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Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]

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Offline canadianlou

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Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« on: July 16, 2011, 09:10:01 PM »
Here is the complete Hendricks/Brie story based on the survey I posted here a few weeks ago.  I hope everyone enjoys it and please take a moment to post a comment down below (it's invaluable to the writing process)

Christina Hendricks:

Alison Brie: {alt}

   If there was little doubt in the outcome, the match wouldn’t be worth having.  That was the thought that Alison Brie played over and over again in her mind as she paced back and forth in her dressing room.  Sure, she was facing a woman who, at 5’8, towered over her.  And yes, she was facing a woman who had more experience inside the ring, but experience isn’t everything.  What about the indomitable spirit of youth?  What about the plucky upstart toppling the tired veteran?

   It was these thoughts that helped Alison Brie tie up her wrestling boots.  They were lilywhite, and like her, had never seen any true in-ring action.  Perhaps these were the boots that would walk her to victory, or the boots that would lead her to the slaughter. 

   Alison complimented her boots with a baby blue bikini, hoping to highlight her youthful vibrancy.  At the very least, it highlighted her curvy figure and her ample chest.  Brie knew that despite her height that she had a decent frame for competition, unlike some of the skinnier girls she’d worked with in the past.

   But today she wasn’t facing one of the skinnier girls.  No, today she was facing a woman who has become something of an icon to full figured women around the world, Christina Hendricks.

   Christina had heard it all before.  She’s been called every variation of “bitch” that exists, and she’s perfectly fine with that.  The label of “demanding” or “difficult” has never made her bat an eyelash.  She knows in her heart that she is one of the best at what she does, and that such greatness comes at a high premium.

   Her in-ring opponents haven’t sung her praises either.  While most women don’t like losing, the thought of losing to Hendricks has been enough for most stars to back out before the fight.  Christina’s “hold nothing back” attitude has given her a feared reputation among industry insiders, as the often humiliating antics she subjects her opponents to have become the stuff of legend. 

   Alison entered the ring first, wearing a nervous smile to match her baby blue bikini.  She, much like the characters she has portrayed, always has a sense of misplaced confidence.  Despite all of her research, she still felt that she had a great chance of pulling out a win in the match.  The oddsmakers didn’t share her belief, as they have Christina favored almost 20 to 1.

   Christina came out next, the picture of a true bygone era pin-up.  She was wearing a sultry red bra and panties combination adorned with lace frilling.  Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, keeping her fiery locks at bay. 

   Hendricks entered the ring without taking the time to even look at her opponent.  It was a sign of disrespect and a way for Christina to let Alison know exactly how she felt about her.  The ref quickly approached to review the rules with her, but she quickly dismissed him with a flirty smile. 

   The bell rang and Hendricks wasted no time approaching her smaller opponent.  She was nearly towering over Brie, who couldn’t help but show a bit of concern on her face.  Alison knew she had to react quickly, so she bounced off the ropes and hurtled towards the redhead.  The surprising move caught Christina off guard, and Brie’s clothesline knocked her backwards.  Backwards, but not off her feet.  Alison was shocked since she thought she hit her as hard as she could, but the fact that Hendricks was still upright meant that this was going to be tougher than she thought.

   Brie bounced off the ropes again, this time connecting with a forearm to Christian’s ample chest.  The force of this second blow sent Hendricks crashing down to the mat, a place she didn’t expect to find herself so early in the match.  Before she could get to her feet, she was met with a leg dropped across her throat.  Alison had once again come off the ropes, this time executing a perfect legdrop. 

   Wasting no time, Alison wraps her arm under Christina’s chin and locks in a seated sleeper hold.  She puts her other hand on top of her opponent’s head, truly sinking in the potentially debilitating maneuver.  Brie tightened her grip, delighted yet surprised in the position she found herself in.  Christina was less bemused, as she felt the grip slowly tighten around her neck.  Worst of all, her hair was being messed up.

   “I thought you were supposed to be tough,” Alison taunted as she ground in the hold.

