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Sorority Wars Part 4 of 10

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Sorority Wars Part 4 of 10
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:34:29 PM »
Sorority Wars Part 4 of 10

Part 1 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated September 13, 2011
Part 2 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated October 17, 2011
Part 3 of 'SORORITY WARS' can be found in CF,BX&WRESTLING, dated November 20, 2011

This point during the Sorority War, the blonde girls and their alumni in Beta Lambda were becomingg angrier and angrier
at the success of the brunettes in the Beta Rho sorority who were consistently winning their violent catfights and
those orgiastic contests that included the beautiful alumni of both groups during their violent, orgasm-producing,
tit-wrenching catfights before the two sorority populations at the college.

The sponsors now sought another form of dirty, violent form of femalecompetition that would even up the losing blonde
Beta Lambdagirls fighting their Beta Rho sorority opponents! A consensus was Japaneses kendo stick fights to knockdowns
(and really rough catfighting after!

This new idea for a really rough set of contests between the blonde and brunettes in each sorority, including their
alumni and some townies was eagerly accepted by the Beta Rho fighting committee and the general membership.
Lynda Carter had already been in a KENDO STICK MATCH with her perpetual enemy, Berg Nielson some years earlier that
ended in a tie, the scoring being the count of bare cxnt blows with the hard, 6-foot poles they fought with, their
obvious targets being the bared crotches on each girl.

As this Japanese form of martial art is so violent and as it is being applied to catfighting, thesponsors decided
that the fights had to be staged with protective padding being removed after several minutes of each battle. The
padding considted of long skirts, face and head guards, arm and leg guards, upper body padding, crotch guards, ALL
OF WHICH ARE TO BE REMOVED in time for the dirty catfighting to start. Crotch guards to be the last defensiveT
gear being removed with the intenttion of that sensitive pussy being the obvious targets after the breast padding
was earlier removed and the catfighters big breasts had taken a terrible pounding - both women now angry and the fight
becoming very dirty!

Because the last few catfighting extravaganzas had been obviously won by the brunette Beta Rho sorority girls and
their supporters, the Beta Lambda sorority members (and their alumnus) were becoming very angry at their constant
losses and really wanted this kendo stick battle to redeem their supposed superiority. Suzanne S became the focus
forthese bitchy girls and recruited several student members for kendo-stick practice, AND with her wild hatred for
ALL BRUNETTES concentrated on cxnt and breast attacks to "REALLY FINISH OFF THIS BUNCH ON STINKING BRUNETTES" her
violent attitude due to several maulings she had gotten during earlier encounters with Beta Rho alumuni, her pretty,
jutting breasts absorbing numerous bits and smashings that required her to contain them in medicated brassierres for
several weeks to heal up the bites with no scarring. But now she was counting on her ownprivate army to really get
to the few students and mostly alumnus who had beaten her earlier. "DON'T EVER LISTEN TO THEIR PLEADINGS AND TEARS
gist f Suzanne's fighting advice to her gasping students!

Now with the first kendo-stick catfight all arranged for, Suzanne's little army (mostly a patrol) was primed for
terrible maulings of their brunette opponents who would mostly be older alumni who were significantly more experienced
in DIRTY CATFIGHTING, and with sufficient kendo-stick training as demanded by the sponsors!  

Their were to be about 6 kend-stick battles at once and the sponsors had edicted that winners of individual fights
could enter other battles to help their sisters either beat their opponents or help a blonde sister whohad already
won her catfight to retaliate on the shrieking loser until she fainted from what the two (maybe three) blondes were
doing to her sexual assets for their own gratifications! Predictions of possibilities were massive group maulings
as mauled brunette losers might be relieved of their terrible bitings, clawings, hairpullings and fistings by
their sister brunettes' interventions - and perhaps for only a single two-on-one mangling!

Besides Suzanne, who was the almunus for the Beta Lambda sorority catfighter, the Beta Rho alumni made up the entire
brunette group - Lynda C, Lucy L, Fran D (a surprise who had really big tits), Demi M, Cher, and Joan C! Summer Cummings
was established as a substitute for any of the brunettes who had been so badly beaten that they were dragged off the
field. The blonde students were to be named when their fights were being described and how long they lasted, Suzanne
constantly moderating as she fought Lucy first (or at least planned to)!

