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White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario

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White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« on: December 31, 2024, 09:02:31 PM »
White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario

Lounging beneath the tropical Hawaiian sun was Sydney Sweeney.  The blue eyed blonde haired actress sat in her pool chair, staring into her book with stilted silence before yawning.  It was another routine day on the set of The White Lotus and she was bored to tears.  Life at the top was hardly the excitement she had imagined it to be. 

A light breeze rustled the nearby palm trees, offsetting the sweltering humidity.  Various members of the crew side eyed or gawked at Sydney with lustful ambitions, secretly hoping she would prance around the sun with her swimsuit body on full display.

Sydney paid no mind, however, as she adjusted her one piece swimsuit, taking in the moment to bask in her own glory and to leave the audience hanging.  They could get to watch her later at home, like the rest of those pervs.  Why should she show off to them?

In truth, Sydney loved the power she held over others.  Her tits reigned supreme and as far as she could tell, she was Hollywood’s ‘boob queen’.  No one could stand up to her beauty and her bosom.  Nobody!

As the blonde waited for Alexandra Daddario to join her on set, she chided with comical nonchalance about 'Alex' running late again. 

“Guess that grandma’s running late, as usual.  The makeup department probably has to cover up her aging looks.  She is simply getting too old for this job,” stated Sydney to Brittany, her fellow co-star in the scene.  Laughter escaped her lips as a mischievous look twinkled across her cool blue eyes and toothy grin.  The blonde leaned back on the pool chair, her fingers lightly brushing the fabric of her one piece swimsuit before she made a smoke hissing sound as her finger landed on her own skin, “Ttss!  Besides, she knows I’m simply too hot for her to handle.”

“Well, we’re supposed to shoot this soon so I do hope she’ll be here,” Brittany mentioned to Sydney, “It’s quite humid today.  I’m surprised you’re even wearing a one piece.  I couldn’t imagine not being topless if I were lugging those things around.”

“Oh, I bet everyone would love to see these again,” responded Sydney, as she cupped her bountiful bosom, “Unfortunately, it’s not in my contract to be naked for the White Lotus so everyone will just have to wait and watch my next show.  Maybe you’ll see it.  Maybe not.  That’s just how in-demand I am nowadays.  Unlike other actresses in this industry, I have options.”

“And it’s all thanks to your tits,” Brittany replied, with a giggle.

“Yes, something you wouldn’t know about,” retorted Sydney with annoyance before looking at her phone, “Of course, Alex wouldn’t know anything about it, either.  She’s only here because of that True Detective scene.  But that was ages ago and now, her boobs are gone.  In fact, I suppose it’s to be expected that she’s late.  Naturally, she can’t handle being next to a superior woman such as myself.”

Sydney gloated to her fellow actress, cupping her chest once more in an exaggerated boast and leaning forth before lowering her sunglasses.

“I’m just too hot for Alexandra Daddario to handle,” Sydney continued, barely able to hold in her snortles of laughter as she brushed off imaginary dust off of her shoulder.

“There she is.  Don’t let her hear you saying stuff like that,” Brittany responded, pointing out as Alexandra Daddario arrived, covered in a tacky white blouse with polka dots on it.  In truth, Sydney had been spreading rumors on set that Alexandra was washed up and worried about taking the job as she would simply be outshined by a hotter, younger, and more attractive actress.

“Oh, I’m hardly afraid, Britty-Nee,” Sydney's laughter resonated between them as Alexandra came into view, clearly unperturbed, “She knows I've outdone her in every aspect.  Fame, looks, and don't forget - cup size."
The tall brunette approached, clearly in character as she appeared on set.  With her sunglasses covering those famous frosty blue eyes of hers and her luscious lips parted, Daddario appeared the aloof middle aged leading lady her character was meant to be.

“Oh, hi there, Alex,” Sydney stated with a sly smirk as Daddario approached, “I hope you’re ready for a mammarable, I mean, memorable scene.”

“Hey Sydney,” replied Alexandra cooly, almost without a care as she turned away, looking at the lines on her script before scanning the surrounding area.

This annoyed Sydney as it was clear Alexandra had ignored her without a thought.  No doubt, she must be looking for her husband, worried sick that he is dreaming about a younger and more bosomy woman, the blonde thought to herself.

“You looking for your husband?” Sydney asked, lowering her sunglasses before pointing out her finger in a random direction, “He was having a lovely chat with me earlier and then, I think I saw him go that direction.” 

“Oh, actually, I was thinking about how to approach this scene.  How my character would act and so on.  Acting can be a serious job, you know?  You’re doing the same, too, aren’t you, Sydney?”

“Of course,” Sydney falsely smiled, pushing her hands against her boobs to accentuate them before yawning, “Of course, I am.  Thank you for the pointer, Alex.”

Daddario could only smile in response before turning back to her script and walking to her corner.

As the crew gathered and the Director pointed everyone to their stations, the scene began.

Everything was going fine for Sydney as she recited her lines for the camera, finishing the scene with a sense of smugness before Alexandra Daddario suddenly made an impromptu move and shed her tacky shirt to the side.

