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Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV

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Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« on: January 06, 2025, 12:57:43 AM »
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Emma Watson promised she would die before allowing Miley Cyrus to make her quit again.  Miley made the same promise and also swore up and down if Emma wanted more, she would leave her broken.  Emma heard that and said if Miley ever wanted another fight, she would be left in a fetal position not even able to look up at the better woman Emma Watson

This was utter and complete mutual disdain, and they looked for reasons to do this battle again.  Now Miley was telling people that Emma’s inability to move on stopped her friend from achieving what she deserved.  Emma’s story was Miley was using her fame to bully Stacy Keibler into fighting someone after clearly stating she was done with this world

That’s what Stacy Keibler and Michele Merkin were; an excuse for two of the most famous women to fight.  Now after the aftermath of their third fight they were sniping at each other more often.  Having her face forced into Stacy’s pussy and Stacy having her face ridden by Miley a friendship was formed between Emma Watson and Stacy Keibler.  So, to Emma she was defending Stacy’s legacy and for Miley she was standing up for a friend’s word.

When they had their third fight it was back and forth, they went at each other making it clear this was a true rivalry.  Some said Miley went to far and Michele distracted Emma.  To Miley that was ridiculous she would not have her victory questioned.  Afterall Emma picked the last fight and lost.  Emma never fought so hard in her life just to lose.  She wanted to fight Miley again and again.  Days later she realized this and so did Miley.  They also wanted something fresh and never done for a fight, so they put the challenge out to the world

So, they couldn’t deny it and everyone knew it both Emma and Miley wanted to fight again.  They knew how razor close the last fight was and both were making promises of going as far as possible to win and not quitting to the other.  They had friends and family there to watch them battle.  It was the first time they had family to watch this which motivated them more.  Two opposites who for all the things that separated had one main thing in common.  The need to prove the other was overrated.  It was known Emma Watson had no respect for Miley Cyrus or her past antics.  It was known Miley loved proving Emma Watson was a fake. 

For two women so famous to have such an utter disdain for the other was almost unheard of.  In fact, it was rare to reach their levels of fame.  You would be hard pressed to find someone who never heard of either and to find out they hated each other and wanted to hurt.  This was a once in a lifetime feud so much so that at this point, they never saw much point in challenging others

For so long other women were mentioned as nemesis but from the moment Emma cemented her reputation beating Nina Dobrev that all changed. Miley always felt Emma was a fake and took it upon herself to humiliate Emma.   When they fought the first time Emma found out Miley wasn’t a pushover.

Miley lost their first fight, but it ate away at her, so she improved.  She let Emma believe it was over, but she trained.  She learned from how Emma got her biggest win that skill level was as important as viciousness. Then when she showed up back in Emma’s life, they both knew it was only a matter of time before they fought again and when they did Miley beat Emma at her own game.   Miley was euphoric over that and then Emma blinked so she got to seat on her face in front of people which was even better.  She knew she was in Emma’s head because now Emma had jumped her

Emma Watson should have realized the closeness of their first fight wasn’t a fluke and Miley brought something out in her.  They ripped at each other, and she squeaked out a win but then she humiliated Miley.  Maybe if she hadn’t done that this feud wouldn’t be happening then again it was likely more about the closeness of the battle.  When she saw Miley re-enter her life, she got paranoid about being jumped like Miley did to get their first fight.  Miley jumped her and humiliated her and that got answered. Then Miley showed up and was more famous and got that win back.  Then she went looking for Miley and found her just to lose. So now was the time for another fight

Emma came out wearing a bath robe and waited by the small ring type pit they had.  It was six feet down; the sides were like a bouncy castle and there was a mat with some give.  Miley Cyrus came out and played to the crowd.  She stopped and hugged Michele Merkin who even though then walked over to Emma Watson who walked away “Look she’s quitting already.”

Emma walked back in with Stacy Keibler

Nobody was happier than Michele because it meant she finally got to Stacy.  Miley got in front of Michele “Look who finally found her spine.  Stacy, I want you to watch what I do to prissy Emma because Michele will be doing even worst to you!”  Miley put her arms out and Michele took off her robe and Miley was in her sheer red bra and panties.

Emma smiled the tension was great and Emma arms went out and Mileys eyes were on her.  Merkin eyes still on Stacy and she felt Stacy rub her shoulders.   Stacy whispered something in Emma’s ears then Stacy took off Emma’s.  Emma Watson was in a similar bra and panties to Miley except blue.  “Stacy here… Her spine has never been questioned she went through two wars with a woman the general public actually knows.  Look around Miley you idiot.  Look up we have family up there and no eyes are on Stacy who is retired and the never was behind you.  I got friends down here to watch me do whatever the people say I need to win.  This is about you vs me.  Its about Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus and Miley you will not get me to quit again.”

“Yeah, it is… Yeah it is.  I got my Aunt Dolly here and she is he reason I beat you the last two times.  Emma you are the single fakest person I know.  You have no loyalty and are so fake.  So yeah, this is about Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson.  I brought Michele for a head game, and you brought Stacy so ok I won’t make this about them because we don’t need them do we.  This is us isn’t it and you won’t quit this time.  Ok Emma fine and dandy but guess what you won’t quit well if you think I will lose in front of Aunt dolly you are kidding yourself but if you think Ill quit to you in front of her than you are as dumb as you are fake.”

“Well, I have the women who brought me up during Harry Potter and knew I had to be prepared for bitches like you…I shall not lose in front of them.”

 They nodded and began to back away from each other.  That was the most honest they ever were with each other and for that small moment they showed respect. Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson went to opposite sides turned around and climbed down the pit.

Keeping their backs turned they did one stretch, turned and then made eye contact and stopped stretching to meet in the middle.  The crowd was going wild with equal supporters of both highly popular women.  “You” Emma said pressing her body tightly into Mileys

“Me” Miley matched the pressure and smiled because she knew this was what Emma didn’t want normally.  Emma smiled at this pressure “Oh you want this no matter”

“However, the fight goes it ends with you down and embarrassed.  After you are good and embarrassed then I will get the win”

“I beat you at the game you think you’re best at.  I’ve embarrassed you so many times and today will be the worst.  I’m beating you in front of everyone and I want you to finally admit that I’m the better woman and role model”

“LADIES.   Would you like to know the rules!”   Whoever it was that was speaking neither Miley nor Emma bothered to look up

“Say them” Emma said

“Just say them and then the final.”

