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ALMOSTSUPERAMANDA fight vs singer PINK at the gym

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Offline stormbolt7

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ALMOSTSUPERAMANDA fight vs singer PINK at the gym
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:49:20 PM »
I was always willing to look at new talent among the catfighters.

I was heading to the gym, to get a look at a young blonde beauty, that was calling herself almostsuperAmanda.

The gym was open twenty four hours, and was basically deserted, as we had planned it this way.
It always seemed to go better, when not feeling the pressure of having a lot of other people watching, when meeting for the first time.

I find her working on a tread mill.
Her long blonde hair, tied back in a ponytail, as I admire the lovely young blonde.
I did not know about her being super, yet Amanda was very attractive, with a dazzling smile.
Amanda wearing a sports bra, and tight shorts, that showed the lady was fit, and had some nice curves as well.

A light sheen of perspiration on her smooth skin, as she stops, moves from the treadmill, and comes over.
She smiles as I hand her a nearby towel, and bottle of water, that she has waiting.
If nothing else, Amanda was a beautiful woman.
We begin to talk, as she walks around, beginning to cool down from her workout.
I can not deny the lady is fit, and looking good, front to back.

"Thanks for coming out this late, we have this dumb bitch that dries me crazy here." Amanda says, as a very attractive woman walks from the locker room, dressed in cut off tee, and shorts.
Her obviously bra less breasts, pert and jiggling, beneath the thin top.
Her hair short, and dark colored. The woman pausing as she listens to Amanda.

Amanda takes another drink, as she goes on.
"This bitch comes here, and usually has all kinds of funky hair color, and usually sings songs from that skank Pink, in the showers." Amanda says, as I notice the look on the woman's face as she begins stalking over.

"Excuse me little slut, but I am Pink!!" The woman says, as Amanda's pretty eyes widen, as she realizes the woman she was talking about was right here at the gym tonight. Pink changing her hair color often from pink, to platinum blonde, and even like now a dark black.
"Look, I don't care if you do think your some kind of rock star or diva." "I think you should walk away, before I have to beat your skank ass lady." Amanda replies after her initial surprise was over.

Pink moves closer, and presses her body against Amanda's own. "Look I will forgive you, since you must be the dumb blonde, but one more word and it is on bitch." Pink says, as they stand face to face.
Amanda's arm rising, and a gasp of shock from Pink, as Amanda begins pouring the rest of her bottle of water over Pink's head.
Pink's top begins to cling to her heaving breasts, as it becomes sodden.
"There now you are cooled off you whore." Amanda says smiling, as water streams down Pink's face, and over her breasts and belly.
Amanda pleased with herself, until Pink grabs her sports bra, yanks it up, and backhands across Amanda's now exposed breasts.
Amanda gasping, as I can see maybe not super, yet Amanda's breasts were beautiful. The soft warm globes quivering and heaving after the slap. Her nipples hardening, as she grabs Pink's top, and begins to rip, and claw at it, as well as Pink's breasts, as they soon fall free.
Pink crying out in pain, as Amanada's nails rake across her pert tits, while the two begin to push, shove, and begin catfighting.

"Fucking skank, I will have you begging me to stop, before I am through with you!!" Amanda hisses at her, while the sexy singer manages to grab Amanda's long blonde ponytail, using it to help jerk Amanda's head around, while keeping her off balance.
Amanda sinks her nails into Pink's nipple pierced right breast, drawing some blood, as they begin to fall to the ground together.
Open hand slaps to faces, and breasts, begin to turn to fists punching bellies, breasts and faces.
"I have had enough of you little bitch!!" Pink says, as she bucks Amanda from her, and grabs and yanks Amanda's shorts down, while smacking Amanda's pantied ass.
Amanda trying to get away, managing to help work her nice body out of her own panties, as Pink claws at them, trying to maybe yank them up or tear them free.