The camera highlighted Sydney’s expression, her jaw dropping and mouth agape, as she witnessed the statuesque brunette walking towards the pool in a white bikini that left little to the imagination.  The blonde looked over to the director and cast members with a quizzical expression, expecting them to turn off the camera and call it cut.

Instead, they were all mesmerized as the cool wind blew Daddario’s chestnut locks of hair to the side before she entered the pool, dipping in with her head and waving her hair around as she popped back up.

“H-h-hey,” Sydney stammered with slight hesitation, “Why is everyone just standing there?  Aren’t we supposed to go to the next scene?  Isn’t this supposed to be a professional set?!”

Before anyone could answer Sydney, Alexandra Daddario popped out of the water, her hair wet and her physique now tightened by the contours of her soaked swimsuit.  If it did not seem like it before, Daddario now made it clear that she still had it.

Upset with being ignored and possibly even upstaged, Sydney Sweeney stormed off the set and into the changing room, clenching her fists.

“How dare they ignore me over that bitch,” Sydney muttered to herself as she paced back and forth, “Well, I guess they’ll just have to film the next segment without me, then!”

Just then, the door to the room opened.

It was Alexandra, still dressed in her swimsuit but with a towel covering her form, having slightly dried herself off.

“Hey, Sydney.”

“Alexandra, I was just adjusting something real quick.  What brings you in here?”

“Why don’t you cut it out with the act, Sydney?  If I actually thought your acting skills were any good, I’d have told you so already.”

Sydney’s body tensed up.  Her smirk turned into a scowl as she glared right into Alexandra’s infamous blue eyes, which glowed with an iciness to them as they gazed back at her.  The height difference between the two also became apparent as the taller Alexandra closed in.  Nonetheless, Sydney stood her ground.

“Not so rude anymore, are we?” Daddario quipped, her tone calmly changing as her icy gaze flashed between glances of Sydney’s less noticeable sapphire colored eyes and her sizable bosom, “Maybe you didn’t get the memo but spreading rumors about me around the set isn’t the best way to make friends in this industry."

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sydney scoffed, feigning innocence.  Even if she was unable to stifle her innermost displeasure at Alexandra's accusation, she considered the personal insult against her skills as an actress a reason to keep herself calm and prove otherwise.  As her own blue eyes met Daddario's icy stare, she couldn’t help but smile, “I certainly haven’t spread any rumours about you nor have I said anything about your....age.
Daddario’s demeanor and posture shifted, her arms crossing as she looked sternly at her opponent.  The well manicured fingers on her hands tightened.

Knowing she had just touched a nerve, Sydney’s smirk grew ever more sly.

“In all honesty, Alex.  I’m happy that you’re here.  I figured there weren’t a lot of roles for actresses once they hit thirty that I made a comment about it being wonderful that you had a role on this show,” Sydney retorted with a toothy grin, “Of course, it’s not my fault if members of the crew took that to mean you were aging poorly.  If I knew you were so sensitive, I wouldn’t have said anything.”

“What I'm sensitive about is your juvenile antics and your lack of professionalism," Alexandra hissed, stepping forward with a glint in her eyes, "And oh, darling!  I won't be surprised if you're just insecure about your inadequacy in comparison to me.”

“Excuse me?” Sydney stepped forward, staring up at the taller woman, hands on her hip as she jutted out her bosom up and outward.

“Oh, you heard me," Alexandra shot back, her voice cold as ice but the heat rising in her cheeks as her gaze shifted up and down Sydney’s full bosom, “You can barely act and as for looks and your boobs?”
Alexandra laughed, mockingly, as if unimpressed.

“You…you bitch,” Sydney couldn’t find the right words to retaliate as feelings of exasperation clouded her thoughts.  She tried to maintain her composure but she could feel her cheeks heating up.  The insult was too much for her to bear.

Reaching for the cup of water beside her, Sydney instinctively threw the contents at Alexandra with a furious shout.

For a brief moment, the two stared at one another, both in shock at what just transpired.

And then, it was game on.

“You bitch!  You shouldn’t have done that,” Alexandra lunged forward, her face beautifully shimmering with droplets of water.  As Sydney leapt out of the way, Alexandra quickly swiped at her blonde locks of hair, their noises of protest and anger echoing through the dressing room.

Hands clawed at each other in a frenzy, pulling at clothes and hair.  The room seemed to shrink in size as the tension grew.  Their words shifted to irrational screeching as they flew at one another, yanking clothing and hair in stunning spectacle.

The towel that Alexandra Daddario had covered her body with fell to the floor.  Her white bikini was in full view.

Outside the dressing room, the violent screams and thuds between the two actresses went unheard as the crew had paused to configure the set for a new scene but little did they know it would only be a matter of time before things exploded into full view.

As Alexndra stumbled, Sydney seized the opportunity and shoved Alexandra against a locker.  But Daddario fought back almost immediately, pushing Sydney away with surprising strength.  The smaller blonde stumbled back, knocking into a chair behind her and crashing backwards with her legs akimbo.

Daddario approached the smaller woman, struggling to pick herself up and tugged her by the hair before swinging her against the counter.