“Shut up and let whoever that is speak”

Miley closed her mouth then smiled “You speak and tell me how I beat this bitch…”

He was about to speak when Miley said “AGAIN!”

Miley backed away from Emma who was pissed off. The smile of Miley Cyrus cutting right through her veneer.   She had to regain something because it was clear Miley was in her head “Yeah Miley you got a win on me but guess what… After he speaks that goes away.”

It wasn’t the best trash talk but from Emma it meant something, and she went backward and relaxed and fixed her bra

“You two are in this pit and to win you must climb out of that.  You must have your opponent’s bra and your own.  You must take their robe from their corner woman Michele for Miley and Stacy for Emma.  When you have both bras and the other woman’s robe on you display the bras and shout out your victory.”

“Bra and panties or just the bras” Stacy Keibler asked

“Just the tops” The voice said, “Do you two agree?”

“Of course.”  Emma said quickly.

That made Miley smile “Hold on because Emma the fake tried to get one past us… I beat you Emma not once but twice.  Do you not remember why it is Stacy here with you?”  Emma was pissed and Miley was euphoric.  Emma’s friends could not believe how easily Miley pressed Emma’s buttons

“We played a game up there, but the reason Stacy is here with me and whatever her name is with you is to hold the robes.  That’s it.  After I take your dignity, your pride, your reputation then I take that bra and finally I take your robe and then…”

“Then nothing.  Then nothing because that aint happening Emma”

Miley saw the change in Emma’s demeanour.  The talking for Emma Watson was over and somewhere above them someone said begin and neither moved.  “BEGIN” Now they heard it.  Shortly after all other noise above them was gone.  This wasn’t about the screaming people this was about two of the most famous women in the world having a intense dislike for the other and figuring it out

Not moving still, they both realized all the sound from above was gone.  They took a glance up but all they seen was a blur. Eye contact made and they could see the other as clear as day.  All they had was eyes for each other.  They walked to the middle and put their hands behind their back.  Emma could see it in Mileys eyes and Miley could see it in Emma’s

“All I see is you!”  Emma said, “All I see wherever I go is you and now.”

“I hate you too.  I hate you more than I ever loved anyone.  When you’re around all I want is you… All I want is to hurt you and hear your shrieks.”

“I thought I knew what hate was… No, I never did you brought hatred into my life.  Pure unadulterated hatred.  I want to say this to you now because in my guts all I want to feel is your blood.  I want to take your voice away from you.  I used to think hating someone hurt you and made you vulnerable.  All I see is you Miley and I hate you and that hate focuses me.  You stand there all smug and confident when you should be scared of how far I will go to never lose to you again.”

“This calm is more than we ever had.  I’ma keep my hands here because you said your truth, so I’ll say mine.  Don’t roll your eyes at your better.  This isn’t smugness you see but it is confidence.  I used to have some fear of losing to you but now I know you can beat me.  Don’t worry I do know you can beat me but because I know that, and I know I hate you.  I hate you Emma, I just hate you.  When I told my Aunt Dolly about our third fight and how far we went.  She told me that she never had that level of hate is you need to make sure that is what drives you.  So, it will our hate of each other drives me.  Knowing that I won’t quit to you here and you won’t quit to me.  One of us will be left beaten too much to continue and have to watch the other be adorn.”


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2025, 01:03:31 AM »
“Do you think you can do that to me?  Think you can stay in this and beat me to that level?”

“I can’t wait to find out because I think you are full of it but I also wonder if you are capable of bringing yourself to the level needed to beat me up to what you need to win this time?”

“Its my entire plan and Miley I know what I have to do I knew when this idea was brought to us. People think this may never end between us but conversations with t hat amazon above me…I will do what it takes to end this.”

“Got a plan do you.  Is that what you have did you have a plan in that garage with Charlize watching because I did.  How about at that house did you have a plan then.  Do you know what they say about a plan.  Everyone has a plan until they get…”

Miley went to throw her head into Emma’s face and Emma moved and lifted her shoulder and got Miley in the lips.  Emma moved quickly got her feet set and hit a right to Mileys ear stunning her to turn Miley around.

Emma got a waist lock on Miley and drove forward hitting Miley into the padded wall that had bounce she then hit a German suplex.  Emma held on and her hands slid down just massaged Mileys pussy a little and Emma was back up on her feet and hit a second German suplex

Emma rolled through and again her hands went to Mileys pussy and after the first rub Miley grabbed Emma by the wrists.  Emma floated to the side and hit a short knee to the ribs and then tried to flip Miley onto her back

Miley was fighting it and Emma shouted “Hate you so much and began hitting slaps to Mileys back, ass and back of the head.  She stopped and went for the flip again, but Miley was quick and hit a quick hammer fist style uppercut to Emma’s pussy spun and pushed up lifting Emma on her shoulders and carried her then jumped and spiked Emma down

“I fucking hate you I fucking do so much… hate you and hate you.”  Miley was hitting right hands elbow up driving down hitting Emma where she could in the ribs or the stomach.  Emma after six grabbed the bicep and a headlock.

Emma rolled Miley onto her shoulders for a pin and then tried to roll behind Miley for a choke, but Miley slipped her head out and pushed Emma down face first on the ground.  Used the soft area and hit Emma’s head.  Miley thought about the choke then looked up and smiled her million-dollar smile

“You wanted to do this again and in bras because that was like our first fight… Well let’s show everyone what you…”  Miley went to unclasp the bra, but Emma knew it was too soon, and this would be humiliating to lose her bra so quickly she fidgeted around and got Miley off her back

Emma tried to push up and go at Miley, but Miley felt the bucking and knew the strength this early in the fight.  So, she grabbed the bra and when Emma sent her off, she held on waited for Emma to move then Russian twisted her terrific core and threw Emma Watson over her.

They both moved around to be as far from the other as possible and got up to her feet.  Miley had a good sheen of sweat but smiled then fixed her bra.  She was letting Emma know what the smile was about.  The expensive very form fitting bra wasn’t as form fitting Miley gave Emma’s material a good stretch.