   “Don’t worry,” Christina responded through gritted teeth, “I’ll be out of this soon enough.”

   “You’ll be out, alight.  Out cold.”  Even the referee rolled his eyes at her weak insults.  Nevertheless, Brie had her in control, and every second Christina was in the hold was a second she was being weakened.  But Hendricks wasn’t one to lose her composure or show that she was ruffled, so she simply grabbed at Alison’s wrists while trying to formulate a plan.

   “I would advise you let me go or else I’m gong to make this unpleasant for you,” Christina threatened mere seconds after formulating her plan.

   “Are you crazy?  I’m going to choke you out right here and win.  Why would I let you go?” she responded, synching up the hold further. 

   “Because,” Christina replied as she let go of Alison’s wrists, “once I get out of this I am going to make you wish you never set foot in this ring.” 

   “Oh please, you’re only saying that becau…” Alison’s words were cut off the moment Christina’s plan went into action.  The taller Hendricks used her advantage to reach back behind Brie and secure a grip on her bikini bottoms.  Then, with a hearty tug, she yanked the thin, coarse material upwards in a vicious wedgie. 

   Brie tried to maintain her hold, but as the material cut between her pert cheeks it became harder and harder to block out the pain.  Suddenly, her arm began to involuntarily shake.  She tried to fight through the pain as tears welled up in her eyes, knowing that if she let go her one shot at an advantage would evaporate.

   Christina, feeling her tactic’s success as the grip around her throat weakened, decided to try a more effective strategy.  While still keeping her hold, she slipped her index fingers forward, hooking the front part of Alison’s bikini.  Then, with a redoubled effort, she tugged again, jamming the crotch of Brie’s briefs up her unsuspecting vagina.

   The girl had no choice at this point.  Her body could take no more.  The sleeper grip quickly weakened, and Christina was able to easily break free simply by leaning forward.  She released her wedgie grip and quickly got up to her feet.  In ladylike fashion, she dusted herself off, cleaning away the indignity of being caught in such a position.

   Alison, meanwhile, was still in a seated position as she attempted to extricate her bottoms from its currently invasive position.  She looked up and from her vantage point on the ground Christina looked like a giant.  Brie had her moment and it was over, and worst of all she knew it.

   Christina hauled Alison to her feet by her hair, all the while accompanied by Brie’s banshee-like squeal.  Hendricks put her hands on Brie’s shoulders, locked in a tight grip and then hauled her backwards towards the corner.  This showing of pure strength was quite an impressive sight, although at Brie’s weight it wasn’t particularly challenging. 

   Alison hit the turnbuckles with a sickening splat.  She stumbled forward, clutching her hurt back and neck.  This involuntary walk led her right back to a waiting Christina, who scooped her up and promptly bodyslammed her to the mat.  Brie again grabbed at her back as she moaned in pain. 

   Hendricks wasted little time as she once again peeled Alison off the canvas.  She then flung the dazed girl into the ropes before launching her in the air with a back-bodydrop.  Brie sailed high above the ring as she was flipped upwards before ultimately crashing back down to the unforgiving mat. 

   The almost clinical dissection of Brie in a matter of moments was astounding.  Clearly Hendricks wanted to stake her claim as one of the more dominant women in the sport, and she was going to do it at Alison’s expense. 

   “I warned you to break that hold, dear,” she said, much the way a mother chastises her child.  “Now I have to make sure I look good in the eyes of the public, or else people will start talking.  And we can’t have people talking, can we?” Alison’s heart sank as she lied on the mat.  She knew she was in trouble and there may not be any way out of it at this point. 

   Christina again pulled Alison off of the canvas, standing her up on wobbly legs.  She grabbed the poor brunette and set her up for a suplex.  First, she grabbed a firm hold on Alison’s briefs, and then with a heave she had the girl up over her head before dropping her to the mat in a perfect vertical suplex. 

   Alison landed hard on her posterior, wincing in pain as her body slammed into the ground.  Her petite frame was not used to taking such abuse, and she was ready to throw in the towel.  Christina, however, was not. 