“It’s a pity you had to resort to such cheap tactics, Sydney,” Alexandra stated, “But this is the result when you play with fir-oooh-”

Not paying attention as she lectured, Daddario quickly found her groin the target from one of Sydney Sweeney’s fists as the blonde quickly picked herself off the floor.  Grabbing onto the brunette’s hair, Sydney pulled Alexandra and slammed her own body weight against her, effectively shoving her into the wall with a resounding thud.

“I don’t care how tough you think you are, Alex.  You’re simply no match for me!”

Their struggle echoed throughout the dressing room's tight quarters as the two rolled on the floor, screeching out as they yanked at one another and slammed their opponent against the floor.

As the fight drew on, Alexandra's much larger size and strength clashed against Sydney’s youth and energetic fervor.  Despite their age differences, however, neither woman showed signs of backing up nor slowing down.  In fact, each resounding slap to the face or strike to the belly only further fueled their anger and  reinforced their resolve to prove themselves as the superior woman. 

Eventually, Sydney found herself backed up against the water-cooler, her legs wobbling as the taller woman pressed down upon her, even bending almost due the differences in their heights.  Soon, their chests pressed against one another, which annoyed Sydney. 

“Feeling a little inadequate, Sydney?” Alexandra quipped, her icy clare boring deep into Sydney’s defiant blue eyes.  The brunette remained emotionless, almost as if an experienced combatant who had dealt with other actresses before, “You know, you’re used to prancing around in a push-up bra all day, hiding those pathetic tits of yours.  But have you actually gone up against a REAL pair?”

Sydney could not respond.  She was struggling as she gasped for breath and attempted to free herself.  Pride refused to let her surrender and she stood her ground, ready to go the distance if she had to.  In response, the blonde pushed her chest forward and upwards, struggling in frustration to defy Alexandra but without giving in to her tormentor’s satisfaction.

Sensing the fight within Sydney, Alexandra released her grip.  A sense of both amusement and annoyance played within her icy eyes as she took a step back to assess the situation.

“And here I thought you were more than all talk,” Alexandra commented, her gaze scanning Sydney from top to bottom, taking in the smaller woman's determination along with her heavily protruding breasts, “This should be fun.  Let’s see if you can, at the least, last as long as Kate Upton did.”

“W-wait a second.  You beat Kate Upt-”

Before a wide eyed Sydney could say anymore, Alexandra lashed out.  Using her height and weight advantage, she aimed for the blonde's belly with her fist.  Sydney doubled over, clutching her stomach as Alexandra capitalized on her position, swiftly landing an open-handed slap to her cheek.

“Not so funny now, is it?  Spreading rumors?”


Another palm to the face sent Sydney reeling backwards.

The sound echoed through the room.  Each action from Alex was calculated yet forceful - a slap here, a shove there.  The goal was to make Sydney think about her mistakes….a lesson in showbiz, if you will.

 As she was pinned against the wall once more, Sydney felt Daddario's full weight slamming into her bosom, slamming her repeatedly as slaps rained down from above.  She soon fell on her knees, heaving for breath.  The haughty blonde had always gotten what she wanted - jobs, gifts, boyfriends, attention - that she was simply not used to this feeling.  Her heart pounded in her ears as she struggled to keep up.  Each blow had left her more disoriented and weaker than before.

This was terror.  This was being trampled by a woman who was taller and more mature than her. 

And yet, Sydney would not back down.

When Alexandra made a move to grab Sydney by the strap of her one piece, the blonde found herself backed against the cold tiles of the wall.  The brunette's body pressed against hers, their chests touching in friction.  Adrenaline surged through Sydney and she somehow found the strength to break free from the brunette's hold.

Thinking quickly, Sydney smirked before reaching out for Daddario's white bikini top and yanking at it.  It was an act of desperation yet surprisingly effective as it caught the taller brunette off guard.  Sydney grinned smugly, both her hands swiftly moving downwards to latch onto each one of Alexandra’s boobs.

The brunette gasped at the unexpected pressure against her breasts as Sydney kneaded and twisted with all her might.  Now, it was Alexandra's turn to wince in pain.  Sydney's warfare tactics provided her with the upper hand in the most unusual of ways.

“Stop it, Sydney!” Alexandra cried out, momentarily taken aback, “”Aieeeee!” 

Sydney merely used that split second to her advantage as she raised one fist, high up over her temple.

Being a small-town girl, Sydney had always loved engaging in physical activities, especially boxing and mixed martial arts.  She had enrolled in boxing classes as a teenager and never stepped away from it.  At that moment, it became clear to her that those skills were suddenly about to become handy.

Unleashing a barrage of well-practiced punches, Sydney found Alexandra losing her footing, stumbling backwards.  One after another, Sydney managed to knock the taller woman around, pushing her further into the corner with each punch. 

One to the rib.  Two to the left tit.  Another to the right.  A haymaker to the shoulder.  A jab to the face.

“Sydney, stop!”

Daddario was outmatched, caught off guard as punches began raining in a flurrying blur, unable to process the smirking blonde dancing before her.