Emma stayed stoic.  This time around she could not let Miley get into her head.  When she was preparing for this with Stacy the one thing Stacy drilled was not to let Miley get in her head.  The three fights and Miley was able to press her button in different ways and it worked each time.  Miley jumped her so many times that she fought like a hellcat the first time.  Miley challenged her openly for a rematch, but it was Miley skills that got in her head.  Then the constant reminder of the win and mixing in how she fought in the third.

They walked around the pit.  Emma hands down watching Miley keeping her face cold and emotionless.  Miley with a huge smile on her face keeping her limbs relaxed that was something both had to do.  Keep relaxed it sped up strikes when you were relaxed you could just react.  So much of what they became was about the striking.

Miley did a big fake stepping her left foot forward throwing her head forward to see if Emma would jump.  Emma did not she moved laterally geared for a punch, but it was a big fake from Miley who still had that magnetic smile.  Emma staying stoic began to circle again as did Miley.  Emma so serious.  She lost two fights in a row to Miley she was not going to smile until she inflicted serious pain on Miley.

“I’ve let you reside in my head to long.  Miley all your tricks are out in the open tonight ends with me up there and you back looking up at me.”

“This could have been over after I choked you out in front of our friends, but you wanted more, and you lost again.  That’s what kills you is you asked for this, and I keep giving it to you.  So come on so I can make Stacy look at a real woman.”

“You are not getting in anymore.  I’ve allowed enough.”  Emma tried for a head kick, but Miley leaned back away from it.

Miley did lean away but she kept her legs where they were and was able to hook the plant leg and pull as the kick was coming down.  Emma fell to her back and Miley dropped down splashed stomach on stomach.

“I own your head I live there.”  Miley lifted her stomach up slight then back down on Emma’s.  Miley transitioned to go completely atop Emma “When I’m done, I fully take over your body too.”

Emma’s hand was on Mileys pussy and then one went into the hair, and she pressed her ass down on the soft fighting area turned to her right and got Miley turned over.  “We will see who owns the body of the other when you are in a ball wishing you never came for me.”  Two rubs to Mileys pussy before the hand went for a second hand in Mileys hair.

Six short and quick slams “You hear me Miley you fucking hear me I am so ready this time I’m leaving you not just beaten but…”  Miley was able to turn Emma over and first grinded her chest into Emma’s then responded with slamming Emma’s head into the cushioned floor.

“I fucking hear you Emma, but I want you to listen… Bring what you got to bring I’ll do more and…”  Miley brought her teeth down to bite Emma’s eyebrow but Emma got her hands up and pushed Miley away.

They were both up on their feet “You want to bite.”

“You bit me enough and I’ve bitten you.  Save your dramatic monologues about the difference this time because you brought it all last time and…”

“Fine I’ll just.”  Emma went for a straight kick pulled it back down spun for a back elbow.  Miley ducked it and the two twirled around with somehow Emma grabbing the back fo Mileys arm elbow into the shoulder she slammed Miley into the wall “What was that earlier.”

Emma reached down and bit on Mileys triceps.  Miley screamed and pushed away.  Emma went down and so did Miley they got up and Emma was smiling the most devilish smile with a hint of blood she broke Mileys skin.

“You bit me.”

“You said we were biting again… So, I bit you harder and it gets worst because You FUCKING HUMILIATED ME”

Miley hit a push kick that sent Emma back “You’re god damn right I did, and I’ll do it again.”

Emma hit the cushioned wall bounced off hit a stiff straight kick that sent Miley back “This time you’ll have mental scars with how I humiliate you.”

Emma then brought that foot down and jumped for a knee between Mileys tits.  Miley dodged it circled “You don’t get it; I got those scars already and I’m just going to make sure you have more than me because you aint me.  I’m better than you.”

“You’ll have more.”

“Not as many as you.”

“Bitch you will leave her with mental and physical scars.”  Emma stepped in but so did Miley.

Miley threw a power jab connecting with Emma’s mouth, but Emma right hand was over the top of the left arm of Miley her fist hitting hard into Mileys nose.  Emma threw a looping left after not a proper left hook more of a sneaky one, but it caught Miley on the chin.  However, Miley was coming under the left and hit an uppercut under Emma’s ear.

Emma went for a round house kick to the head Miley ducked it waited and went for a high kick which got blocked by Emma’s forearms.  Miley left her feet with the other foot to take Emma down with a scissor’s takedown.

Miley tried turn that into a mount position but Emma’s hand wet between Mileys legs two rubs then a push off to send Miley off the top.  Miley got her knees looked between her legs and threw a back kick getting Emma in the mouth.

Miley got up and Emma was rolling.  She wasn’t prepared for the takedown it was unique, and Emma executed the Imanari roll and was trying to lock in a kneebar.  She kept rubbing her heel against Mileys pussy.

Miley moaned a little got herself under control.  The takedown she wasn’t prepared for but this submission she was prepared for.  Miley grabbed the heel and pushed it away from her pussy then sat up and had access to Emma’s back when she dropped for trying to get a choke hold.

Emma slipped out from under Miley and Miley flipped and got up as did Emma.  They both threw a tepe kick to get distance and ended up on their asses.  “Here for the real shit this time Miley.  Here you are finding out bitch that no matter what you do this end with you humiliated.”

“Maybe you humiliate me but I’m also damn sure humiliating you and at the end you look up on me standing up their wit the win.  So, bring it hard bitch I’m bringing it and … and…Get up whore.”

Miley stood up she was losing her temper.  She wanted to say more but her blood got boiled up this fight was turning into something, and she felt her Aunt Dollys warnings.  ‘Talk all you want but all it does when you hate a person so much is building that rage.’

Emma was up and “Your voic… you r voice you…”   Emma felt Helen Mirren’s words of what happens if you truly want nothing more than to inflict absolute pain and embarrassment on a woman.  You lose that ability to try and break her with your words there’s a point where you just need her blood on you.

“I’m going for yours right now and you are looking at mine so let’s get to it” Miley took her bra off and threw it over her head and ended up at Michel Merkins feet

Emma took off her bra and threw it upwards behind her “You want it, and you’ll regret this with how much I hate you… its out on your tits.”


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2025, 01:06:24 AM »

Bras hit the feet of someone else eyes narrowed, and they met in the middle grabbing hard at the other tits.  “Squeeze em bitch your smaller and yours suck.”  Emma said squeezing her hand folding Mileys tits.