The sponsors wanted these violent fights to last as long as possible and dictated the defensive clothing to be worn,
but then progressively removed as the fighting got more intense! sKIN OUTWARD - HARD cxntGUARD, secured by moderate
strips of cloth - PADDED PANTIES, easily torn off - PADDED BRA AND SKIRT, skirt floor-length to prevent early
cxntguard ripoffs - HAIR NETS TO SLOW HAIRPULLING - FACEMASKS AS WITH FENCING FIGHTS - als protective of head blows
from the kendo sticks! And, of course, tough hickory kendo stick with rounded ends to reduce stabbing injuries,
particularly with cxntguards already torn-off or removed. Knowledgeable female kendo stick fighters always slathered their
crotches and vaginas with lubricant -just in case! These battles were to be SOMETHING !!

Neutral townies were available to progressively remove all this protetion from the fighters not already unconscious
or shrieking for mercy on commands frm the excited kendo-fight manager who would be survying the entire battle!
This excited woman allowed Bergit Nielson to substitute for a blonde student who nearly fainted when she was asked
if she wanted the pussy-lubricant as a safety factor! Now the blondes had two vicious, experienced fighters, Bergit
especially angry and wanting to ruin Lynda C because of an earlier loss to the big brunette! "I WANT TO RIP OFF HER
TITS AND THEN BITE OFF HER cxnt LIPS!" was Bergit's expressed desire to have Lynda shrieking for mercy !

This part of their fight is described next as what kind of fighting went on:

Lynda and Bergit are already bare-breasted, but still with their cxnt-guards in place! Their padded skirts have been
removed by th attaendants, but Berit's padded bra was torn off immediately by Lynda reaching down after her blow to
Bergit's head floored the blonde. Lynda is standing over her fallen opponent try to stab Brgit's breast with her stick!

Bergit's breasts were flopping back and forth on her chest as she rolled in one direction and then the other, trying
avoid Lynda's breast-stabbing activity. As other attacks were allowed, Lynda finally got between Bergit's thighs and
drove her foot into the screaming blonde's crotch with a hard kick that displaced the plastic crotch guard,exposing
Bergit's thick labia and drooling  vaginal entrance. The delighted brunette quickly took this advantage and Bergit's
pussy had Lynda's kendo stick jamming into it for several inches. But because Lynda wanted the blonde to be conscious
so she could enjoy Bergit's shrieks, the stick-fuck was never consummated and Bergit had to submit to Lynda's
tribbing rape for a winner's ten orgasm reward for Lynda's 'kendo-stick'triumph !

Bergit's reaction to the partly inserted kendo stick only several inches into her cxnt was to yank it out and then
shriek as Lynda finalized her attack and jabbed the wet-with-jism end of her weapon directly into Bergit's right
nipple and grinding it into her rib cage for several seconds as Bergit nearly fainted and shrieked her surrander -
and Lynda's reward of ten orgasms from Bergit's pussy grindng against hers. This is not to say that Bergit was not
being punished for losing, she came almost simultaneously with Lynda whose breast mauling claws stayed away from
the blonde's smashed and slightly hurting breast.

Many of the brunette sorority observers whose own tits had felt Bergit's teeth in them in earlier dirty catfights
were angry at Lynda's mercifull act, but Bergit knew what Lynda wanted and her loud, pleading, shrieks satisfied
Lynda and paved the way for a later personal, private weekend in bed with the big brunette whose labia would actually
extend out for Bergit's lips and mild biting and those violent REDFLASH orgasms the blonde was expert at bringing
on for Lynda!

But now Bergit wanted revenge the same way and both agreed to extension of the fight rules to include the usual
catfighting excesses that were to be extanded for this sorority battle. Lynda and Bergit were to be a special
case for making the remaining fights as dirty as possible, with violent beating, mauling, biting, hairpulling and
all those wonderful scenes of female mauling that made the Sorority War so popular in the sororities !  

This special fight was completely in the nude, both pairs of tits getting it good from fists, claws and even teeth
as Bergit and Lynda clutched each other tightly and rolled around inside the excited circle of kendo-fighters eagerly
watching these two big, experienced women mauling each other so wildly! Lynda shrieking loudly as Bergit's teeth
tightly griped the brunette's left breast as the blonde observers all screamed for Bergit to "BITE IT OFF" the
blonde's eyes nearly popping from their sockets she was so worked up over Lynda's beautiful breast in her teeth!!

