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Wrestling the Underworld-Part 2

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Offline CatfightCasey

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Wrestling the Underworld-Part 2
« on: January 21, 2025, 03:48:54 PM »
The room was silent, all that could be heard was the sound of heavy breathing and the awkward sound of mats squeaking from friction. With my back firmly planted on the sweat soaked surface gasping from an overwhelming weight on my chest and midsection, a force slowly tightens around my throat as I gasp for air, like a python wearing down its prey. The woman on top of me clamps her thick thighs around my neck constricting me in a hold known as a ‘reverse headscissor’. Looking up I see a full view of my opponents backside, eating away at the elasticated fabric of her one piece swimsuit, barely covering her firm ass. 

Digging my heels into the mat, I thrust my hips in an attempt to throw my larger, older opponent off balance and to loosen her vice like scissorhold on me. It became clear to me that she was starting to get desperate as she tries and fails to pin my legs to the mat by holding onto my ankles. Managing to buck my legs free and rolling us onto our sides and capitalising on our change in position, I use my feet to pull my opponents head in between my thighs, dishing out a head scissor of my own, be it a sloppy one. Her thighs still clamped around my neck, our sweaty bodies stuck together as if we were glued tight, as we gasp for breath in a pure war of attrition.

It felt like hours, but it was just minutes as we lay there squeezing the living crap out of each other, my opponent was experienced, very experienced in fact. Despite this, I had youth and a powerful set off thighs on my side. The odds started to turn in my favour as I started to feel my opponents grip on my neck starting to loosen as she began to tire, handing me the opportunity to wrench her legs open, rolling her on her back and sitting up directly on her face, smothering her. It didn’t take long for my opponent to run out of air and with two firm taps on my bare ass cheek, I had won a hard fought audition match against my new employer, Alina.

“Well Darcy, it goes without saying that those are one pair of lethal legs and a fine ass to match”, she gasped in-between breathes, adjusting the bra strap of her sweaty leotard, “Jenna darlin’, grab us some water would ya?”, Jenna the niece of the 55 year old producer and ex Eastern European fetish wrestler, nods intently before running into the studio kitchen to fetch us some bottled water, she seemed young, shy and in awe of what she had just witnessed. I know what you’re thinking, yes, I had just wrestled my boss, well…soon to be boss and  the producer of the wrestling company my friend Lucy works for.

Alina climbed to her feet and offered me a hand, pulling me up. Adjusting the wedgie of my black and white skull printed one piece and regaining my breath, “So, what do you think?”. Alina pauses, looks me up and down and gives me a nod of approval, “You’ll fit in perfectly, I’m sure Lucy briefed you on what we do and the product we sell?”, nodding in response I noticed Jenna re-appear with two small towels and bottles of water in her hand, shyly handing them to myself and her aunt before disappearing into another room, before I could speak Alina interjected, “Just to re-iterate, once you’ve put pen to paper, you work for me and my company, if you are to collaborate with other producers, you must run it by me first”, taking a long hard gulp of water, and pouring some over her sweaty body, “one final point, we do not nor want our girls taking part in any catfights, or erotism whilst working for us, understood?”, Lucy also briefed me on the strict ground rules Alina imposed on us, so her firm attitude came as no surprise to me, in fact I appreciated that the wellbeing of her girls was her top priority.

Later, Alina took me on a tour of her studio, from the outside it looked like your standard warehouse in an industrial estate, but the inside was truly impressive. The front door leads to an unassuming reception area, where you would be greeted by Jenna, who would direct you into the main room where a large matted area is situated in the centre, where the action took place. There were also smaller matted rooms stationed off the main room, so multiple matches could be fought simultaneously, as well as a shower room and a small kitchen. You can tell Alina ran a tight ship, the place was spotless, and she had her niece/assistant on her toes making sure the place ran smoothly. After our tour of the facilities Alina walked me back to reception where Lucy and Jenna were waiting for us, I signed the contract without hesitating.


My first official day started with a photoshoot. Each girl had a profile with professional photos, detailing her stats & attributes so clients can clearly see who is available to book on for a custom video. What followed was an hour training session with Alina where she taught me some useful holds and pins, offering advice on how to make certain holds and positions look more ‘sexy’ on camera, which involved breast smothers…lots of breast smothers.

The day didn’t end there, I finally had my first official match booked in, against a girl named Tomi. She was cute looking 20 something girl from Japan, who was apparently lethal on the mats with experience with jiu jitsu, she had also fought in a brutal underground catfighting circuit in Japan, where Alina found and ‘rescued’ her, signing her on to wrestle for her production company. Taking refuge in the changing rooms during the set up to calm my nerves, I didn’t notice Jenna appear in the door way. Noticing I was startled by her sudden appearance, she steps back nervously, “Oh, sorry…Just wanted to wish you good luck…”, stuttering in her usual nervous manner, “I’ll go, I don’t want to distract you”. She clearly built up a lot of courage to approach me, it would be wrong to dismiss her so quickly, “No it’s okay, wanna sit?”, patting the spot on the bench next to me, “I won’t bite, unless you wanna strip off that cute outfit and meet me on mats”, giving her a playful wink. Blushing, she just stood there for a minute, considering my invitation, then sat down next to me, adjusting her black skirt as she crossed her legs.