Miley could feel Emma’s titflesh coming out between her fingers as she squeezed hard “You now know mine are firmer… you can have a bit of size bitch I got the firmness.”

“I’m more motivated bitch and your legs know it.”  Emma spit out and she was pushing Miley back

“Grrr” Miley was trying to push back but Emma was winning this power contest.  When they went for the tits, Miley went straight, and Emma came upward so she got her legs into this and Miley couldn’t adjust before being pushed back.

“You know it Miley talk your tits talk your shit, but your tits are what’s shit.”  Emma’s words ate Miley up she knew where she failed and all her hate of Emma.  All her desire to hurt Emma all that fire and she was still being pushed back.

Miley switched her feet.  When Emma made the final push Mileys feet allowed her to turn Emma and Emma went into the wall and Miley bent down and pushed up “Talk now Emma… Talk now it don’t matter what you say it matters how I end it.”

Emma switched her grip instead of folding up she pushed down on Mileys tits and saw the shift of pain in Miley and turned Miley “Talking now Miley and you are realizing my tits are bigger, firmer and just better than your pathetic little tittis.”

Miley pinched just the nipples and turned Emma “You’re having more. You got more tears than me because those soft little Harry Potter Euro trash can’t.”

Emma knocked Mileys arms up grabbed the wrists and turned Miley then grinded her tits into Mileys “That feel soft bitch… Huh you white trash.”

Miley tried to power switch, but Emma pushed harder “I don’t care what they say about me up there.  I don’t care about nothing but breaking you and humiliating you whatever way I have to.  This ends down here white trash whore.”

Mileys right arm went to Emma’s right side.  Her hand got on the ribs under the tit and she pulled.  That power and uniqueness of having her ribs pulled Emma couldn’t prepare for.  Miley switched positions but was not pushing her tits straight into Emma’s.  Instead, Miley grinded hard upwards pushed her face into Emma’s then grinded hard downward getting a groan from Emma “That’s firmness vs size you Euro trash bitch.”

“Yeah, she feels it.”  Miley glanced up “They fucking see it.”

Emma’s hands went into the back of Mileys panties and fingers slid down between the ass cheeks.  Her thigh came up rubbing Mileys pussy and she felt Mileys body does not press as hard so Emma switched positions.  “They see us trading positions and me getting you pinned and soon Miley.”

Miley pushed away at Emma’s face “Soon I’m leaving you down here bitch.” Miley turned her hips enough to get a good punch in, but Emma blocked it grabbed the arm pulled like she was going to throw Miley across but let go and hit a right and left that put Miley back.

Emma stopped herself from following up wit the same combo.  Watched where Mileys feet were going kept her foot work watched for a angle and “Fuck you I end it.”  Emma could have thrown a punch and rocked that face of Miley

Emma threw a round house kick and Miley leaned back her elbow nearly hitting the ground as she watched the foot go over then rolled to the other leg.  She pivoted position.  Miley wanted to throw a punch or grab the hair but stayed patient.

Another move and Emma covered her face she had lost track of where Miley was.  Miley threw a left upper cut to Emma’s stomach getting her below the belly button.  Miley watched and saw the reaction she needed as Emma let the air out and Mileys right came up between Emma’s elbows those looking down seen a perfect uppercut that sent Emma off both feet and onto her back where she bounced twice.

Miley stood over Emma breathing hard.  The hate in her was such a strange feeling she did so much to not hate but she hated Emma.  Seeing her down should have made it go away the connection of her knuckles to Emma’s face sending her up in the air should have made the hate go away.  Four fights now and she could feel her pussy.  Emma kept touching it so she just had to do something before climbing out and claiming another win.

Mileys foot went on Emma’s pussy and a couple little rubs “Yeah Emma all that talk by both of us…All that and you are done so fuck right off out of my life you Euro trash bitch.  So god damn over rated.”

Miley actually spit on Emma.  Then she turned around and jumped up grabbed the ledge and got her foot planted and used that strong leg and she could see over and smiled.  Some friends were what she seen and then her eyes went wide. 

“I’m not done bitch.”  Emma was up, her chin bloodied but she was not out yet and she grabbed Miley by the panties and was pulling Miley down back to the fighting area.

She stopped smiled and slapped Mileys ass three times.  “Not fucking done by a long shot.”

Rather than pulling Miley down she pulled her away from the barrier and then got her head between Mileys legs and face in the crotch.  Emma grinded her jaw into Mileys pussy then lifted Miley away and ran across and slammed Mileys back into the other side.  Emma struggled but turned and threw Miley with a jack knife power bomb

Emma fell back against the barrier after that.  She was red that was a lot of power needed.  She carried Miley on her shoulders, her chest, her trapezes and core needed a lot for both moves.  She did it though and she could see Miley down and it was worth it.

“You got me good you white trash country bumkin whore bag of overrated.  I’m not leaving here without your reputation in the trash and a victory.”

Emma jumped for a full body splash, but Miley moved.  Emma rolled in the direction opposite of what Miley rolled away from.  They got up and Miley was holding the barrier and a hand on her back “yeah this is cushioned but that still hurt.”

“I got more hurt to deliver to you and its not all physical if you keep coming back.”  Emma said then took a deep breath “Accept you’re outclassed because I told you I won’t be stopped and I wont quit.”

“I’m up and maybe you can knock me down but in the end its you who is out bitch.  Because never again will you make me quit, and I got the last two wins to prove that so lets make it three.”

“I’m making it a equal score slut.”  Miley grrd at that and Emma growled they took one step forward then another which they used to leap at the other.

Their entire bodies were up in the air like a helicopter.  Amazingly they landed on a foot which got the crowd hollering its approval

“Bitch you will learn.”  “No slut you’re’ going to learn.”

One hand twisting the long hair over the head and the other at the base of the neck they were bent over and in a tug of war with hair.  Miley overpowered Emma first bringing her Right elbow into her body straightening Emma’s arms out.  “Mileys stronger.”  Crowd cheered

“No”  Emma said through gritted teeth and pulled back her elbows into her ribs now.  “Emmas stronger”  Emma heard her crowd begin to over power Mileys like she just over powered miley in the fight.

