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Story: Megan Fox vs. Beth Phoenix

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Story: Megan Fox vs. Beth Phoenix
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:17:30 PM »

Catherine Bell frowned and looked down the ramp at her first major problem since becoming acting General Manager. The regular GM had been found under a stack of pallets last week, only a few minutes after announcing Megan Fox wouldn't be getting some midcard title shot she had in no way earned. The Board of Directors had placed her in charge until a permanent replacement could be found, but the show couldn't even start as long as there was a protest in the ring.

"Megan," she said diplomatically, "you're the most obvious suspect. I need you to go on paid leave while we do our investigation."

"I don't care, Gramma! You want an investigation, dial up Tom Cruise, have him patch you through to Zenu and ask the people in space. I didn't have anything to do with it! And I want Elisha Cuthbert! Tonight! Right now!"

"First of all," Cat said, deciding not to mention the fact that Megan hadn't won a match in over three months, "Elisha isn't here. She's on an international tour so -"

Megan literally jumped up and down in the air, as childlike as could be (with a very womanly set of breasts jumping up and down in a trendy American Apparel shirt). "I DON'T CARE!"

"Second, if you don't leave the ring I'm going to send someone down there to remove you."

Megan's eyebrows raised. "Like who? Elisha Cuthbert is on your precious tour! Charlize is on your precious tour! Jessica Biel is hurt, and Rosario has a match tonight. And those are the only women who deserve to be in the ring with me!"

Megan stuck her nose into the air. Catherine strongly considered marching down there and unleashing on the delusional girl, but decided it wouldn't be very becoming. Even though she was still a competitor, it was time to start preparing for the day age caught up to her and she wasn't in the thick of things anymore.

In short: she needed to delegate.

"You want a match? You've got it. And if you win, you can fight all the Elisha Cuthbert you want when she's back in the country."

She made a signal with her hands. Was it overkill? Probably. Putting this 110 bimbo against a woman with a 50 pound weight advantage was roughly equivalent to killing an ant with a nuclear warhead. But did she want to get rid of Megan in any way possible? Absolutely. The fans sounded like they agreed when Beth Phoenix stormed through the curtain.

If Megan looked like she was out for a day at the mall, Beth looked like she was out for a fight - maybe more than in her regular gig for the WWE. She wore a short set of green tights, a simple tank, and a set of green/black boots, no surprise for an accomplished amateur wrestler. She also wore a very, very mean glare that suddenly alerted Megan to the reality of her situation.

Cat leaned over and clapped Beth on the back. "Megan, we brought in a couple of guests to fill the numbers during the tour. Good luck with this one. And referee? Try not to end this match until *everyone* is satisfied with the result." She turned to Beth and said, "She's all yours."

Beth bared her teeth like a wolf and headed towards the ring. Megan's eyes boggled and she headed towards the back.

"You better not make me chase you," Beth said. Megan ignored her and scrambled up the ramp. But now it was too late to run. Beth shrugged her shoulders, dropped the microphone, and sprinted around the ring to give chase. Beth's thick calves and thighs easily powered the distance with the awkward actress, who hadn't needed to run outside of a movie set in years.

Megan looked back and swore - Beth wasn't just huge, she was fast too, and gaining quicker than she could possibly outrun her. Megan headed to the barricade, hoping she could somehow lose her in the crowd. But she lost her footing and stumbled trying to get over the steel - that half second was all Beth needed to catch her, grab her by the air and bring her movement to a quick halt. Megan pushed against Beth's arm to absolutely no avail.

"I told you not to -"

In desperation, Megan whirled around and threw her best haymaker at Beth. "Best" being a relative term, the weak punch bounced off Beth's sturdy chin and wasn't even hard enough to break Beth's grip on her hair. She threw another hard slap to Beth's face, but Beth just smiled at her. Megan tried again, this time aiming a bunch to Beth's abdomen, which was an even worse move. Megan actually winced as her fist clattered with Beth's stomach. She looked upwards, and the Glamazon smiled and let her hair go.