The reversal was sudden and shocking to Daddario.  Gone was the overpowered statuesque brunette who had stolen the short blonde’s thunder and in her place stood a bold and determined young woman who grew in confidence with each hit.

With each move she made, Sydney's fists landed with precision and intent, leaving Daddario to endure the smaller woman. 

The tables had completely turned.  Sydney Sweeney was no longer getting tossed around.  Alexandra Daddario was now the one being driven back!

In her newfound dominance, Sydney Sweeney reveled with a victorious smirk.  Each resounding punch that landed and each thud of a pleading Alexandra hitting the wall invigorated the blonde.  Now, with the taller brunette’s legs sliding against the floor, Sydney was taller than Daddario’s shoulders might've, otherwise, suggested her to be.

Sydney loved every moment.

“Not so big and strong anymore, are we, Alex?”  Sydney sneered, her voice loaded with malicious mockery as her eyes danced in delight.  Her heartbeat pounded inside her throat as she confidently poked at Alexandra's cheek with her finger, “You know, they say us blondes are supposed to be the airheads but look at you, completely full of hot air.  I even think those big boobs of yours are probably full of helium.  Or maybe silicone?  Let’s double check.”
Sydney laughed, taking her free hand to simulate a puffed up balloon before popping it with a finger.  Then, she gave each one of Daddario’s breasts a quick jab and a twist.

Eventually, shoving her bosom against Daddario's chest, Sydney aimed to intimidate.  Not wanting to be outdone by the older actress, Sydney backstepped, charging forward repeatedly.  Her action driven by her overzealous need to make this seemingly-boobylicious actress pay up for her previous insults.

“Let’s face it.  Those rumors I spread were true and you’re just jealous of my bigger and better pair,” Sydney spat out venomously, admitting to her treachery, “And since an old has been like you has deflated to the point of sagginess, let’s just say you’ll be out of this industry for good after I flatten these airbags of yours today!”

“Ugh!”  Alexandra grunted, as her bikini clad bosom bulged against her chest, the tips of Sydney’s fingers indenting each boob before slamming full force against them with her own pair.

Sydney began laughing as she continued her onslaught, seeking to repay the favor with slam after continuous slam.

Unfortunately for Sydney, it wasn’t long before the blonde actress found out that it was a terrible idea to engage her taller opponent in such a manner.  Her similarly sized but softer bosom began to throb and ache after repeatedly crashing into Alexandra's denser pair.  The brunette, on the other hand, merely absorbed those slams.

In truth, Sydney's focused attacks simply allowed Alexandra,  to regain her focus.  Even if annoyed and grunting with each slam, Daddario soon made it clear.

“Are you done doing whatever the hell you were trying to accomplish?” Alexandra replied, sneakily latching onto Sydney by grabbing her hair. 

“Aghh!  W-what?!”

Before the blonde could pull away, Daddario used her freehand to swiftly reverse their positions.  With a forceful thrust, Sydney was slammed into the opposite wall, reeling in shock at this sudden reversal.
Then, suddenly, Daddario’s hand shot forward to cup one of Sydney’s impressive breasts.

“Enjoyed playing with mine?  Now, it’s my turn,” Daddario sneered, her manicured hand deftly twisting the younger girl’s girls, "You don't mind that I listen to some tit tunes, would you?"

“Ughh!  Aiee!  N-n-noooo!”

Daddario's icy glare stared into Sydney's pleading eyes as Sydney howled in pain, her body suddenly sending chills down her spine and causing her legs to tense up and her toes to curl.  Sydney gasped out, attempting to fight back with her rehearsed fighting skills, knowing she would’ve given anything to have Daddario just let go of her titty. 

But the blonde was simply too overwhelmed by the sudden change of power that she was dragged along for the ride.  Then, her thoughts turned to horror as Daddario's other hand joined in on the torment.

“Two times the fun, am I right?  Huh?  Huh?” Alexandra asked with a teasing tone, twisting Sydney‘s other breast with a hearty chuckle.  The tormented cries of Sydney echoed around the changing room once more as she kept twisting the blonde's burgeoning bosom and dragging her around.

“Alex, wait!  Wai-ugh!”

Shouts for mercy boomed across the room as each twist sent shockwaves of pain, radiating all the way from Sydney's pert nipples outwards and across the wide width and length of her full knockers.  Those bulbous orbs were in Daddario’s hands and at her mercy.

As Alexandra yanked and swung, she released her grip, causing Sydney to catapult across the distance of their confines before slamming against the pushing lever of a door.  The blonde grunted in pain as she fell to the floor, her world spinning around as she looked up to a very amused Alexandra Daddario approaching her.

Seeing her window for escape, Sydney did not miss a beat as she lunged towards the door, swinging it open.  Peering backwards behind her shoulder, Sydney panted heavily as she dashed away, her prominent bosoms bouncing within her one piece as she fled.

Trusting her instincts, she darted into the hallway of the building they had been staying at.  Shaking off the pain jolting up her back, Sydney ran away without thought, temporarily abandoning her pride and dignity in what seemed to be an unending hallway.