   The powerful redhead again pulled Alison to her feet.  The girl was practically a limp ragdoll in Christina’s arms.  “Well you didn’t put up much of a fight, did you?” she asked before delivering a stinging slap to Alison’s soft cheek.  “It’s a pity.  I like when my victims struggle just a little.  Oh well little lamb, time to lead you to the slaughter.” 

Hendricks whipped Brie into the ropes again.  She went for a clothesline, but to her surprise Alison ducked her arm.  The brunette bounced against the ropes and caught Christina with a dropkick to her back.  This sudden burst of offense sent Hendricks tumbling forward as she crashed into the mat face-first.

If there was ever a second chance for Alison, this was it.  She stumbled forward and grabbed Christina’s legs.  For months, she had been practicing an STF, and she finally had an opportunity to try it.  She nervously grabbed Christina’s ankles and locked in the stepover toe hold.  Then, before Hendricks could react, Alison reached forward and locked in the facelock, barely getting her hands to lock together under the bigger woman’s chin.

Christina was now in anguish as she was being contorted by the smaller girl.  Her massive chest jutted forward as her back was being arched and the audience watched on in great anticipation on the chance of them busting free from the straining red bra. 

“Thought you had me beat?” Alison screamed as she pulled backwards.  Christina could only groan as her mouth was forced shut.  She couldn’t believe how careless she was and now that she found herself trapped again, she was furious.  “I’m not going to let go until you tap out, bitch!”

Alison talked a big game but she knew she couldn’t holder the larger woman like this for long.  Eventually, the more powerful Hendricks would be able to force her way out of the hold, so Brie needed to make the most of the opportunity she had.  “You’re not so tough now that I’ve got you twisted like a pretzel.  Just tap out and it’ll all go away.”  It was less of a threat and more of a plea, as Brie felt her grip around Christina’s chin slowly slip away. 

Meanwhile, Christina began to reach her breaking point.  She had always prided herself on a high pain tolerance, but due to Alison’s smaller size she actually managed to bend Christina further back than a larger woman would have.  Hendricks had never tapped out before, but it was either that or passing out and being subject to immeasurable humiliation.  She hated herself for it, but she slowly raised her hand to go tap out to her much weaker foe. 

Just as Christina’s hand reached Alison’s wrist, she felt Brie’s hand slip.  Before Hendricks knew it, she flopped forward and was free of the hold.  The abuse Alison had suffered coupled with the difficulty of the move led to the dam bursting, and before she could fix the problem, she wound up breaking the hold.

Brie quickly got to her feet, looking to formulate yet another plan of attack.  She saw Christina on her hands and knees trying to get to her feet, so Alison simply decided to deliver a kick to the downed woman.  Her foot made contact with Christina’s ribs, knocking the wind out of the larger woman. 

Christina rolled onto her back coughing as she tried to catch her breath.  The smaller Brie pounced on top of her, pinning Hendrick’s arms down with her legs.  “Looks like I got you down again.  You thought you were so much better than me?  You thought because you could throw me around that I was just going to take it?  Well look who’s on top now!”

Hendricks, as cool as can be, flashed a sly smile.  “Yes, it would appear that way.  But don’t for a minute think you have me anywhere close to beaten.  It won’t be long before I’m sitting on that cute little face of yours.”

“How are you going to do that?  After all, you’re in your favorite position…flat on your back.”  Alison enjoyed her newfound position of dominance, knowing that all she needed to do was slide forward and she’d be sitting on Christina’s face.  “Did you think you were going to smother me out with your huge, flabby tits?  Because right now they’re my couch.”  Alison bounced up and down on Christina’s enormous breasts, but all Hendricks would give her was a slight flutter of an eyelash, not wanting to satisfy her with a cry of pain.

“As soon as I get up I’m going to end your pathetic little career,” Christina threatened, unafraid of her situation. 

“You know what, I’m just going to sit on your fat head so I don’t have to hear you anymore,” Alison said in a rapid tone, clearly giving away the fact that she was upset by Hendrick’s words.  As Alison slid forward, Christina was able to free her hands.  She quickly grabbed Brie and flung her from her seated position.