Beth cocked her arm back and shot out a punch, smashing Megan's jaw with the impact of a boxer. Beth's shoulders pumped like pistons and easily ripped through Megan's defenses, which mostly consisted of waving her hands in front of her and praying for a miracle.

"Come on, little girl." Beth's menacing punches slammed into her eye, swept across her jaw, pancaked her breast, slammed into her temple with overwhelming power and total unpredictability. "You might as well put your hands down if that's all you can do."

Megan, enraged by the taunting, threw a heavy overhand right, which Beth effortlessly swept away and countered with a skullcrushing right to the chin. The ease she had dominating wimpy little airheads who thought they could be fighters was always a rush. But this time, Beth wanted to play with her food before she ate it - and she was going to eat this little dish alive.

She slapped a front kick to Megan's face, dropping her to her knees mere feet away from a disappointed fan with a "MEGAN FOX MY WORLD" sign. "Put your hands down," Beth ordered.

"Fuck you!"

"You think this is all I can do to you?" Beth responded by grabbing the back of Megan's head and pushing her forward, jamming the point of her knee into the actresses face. Megan howled as Beth stood over her. The big wrestler was crotch to eyeball next to her, and completely violating her personal space.

"Yeah, Muay Thai isn't your friend, is it?" Beth took a small step back and fired her shin into Megan's vulnerable temple. "Hands down, shrimpy!"

Megan fought her own instincts and let her hands hang limpy at the sides, hoping it would stop the violence - but Beth's heavy fists and knees came crashing into her body faster with a series of loud smacks. Beth leaned down and buried an uppercut into Megan's stomach so deep that she could feel the ribs.

Megan gagged, and Beth loved the way it felt, slamming a couple of stomps on Megan's pilant ribcage without waiting for her to recover. Finally, Beth wrapped a single arm across Megan's midsection and lifted her high into the air, showing her off to the crowd before dropping her over Beth's outstretched knee.

The crowd's moan was loud, but Megan's was somehow louder - a high pitched shriek of agony for half a second, then a long, soundless wail that could only be traced by her gaping lips.

Beth rolled devastated Megan off her knee, then slammed her foot down onto her chest and pointed down at the cowering brunette. "Don't you EVER make me repeat myself again!"

With that, Beth Phoenix bent at the knees, lifting Megan onto her shoulders and carrying her over the barricades. Megan weakly tried to kick her way out, but there was no escape -- Beth's arms were like a vice wrapped around her, and each arm held a set of her limbs under complete control. With each slow, confident step from the Glamazon, Megan knew that escape was further and further away. She couldn't even manage it when she was fresh, so how would she be able to do it after this monster of a woman had mauled her?

Beth jumped onto the apron with Megan still struggling and motionless on top of her back. She posed with her trophy like a lioness returning with a fresh kill before climbing over the middle ropes, walking towards the middle of the ring, rising up on her calves, and slamming Megan down in the middle of the ring. Beth planted her foot in the back of Megan's head and twisted it back and forth, as if she was putting out a cigarette.

"When that bell rings," she said, still grinding away on the back on Megan's head as she moaned mirthlessly, "we're going to fight some more. And you'd better be ready."

Beth laughed and dismounted from Megan's head. For her own part, Megan rolled on her back and tried to clear her vision from Beth's thunderous kicks - they still felt like sledgehammers on her -


Megan sprang up to a sitting position at the sound of the bell and pedaled backwards on her hands as Beth advanced on her with her arms stretched wide. Megan reached the ropes and tried to climb up to her feet, and Beth chose the moment to strike, lifting Megan up from the ground and picking her up in one arm again. She'd decided to go to the well again, lifting Megan high in the air before slamming her across her knee in another devastating backbreaker. Megan moaned, and Beth held her there, completely powerless as a "ONE MORE TIME" chant started in the crowd. She powered Megan up again, spinning her around and around before dropping her across the knee a third time. She placed her elbow on Megan's chin, stretching her body unnaturally.

The ref swooped in to check for a submission, but Beth growled at him, and he decided to try again at a better time. Megan pawed weakly at Beth's arm. "Stop..."