Out in the hallway, the smaller actress’s blonde hair billowed behind her as she sprinted away in her bare feet.  Her full breasts jiggled precariously within the confines of her swimsuit as her chest heaved grievously with every breath and each prancing step.  Unaccustomed to being the one who was hunted, Sydney ran as if she were acting out a scene from a sleazy slasher film.

Meanwhile, the snarling Alexandra decided to give chase.  Her Baywatch physique, coated in a still wet white bikini, pursued after Sydney with impressive strides.  Of course, with her bust heaving noticeably with each step, the taller brunette was moving slower than her blonde rival.  Daddario grunted angrily and with a sense of frustration as her tits bounced and flopped around, causing her to temporarily grasp onto her bosom to keep them from spilling as she ran.

“Come back here!”
“Fuck you!”

As Sydney ran around the corner, she slipped and fell to the floor, picking herself up and seeing the striding brunette approaching closer and closer from behind her.

Even with her hands protecting them, Alexandra’s top hardly contained what it intended to contain as the full mounds threatened to fall out of her white bikini.  Each stride only added more momentum as they jiggled and bounced all over, becoming increasingly difficult for Daddario to keep them contained. 

She could hear the men out in the halls whistling and hooting at the sight of two scantily clad women running around.  But she paid no heed.

Utilizing her longer legs, Alexandra managed to close the gap between Sydney and her in no time.

Stretching out her hand, the brunette successfully managed to latch onto Sydney's swimsuit, tugging at her blonde mane simultaneously with her other hand.  The fabric stretched and twisted between Alexandra’s strong and nimble fingers, forcing the two women to lose balance as they began to pull and tug at one another in the middle of the corridor.


Sydney screeched as the fabric of her swimsuit tightened uncomfortably over her cleavage, bulbing her bust upwards.  She whirled around, her chest slamming instinctively right into Daddario’s bust.  The impact caused the brunette to reconsider her grip and lose her footing.

“Get those saggy flat tits away from me,” Sydney screamed.

With a screech, Sydney, again, slammed her chest back up into Alexandra’s pair, hoping to unbalance the older actress again.  Upon contact, Sydney’s generous bosom mashed up against the brunette’s substantial bust, forcing a grunt from the brunette and a shocked gasp from the blonde.

In response to Sydney’s bosomy assault, Alexandra lost her balance, falling flat onto her back with her whole body swinging and swaying.

And yet, as Daddario fell, she did not let go.

Instead, Alexandra’s firm grip resulted in a loud rip echoing across the corridor.  A tear ran across Sydney’s swimsuit, presenting her bosom within the confines of her torn swimsuit.

Sydney gasped, horror-struck as she attempted to cover up the exposed bosom.  With a shriek, Sydney dashed around the corridor towards the exit, heading for the sunlit beach to desperately flee her frenzied rival.
Alexandra looked at the tacky navy blue fabric in her hand before angrily tossing it aside and giving chase to her rival, once more.

As Alexandra ran out onto the sunny Hawaiian beach in pursuit, her gaze darted left and right in confusion as she scanned for her opponent.
"Where did she go?  No way she could have vanished into thi-”

Alexandra was interrupted as the full weight of her rival lunged at her from behind, tackling her to the sandy ground in a complete blindside. 

It was Sydney, her reinvigorated face red with fury and determination.

"Get off me," exclaimed Alexandra, her hands immediately seeking the blonde tresses of her opponent.

But Sydney was quicker to retaliate, landing punch after punch to Alexandra’s face before moving atop the older woman.

A shriek escaped Daddario’s mouth as she was overpowered, pinned underneath the blonde bombshell who rose triumphantly over her, straddling her and taking a moment to peer down with a smirk.

“That’s more like it, you old hag,” Sydney gloated, her azure eyes sparkling with mischief as her free hand made an attempt to unbutton Alexandra’s bikini top, “Now, let’s see these saggy tits of yours!  It’d be a shame if the paparazzi were somehow able to get a shot of these.  Your career would be over!”

Yet, before Sydney could finish the deed, Alexandra's lengthier arms yanked her forcefully downwards, both of them crashing down onto the sandy surface simultaneously. 

The two actresses rolled around in struggle, delivering slaps and pulling hair in retaliation while their free hands foiled each other's attempts at untying their swimsuits.

Twisting and turning on top of one another, sand filled the air around them, glinting gold under Hawaii's tropical sun.  The constant back and forth pace of their grappling pulled most of their beachwear askew, shifting them unevenly across their bodies. 

And each tug and pull only highlighted their sweaty bodies, which naturally became an adhesive for the golden grains of sand which clung onto them.

“You bitch!”
“Get off me!”

Naturally, their chests continued their contact with one another - voluminous breasts jostling against each other for supremacy.  With each collision, Daddario grit her teeth while Sydney continued to smirk gleefully before screaming in shock as the brunette retorted. 

As their breasts continued battling, cries of frustration and the sound of fabric straining under pressure sounded across the beach, piquing the interest of the tourist crowd.