Alison tumbled through the ropes and crashed on the outside.  Christina got to her feet and composed herself before seeing her foe lying on the floor.  She gave an innocent look as she shrugged her shoulders.  “Oops,” she said as she covered her open mouth with her hand. 

Down on the floor, Alison was in bad shape.  She took quite a tumble to the outside, and then thin mats on the floor provided little protection from the concrete.  Still, she was so close to victory that she wasn’t willing to concede because of this. 

Christina rolled out of the ring and grabbed Alison again by her hair.  She hauled her up and rolled Brie back into the ring.  Hendricks quickly slid in after her, not wanting to give the opportunistic girl a chance to recover.  “I think it’s time to put all of the unpleasantness behind us, don’t you think?” 

Hendricks again dragged Brie to her feet before wrapping her arms around the smaller girl.  The bearhug was one of her go-to moves, because very few opponents could match her in terms of strength and mammary size.  Her milky breasts quickly enveloped Alison’s smaller but still impressive chest as she crushed the smaller girl.  “Guess you didn’t do too much damage to my breasts, did you?” she asked as she tightened her grip.

Brie’s legs were now off the mat and dangling as she felt her chest being flattened by her foe’s devastating bearhug.  She was trapped and in an incredible amount of pain.  Her only response was to scream and cry in pain as she kicked her feet furiously back and forth. 

“Please…stop…oww…” she cried as Christina’s python-like grip squeezed the fight out of her. 

“Are you saying you quit, little girl?” Christina asked.

“I…agh…ow….,” was all she could muster as she felt Christina’s heaving breasts dominating her own tits. 

“Well I guess you’re not ready to submit just yet.”  Christina swung the dangling girl back and forth, ragdolling her as a demonstration of her complete control.  She then swiveled her whole body before slamming Alison to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex.  Brie was nearly out as the impact flattened her.  The effect of the larger Hendricks landing on her full-weight drove all of the air out of her lungs, and the crash slammed her head violently against the mat.  It was a wonder she wasn’t knocked completely unconscious from it.

Christina figured one more decisive move would end the contest.  She once again peeled the helpless form of Alison Brie off the canvas before booting her in the stomach.  She then takes the doubled-over girl’s head and jams it between her legs, setting her up for a powerbomb. 

Relishing her moment of complete control, Christina gives a light slap to Alison’s backside.  She then unties Brie’s top without any protest from the dazed girl, leaving it dangling around her neck.  Then, just to solidify her dominance, Christina grabs Brie’s waistband and for the second time in the match, gives her a painful wedgie.  This led to a high-pitched squeak from Alison, which let Christina know that she was fully alert. 

With her arms wrapped around Alison’s waist, Christina lifted her in the air and then snapped her back down to the mat with a textbook powerbomb.  Alison bounced off the mat, sat up for a second with a dazed look and a now displaced top and then flopped back down to the mat. 

Christina paused for a moment to admire the sight in front of her.  Alison’s head was slumped to the side with her eyes shut.  Her bikini top had flipped while in mid-air, exposing her rather large and luscious breasts.  Finally, her legs were spread wide open, a sign that she was officially out cold. 

Most women would be satisfied with the victory at this point, but not Christina.  She wanted to make an example out of the brunette, and at the same time felt she owed herself a little fun at the expense of her co-star. 

Christina bent down and removed what was left of Alison’s bikini top.  She flips Brie onto her stomach before binding her hands with the discarded clothing.  Alison was now helpless with her wrists tied up, and she was a sitting duck for Hendricks.

The cruel redhead rolled Alison over again and sat on her stomach, knowing full well that without Brie’s hands she was defenseless.  Christina gave her a few light slaps to the face to revive her.  “Well hello there,” she greeted the slumbering girl with a polite tone.  All Alison could do was groan.  “As you can see you’re all tied up, so I would advise not doing anything to upset me further.”