Beth ignored her and tossed Megan into the air again, catching her on the way down, this time, with her arms squeezed tightly around her waist. Beth paused for a moment and tightened the hold, letting her arms chew up Megan's agonized midriff. After a few seconds, she screeched a terrifying battle cry into Megan's ear and ran forward, smashing her into the turnbuckle. Without fully letting go, Beth hauled back and drove the point of her shoulder into Megan's sore midsection before stepping back and rocking Megan with another shoulder thrust. The skinny actress went limp, already unable to cope with Beth splitting her in half. Beth led her a couple of steps out of the turnbuckle before rearing back and slamming her headfirst into the middle turnbuckle.

She stopped and placed her hand on her hips, soaking up the awe and adulation of the crowd. There were two wildly contrasting images in the ring. Beth, regal and powerful, without a misplaced hair on her head, and poor Megan Fox, chest bruised, eye swelling, shivering against the turnbuckle like a wet housepet, and completely at the mercy of a dominating, take no prisoners wrestler.

Beth stepped forward and snapped a high, loud kick to Megan's head. She followed up with a kick to the chest that Megan blocked - or else she would have, if the kick wasn't so powerful it knocked her hands back anyway. Beth's next kick was much slower, pressing her foot against Megan's cheek and ramming her face against the middle turnbuckle. Megan threw her hand up to try and move her, but the foot was attached to Beth's thick legs and wouldn't budge.

"You see that boot, bitch?" Beth grabbed the middle rope and pressed it tighter into Megan's face. "Look at it!"

Torn between delierium, keeping her rapidly fading crowd and Beth's terrifying order not to make her repeat anything, Megan glanced at Beth's boot ever so quickly before making contact with her eyes again.

"You're going to lick that boot before I'm done with you." She pulled her leg off and landed a perfect facewash kick to Megan while she was in the corner. Megan gasped and curled into a ball - she could swear she still felt the imprint carved into her cheek.

Beth pulled Megan out of the corner and drew her close, slamming her toned abs into Megan's midsection and wrapping her arms around her waist. Megan moaned loudly a few seconds later as Beth lifted her clean off the ground and into a crushing bearhug. Megan made a sick noise like a balloon having the air let out as Beth's arms easily dominated Megan's midsection. Megan tried to push her way free, but Beth held steady, squeezing her like a boa constrictor, tightening her grip everytime that Megan's body forced her to exhale.

Megan let out a sharp wheeze as Beth's arms flexed, letting Megan's toes drip to the canvas for a split second before lifting her up again. Megan tried pulling Beth's arms apart to end the torture, but they were like thick steel cables. Megan's arms flew around for a desperate few seconds before she got a bright idea and guided her thumb towards Beth's eyes -

A sudden surge of power ripped through Megan's midsection as Megan let out an inhuman gurgle of pain. "Keep those bony fingers away from my face!" Beth shouted, and Megan's hands dropped to the side. But her need for air was all-powerful, and within a few seconds, her reflexes went back to Beth's face. Beth leaned on her haunches and threw Megan overhead with a crushing Belly to Belly Suplex.

"Are you acting like a big girl now?" Beth stalked the panting Megan, who was still struggling to bring air back to her lungs. Beth grabbed the side of Megan's head and slapped her hard across the face before pulling her up and bodyslamming her down to the mat. She circled Megan and gave her another bodyslam, then a third. Beth spent the next couple of minutes crushing Megan with a variety of backdrops, throws, slams, and suplexes. Finally, she lifted Megan into her arms like a disc of pizza dough, holding her high above her arms in a military press before sending her crashing back towards the canvas. Megan winced as her body fell into the mat from over six feet. Still dizzy, she felt herself shiver as Beth pulled her up from the ground and spat in her face.

"You think you can fight me like a big girl?" Beth spun around and unleashed a roundhouse kick to Megan's sore stomach that bulged her eyes and put her onto her knees. "I'll break your fucking back like a big girl, bitch!"

