”

I rubbed my arm in embarrassment.

“You thought that your final decision would bring you peace.” I said. “Did it?”

Ramona closed her eyes in shame.

“No…” She answered. “As soon as I stepped off the ledge and realized that there was no turning back…It was instant regret…”

I couldn’t even imagine such a thing.

“All I can remember from then on was the feeling of fear and regret…” She continued. “And asking myself where I had gone wrong.”

I let out a big sigh.

“I’ll tell you where you went wrong.” I said. “Actually giving a shit what other people think.”

Ramona opened her mouth to say something.

“I’m not done.” I said. “Yes, you were treated horribly but it all began because you wanted attention in the first place. You thought it was just to find someone to hook up with but I think it was really because you wanted to be cool or part of a group. That’s what led you to go to that party and that’s where all your troubles began.”

Ramona’s face seemed very conflicted over what I was telling her.

“I…Never thought of it that way.” She said.

“What those assholes did to you was unfair and disgusting.” I said. “But you could have bounced back. Found something else to make you happy. I’m not gonna lecture you for your decision. I just want you to understand that.”

Ramona sighed.

“You know…” She said. “I’d be over 50 if I was alive today…Old enough to be your Mom.”

“Kinky.” I joked. “That being said, I don’t think you’re meant to be alone either.”

“Why not?” She asked. “You’re the first person I’ve directly interacted with since I became a ghost and look how that turned out.”

“But think, why was it you approached me that night in the first place?” I asked. “You could’ve just kept ignoring me but you choose to make your presence known and to make me your girlfriend. Why?”

“I…” Ramona said before stopping. “I don’t know.”

“I think you do.” I said. “You do want company and somehow, you knew that I was the one.”

“But I will lose you no matter what.” She interjected.

“Look…” I said with a groan. “I’m still iffy about the ghost thing but how about this? If you can find some way to do it while guaranteeing that it will work or at least a way to do it without risk of killing me, I’ll at least consider it. Deal?”

Ramona sat in deep thought for a second. I could only imagine what was going through her ghostly mind. She looked around, taking in the surroundings of the last place she was a living being in. I can’t imagine how that must feel.

“I…” She stammered. “I think you’re right…I’ve probably been stuck here for that exact reason. Something was keeping me chained to the world of the living…I don’t see any other explanation.”

“Does that mean that once you’ve found that thing…You’ll…pass on?” I ask nervously.

“I don’t know.” She answered honestly. “But…I think it’s worth a try.”

“That’s my girl.” I said proudly.

I then leaned down in front of her and kissed her passionately, just as she had done to me on the night she left. This time though, it was not a somber goodbye but a glorious reunion.

“Now, when you come back, I want us to do something together that I’ve always been fantasizing about.” I said. “You said you had an OnlyFans account, right? And that’s where all your money came from?”

“That’s right.” She answered with curiosity.

“Well, I’m thinking it’s time for a collab stream!” I announced. “Our viewers will go nuts over it! Before nutting themselves, of course.”

Ramona looked very conflicted.

“I…uh…” She stammered. “I’ve never actually shown my face on there before…Only my naked tits, pussy and ass.”

“Why not?“ I asked.

I then remembered her diary and what happened the last time she tried to perform while showing her face.

“Oh…” I said with a guilty tone. “Well…If it’s too much for you, I don’t mind if…”

“No!“ She interrupted suddenly. “It was 30 years ago! Forget it! I won’t let that night keep ruining my life! Or afterlife! Or whichever it is! I’m gonna sexfight you on stream while showing my face and my viewers and your viewers are gonna fucking love watching me dominate you cxnt to cxnt!”

“That’s what I like to hear.” I said proudly. “But we’ll see about that last part.”

I got up and signaled for her to follow me back home, which she did while holding Pierre. As we got back to our apartment, Ramona seemed much more relaxed.

“I never thought I’d be happy to see this place again…” Ramona said as she let Pierre down.

I then noticed her diary still on the kitchen table. I looked guilty as I picked it up and handed it to her.

“I’m…sorry for reading this.” I said with deep shame.

Ramona sighed.

“Don’t be.” She said as she grabbed the book out of my hands and walked towards the den.

I followed her, eyeing up her sweet, ghostly ass as she opened up the burning fireplace and threw the book into it. We both watched as it burned.

“I’m done living in the past.” Ramona said. “I’m a ghost. I have all the time in the world. I should focus more on the present…but right now, I’m thinking of the future, when I fuck you into a coma for all of our viewers to see and enjoy.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I said.

An awkward silence hit us as we could only hear the paper burning. I then suddenly hugged her, pressing our F cups together for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

“Never do that to me again…” I whispered in her ear sadly. “I mean it.”

“You better make sure I don’t by taming me when we stream…” She whispered back.

“You know it, slut.” I said as I licked her ear before she licked mine back.

We both went to bed and slept like babies that night. I had actually gotten my ghost girlfriend back…and I was never going to let her get away from me ever again.