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My wife fights

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Offline rfranks45

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My wife fights
« on: April 15, 2013, 02:55:46 AM »
When my wife Dianne told me that we would be attending a fund raising event for her company I wasn't too happy.  Being married to a beautiful, sexy woman has taught me to agree to lots of things that don't always make me happy, however things always seem to work out in the end.  The fund raiser was held last Friday night in the corporate office for her company.  It was one of those "well to do" affairs where all the phonies who don't like each other get dressed up and pretend to get along.  Dianne's main interest in this event was a certain pair of very expensive pair high heel shoes that were going to be auctioned off.  I don't know much about shoes, but I know my wife does and she has spent a small fortune over the years on them.  Again, something that doesn't always make me happy.

Friday night's gathering was what I expected. Wine, cheese and a number of attractive women in the crowd.  Dianne walked me over to the table where the high heels were displayed and as far as I could tell they were like all of shoes only they had red soles.  An attractive blonde woman in her late forties was admiring the shoes and  I watched as she placed one of the shoes on her foot. A man I suspected to be her husband smiled as she modeled the shoe.  I guess I was smiling as well since the blonde had great legs and the shoe only seemed to make her legs look better. 

Dianne was standing behind the woman blonde waiting to try the shoe on for herself.  I couldn't help but notice the blonde woman cast Dianne and rather unfriendly look.  "They won't look nearly as good on you," the woman said as she removed the shoes and forcefully pushed them into Dianne's hands.  Dianne slipped both shoes on and I believe the blonde woman was wrong.  They looked great on Dianne, but then again she has great legs. I could tell Dianne had fallen in love with the shoes and I knew she wanted them.  My only concern was how much I was going to spend on the shoes as I was certain Dianne was going to try and out-bid everyone. 

Dianne placed the shoes back on the display table and then proceeded to tell me all about the "bitch" who had acted so rudely.  "Vicky" worked for the same company but at a different location and apparently Dianne and "Vicky" had a few disagreements in the past.  Dianne explained that Vicky was also an area manager and acted like was still the prom queen.  I wasn't sure if Vicky was ever a prom queen but she was certainly put together like she could have been.  With long blonde hair, big tits, and nice legs I bet she drove many a guy crazy. 

After an hour of drinking wine and looking at the other items up for bid the bidding finally started.  When they got to the high heels Dianne wanted so badly I quickly found out that the bidding started at $400.  Dianne whispered to me that she didn't care if she got the shoes or not, but she did not want that "bitch" to get them.  The bidding on the shoes moved quickly and the price of the shoes rocketed over $700 quickly.  Once the price hit $850 the only two bidders for the shoes were Dianne and Vicky.  The bidding continued and the crowd seemed to get a kick out of the bidding war between two very attractive women.  I watched Vicky's husband squirm in his chair as Vicky and Dianne brought the price of the shoes over $2,000. 

The bidding war for the shoes stretched on and eventually Jerry, both women's boss, stopped the process as the bidding was taking up too much time and there were plenty of other items to be bid upon.  "I'm sure these two lovely ladies can settle this in private, let's move on to the next item," Jerry said.  Vicky's husband I made it over to the table where they were collecting the funds for the items that were purchased.  We both laughed about how crazy things had gotten and how our wives must be crazy.  We were each asked to write a check for $1,250 as Jerry had stopped the bidding when the shoes hit $2,500.  Vicky's husband introduced himself as Frank and he told me that he thought the bidding war was more of the personal thing between the two woman and not really about the shoes.  I explained to him that Dianne really wanted the shoes and that Dianne didn't seem to like his wife.

While Frank and I were talking I could see Dianne and Vicky near the exit doorway and they were engaged in what appeared to be a heated conversation.  Frank and I walked to the door and as we got close Vicky told us that she and Dianne were about to decide who got the shoes and that the decision was going to be made at her house.  Vicky grabbed Frank by the arm and led him to the parking lot.  Dianne told me that we were going to follow Frank and Vicky to their house where she and Vicky would settle things.  I knew where this was going and I reminded Dianne about her bad knee and how it would look bad to show up for work on Monday with scratches and bruises.  Dianne told me not to worry.  Again, something that didn't make me happy.       


Offline Wondering48

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 03:50:40 AM »
Waiting for more.


Offline rockbotttom

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 07:28:18 AM »
Great start....oh and welcome back ;D ..cant wait for the rest...


Offline gmenn

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 08:49:56 AM »
Wow. It's a very promising start. I hope that a so feminine trophy will be assigned by a feminine kind of fight, plenty of slapping, scratching and hairpulling.


Offline kimmysassy

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 06:11:19 PM »
Sounds like a naked facesit(reverse) will be the only way this should end...or begin perhaps...


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 01:46:28 AM »
I clicked this thinking it couldn't possibly be a new story from rfranks45/46.  Pleasantly surprised to be wrong.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline tomboy999999

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 03:20:53 AM »
great story, top class writing , Norm


Offline JT Edson

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Re: My wife fights
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 02:05:05 PM »
Nice scenario. Different. I like it. Great build up. I look forward to part 2.