Miley pulled back, her hair on fire from this and her arms were burning as well.  This was a power move and battle she was determined to pull the hair out of Emmas head and pull her down and begin to prove Emma will indeed quit once again.

Emma couldn’t believe Miley was still doing this she was stronger; she was more determined she was Emma Watson… “I’m EMMA WATSON” Then Emma pulled her elbows in and the crowd of her fans cheered and she knew she was going to do what she promised and would break Mileys promise as well and make Miley quit.

“God damn right you and Emma Watson is a ….”  Miley pulled back got pulled back then pulled back “Loser.”

Back and forth they went and now every muscle in their body was on fire.  The strain on the muscles and the hair which was not tailored for this.  They changed their footing to somehow get more power.  Arms fully extended for both as powerful a stance as they could have in their legs and tears coming through tightened eyes.  Each lost two large handfuls of hair as the hatred they had to not give the other an inch

They bounced back and down head over feet as hair was pulled violently from head.  Large portions of hair lost by Emma Watson and Miley Cyrus as they were determined to destroy the one woman they truly hated.  The bounce caused their feet to hit the barriers opposite and the slid down and massaged scalps and coughed at how much their bodies pained.

They could feel the other womans chunk of hair in their hands but also felt where they lose the hair.  Hamstrings especially hurt after what just happened and the crowd was silent asking if this was over but Emma slid down and was on her back and waved a hand she had Mileys hair as a trophy and was saying its not over she isn’t done.  Miley got onto her back threw Emmas hair up  landed on her chest and she rubbed it on her tits.  She wasn’t done either.

Emma had to roll onto her stomach.  She wasn’t sure if she could hold back the tears and she needed to feel her head.  She had been in fights before, she had been in rivalries.  Emma lost hair before but it felt like a massive chunk was out now and as she felt her head she felt it and let out a “BITCH”  into the ground

Miley kept her hands up and being laid down like she was helped stopped her from crying.  She looked at the large portions of Emmas hair in her hands and her head felt different.  She knew why she had a similar chunk taken from her head.  All her Aunt dollys warnings were in now and she knew that feeling like she had to do more to Emma vs saying to much was done.  “I’m going to make you quit.”  Miley said thinking only she could hear

“Not today not ever again… After what I just took and what I lost.  You will not make me quit, I will beat you Miley and I will leave you here embarrassed.”  Emma was pushing herself up getting up to her feet.  She was eating the pain ready to take more so she could deliver even more.

Miley got up almost like a robot and threw her hair back “Emma what you just did.  You might have had more fights and had more hair taken but  bitch I took the worst you can do and I’m look at me still standing and damn sure standing stronger than you.”

“You beat me last time and it was…”  Emma thought of her head being bounced over and over again by Miley onto that sofa.  To lose like that after fighting for so hard. When she got up and got back home.  Emma had to fight Miley again.  She fought even harder this time and took some big shots from Miley.  She delivered bigger shots to Miley yet they have continued to fight

“She knows what it was… It was reality she cant beat me.”  Miley hit a punch that sent Emma back.

Miley was going to come in and Emma bounced off slapped Miley and hit a hook into the ribs.  Emma went for a body slam getting her hands between Mileys legs.  Miley put her weight down and Emma responded by bringing her arm back and forth for a rub of Miley.

“Not lifting me again you…Stop that shit.”  Miley grabbed Emmas panties dropped to her hip and was able to toss Emma she then tried to hold Emmas arms between her leg and maybe get Emma into a crucifix position.

Emma fought it off with her free arm then turned her hips got on her feet and walked over and went atop Mileys legs.  Emma pumped the trapped arm back and forth rubbing Mileys pussy but the other clawed at Mileys tit.

Miley was grimacing she looked and saw an escape.  She opened her legs got her feet on Emmas thighs and pushed away.  Miley got up quick and when Emma was up she stepped out of her stretched out panties.  Now both were completely naked.

“I can feel the blood on my chest.”  Miley said refusing to bring her hand to where Emma clawed at her.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2025, 01:09:02 AM »

“Good. I so don’t care about you and want to see more blood on you and I never felt that before to this level but…”  Emma faked a forward move shrugged her shoulders trying to get her emotions under control.

Miley didn’t care about emotions and was going after Emma’s chest “You want blood then give me your blood.”

Miley rushed at Emma who was legitimately shocked.  Miley had stayed fully under control when she got the first win and the rage wasn’t apparent but showed up in spirts last time.  Miley felt the blood flow between her tits and now both women were down clawing at arms.

“Did you think I was just talking.  I want your soul to be drained out.”  Emma said into Mileys ear before biting it

Miley screamed at the bite but was really digging her nails up and down into Emmas side boobs.  Emma wanted to do more damage to Miley as Miley added a bite on Emmas ear.  Emma was clawing at Mileys back rolled Miley and Miley was clawing at Emmas back while biting the ear and Emma chewed on Mileys ear while clawing at side boobs

The ear biting was to much and they pushed away got up “You wanted blood well you got some but I got even more White trash.”

“And I got some of yours like I said and more to come Euro trash.”  Miley had blood coming down from her lips and now didn’t care about what was done to her chest.

Emma licked her lips “Mmnn, I may have played a sorcerer and they say the best spells are blood spells.  That lick is me conjuring a knock out and humiliating loss for Miley Cyrus.  I will humiliate you I haven’t been proven wrong yet and I wont be.”

“Fancy word for witch… You played a witch and you are a bitch.  I’ve made you my bitch twice now I’m here fore the hat trick.”

Emma threw a strong straight kick that sent Miley back “Youre here to get exposed and embarrassed.”

Miley bounced off hit her own stiff straight kick both were like Sparta kicks.  Emma went back “I’m  here because you cant take that I’m better than you.”

Emma bounced off threw a punch which Miley ducked.  She then had Emma in a position where Emma bent over slightly on Mileys shoulders.  “Time to go to sleep.” Miley grabbed the back of Emma’s head and racked Emma across her shoulders bent down more and squatted Emma Watson up

“That we agree.”  Emma punch was sloppy as a trap. Emma got her legs down and across Mileys ribs then her arm slid across Mileys throat and Emma Watson was on Mileys back falling down with all her weight.

Miley tried to widen her stance and hold Emma up.  Emma heels slid down the inside of Mileys crotch a v going down.  All the work she had been doing on Mileys pussy it weakened it and Emma was able to fall back and lock in  her legs tighten her arm around the choke then trap her wrist locking in a choke.