The rumble from their brawl caught the attention of some nearby tourists.  Visibly excited and quickly whipped out their phones to capture the scene, they gasped in shock and joy.  Among them, a group of giggling Japanese tourists began to point and shout animated anticipation as their camera phones panned across the spectacle while some excited teens on vacation were thrilled at the sight of two swimsuit clad actresses fighting. 
The gasps intensified as one slam from Daddario and a yank led into another rip through Sydney’s swimsuit, resulting in her bosom spilling out entirely for a brief second.
The cameras began clicking for a makeshift photo session.

“Who’s got the bigger pair?” asked one of the tourists.

“I dunno.  Let’s get closer and find out!”

Daddario let out a brief laugh of victory as Sydney shrieked in embarrassment, attempting to salvage her modesty.

But it was not over.

As Alexandra attempted to move in for the kill, Sydney retaliated with surprising strength.  Using her own big boobs as leverage, Sydney shoved into Alexandra’s chest with everything she had, causing the taller brunette's body to buck off with a grunt.

Then, breathing heavily, Sydney quickly attempted to hide her boobs behind her forearm as she rose to her full height over Alexandra.  Her ripped swimsuit loosely hung around her hips, much to her mortification and the amusement of the crowd.  However, the realization that she had just tit slammed the older and more experienced actress bolstered her confidence.  Her face flushed with triumph as she gave Daddario a hard shove kick to the back to send her back into the sand, creating some distance before she could rocket away.

“Outta the way!”

Sydney’s fury forced the crowd to part as she ran back towards the set, her arm covering her precious twins much to the disappointment of the audience.

Meanwhile, Alexandra watched the excited crowd curiously before pulling herself back up to chase her runaway opponent.

Still, grabbing the piece of fabric that once served as Sydney’s swimsuit, she grinned and tossed it towards the crowd, causing them to greedily fight over it as she rushed back into the fight.

On set, the cast and crew of the White Lotus had begun returning about their usual business in confusion as they waited for their two actresses to return.

As they began asking for the whereabouts of Alexandra Daddario and Sydney Sweeney, it all went into utter chaos when a shrill scream echoed from the distance.

Running onto the set was a disheveled Sydney Sweeney, half-naked with one arm clutched across her ample bosom, her tangled blonde hair falling loose.  Gasps and shocks of surprise echoed amidst the crew who quickly backpedaled away, leaving a clear pathway for Sydney.

“Get back here,” cried out a familiar voice from behind Sydney.

The ruckus was further amplified when Alexandria Daddario appeared, chasing Sydney with wild abandon, her own bikini top barely holding her body into place.  The brunette’s chest heaved with every step she took, the effects of which were admired by many.

Eventually, Alexandra stretched her hand forward to grab Sydney’s arm, tugging hard as Sydney attempted to cover herself, caused Sydney's forearm to release and her bosom to spill out in all its glory.
Sydney gasped while the crew slowly began to take in the sights.  She even noticed her own boyfriend had been present and watched with fervor.

“D-don’t just stand there, you morons!  Do something,” demanded Sydney as she looked in the direction of her audience, her foot stomping on the ground and her bosom bouncing in response.
But for all of her tyrannical behavior on set, Sydney inspired neither confidence nor loyalty.  And though it was likely just curiosity, the crew simply preferred to sit back and watch this play out.

As Sydney was distracted, Alexandra approached and began tugging at her.

“Hey, are you forgetting about me, bitch?”

“Ugh!  Get off me!”

In retaliation and panic, the furious but blushing Sydney's hand shot upwards, accidentally unlatching Daddario's already loose bikini top and causing it to fall to the ground.

Then, as continued gasps filled the set, both actresses tripped over each other and fell into the pool with a splash.  Agitated water sprayed in every direction and the set fell into momentary silence as they all were dumbstruck at the event unfolding before them.

Quick to capture the moment, the Director immediately signaled for the cameras to keep rolling while directing the other crew members into their places.

“This is a live shoot!  Get your asses into gear!  Get these two in their full glory!” 

As they scrambled to record the unexpected catfight, the two women simultaneously burst to the surface,  gasping for breath before resuming their fight.  Their bare chests rubbed against one another, creating an intense titfight befitting of the exotic animal kingdom, fantasy island, law of the jungle concept that embodied a show like The White Lotus.

In the water, Sydney felt uncertain vulnerability as she couldn’t recognize her pair being bigger or smaller against Alexandra’s.  She could only gasp and grunt each time her pair met the force of Alexandra's heavy bosom, each collision pushing her back against the tiled wall of the pool as if a wrecking ball were shoving into her.

“What’s the matter, Sydney?  Come on, Sydney!  Is that all you got?” Alexandra taunted, as she fired forth her bosom into Sydney’s.

Chaos notwithstanding, the capturing of the moment on film was incredibly organized and focused as it played out.

A close up shot showcased Daddario’s facial features, her fiery expression complimented by her icy eyes as her pearly white teeth gnashed together before opening in a grunt as she fired forth her twin cannons like a ship out at sea engaging a rival.

The other camera focused on Sydney - her mouth agape as she gasped for breath, her eyes reflecting a desperate determination to fight as her boobs were flattened against the invading pair.   