Something about Beth's tone drew up millions of years of ancestry, a full shot of adrenaline, the fight or flight reflex, and Megan's full human potential. She willed herself up, drove herself shoulder first into Beth - and Beth didn't budge an inch! Beth buried the point of her boot in Megan's gut and hoisted her into the air, walking her around the ring with a big vertical suplex before dropping her in the middle of the ring. The angry amazon swarmed Megan, getting behind her and pulling her into a Dragon Sleeper that bent her neck backwards at a terrifying angle. That knee that had already caused so much damage to Megan's face found a home inside her back, first with a couple of knees, then with a submission hold so tight that Beth and Megan both felt those frail bones creak.

Megan let out a pitiful whimper and Beth laughed loudly, knowing every bone in this little girl's body belonged to her now. The referee took another tentative step forward.

"You better not dare," Beth said brazenly.

The referee took a deep breath and backed off, and Beth released the hold. Her point was made, Catherine's point was made, and there was no chance Megan would be antagonizing the fans or pestering the authorities for a very long time. "You know what? It just doesn't seem right."

Beth abruptly turned and walked away, taking a couple steps toward the exit of the ring... before bouncing off the ropes and rushing towards Megan's outstretched body at full speed, only stopping to leap into the air and drop a leg directly onto Megan's breast!

"It doesn't seem right to break down every inch of you and leave those tits in shape." Megan tried covering up, but Beth was merciless - she leapt high into the air and dropped her leg over and over again on Megan's barely moving body. There were loud smacks as Beth's thighs pulverized Megan's chest. Megan rolled into a ball to cover her sore rack, and Beth seamlessly slid on top of her face, trapping Megan's head between her thighs and hurling down blow after blow onto her sore body. Megan squealed and tried to power up with her legs - which only gave Beth a golden oppurtunity to punch her in the stomach before resuming the attack on her sore breasts.

"I give up," Megan wailed, tapping the canvas. "I give up. Tell Cat I'm sorry."

"Oh, it's way too late for that, little girl." Beth didn't attack her, but just bore her weight down onto Megan's face with a  heavy sigh, relishing every moment of power. "I didn't come all the way out here to make peace with airheads. I came here to make pieces with them. You're done."

"Wait." Megan tapped pleadingly against Beth's thigh and shuffled her leg. "I can tell you... the General Manager..."

"You think I care?" Beth said darkly. She could always tell Catherine from whatever hospital she found herself in. Plus, who knew what Megan Fox would say under torture, right? And that's exactly what this was. Beth rolled around on top of Megan and cinched in a headlock, mashing Megan's face into her own set of breasts. "If your wimpy ass wants to survive this, you better forget about Cat and start thinking about what you're going to do for me..."

Megan's hand's roved to her hindsection. Beth squeezed the headlock tighter still.
"Don't touch me, shrimpy." Megan weakly pawed at Beth's butt for another instant, then let her hands drop to the canvas. "Now. What did I tell you I was going to do?"


Beth quickly floated around, climbing on top of Megan's back as if she were a pony before locking her fingers under Megan's chin and twisting her into a Camel Clutch. "What did I say I was going to do to you?"

"Break... break my fucking back," Megan said with a sob. "But please -"

"That's right. And you made me repeat myself didn't you?" She slowly leaned back, letting nature do the work to Megan's agonized frame. Her legs easily kept the little tramp's rail-thin arms in check hanging limply and unable to do anything but weakly flap a wrist, begging for mercy that wouldn't come. Megan shrieked as Beth used her big body to stretch her spine to the breaking point. And the shriek quickly became a gurgle as the pressure on her neck increased. Finally she unwrapped her legs and released the hold, then picked her up again and crushed her with another backbreaker. Beth finally hoisted Megan onto her shoulders, grabbed her by the ankles, taking a running start forward before whipping her to the ground.

Megan screamed and convulsed on the floor as her unprotected spine made impact with the canvas. The crowd had delighted in the brassy brunette's destruction so far, but even they let out a loud moan of empathy at this latest trauma.

The ref crept forward to check on Megan's state, but Beth stood between him and Megan, slowly placing her hand on her hips. "She's still moving around isn't she?" Despite being a couple of inches shorter, Beth seemed to tower over the young ref. "That means she's fine."