“What did you say about going to sleep… One of us is going to sleep and…”  Emma tightened the grip and went on a hip “its not me.”

Emma tried roll Miley onto her stomach but miley fought it.  Miley was trying to pull Emmas arm down break the choke.  It was in tight and Emmas legs made it worse as she squeezed the ribs.  Then Emma began grinding her heels up and down around the inside of Mileys legs.  “This is why I weakened you all fight you dummy.  All fight I knew if I got this chance I needed your so called great pussy weakened.”

Miley realized Emma was right and she couldn’t stay on her hip and got flattened out.  Emma lifted up slightly for that extra amount of pressure “Look at miley cyrus… Look at  her, wheres that ego.  Say something else… Say something else WHITE TRASH!”

Miley went limp “Whats that.  No calling me Euro trash.  No more what you will do next.”  One last squeeze and Emma let Miley drop and sat up.  Her sweat mixing with her blood she kept her hands on the back of Mileys head

Emma threw the head down and slid down Miley over the ass “Are you all happy.  Are you all excited to have seen this.  Mileys ego built up to be burst like this sorry ass.”  Emma slapped each Miley cheek then scratched it and stood up and turned Miley over

Foot on Mileys right tit she went 360 on the tit and pushed down.  The foot went to the left tit did the same.  Such pleasure running through Emma Watson.  She had wins over women before but none were this satisfying.  She then got her foot on Mileys pussy and rubbed back and forth “Remember this Miley.  Remember how hard you fought and remember I will never stop hating you so you will never get another win on me.  NEVER again.  You might not have quit bitch but your body quit against mine.”

“Oh, and Miley.”  Emma walked to an edge was about to jump up and pull herself up and get this win.  “Just so you know it wasn’t hard convincing Liam to look for a better pussy.”

Michele Merkins eyes went wide on that as she then had to watch Emma hands on the ledge and saw the pressure.  Emma Watson would soon be here and there was Mileys bra in  her hand.  Michele saw Emma’s hair then her forehead.  Emma Watson called out the truth about Liam cheating on Miley.  Emma beat her in a fight and never had Miley been so humiliated and to top it off she likely lost her friendship with Miley now.

Emma’s full face was over she could see the robe and the feet of Michele Merkin.  The fight was almost officially over.  Rules were followed and she was about to look down on Miley Cyrus and declare herself the winner.  Except that never happened and Emma’s head snapped up to the sky and she screamed “MY ASS SHES BITING MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!”

Miley was up and seemed to be enraged and feral.  She jumped up got her feet on the wall and was holding herself up as she sung her teeth into Emma’s ass.  Miley let go dropped down and pulled Emma away, so she bellyflopped the ground.

“My marriage you … You jealous bitch you ruined my marriage.  It was Jennifer … I cant do nothing to her shed .. How do you take.”  Miley was filled with rage.  Had trouble getting her full thoughts verbalized after the bombshell Emma dropped

Emma turned onto her ass propped up on her elbow “You should have let me finish this.  Now it ends with you broken even more than I already have you broken.  I’m going to humiliate you now for this.  I destroyed your personal life and your friend up there knew all about it.  Now why don’t you do something smart and curl into a ball let me climb on you and get this victory because that pussy of yours was no longer wanted by your husband and I don’t need it around me… I won!!!!”

“You said Michele was part of…Part of Liam and you and Jennifer.”  Miley was thinking about the hell her personal life had become and looked up at Michele Merkin.

Miley never got an answer as Emma got up and dropped her with a leaping left hook.  “You are done.  You are all over the place now you are done and now I will abuse you and end your reputation like its your marriage.”

“Bitch…I’m not here to have my marriage.”  Miley tried getting up and Emma dove down tackling her back to the soft ground.

Miley bucked her hips and switched positions flipping Emma and rolling on top “If you had ever gotten the ring you would have more respect for a marriage.  Now I’ll humiliate that respect into you.”

Emma turned Miley over ‘Know what you’ll do is lose and cry and wish you didn’t do any of this.  Talking about my lack of marriages… You suffer.”  Emma was grinding her pussy into Mileys

Miley was able to turn Emma “You don’t want that kind of fight bitch.  You cant handle it.  You can talk about it but if I start.”  Miley pumped three times “You will be down here embarrassed.”

Emma was ripping at the skin on Mileys back turned her over and was pumping as hard as she could “I’m not the one who talks about my pussy like its great.  I’m the one who acted properly and respectful until you wanted this.  When I take it all from you I mean taking it all.”

Miley  wanted this.  She wanted to destroy this part of Emma and leave her learning the last important lesson that fucking with Miley Cyrus includes fucking Miley Cyrus.  She also wanted to inflict pain and was digging in hard on the shoulder blades feeling more and more damage being done to Emma as went up and down pussy on pussy.

That’s what the fight was turning into.  Dominating the others pussy and ripping away at skin so to inflict damage.  They wanted the other bloody and laying in their own ejaculation .  The hate between the two was seeming to be permanent at this point and everyone watching was in shock that these two were doing this.  Beating the other bloody was one thing but Emma initiating this battle of all people

It was clear this fight was becoming about pussy vs pussy.  They couldn’t keep the other woman down with knockout when Miley knocked Emma Watson out.  They couldn’t choke the other woman out they would eventually get up and stop the other from exiting.

The fight was for a dominant position but they beat each other to a similar level so it was hard to get that.  Neither cared about the crowd watching them doing this.  They cared about leaving the one woman they truly hated drained of anything left.  They cared about climbing out and declaring themselves the winner.  People will talk about a lot in this fight how Miley knocked Emma out .  How Emma got a choke on Miley and how one of their pussies dominated the other.  One thing everyone would talk about is who won the war.

“You feel it, I know you are feeling it.  Youre going to be drained soon you keep talking about sex and freedom and pussy so guess what.  I’ll get up and youll prop up and my hips and legs will we both know.”

“Bitch I feel you … I feel you and know what this feeling is and know you cant last long so find a new way to win because you cant win.”

“You think that then prop up right whore.  I’ll show these people the real reason Liam got tired of that overrated pussy.”

“You took this to far so lets make it what you think you want.”  Miley  got on her feet one foot between Emmas legs and sat back on her hands hips up.

