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My wife saga - Chapter 1

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My wife saga - Chapter 1
« on: May 06, 2011, 05:55:13 PM »
This is a fantasy story involving my wife in a 'saga' that will have many chapters. I will write them considering 'also', or better, 'mainly' taking in considerations your feedbacks, inputs, suggestions. Please forgive my english as a I'm not a native english speaker.
I live with my wife Pat at the last floor of a building where there are other 3 families and since the beginning, and I really do not know foe which reason, there was an instinctive bad feeling between a mature woman living alone at the first floor and my wife.
Any occasion was good to have discussions between them, but always without any particular consequence except some bad words shouted each other.
The other woman is called Julie and she is 55 yo, tall about 5.3 for 120 lbs with thin and straight blonde reddish hair cut in a sort of helmet long to the neck base and a fringe covering most of her forehead. Her face has sticked out cheekbones and is a little squared. She is for sure not so beautiful, but we could say that she has an interesting look and considering the age, her body is still slim and well formed despite very small tits.
My wife is younger, she is 44 yo , tall 5.4 for 110 lbs and is brunette with soft and a little wavy hair long to the shoulder base normally combed back and leaving her forehead free. Her face, and not because is my wife, is really nice with delicate outlines and wonderful brown eyes. She really demonstrates at least 6-7 years less than her real age. Also the shape is really good with well formed and sustained tits and ass, the only negative point is a belly a little too flabby, effect of her pregnancy.
Well… I do not know what really happened that day, but since that moment our life was never more like before.
It was a summer afternoon and I was looking the TV when suddenly, through the opened windows, I heard my wife and Julie shouting against each other with the usual bad words, the only difference is that the shouting was really long that time and particularly loud.
At that point I decided to go outside to see what was happening and I found the two women still shouting and discussing. Julie was shouting ‘You fucking bitch must end to consider yourself the princess of this house’ my wife replied full of anger ‘Shut up… frustrated piece of shit... you are pathetic get out of here or I’m really going to crush you one time for all’.
Julie was red like fire in the face and put her hands on the hips mocking my wife and hissed out ‘ I would really see that.. ugly little slut.. I would really see that’.
I have to say that I was not able to say nothing and by the way the two women were really ignoring me so taken by their quarrel so my wife shouted ‘I can’t wait to show you that.. old whore.. I’m ready when you want’.
At that moment I stuttered ‘Hey.. ladies.. do not you think is the right time to close this here and now?’
Pat turned her face to me and I was really scared looking at her purple face full of anger and hate:’Stay out of here! Stay out of here! Now this is a deal between me and this old garbage’ and then still facing her rival hissed out: ‘Say where and when.. whore.. it is really time to define this affair one time for all.. you are going to be so sorry to bother me any time’.
Still with the hands on her hips Julie badly smiled and smirked to my wife: ‘Yeahh.. finally you asked for this little bitch.. you will regret so much to mess with me.. let have this tomorrow at the same hour.. and here in front of all other people living here’.
My wife at those words seemed a little undecided and looking at Julie a little scared mumbled ‘What? What whore… what does this mean.. why in front of other people?’ Still smirking and smiling Juiie badly hissed out enjoying to see a trace of fear on Pat’s face:‘ Tsk... tsk… already scared skank? Do you remember.. you have challenged me.. and so I decide the rules for this deal and I say that this deserves a public end .. everyone here must know who is the slut in this house’ and again mocking my wife and more smiling hissed half closing her eyes:’.. but if you are scared like the slut you are.. that is fine: this means that we already know who is the slut and the low whore here and I will do my best to have all the people here knowing this’.
Again I tried to intervene saying taking one arm of my wife:’ Come on.. honey.. get out from here.. do not care the words of this old witch.. she is only a frustrated old piece of garbage’.
But I was not considering the pride of my wife that pulled free her arm and stepped few inches from the face of her rival hissing out :’You dream.. bitch.. I am not scared of you and of your fucking words at all.. you are less than nothing.. and will be still more a pleasure to destroy and humiliate you in front of our neighbours.. let them see what you really are: only a big piece of shit! And I have some other rules for tomorrow.. the deal will be no rules and will end only when the winner will decide to finish it’.
‘Mmmhhhh..’ Julie whispered stepping more to my wife so that they were almost nose against nose ‘that is really good to me… and last.. let see what you have inside you.. the loser will be the slave and the slut of the winner until she wants.. is that still fine for you..HONEY?’
I said: ‘Pat.. finish th…’ but my wife shouted turning her face to me ‘ SHUT UPPPP !!!!@ and the facing her hated rival hissed out almost spitting: ‘That is fine.. bitch.. you should look really nice as doggy’.
Finally Julie stepped away from my wife and almost laughing said:’ Well slut.. than the deal id done… see you tomorrow.. we will have fun and laughing stepped away.
I stepped to my wife and hissed to her:’Are you crazy ? Are you crazy? What have you done.. my God’, she looked at me and calmly said:’ I have done what I must to do.. I was time for this.. and do you really think that I could be scared of the ugly old skank? Come on.. yeahh.. tomorrow we will have fun.. a great fun’ and saying that she stepped away to go back in our flat.

(to be continued)