The referee took a tentative step forward, but Beth didn't budge. "Well," he said with a stammer, "n-not exactly. There could be something broken or -"

Beth took a big stride forward and bumped the referee a couple steps backward. She smirked and pointed towards the corner, her tricep bulging with muscle.

"You better stand over in that corner and not come out until I ask for you."

She took another couple of steps and the ref backpedaled. He really wanted to assert his authority somehow, but the commissioner herself had called Beth to the ring - and it was obvious who would be punished if the match didn't go on as planned. Whether he liked it or not, this was HER ring now.

He took another step back - and cringed as his back pressed against the turnbuckle. Beth was so close he could fell her breath against his neck.

"Now," she said loudly. "Turn around."

"I - you can't be serious -"

Beth looked as if she would rip the referee apart any minute. She clenched her jaw and made a slow circle with her hands. The referee ignored Megan's loud, desperate wails for some kind of help and faced the corner like a misbehaving child.

Beth gave him a condescending pat on the head and rotated on her heel towards Megan, who was still too abused to even think about escape.

"Aww... so how does the whiny little tramp jobber feel about having her bony little back broken by a real woman?" Beth stepped on her spine and calmly pressed her full weight down. "Was it fun for you?"

She reached down and scooped Megan into her arms, giving the terrified girl a predatory grin. "It's not really broken, you know. Which means we need do that again."

Even the mention of taking that kind of pain again was enough to break Megan. She broke into a loud, jagged fit of sobbing as Beth easily pulled the actress onto her shoulders. Beth looked down. A couple of tear drops fell to the canvas. The warrior woman licked her lips in anticipation - there would be many more to come after that.

She clutched Megan by the legs and slung her to the ground, slamming her back first into the canvas again. She showcased her dominant strength advantage and brutally lifted Megan again without even bothering to reset her grip, whipping her spine into the canvas as if she weighed little more than a towel.

Megan's devastation was complete. Her face was soaked with tears, he hair disheveled, her body was racked with so much suffering that she couldn't even gather the strength to beg the bigger woman for mercy. But her wide eyes and quivering body told the story even if she couldn't.

Beth crouched in front of her. "This is a good day for you. That back of yours is probably going to heal. And you now have the opportunity to use those big deal world famous lips of yours... to kiss my wrestling boots while you beg me not to finish what I started."

Megan almost fainted with relief when Beth's toes pried open her lips. She pressed her tongue against Beth's rubber, rolling her tongue on the inside of each groove. Megan cringed, tasting sweat from the canvas as she worshiped the feet that had trampled her million dollar face. She did this for two or three minutes, begging for mercy while lovingly kissing both of Beth's shoes.

Finally, Beth straddled Megan placed her hand on her hips, studying her handiwork with a smirk. Feeling satisfied with the pained frown on Megan's face, she taunted: "We know who the queen is in this ring don't we? And you can't be a real queen without a throne, wouldn't you agree?"

Slowly, the wrestler turned to Megan, slapped her hip and descended down on top of the waif, taking extra care to completely flatten Megan's sore breasts under her thick ass, grinding back and forth to ensure the best seal possible.

After a couple of moments, she swiped a paw back, cuffing Megan across the face. "I SAID, wouldn't you agree?"

Megan sniffled, barely in this world and completely amazed at how Beth could swat her with so much more force than Megan could get behind a real punch. If she had known how much more powerful this woman was, she would have found some way to run faster - or travel back in time and convince herself not to show up at all.

It wasn't fair! She wanted so much to be a dominant fighter, a skilled athlete who had sex appeal and still struck fear in the hearts of her opponents. But lately she considered it a victory if she lost without having her face sat on.

And this, clearly, wasn't going to be a victory.

"Yes, Beth. You deserve a throne."

"I'm glad we agree." Beth pulled at the sides of her tights, and eased back onto Megan's face, pressing her pointed nose directly into the heavyweight's rock hard butt. She pressed down tight as the flashbulbs clicked from every corner of the arena - the battle between her ass and Megan's face was just as onesided as the rest of the fight - her flawless glutes totally swallowed the model's face, clinging tightly, smothering off all light.