“I haven’t taken it as far as I’m going to.  “  Emma got into her own position and it was truly pussy vs pussy now.  Staying up ward hips off the ground was direly important.  Once you lost that base

Once hips are down it meant this was over.  The other would have the ultimate position to truly conquer the other.  To conquer them in front of so many to take that power away.  They pumped harder.  Core and thighs really going for it.  They never cared how this looked, they never cared for satisfaction.  Satisfaction would be boing up top taking the robe and declaring yourself the winner.

They were giving it to each other.  Sweat made it hard to keep upright but to fall was defeat.  Hands were struggling but they just pumped harder “You know it now… You know why I ended everything giving you a rub.”

Miley was not talking back she was struggling.  She could feel it and her abs felt like they were failing.  She worked at this; she talked about this she worked out hard and talked to people like she was open sexually.  Miley was losing and she tried to pump harder her grip losing and sweat going.

“Mileys dying.”

“Say something Miley… SAY …Say something.”  Emma felt she had the advantage, but she was feeling t his a different way now.  She was close to explosion and couldn’t get Miley down on her back, but she was feeling the ready to let Miley take her to climax

Miley tried to get her hips up and knew her hate of Emma was driving her.  This wasn’t Emma, Emma was a prude who walked off set if there was a dance she didn’t like.  She wasn’t this anymore but she was more open then Emma.  Emma may have worked her pussy more but she would overtake Emma once and for all breaking all Emma reputation in this world once and for all.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2025, 01:11:07 AM »

“Im a married wo…”  Miley slipped just a little and Emma pumped hard at the same time sending Miley down on her back.  Emma Watson now had full control of the situation to the shock of everyone but the two coaches

Stacy never liked the personal then shot a look up at Michele who was enjoying this.  Seeing Miley get humbled in a pussy fight with Emma Watson.  The ruining of Mileys marriage and Emma being a part was shocking but this was not shocking to stacy.  She had a feeling with these rules this is what it would come to so she said to focus on weakening Mileys pussy when you could.  Make it seem accidental, so Miley don’t respond, make the violence mean everything.  Miley does that to you and you both stop the other from getting out then the fight will be this.  Stacy knew it and her advice was working but the mind game… The mind game was Michele Merkin. 

Miley never went completely to her back she was on her elbows and trying to get this back to  a stalemate but that was easier said than done.  If the was a battle of strength and will she could.  Hair pulling, wrestling, tit fighting maybe she could. Emma did weaken  her and she couldn’t come back.  Miley opened her eyes and was embarrassed as she looked up at the people then Emma pushed forward and all she could see was that sanctimonious hypocritical bitch face.

Miley could tell Emma was almost at climax with the facial features but Emma leaned more and more and Miley couldn’t take it.  Emma was close she was closer.  Emma Watson had Miley Cyrus pinned down and was holding a leg up and not taking it easy on Miley.  “Its over… That reputation, that aura… everything.  I sacrificed myself to bury you.  NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Miley arched up and released.  A scream of pleasure brough on by Emma  who shouted “DAMN RIGHT”    Emma then slid upwards on Mileys face “This wont take long but I need to get it out.”

Miley could do nothing right now she was at Emma’s device.  Emma did not take long to come on Mileys face.  She the stood up stumbled still not caring she sacrificed her reputation to win this.  She sacrificed everything to humiliate Miley Cyrus.  Emma felt everyone would understand that only Miley could bring this out.  She had to send a message that ever facet she was better than Miley.  Breaking the reputation of Miley Cyrus did just that.

Emma collected the panties and threw them over and then collected the bras.  She looked at Miley Cyrus “You are a nobody compared to me.  Fame and fight… Nobody and you need to know how much I hate you and how far I will go and now you know but want a reminder.”  Emma took three strong strides and kicked Miley in the ribs.

“You lost.  You lost at what you thought made you the most special.  You taunt me about our marital histories, but you also lost more marriages than me.  You Lost a fight to me and a reputation for what… You think its worth it.  Now I’m going to declare myself the winner officially Miley and you can do nothing to stop me because I beat you.”

Miley wanted to get up.  Losing to Emma after all this was impossible to deal with but Emma stomped her back and grinded a heel into the spine.  Then Emma’s other foot went on her neck and pressed down “I just decided to not kill you and nothing you can do stops me from doing what I want to you.”

Temptation to press more with her feet on Mileys beaten body was strong but Emma bras in hand used Miley as a stepping stool to get up and join the crowd.  The different air hit her beaten body but despite the gashes and blood she never felt stronger and more beautiful.  Every eye was on the superior body and that body belonged to Emma Watson.

Emma looked around at everyone.  The ones there for her and ones there for Miley.  She flexed with both bras in her hands.  Her biceps looked huge right now and despite all the damage done to her tits they were larger than life standing up and she smiled then walked to Stacy ever so confident.

Emma couldn’t tell what people were saying and she got to Stacy “What?  Are you mad I also got help from Michele.  I had to beat this bitch!  You know what I think about her what she and I do to each other, and you got this look on your face.  I won that’s what matters give me the robe.”

“I can’t… That’s not how you win.”  Stacy said.  Emma was so beaten up she wasn’t understanding her and reached for the robe which Stacy let her have.  “That won’t win you the fight.”

It dawned on Emma.  She had to put on Mileys robe to get this win “For the love of god, this is over that’s semantics.”  Emma looked at Stacy and knew that she was wrong the agreements were made and Emma turned and all of a sudden a arm went up between her legs the fist getting her right into her wettened womanhood

“I’m …Still… Alive.”  Miley Cyrus was one knee up on the ledge and pushed her fist upwards “You are moist, can you take the full fist.”

“No, I …No I cant let you...”  Emma had all her adrenaline drained from what she thought was ending the fight victoriously.  Her instincts were gone, and she had to stop Mileys fist from going inside her.

Two hands on the wrist and to fight this Emma stepped back which pulled Miley completely onto the platform.  Miley got onto the balls of her toes and Emma pushed the arm away.  Miley came upwards and got her arms under Emma’s and locked in a bear hug.  Mileys beaten tits folded up Emma’s and Miley locked up the bear hug tightening and tightening.