Another shot captured the intense breast collision, the water ripples distorting their forms into an amorphous shape as they swung and swayed against one another before crashing and slamming into bulging spheres of flesh.
Time seemed to come to a standstill within that moment as Sydney and Alexandra found themselves tangled within the weightless realm of the pooling water, their bodies buoyant in the inviting embrace of the azure depths.
Every flailing kick and desperate hand flung forth, pushing against the walls and each other, was a struggle for supremacy.  With each collision, there was an undercurrent of feminine rivalry as measured via chest-to-chest combat.



Alexandra found herself pushed back as Sydney grabbed onto her hair before punishing her with a few shots from her other fist.  In the water, however, Sydney’s punches were slowed down and useless.  She could only fire her tits back.

“Hit her, Sydney.  Hit her with everything you’ve got.  Fire those cannons!”

Sydney followed the voice of her man, hoping for inspiration.

And yet, every time Sydney fired her tits forth, trading ‘cannonfire’, so to speak, she found herself outgunned.  There was something about Alexandra that she couldn’t quite pinpoint.  Was it really true?  Were her rumors false?


“No way, it can’t be,” Sydney stated.

But it was.

As the blonde attempted to push back and yank harder at Alexandra’s wet mane of hair, slamming her chest in the process, she found herself having to acknowledge the truth.
Alexandra Daddario was simply bigger, even if only slightly.  And no, she wasn’t saggy.  She was firmer.  Much firmer than Sydney.

“Guess you’re not much without a push-up bra, huh, Sydney?” asked Daddario, with a mocking tone in her voice as she glared down at Sydney’s smaller chest before peering back at her with a smirk.

The way Alexandra glared at her, with those icy eyes, began to frighten Sydney.  It was like one of those ice creatures from Game of Thrones - except with big boobs, bigger than the ones she had!  Firmer, too!  It was truly a nightmare for the busty blonde who once pranced around with haughty arrogance around the set as she declared herself the Boob Queen of Hollywood with a pair that outmatched her co-star.  But now the tables had turned.
Skin tones seemed to blur as the camera attempted to capture the speed of their movements in the water.  Sydney’s ample bosom was an impressionistic swirl of tanned flesh, which contrasted in forceful opposition to Alexandra’s fully toned bosom swallowing it.   The sun glared brightly, reflecting off the rippling pool surface and casting illuminating the actors' bodies in a golden hue.  Glistening wet bodies heavily breathing were intertwined between torsos and limbs tangled in strained positions.

Additional shots showcased forceful impacts as Sydney's chest pressed into Alexandra's more firm bust, the water seemingly appearing to warp around them.

On dry land, the Director's voice broke out above the clamor.

“Get a shot on Alex.  Those damn things are sending Sydney back to grade school.  She ain’t gonna have any tits after this!”

Pitching camera angles and adjusting lighting, the crew seemed to move in perfect synchronization, their trained eyes picking up even the smallest of details.

The camera caught the moment Alexandra's larger bust initiated an assault against her blonde rival, producing a mighty tremor through the water as waves splashed all over Sydney’s face.

In the cool water, the two women’s nipples had hardened and Alexandra quickly found her opponent’s chest.

“You know, I can see why you liked to wear tacky one piece swimsuits on set.  There's barely anything to showcase,” Alexandra spat, as she began probing her opponent with her chest.
Sydney grunted out in pain as she felt her nipples being prodded and violated before her tits were stabbed by Alexandra’s unleashed pokies.

“You wanted to hear about what I did to Kate Upton?  Or how about Charlotte when we were on the set of Baywatch together?”

With her hardened nipples, Alexandra shoved and slammed her bosom with full weight behind it, slamming a screaming Sydney back into the pool wall, her golden hair floating like a halo around her flushed face while Alexandra’s icy blue gaze bore into hers, showcasing their resolve in its rawest and most beautiful form.

“Now, admit it.  Admit that my tits are bigger, firmer, and better than yours,” Alexndra demanded, her voice filled with frost.


A frowning Alexandra gathered herself before firing her left tit into Sydney’s right tit, “Say it!”


“Say it,” continued Alexandra, as she fired her right tit into Sydney’s left.


 “Fine, then.  You wanted to be difficult,” Alexandra stated, backing up slightly as she continued, “Then, a mass humbling is due.”

With that, Daddario waited for a brief few seconds.  Then, she moved in to smother Sydney with the full force of her bosom. 

The blonde screamed out before she was dragged into the water, into the mighty underwater caverns which awaited her.

“Mppphf!  Mmppphf! Huurfppph!”

It was no use as Alexandra wrapped her arms around Sydney’s head, taking her face and giving it a deep peek into her cleavage.  Then, swinging and swaying her shoulders back and forth, Alexandra began tormenting Sydney as she gyrated her bosom.

“Say it, Sydney!  Admit it!”

“Muuffhhh!  Uggrrry!  Ugrry!”

“What’s that?”

“Okgrry!  Okgrray!”

“I’m not sure I hear anything,” the brunette noted to herself, without a care, as she squeezed her grip, tightened her bosom around Sydney’s face as her body bobbed up and down the pool.


