Kira walked into the Marshall's office and a call came in that Sephora was at Rayna's with her crew trashing the place. She shrugged as she walked into the back to the holding cells. As she entered the room, she was shocked to find the new girl sitting in her cell rubbing one out and Mel, bruised and battered, her big tits stuck between the bars of the cell and her arms hanging over too.
Kira knew right away that the two women had come to blows between the cages and that Skye, the new girl, had beat Mel up badly. The new girl laughed and squirted as Kira went into Mel's cell and took her down and laid her on the cot.
"You going to be trouble?" she asked Skye.
"Never go looking, only if it comes to me." Skye replied, nonplussed.
"I'm gonna let you out, but I don't want any more crap from you, Skye, you hear me?"
"Yes ma'am..." replied Skye with a wry smile.
"Skye, don't fucking irritate me..."
Skye suddenly spun, "Or what? Marshall. Or what?" her eyes flashed with a confidence that Kira recognized instantly.
"Or I will put you in a place you've only had nightmares about, hon." said the Marshall, not flinching.
The two women stared at each other, not moving or flinching.
Several seconds passed and then Skye turned and left without another word.
The radio crackled, " This is Mari, this is Mari, officer needs assistance! Officer needs assistance!"
Kira grabbed her bang stick and went running.
to be continued....