Hands slide down then Miley grinded them back up.  Her wrist joint on ths inside grinding against Emma’s tailbone.  They were so beaten this was made even more painful and after so much it made Mileys tits look stronger as she began to realize she had this position.  Bend Knees slightly and apply more pressure “Give up.”  Miley said drinking in the sweat on Emma’s neck.

“I won…”  Emma said then groaned she was not sure how to get out.  She won she e fight she was not in the mental scope to have her instincts and was being grinded out by Miley “I won.”  Emma said again “I fucking won.”  The rage was building, and she slammed elbows down on Mileys back “I beat you.”  Push down on the head of Miley.  “I won the fight!”  Elbow slams “You LOST!”  Push down on the head and finally she felt Miley loosen

“You want to lose more then fine.”  Slam on the back push and Emma was on her feet and nearly out.

Miley could feel Emma pushing her down.  She thought for sure she had Emma with the bear hug.  She was humiliated by Emma and her legs were weak still.  Maybe she should just let Emma escape do what she has to do and get the win.  The score would be all even, and a fifth fight had to happen right… “Hate you and I Whhhhhh” Miley never finished saying when because her head was pushed near Emma’s tits, and she moved her mouth and bit down above the nipple then slid down right on the areola and bit as hard as her jaw would let her.

Emma screamed her lungs out and the scream seemed to strengthen Miley.  Like the pain in Emma was weakening Emma and strengthening Miley.  She stood up tall and had Emma lifted off her feet and opened her mouth and bit down harder on the nipple itself and Emma was hitting her arms, but the pain was to much for Emma and she knew hot it looked.  Emma knew how this looked when Miley lifted her.

Emma tried to lift her arms, but they seemed to be in shock, and she had no control over them and she screamed again.  Miley was stronger than she had been at any point in any of their fights.  Mileys arms were crushing her spine. Mileys teeth were cutting through her tit and she couldn’t lift her arms to get out.  Emma let out one more scream and passed out in Mileys arms.

Miley felt Emma go limp, but it could be a trap she shook her head and tightened her bite on the tit like a dog wrestling to keep a toy.  Nothing from Emma and Miley thought it was over but held on and thought of what to do if it was.  Just drop Emma like she was nothing which if it wasn’t over she would pay.  Let Emma stand and punch her out, let Emma drop and kick her out maybe Sparta kick Emma into the pit.

Miley slowly opened her mouth leaned back and Emma slumped forward.  She shook her left and right and Emma’s arms were completely limp.  She was legitimately knocked out cold or passed out from the pain.  Either way Miley had to decided what to do and twisted one way getting whatever muscles she had left tight then released the opposite way throwing Emma like trash into the bin and Emma hit the far wall and bounced.

Miley squatted down keeping an eye on Emma the entire time.  Emma had not moved she picked up her bra looked back still no movement.  Then Miley picked up Emma’s bra and still no movement.  She nearly fell back in when she tried to get up to her feet but Stacy helped her “You won fair and square but you have more to do.  So do it and…”

“Stop her” Miley said and then Stacy got paranoid but heard something behind her and Michele Merkin was stopped from Jumping Stacy.  “Put the robe on me please.”  Miley put her arms out and turned her back on Stacy Keibler who put the robe on Miley Cyrus and heard Michele screaming “I’m sorry but I had to get Stacy.”  And Miley looked at Stacy “She helped him cheat… I’m done with her.”

Miley got a little help as she turned around to look at everyone then stared down at Emma who was beginning to awaken.  Miley held her arms up and had to do this and Emma looked up “I’m Miley Cyrus and I beat Emma Watson.  I’m standing here, shes down there pathetic as ever.  Three in a row you bitch… Three wins by me and I’m the winner.”  Everyone cheered and all Miley and Emma could do was stare at each other.

Emma sat back against the wall and looked up at Miley.  A rage still inside as everyone was now chanting Miley won.  Which they never told anyone was a thing that had to be done officially but both had let their friends know they wanted it.  It ate Emma up and there was Michele Merkin being dragged away her friendship with Miley gone.  Emma had won so much here, she choked Miley out, she got in Mileys head her body beat Mileys body in a area Miley claimed she was a expert in and yet there was Miley standing above her victorious.

Emma wanted more.  Emma body was done right now she was exhausted; she was beaten, and she needed rest, but she wanted to fight Miley even more.  She could see Miley wanted it more especially since right now Emma was in the exact spot her pussy destroyed Mileys.  She humiliated Miley down here and the only mistakenly grabbed the wrong robe.  She could see a change in Miley.  Miley was humiliated and had to be taken away.  Now she had to wait down here alone until she was helped out which was smart, she wanted to fight more.

Miley was brought away and began crying.  Never had she gone through it at that level “Only Emma… only that god damn Emma.  Did you see what …Oh Hi.”  Brie Larson walked in and if she hadn’t watched the fight, she would have sworn she was staring at a woman who lost the war.  Brie saw the entire amazing fight.  She cheered loud when Miley finally won.

“I wanted to come in an congratulate you.  That fight inspired me to be the best of the best.  I wanted you to know I’m team Miley.”  Miley smiled at that and thought of ‘Team Miley’

Emma sat alone she had a few friends who stayed.  They helped her out and when she got out, she wanted to walk for herself which was a struggle but she was determined to do this.  As much pain in her body and another loss to Miley she had to walk away.  “You were robbed.”  That got Emma’s attention.

It was Katherine McNamara and despite being absolutely exhausted Emma found the energy to smile and nod.  The nod was a sign for Katherine to continue “You had her, we all watched it.  You destroyed her at the thing she claims to have pride in.  You wrecked her life and ego and what because you went for the wrong robe and had a chat.  Nah you won and that’s why I am then, now and forever Team Emma.  Fuck Miley Cyrus she is no Emma Watson.”

Emma let Katherine help her now and smiled she felt she won again. Team Emma would dominate a team Miley

(Upcoming:  Anna Jay vs Mariah May; Tests of Strength Kat McNamara vs greer grammar; Kelly Monaco vs Sara Jean Underwood; Ashley greene vs Laura Vandervoort; Camilla Belle vs Emmy Rossum)


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus IV
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2025, 03:29:50 PM »
Wonderfull work, many thanks.
Emma vs Kristen Stewart would be awesome and exciting for the next chapter.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 03:46:10 PM by C.M. »