With a smirk, Alexandra looked down at her rival with pitiful disdain.  Even if she understood, she was going to let her wait a little longer inside her bosomy prison.
Moments went by.  Then, seconds went by.  And then, the longest smother session Sydney had ever experienced passed before her very own eyes.

“Looks like she had enough, don’t you think?” Alexandra asked, rhetorically.  “Guessing someone is ready to admit my boobs are superior!”
The blonde gasped for air as she was released from her underwater torture.

“You’re superior!  Y-you-you’re superior!”   

Sydney’s voice cracked, panic settling in, as the water splashed around her.  It was not apparent to anyone, even to Sydney herself, if it were tears falling down her face or if they were droplets of water.  And yet, everyone quickly assumed the former.

Even Sydney’s boyfriend shook his head in shame.

“You’re not even fit to be an actress, much less a 'boob queen'.  You’re just another bitch on my list,” declared Alexandra, as she yanked Sydney by her hair, loud enough for everyone to hear.

With one final shove, Daddario pushed Sydney against the wall and floated for a brief moment before propelling herself forth in the water, slamming full force into Sydney’s boobs.  But instead of releasing Sydney, Alexandra pressed her chest against Sydney’s smaller pair, engulfing and devouring them like a vicious shark preying on some foolish blonde ditz who had been warned not to enter her territory.

After what seemed like an eternity and with the crew’s jaws all dropped, Alexandra released Sydney from her bosomy bondage.

The sobbing blonde merely floated, her deflated and defeated tits floating in the water pathetically, as Alexandra swam back to the pool steps before climbing out, leaving the smaller blonde to ponder her existence.
From the side of her eye, Alexandra caught sight of her husband, causing her to smile as she embraced him.

“Looks like shooting is done for the day, you ready to go?”

“Ha!  Yeah.  I knew she couldn’t handle you.”

“As if it were even a remote possibility,” Alexandra mused, before picking up her bikini top off the floor.  But as she was about to put it back on, she simply smiled and decided against it, instead twirling it in the air for the awestruck crew before tossing it at them as a gesture of goodwill.

For Daddario, she wasn’t going to hide her breasts.  Instead, she was going to flaunt them over Sydney.

“Actually,” Sydney stated to her husband, “Before we go, why don’t I give Sydney an autograph, first?”

As the season premiered, rumors had persisted of a reported clash between two of the main actresses in the White Lotus that culminated with a humiliating finish for the loser.  It had been difficult to confirm but enough people made a big deal about it over time that, eventually, anonymous sources confirmed it had been filmed with the purpose of being as a scene.

And naturally, the scene had even been written into the episode itself, detailing Daddario’s character in the White Lotus as having taught Sydney’s a painful lesson in brawn, brains, and bosom.  Of course, it unfortunately did not make the cut due to television studio executives being not quite as in touch with their audience as they would’ve liked to think they were.  But bits and pieces were there, if the audience looked hard enough. 

Nonetheless, Daddario calmly smiled to herself as she glanced at the Special Cast Edition Blu-Ray of the White Lotus and inserted it into her home theater system, fully knowing the footage still existed out there somewhere.
As the scene between the two women began playing, culminating into the titfight and Alexandra’s Double D dismantling of Sydney Sweeney, the statuesque brunette’s husband embraced her from behind, latching onto her victorious bosom before squeezing them.

What other way could a man embrace the pair of tits that had emerged victorious against Sydney Sweeney?

The two quickly embraced, kissing before further making love on the sofa as footage of Sydney’s tear streaked face with the word “LOSER!” written on her forehead and her sagging defeated tits splayed to the side of her ribs played out before them.

Alexandra grunted as she rode her man, smirking and taking pleasure in both the screen and the romantic evening.

Naturally, as Daddario felt her breasts being groped in all its fullness, the camera on the screen zoomed in on the bruised and battered boobies on screen, attempting to focus in just right so that it could read the following words imprinted on them:

-A. DaDDario.”


Offline Edududu

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2025, 12:52:17 AM »
A great matchup made even greater by an amazing story! Thanks for sharing!


Offline Dario

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2025, 02:16:18 PM »
Many thanks. Wonderfull story, desñite I was cheering for Sydney all the time.


Offline qwerty123

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2025, 02:18:04 PM »
One of the Best stories ever written amazing.

Well done. Keep writing

Sydney Sweeney and her overrated rack needs taught a lesson every chance we get..

The one big missed opportunity for her tits to be exposed when she took a picture with Billie Elish but Billie had dressed conservatively where Sydney as ever had her boobs pushed all the way up..


Offline Zednoise

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2025, 05:10:33 AM »
Billie eilish was going to destroy Sydney
« Last Edit: January 04, 2025, 05:11:34 AM by Zednoise »


Offline Jen_titfighter

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2025, 04:08:50 PM »
what a terrible situation for Sydney to be destroyed by both Daddario and Eilish, the question is then who doninates between Alexandra and Billie


Offline Jen_titfighter

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Re: White Lotus: Sydney Versus Daddario
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2025, 06:17:02 PM »
How it probably went