“Please,” Alison pleaded, “let me go.  You won.  There’s no need to…”

“To what?  Enjoy the spoils of victory?” she asked as she rubbed Brie’s exposed breasts.  “It would be a shame to do all this hard work and go away empty handed.  Besides, I have two handfuls as we speak.”  Christina squeezed Alison’s tits, and Alison again responded by squealing in pain and beating her feet against the mat.  “Oh do you not like that?  I’m terribly sorry.”

“Let go!  Please!”  Alison pleaded as she could not take the breast abuse. 

“If you had the chance you would have attacked my chest, so why should I let you go?”  Christina asked as she tugged on Brie’s nipples.

“I’ll do anything!  Please stop!”

“Anything?  Anything’s a pretty dangerous word to just throw around.  Would you be willing to do as I say and not put up a fuss?”

“Yes!  Yes!  Please!  Please!” she shrieked as she was willing to agree to anything to make the torture subside. 

“Excellent.”  Christina let go of Alison’s breasts and climbed off of her stomach.  Brie’s relief quickly turned to fear as she saw Hendricks undo the clasp of her bra.  “I think it’s high time I got a little appreciation for my compassion.” 

Christina’s bra fell to the mat and everyone was able to get a full view of her pendulum-like breasts, each capped off with bright pink nipples.  “It feels good to let the girls out, don’t you agree?”  She pulled Alison up so that she was kneeling in front of the redhead, her hands still bound behind her back.

“Let’s start your appreciation of my leniency by having you kiss my magnificent breasts.”  Christina cupped the back of Brie’s head and pulled it forward, stopping mere inches from her chest. 

“Please don’t make me do this,” Alison said, her voice breaking as if she were about to cry.

“Do I need to remind you of the alternative?” Christina asked as she gave Brie’s nipple a firm twist.

“No!  Aagh!” Alison cried out. 

“I won’t ask again.  Show everyone watching just how happy you are that I didn’t continue kicking your ass.”  Brie leaned forward and pressed her lips against the sweaty, pale flesh.  Her voluntary kiss was degrading, but it beat the alternative.  “Very nice, now the other one.”  Alison looked at her with pleading eyes, but fearing more retribution, she willingly moved her head and kissed Christina’s other exposed breast.

“There, that wasn’t so bad.  Now, I think you know what you’re going to have to kiss next.”  Christina beamed as she stood up, allowing the full reality of the situation to hit Alison.

“No…please…don’t make me do this…” Alison pleaded in between sniffles. 

“I’m not going to make you do anything.  You can either voluntarily kiss my glorious posterior or I can continue down my little path of destruction.  Your choice.”  Christina turned and bent over before slowly pulling down the back of her underwear, exposing her pale backside.  Alison leaned in and pressed her lips against Hendricks’ cheeks, hoping her agony would soon be over.

“Oh come now, that was the kind of kiss you’d give your grandmother.  I want you to stick out that pretty little tongue of yours and give it a nice, long lick.”

“That’s…that’s too much…” Alison said, nowhere near as defiant as she should have been.  “I did what you asked, now please let me go.”

Christina pulled up her briefs and turned to face Alison.  “Well this will never do,” she said in a huffy tone.  “I guess you just haven’t learned your lesson yet.”  Hendricks delivered a knee to Alison’s face, knocking the girl down to the mat.  Then, using her own bra, she bound Brie’s legs, now fully immobilizing the girl.  “All you had to do was one itty bitty little thing, but you just can’t listen to reason.  So for that there has to be some punishment.”

Hendricks reached down and slid her hand into Alison’s bikini bottoms, locking in a vicious crotch claw.  Brie screamed and writhed in pain as her womanhood was being assaulted, but there was nothing she could do.  “Oh that?  That’s nothing.  That’s just a little appetizer.  If the worst I do to you is squeeze your lips, you’re getting off easy.”

With the claw still maintained, Christina used her other hand to deliver punches to Alison’s breasts and stomach.  The body blows weren’t hard enough to do serious damage, but they were nice additions to Brie’s misery.  “A little tenderizing is in order before the main course.  And to think you thought a simple kiss on my backside was too much.”