I could not say super, yet I could see Amanda could fight. She had a very beautiful body, as now naked, front to back, breasts buttocks, and exposed sex. Amanda was very nice.
Pink on her knees gloating, as she waves Amanda's panties around over her head. When Amanda brings a foot into Pink's belly. Driving the wind out of her, and knocking her over. Amanda quickly diving to grab, and strip Pink's shorts, before pulling the singer's panties up hard into her cracks.
Pink howling in pain, as the thin material rides up her ass, and pulls into her clit.
Amanda now slapping and punching the singers ass, before the panties tear, and pull free.

Amanda losing her balance, and falling face first, to be prone on Pink's back. Pink feeling Amanda's breasts rubbing against her back, as they shove, and claw at each other.
Legs kicking, arms flailing, as Amanda manages to grab Pink's short dark hair, to shove her face into the floor.
"Had enough cxnt?" Amanda asks, as Pink writhes beneath her.
Amanda lowers her head, to be closer, as she gloats over the other woman.
Just as Pink brings back an elbow, that slams into the side of Amanda's head dazing her, and knocking her off.
Pink rolling, and shoving her way free.

A few other people had come over to watch, as a naked, and lovely Amanda rises to her knees, her head still ringing, as Pink slams into her, and drives her back onto the floor.
Amanda now swinging weaker punches to the breasts, belly and head of Pink. While the singer mounts her, and begins to unload punches of her own.

I admire Amanda, as she tries to continue to hit back, yet soon Pink has her full weight on her, and Amanda is able to defend herself less and less from the coming attacks.
The two ladies bodies, both naked, glistening, and beautiful, as they struggle together.

I hear someone yell for Pink to bash Amanda's head in. He shuts up, when I shoot daggers at him with my eyes.
He had a little size on me, but my eyes must have spoke volumes, as he stops encouraging, what was about to happen anyways.

Pink had landed a punch, that had Amanda dazed. Amanda was now just trying to cover up, as her body ached and screamed in pain, from her fight, bruises and wounds.
Both of the ladies breasts showing the damage from each others nails, as well as some blood on the soft skin.
Pink was caught in the haze of battle now, and had Amanda's head by her hair, raising it up, to smash it down again. I move, as do a few others, as I manage to grab her before it is to late.

Amanda's eyes are slightly glazed, as I stop Pink from the attack, and gently grab and cradle Amanda's head.
The other woman from the gym, as well as a female instructor pulling Pink off, and calming her down, as the dark haired beauties chest heaves, as she struggles weakly at first, then gives into the strong hands holding her.
Hands that had not been in a catfight, like she had just been in.
I hold Amanda, as she begins to revive, my arma much gentler than the floor she was supposed to hit.
Amanda begins to blush, as she realizes I am holding her and she is completely naked.
The young blonde had a beautiful body, yet had not planned on displaying it this way. Even with the bruises now showing, head to toe, she was very pleasing.

"What the fuck?" Pink says from the side, as now cooled off, she begins to realize how close she had come to taking things too far.

Someone hands me a towel, and I gently place it over Amanda, as she stirs, and I begin to help her to her feet, even as she clings to me.
Pink had won the fight, yet right now, was not feeling that good about it.
Amanda may have lost, yet it could have gone either way, and Pink was very sore all over, letting her know she had been in a very impressive fight from the blonde.
Another person hands Pink a towel, and she covers her aching body with it, as the few spectators wander off.

"Look, I never meant to go that far." "I have a concert nearby in a few days, would love you being my guest." She says, as the two lovely young ladies stare at each other, measuring each other still.
"I don't know, I may have to kick your ass, before your fans you piss me off." Amanda replies, as they both start to giggle trying to keep straight faces, then laugh out loud, as the tension was broken.

They begin to chat, as Amanda ads her own apology for trash talking her earlier, not even realizing who she was.
Then before they head to shower, and change. We make plans to get together for dinner the next night.

"You've got a hell of a lady and fighter here, treat her right." Pink tells me, as we part.
I smile, as Amanda was not my lady, yet I hoped was becoming my friend.
She would not always win her fights, as tonight had proven.
She may only be almost super for now.
Still I had to admit, Amanda was beautiful, enjoyable company, and I was looking forward to seeing her win a different fight, as she could fight, and was able to bring it when needed.
She would win some, she would lose some.
Yet for now she was almost super Amanda, and I was honored to know her.

The end.