Lynda's nearly continual orgasm (she stopped for breathing) had been jerking her body so hard as to really stimulate
the blonde whose teeth were telling Lynda how she felt about the brunette's wild squirming and screaming at the
breast biting she was getting from Bergit. This finally got Bergit over the top and when Lynda felt the blonde's
clit jabbing into her cxnt, she squirmed around so that hers jammed aagainst Bergit's for an enormous, mutual
grinding orgasm in both of their exhausted crotches, Bergit was so out of it that if Lynda hadn't yanked the
sucked-in tit from the blonde's mouth, Bergit would have really bitten it hard, the orgasm she was having
was so violent, so much so that Lynda giggled when she roller the blonde off her body and found her own quivering
crotch and belly completely slimed up with Bergit's ejaculations ! "Gawd, you horny blonde bitch, YOU CUM SO HARD -
LOOK AT THIS MESS," but Bergit was only seeing bright red flashing from the orgiastic spasms she'd had and couldn't
even open her eyes! HBecause they had known eachother for such a long time, Lynda refrained from retaliating for
the breast bite Bergit had done to her, knowing trhat her blonde bitch friend was really into tits and with one of
"Wonder Woman's" gorgeous glands in her mouth Bergit was nearly into a monstrous orgasm just from THAT!

Now the brunette alumni and the sorority students were primed for this massive kendo-stick battle. Lynda helped the
attendants drag Bergit off the mats and went back to dress again and face Summer who was waiting for her impatiently
for their dual attack on the blonde Suzanne as they had planned earlier! The bitchy Suzanne saw them both coming toward
her and quickly got her top student catfighter for assistance, not wantng a two-on-one with these two big bitches.

Suzanne had seen both of them in other catfights and knew she'd be hard put with them both, one, probably Summer would
be at her tits while the dirty bitch of a Lucy would concentrate on her cxnt area, both of them with tough ideas on
hown to punish an opponent quickly! Suzanne's estimate was correct when Summer dropped her stick and went for Suzanne's
padded bra, ripping it away as Lucy dove at Suzanne's feet and reached up inside the blonde's padded skirt to find the
plastic cxnt-guard and introduce the smaller blonde to a pussy mauling when she was prone on the floor and while Summer was
attending to her pretty, jutting breasts!

But Suzanne's assistant followed Lucy to the mats and realizing why she was down here, reached inside Lucy's paddded
skirt and quickly tore away the brunette's cxnt-guard and began to claw at the soft vulva and dig further up into
Lucy's vagina. And in the mentime, Summer had both of Suzanne's breasts in her hands, nails digging deep into the firm
glands while Suzanne shrieked in pain, both at Summer's tit clawing and Lucy's vaginal invasion that she was still
working on in spite of the clawing her cxnt was taking from Suzanne's helper!

Lucy screamed at the young blonde, "You dirty little bitch, when I'm through with Suzanne you're going to find out
how to really attack another girl's pussy !" Suzanne heard this and screamed, "THAT'S IT KAREN, GET YOUR HAND UP INTO
HER AS FAR AS YOU CAN AND THEN RIP OUT HER cxnt LINING WITH YOUR NAILS!!" her advice heard by Lucy who called
silencing all the other screams going on, heads turning to see all this happening!

Summer, busily sucking and chewing both of Suzanne's pretty breasts, also stopped and softly adviswd Lucy that SHE
WANTED A CRACK at Suzanne's pussy and would Lucy not leave it so bloody and such a mess - this ending Suzanne's
worst fears, even though she knew Summer really wanted to make her scream and shriek so as to get off harder!!      

But it wasn't very long before Suzanne passed out and the two brunette's now had Karen, Suzanne's helper, for their
own "FUN" the young blonde only lasting less than a minute from both brunette's working over her tender pussy and
one of her tits - EACH, having removed all her 'protection' very systematically as they knelt on her arms to rip
away the padded 'armor'! She got no help from the several other blondes, all of whom were on the mats with their
older and more experienced catfighters standing over them trying to jab their kendo-sticks into their pussies
thqt they were protectively covering with their hands. Lucy glanced at Summer who was watching open-mouthed at the
pussy-stabbing going on, "Rough stuff, huh!" Lucy grinned, "They don't go in too far and their blonde coach makes them
all slather up with lube, anyway!"  

"Have you been doing that to these little cxnts?" Summer asked, but Lucy laughed, "No I push my fist into them, get
way up and then twist my open hand around inside! Boy, do they SQUEAL AT THAT!" Then as Summer's face went white,
Lucy calmed her by saying that most of them had never had orgasms that violent and it made BELIEVERS out of them!

Summer's face went back to normal and Lucy decided that MAYBE this 'bearer of such huge tits' might be her next sex
partner and began a short campaign of setting up the big-busted Summer - Lucy always THAT WAY with big tits!  