Beth raised her arms and posed in victory. Of course, she could have covered Megan to a 100 count, but it didn't matter with the referee in the corner.

"Yeah, that's right Hollywood." Beth roughly grabbed Megan's leg and hooked it, stretching it almost above her head while Beth rocked back, pushing her ass into Megan's face at a high angle. "I want to feel your mouth on every inch of my ass, you bony bitch!"

Megan squinted in distaste and stretched her tongue out, trying to ignore the roaring pain in her leg as she laved her tongue over Beth's hot, sweaty tights.

"Please let my leg go -" Before she could finish, Megan let out a shriek as Beth jammed her free elbow into Megan's hamstring. If she was hurting before, she was on fire now. She couldn't see Beth's face, but her voice boomed overhead and her ass gave a mighty flex, totally dominating her vision.

"You need to focus on this, little girl." Beth savagely elbowed Megan's leg again. "Not this."

She pressed her lips against Beth's butt cheek, once, twice, a third time. "Beth, please don't make me do this anymore. You already - aaaaaaaaieeeee -"

Beth took Megan's ankle in her armpit and wordlessly twisted until the actress sobbed and picked up the pace, frantically kissing Beth's ass as hard and as fast as she could. And once her lips started to dry, she went back to using her tongue, licking every part of the dominant Amazon she could reach. If Megan didn't already know that Beth could hurt her in dozens of different ways, she sure knew it now.

"That's right," Beth said, her voice thick with arousal. "A real woman broke your little body in half and made you kiss her feet and lick her ass. Just because I felt like it."

Megan kept kissing, even as the scent of Beth's arousal and the powerful truth of her words overpowered her. Megan's toes curled and she shuddered, ashamed of her body's reaction to this superior woman. And there was no doubt that Beth was her superior - in EVERY way.

"So? How does my ass taste?"

Megan's face flushed a hot red. As much as she hated to admit it, she'd been in this exact position countless times before. She knew exactly what to say.

"It tastes so good Mistress, please -" Megan sighed with relief as Beth let her captured leg go and stood - but her relief turned to horror as Beth did a merciless buttdrop, right onto her sore nose! Megan let out a muffled scream as Beth ground on her face in a tight circle, painfully bending and clicking the cartilage in her nose.

"You don't know the first thing about how my ass tastes." Beth's curvy ass was a complete nightmare for Megan - the young actress lifted her hands and tried to push Beth off of her face, but her efforts were so useless that Beth didn't even bother locking her arms. She just laughed at Megan as she struggled. "The only thing you know is that my ass is stronger than your fucking biceps are. But you're going to find out a lot more, very soon."

She flexed it a couple more times for good measure as Megan squealed. Finally, Beth stood up and slowly took her boots and socks off, chucking them to the outside of the ring. The crowd roared as she slowly hooked her thumbs inside her leggings and pulled her long tights down, showcasing a set of toned legs and a thick set of labia. She pulled her top off, leaving her completely in the nude before she marched over to Megan Fox, slapping her in the face with the sole of her foot.

"Take a good, long look, shrimpy." Beth curled her biceps and pointed her hip towards the young woman. "All of this is what your dumb ass tried to pick a fight with."

Megan shrank back from her and curled into a ball, because of the overwhelming rays of intimidation that emanated from Beth Phoenix like heat from an open stove. And also, because she was ashamed at how foolish she was to have provoked a match with somebody this overpowering. But something about the expression on Megan's face pissed Beth off.

"Huh?" She stepped forward and slapped Megan across the face. "What do you have to say?"

Megan was reeling with panic. She knew full well that nothing she said could calm Beth woman down. Thinking quickly, she crawled onto her stomach like a garden snake and kissed Beth's toes in submission, occasionally flicking her doe eyes up at Beth in a silent plea for pity.

That was the wrong answer. Beth bent over and hoisted Megan into the air, placing Megan's legs on each of her shoulders before pitching up on her toes and dropping her with a ring rattling powerbomb. The ref was still far too frighened to disobey Beth's orders, but even he jumped in the air at the impact.

"Who told you you could kiss my feet? I already told you what you're doing, didn't I?" Beth snapped her fingers and pivoted, kicking her leg in the air as she turned her back to Megan.