Jenna was an 18 year old with long blonde locks, which she always tied back into a ponytail. Despite her timid personality, she was naturally attractive with a great physique which she’d hide behind modest clothing. I’m surprised her aunt never let her step onto the mats, she’d without a doubt be a sellout with our customers.  “You know Darcy, I was always a fan of yours when you were a pro wrestler, I always watched your matches but even now when I watched you train and wrestle my aunt, you were really inspiring…I’m sure you’ll smash it here”, forcing a smile. Giving her a playful nudge and placing a hand on her shoulder, “Thank you Jenna, if this inspires you, then why don’t you give it a try?”, Jenna shakes her head letting out a shaky sigh before glancing at the door then back at me, “My Aunt would never let me take part, she only agreed to let me work her under the grounds that I stay behind camera and stay away from the performance side of the industry”. I remember Lucy warning me about how protective Alina gets over her girls, especially her niece. Jenna’s parents aren’t on the scene, so Alina pretty much raised the girl. Before I could even think about responding Jenna continued, “I have to be honest though, I always wanted to try this, the freedom and empowerment of tangling up with another woman…its torture to have to watch on a daily basis, that’s why I keep my distance”.

I wanted to help her, I really did, however I knew her aunt would murder me and terminate my contract on the spot. Suddenly the door opens and its Alina, “Darcy, you’re up!”, eyeing up first Jenna, then myself. Patting Jenna gently on the shoulder, adjusting the straps of my black thong bikini, I head out into the performance area…and so it begins.


Tomi and I stepped onto the mats standing on either side of Alina, my first impression of her was positive, she was quiet and polite, modest and innocent looking, which completely contradicted the reputation she previously developed of a ruthless underground fighter who fought in private corporate catfight bouts for the rich businessmen in Tokyo. I would soon find out she had another side to her, almost like a Jekyll and Hyde complex. Alina stood in between us, holding both of our hands as she introduced us to the camera, announcing our names, height and weight before reminding us of the rules. We were to compete in a pin match, first girl to pin her opponent to the mat for five seconds is declared the victor. Feeling a mix of emotions as we squared up in the centre of the wrestling area, looking into her brown eyes, I could tell she means business. However despite my nerves, I struggled to shake a feeling in my stomach that I have felt once before. The deep feeling of excitement and arousal.

On Alina’s command we stepped back a few paces and began to circle each other, it was on. Tomi was smaller, lighter and quicker than I was, so I knew this was going to be a challenge. Clad in a lacy red thong bodysuit, Tomi rushes at me as if she was intending to tackle me to the mat. Her shoulder connecting with my lower stomach attempting to throw me off balance. Attempting to stay calm, I wrap my arms around her soft stomach and lift her off the mat in an attempt to slam her back down. The audience of Jenna, and the of the roster of girls including Lucy showed their support as they cheered us on…but my confidence would soon bite me in the ass. Remember how I said Tomi was smaller and faster? Well I found that out the hard way, within the process of lifting her, squirming and struggling, she managed to get herself in a position where her legs were wrapped around my head, like a snake wrapping itself around its prey, she wraps her arms around the tops of my thighs making me lose balance and sending me crashing to the mat with her on top.

She waisted no time capitalising on our change in position, rolling me onto my back and flopping her body onto my chest pinning me cross body. Trapping one arm between her thighs and holding my free arm down between her hands. “ONE…TWO…THREE…”, listening to Alina’s thick Eastern European accent counting down the seconds, as I kick out and struggle beneath my smaller opponent. Planting my feet firmly into the mats and arch my back, feeling a sense of relief as I hear Alina announce, “Shoulder up!”. Frustrated, Tomi climbs on top of me, straddling my waist and grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head, “ONE…TWO…Shoulder up!”, announces Alina. With our fingers still locked, my arms tense and shaking, I manage to push Tomi off  and buy myself more time. The match felt like it went on for hours, in fact it was only 10 minutes, and by that point it we both had a few close pin falls. We were so drenched in sweat, it became near impossible to get grips on each other as we slipped and slid across the mats. I could tell Tomi was losing patience, and with one sloppy move she opened up a window of opportunity for me to steal a win. As we circled on our knees, Tomi attempted to take the initiative by pulling me in close, embracing me in a bearhug. Leaning into her and placing my hands on her shoulders, I used my larger body to push her onto her back. Our sweaty bodies collide with the mats with a wet thud as I land on top of her, and attempting to put on a show for the camera, I slowly slide my body down Tomi’s so we’re level, my breasts gliding her her own, and to my surprise, her nipples were just as hard as mine, With the friction making me quiver, I bite my lip and focus on winning the match. Slowly snaking my thick thighs around her own, I stretch her legs out in a grapevine pin, and with a five count and a cheer from the small audience, I managed to win a hard fought debut match.

Rolling off my exhausted opponent, I manage to breath my first sigh of relief. Looking up I see Tomi was already on her feet and offering me a hand with a warm smile. She was clearly so exhausted, she hadn’t fixed her attire as her bra strap was hanging down her arm and her bare breast was hanging out from one side of her lacey bodysuit, showing an erect, pink nipple. Grabbing her hand, she pulled me to my feet and we embraced in a tight hug, she patted me on the back and raised my hand in victory. I must admit, I never felt this good since I first stepped into the ring as a pro wrestler.