Then a familiar shriek sounded behind them, it was Maxine Santos, Lucy's favorite Latina bitch with three student blondes
working her over under their squirming bodies, one of them already into tribadism position, squirming her pussy against
Maxine's tight cxnt while the other two were yanking her hair and squeezing her big breasts! Maxine was in some pain at
all this, even with the oncoming fucking her trib opponent was giving her! Maxine's shrieks almost seemed to be made
from the pleasures she was having from the wild rubbing, scrubbing, bouncing that her blonde rapist was giving her
spurting pussy. Lucy mentioned this to Summer and they only took on the two working her tits and hair, letting the
pretty, big-titted Latina handle her rapist when the blonde girl finally orgasmed and couldn't defend herself from
Maxine's rough form of female rape

Lucy and Summer went wild with the other two blondes pulling them off Maxine by the hair, punching their breasts and
letting Maxine have her jollies with the gasping, violently orgasming, tribbing girl who apparently, really must
not have understood what this mass catfighting was all about! In any case. Maxine obviously got off under her gasping
opponent and while the other two brunettes were finishing off their opponents, flung her bug-eyed blond to one side
driving her fist further into the young student who was already unconscious from the combination of a massive
orgasming over Maxine and that hard, squirming, twisting fist driving up into her vagina!

Wiping the saliva away from the sucking-bite she had given Suzanne, Summer gasped, "This is really fun, I've never
had three orgasms coming so fast, one after the other with this little bitch, but I think I fucked her to sleep, she's
really limp and quiet!" Lucy thinking to herself, "If I was fighting with you that way aNd with THOSE TITS, I'd be
out of it too!" really getting herself hot over the very pretty (and big-breasted) Summer Cummings!

Now, with Maxine in tow, the three female musketeers went around trying to find any brunettes in trouble, with several
blondes mauling them badly. Surprised at seeing Madonna. her face buried in Lynda Carter's pussy with Sarenna Lee
and a blonde student at Lynda's soft dairies. Lynda was really fighting hard but the combination of her hair and
both tits being yanked and twisted, plus whatever Madonna was doing down in her crotch, the brunette was slowly losing
this 3-on-1 catfight. Even with what they were still doing to her, she smiled at the Three Musketeers and then went
to work on Madonna's pussy when Maxine and Lucy yanked the blonde's hair to get her teeth out of Lynda's crotch.

Lynda gasped, "HOLD HER STILL 'TIL I GET FURTHER IN - I REALLY OWE THIS BITCH!" Summer's grip on both of Madonna's
soft glands from behind the screaming blonde, digging in so that her tit-flesh was bulging out from between Summer's
fingers and the pretty brunette's face was lit up with sex pleasure over this exciting tit-grab! Madonna's screams died
out quickly when Lynda had her revenge for Madonna's biting attack to her precious pussy!  

"HOPE YOU ENJOYED CHEWING ON MY PUSSY LIPS, YOU DIRTY BLONDE WHORE!" Lynda gasped between Madonna's shrieks at the excited
brunette's manipulations deep inside her cringing vagina. Then yanked her slimy hand out off the blonde's vagina, letting
her fall to the mats and dropping on her own knees to really give it good and hard to her breasts with her clawing
fingers and clamping teeth. Madonna's screams stopped after a few seconds and Summer tapped Lynda's shoulder and said,
"C'mon Lynda, she's out of it, let's go find another blonde to make sorry she got into this marvelous catfight!"  

They crawled around the squirming, fighting pairs of blonde/brunette beauties, stopping to watch two brunette students
working over a shrieking Venus DeLight, one girl sitting on her face with her hands buried in Venus' hair to get her
own pussy over the blonde's nose and mouth for a jism squirting, while the other brunette was down in Venus' crotch,
practising what Tori Sinclair had shown her about vicious pussy chewing an opponent!

Summer got so excited about the face-fucking brunette cumming hard into Venus' mouth and face when she finally worked
up her violent 'spending' into the blonde's face ! Summer mentioned to Lucy, "GAWD, THAT GIRL HAD SUCH A HUGE WAD OF
JISM IN HER PUSSY, VENUS ALMOST DROWNED IN IT!" Lucy thinking it was time to propose some sex with this big-breasted
Summer, mentioned that Venus probably LIKED IT, "SOME OF US DO, YOU KNOW!" Summer got the message and their union
was sealed for when all this catfighting was over. "If we have a short catfight before I do that to you, would you
cum hard into my hair first?" as Lucy agreed, heartily! "Oooooh, you big-titted bitch, are you going to be in for IT
tonight !" Lucy panted back at her!