Megan was sweating and her entire back was radiating with pain, sending steady vibrations rolling through her body. But she knew that if she didn't get up, Beth would take her to a whole new world of suffering. Megan tried to pull herself up twice and failed, as her body simply refused to respond. This was so much more different than rolling around with the pale girl from Twilight - a trained athlete had destroyed every inch of her body.

Beth turned around, and before panic could set in, she propped Megan up, putting the girl on her knees right in front of Beth's ass.

She finally called for the referee now. The sight was awe inspiring - a dazed Megan Fox on her knees right behind Beth, mechanically licking her ass as if she'd been hypnotized into it. The brawny wrestler tossed her long blonde hair and winked at the referee. "Just in case you couldn't tell, I made her submit."

The ref watched dumbly for a second before calling for the bell and leaving the ring. Beth turned around and grabbed her  kneeling, broken victim by the hair. "You still think you're one of the big girls?"

"No, Mistress," Megan said with a sob.

"You still want to be treated like one of the big girls?"

"No!" Megan flinched as Beth adjusted her grip. She laughed.

"Awww, are you scared I'm going to break your teeth out with my knee? Did big bad Beth break the dumb bitch?"

"Yes, yes you broke me!" Megan's head bobbed forward and she stuffed her face between Beth's legs and started licking her pussy. Beth had been turned on from the moment she'd intimidated the little wimp out of defending herself - not that she could anyway - and this pushed her over the top. She pushed down on Megan's shoulders, lying her flat before she rubbed her naked pussy onto Megan's squirming face. Megan had already taken much more punishment than she possibly could - and having to bear Beth's weight pressing on her didn't help anything.

Megan sniffled in discomfort, and some of Beth's sweat and honey slid into her nose. Megan meekly tapped Beth's leg, but she ignored her, pumping steadily on top of Megan's tear moistened face. Beth's back was arched, her toes were curled, her teeth were bared just a bit as she wriggled her hips back and forth in search of the perfect fit.

"Come on little girl, I know that mouth is good for something." Beth slapped her ribcage and Megan let out a long high squeal that sent vibrations straight up the dominant woman's clit and shooting through the rest of her body. Beth let out a moan, but kept her focus on Megan. "We both know you love my ass and my feet, but what about the rest of me? Tongue out!"

Megan meekly stuck her tongue out and let out moans of pain as Beth pinched and slapped her ribs, Every pinch to the breasts and stomach claw and slap set up a different set of waves. "That's right, bitch," she said mockingly, "you thought you were so tough, and now you're like my little horsey aren't you?"

Megan was consumed with trying to breathe and didn't answer, but Beth didn't need any. She bore down, scrubbing the lumps on Megan's face with her dripping pussy. She was a pure animal, soaking in the glory of the kill. She roughly palmed the side of Megan's rib and squeezed tight - Megan let out a breathless scream that pushed Beth over the top and gave her a heavy orgasm on the struggling woman's face.

She slowed down giving slow, dramatic thrusts as she climbed off the peak, and after a few more seconds, she climbed off of Megan's soaked and destroyed face. Megan crawled to her knees and mumbled something, but whatever it was, Beth didn't feel like hearing it, which meant it wasn't getting heard. She took a short step back, and then her bare foot crashed into the point of Megan's jaw, knocking her out. Remembering the (incredibly happy) crowd, she planted the ball of her foot on Megan's cheek for a few moments before picking her up and carrying her backstage, providing an amazing start to the night that nobody backstage wanted to follow up on.


My first story. Please give feedback and quote passages you liked. Loosely inspired by Finish_Her's thread.


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Re: Story: Megan Fox vs. Beth Phoenix
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 02:51:05 AM »
I was afraid when I read the matchup Megan was going to pull the upset, was glad to see the dominate woman win and destroy lottle Megan. The facesit ending was suburb.


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Re: Story: Megan Fox vs. Beth Phoenix
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 07:56:01 AM »
Great Story! Megan was Clearly Pussy Whipped for Sure! Great Job for your first Story! Hope to see more! Dan