“Aagh!” was all Alison could yell as her labia was being cruelly twisted and pinched.  Finally, Christina withdrew her hand and directed her full attention to Brie’s tits.  She again latched onto her nipples, gently tugging them until they were once again erect.  Then, she lowered her lips until they surrounded one of Alison’s nubs.  Christina’s expert tongue licked and flicked Brie’s areola, sending waves of unexpected pleasure throughout her body.  Sensing her enjoyment, Christina quickly halted her tongue-bath and bit down just enough to cause the brunette serious pain.  “Why?” she sobbed.

“Why?  Because you need to learn to respect those that can do you harm.”  Christina rolled Alison onto her stomach, causing the terrified Brie to worry what her next punishment would be.  “Now, all I did was ask for a simple kiss, like this.”  Christina pulled down Alison’s bottoms, exposing her firm young ass.  Then, with her tongue, she gave one of the cheeks a very playful lick.  It sent shivers down Alison’s spine, causing goosebumps to creep up all over her body. 

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?  But you had to be naughty.  And I think we know what naughty girls get, don’t we?”  Christina reared back and unleashed a blistering slap to Brie’s upturned backside.  She then began to administer a full-force spanking, tanning and then reddening Alison’s butt.  Hendricks yanked back Brie’s head with her free hand, hoping that the cameras could catch her anguish with every slap.

The spanking echoed throughout the building, as loud splats filled the air.  Alison was now fully bawling, abandoning any pretense of dignity in favor of raw emotion.  “Have you learned your lesson, my little slut?”

“Yes!  Yes!  Yes!” Alison screamed.

“What do you want me to do?” Christina asked before firing off three more quick slaps to her jiggling cheeks.


“Alrighty.”  Christina flipped Alison over again and straddled Brie’s chest.  “Now, no proper fight ends without a signature finale.  I generally prefer a nice, soft breastsmother, but since you disrespected my ass, I think it’s only fair for you to get more acquainted with it.”

“No…please…anything but that,” Brie begged futily.

Christina spun around so that her full ass was inches from Alison’s face.  She then peeled down her red panties and scooted backwards, planting her full alabaster backside onto Brie’s sobbing features.  Alison was horrified as she was engulfed by Christina’s spectacular ass, unable to escape her fate.  Hendricks adjusted herself and put her full weight on Alison, completely smothering the girl.  She put her hands up by her hair and posed like a pin-up model as she began to grind her butt into Brie’s face. 

Alison’s body writhed back and forth for a few moments before going completely still.  She slipped into unconsciousness, which thankfully ended her suffering.  Christina lifted herself off of Brie and pulled up her panties.  She then untied Alison’s legs and retrieved her lucky red bra before putting it back on.  Finally, she removed her opponent’s bottoms and stuffed them into the napping girl’s mouth. 

Alison was completely destroyed, lying nude and unconscious with her own panties hanging from her mouth.  If she was ever going to compete again, she wouldn’t be foolish enough to try and ask for a rematch with Christina.  In fact, after her performance today, it was doubtful that anyone would want a match against Christina Hendricks.


Offline Wiffo

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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2011, 09:30:22 PM »
That... was... fucking... awesome!!! :D


Offline ninetofiver

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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2011, 10:38:30 PM »
Excellent story!

Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2011, 09:44:10 PM »
Very nice!


Offline canadianlou

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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 08:04:07 PM »
Of course as soon as I put up this story the picture gets released of Alison Brie taking and giving a spanking to her castmate Gillian Jacobs.  The photo that launched a million stories:




Offline djcrash

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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2011, 02:45:41 AM »
Good story Lou, i like your finish.


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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2011, 03:44:02 AM »
Hey C-Lou, I've been reading and in the past wrote some stories for quite a few years and read some great authors and you my sir rank among the best. May you be inspired to continue these great tales of fantasy and I also love a good smothering facesit!



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Re: Christina Hendricks v. Alison Brie [Full Story]
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 04:36:38 AM »
Great story.  Please write a rematch story!