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Custom producer recommendations

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Offline CatfightCasey

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Custom producer recommendations
« on: February 06, 2025, 11:15:01 AM »
Hey, I’m looking to order a custom, but keep hearing horror stories about some producers not delivering or not going by the script.

Can anyone recommend any custom producers who provide good value for money and are reliable?



Online tr0tz

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Re: Custom producer recommendations
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2025, 07:16:37 PM »
I have had very good experience ordering custom videos from Mexican Wrestling 'n' more. Can strongly recommend them for anything from catfight over wrestling and pro-wrestling to oil wrestling, in the ring or outside, from scripted to fully competitive or a mix of both.

and their roster:

Or, for a bit more personal contact and slightly more kinky videos:
(same roster as above)

Fast delivery (production maximum a few weeks after ordering, delivery about three, four days after shooting), super reliable, super easy communication in English despite Spanish being their native language. You get both the video and hundreds of high quality photos.


Offline razzel43

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Re: Custom producer recommendations
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2025, 10:10:49 PM »
Veve Lane at
She and her group of talent don’t do nude. But trust me, that does not matter. Veve and her team are experienced to handle most any taste in female combat, weather it be mixed wrestling, female vs female, or my specific taste in straight up fetish scenario catfighting. Pricing is fair and reasonable. And the communication is fantastic. Working with even the finest details in what ever your script  requires. After payment is received and a shoot date is set, delivery via email for me was within 48 hours. (I’m sure that may vary based on edit time and any other complications, I don’t want to speak for them on that). Bottom line . . .
Awesome experience! Followed my script to a T. Down to the absolute description of what the women we’re wearing and how they enter acted with each other.
My custom is currently available in their video store under CATFIGHT/FOOT FIGHT
It is BETTER THAN what I even hoped for.
The camera work , lighting , editing, and of course the beautiful women involved, are all absolutely awesome professional and over the TOP !!!
You will not be disappointed! No matter what your specific taste is. Just take a look at their extensive catalog see what they have to offer.