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Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)

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Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« on: August 03, 2011, 09:01:24 PM »
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to post for a while.

Things have been really tough on my significant other Tina after she was on the losing end of a few cat fights IRL. So I've been trying to help her in any way I can.

However I did say I was going to write some stories for this section of the forum, so here is the first part of Avril vs Lindsay for you guys to enjoy.

Please leave feedback with how you guys like it so far, who you think is going to win after reading about the first round, ect.

This was the fight everyone was waiting to see.

Avril was pretty much the god of the womans fighting scene at the moment. She was currently on a tear, remaining undefeated since she had steeped into the ring. Of her 11 victories thus far, 5 of them were title fights where she absolutely dominated her opponents. She wasn't just a prissy little bitch that managed to last all 5 rounds and squeak out a victory either. She had 11 knockouts to match all those wins she had accumulated. She had finally lived up to her reputation and proved she wasn't just some poser punk bitch.

Lindsay on the other hand was a little bit of a different story. After all the years of self abuse she was finally beginning to make a comback in life. She was off drugs, stopped smoking/drinking, and was working out harder than ever. She managed to get her body back in tip top shape and looked absolutely amazing. However, one problem still remained for her and that was employment. Due to her reputation, she was having trouble landing any acting/modeling gigs. People just wouldn't take her seriously, which is why she turned to the ring. Lindsays record was flawless as well at 4-0, but she just didn't have the experience Avril had, not to mention she had yet to score a knockout yet. Some wondered why this match was even happening. Many thought Lindsay was too inexperienced to stand a chance and that the organization didn't know who else to throw at her after Avril beat Hilary Duff so badly that Duff had opted to end her career, rather than seek out a rematch.

Avril walked in the ring to her smash hit "Girlfriend" and walked promptly over to her corner. She meant business and wasn't nervous at all. You could tell she knew that she would dominate Lindsay all night long. Her corner, longtime boyfriend Brody Jenner, was talking strategy to Avril.

"Just do your thing babe, she's new and has never fought anyone like you before, you don't have to do anything special for her, just execute like always and you'll add another win to your record" said Brody.

"Ok, babe" said Avril, as they shared a passionate kiss.

With that Lohan stepped into the ring to "Welcome to the Jungle" and she promptly made her way to her corner. She was accompanied by her corner, her dad, who she had recently made up with. Lindsay didn't bother to talk much about stratergy, she knew exactly what she needed to do.

Within moments the bell rang and the first round began!

The fight started out slow with both girls exchanging jabs / punches. Nothing really connected much as most were blocked. The first round was very boring. Lindsay would go to the head, Avril would block and counter attack to the chest of Lindsey, who would in turn block and this would be repeated, visa-versa. A few shots we're landed, mostly to the body, although Lindsay did catch Avril's guard down and hit her with a hard overhand right, which really shook Avril's petite 5'3 frame. She quickly recovered though and it was more of the same for the rest of the round, until there were like 30 seconds left. At this point Avril was getting anxious and wanted to be sure she won the round since there were only 3. She knew at the devastating right Lindsay had landed would probably secure the round for her if she didn't come up with anything.

This prompted Avril to go on the offensive with a huge Haymaker of her own. She fired, but to her surprise, Lindsay dodged it easily. The counter attack however was viscous. Lindsay fired a monster shot into Avril's midsection which absolutely crippled her, bending her over. This allowed Lindsay to land a devastating uppercut knocking Avril into the rope, without them she would have been down for sure. On the ropes, Avril regained her composure just in time to get pounded with another strong right hand followed by a left. Avril was dazed and hurt, but managed to get her guard up in time to protect her head and Lindsay showered body shots into her until the end of the round. With that the bell finally rang and both girls returned to their corners.

While Lindsay was clam, cool, and collected in her corner Avril was nothing but the opposite. For the first time in her fighting career she was scared. She had normally been the one to dominate in the first round, most times even ending the fight there. However, this time she was the one being bullied around in round one. Almost on the recieving end of what could have been a first round knockout, and that scared her.

Brody picked up on this immediately and knew his girl had been stunned by fear in the first round. He quickly went to work fixing her up. Despite Avril's nose being bloodied up he realized Lindsay hadn't broken it yet. He quickly stopped the bleeding and move on to her swollen right eye. It was pretty badly hurt despite Avril only taking a few punches to the face, he tried to get the swelling down with ice, but it was virtually swollen shut. Lindsay must have packed a ton of power behind her punches he thought.

Avril had been battered physically at the end of the round, but what concerned Brody most was her mental state. She looked like her fire had been extinguished and her belief had been stamped out by Lohan. He knew he couldn't let her go into the second round like that.

He put his forehead against hers, lower his voice to a whisper, and began to speak.

"Cmon, now. You're not going to go down like this to that slut? Are you? You've been waiting YEARS to beat her ass. Remember when she tried to come onto me at the club a while back? You said you would beat her into submission easily if she ever can near your man again. You didn't see her wink at me when she walked in?" said Brody.

"I know baby, I seen her. I..I.. just don't know what happened. I'm sorry, she's in really good shape now. She's so strong... I've never been hit that hard in my life. I missed a punch and all of sudden I was on the ropes... struggling to even stay in the round... I don't know how it happened. I've never been in a position like this anymore. I'm scared baby....I....I think she might be too strong for me" said Avril.

To be honest Brody had the same fears after seeing how easy Lindsay worked his girlfriend over in the first round, but he knew Avril stood no chance going into the second round with that attitude.

"Look at me" said Brody.

"Who is the champion? You or her" he said.

"I am" Avril said meekly.

"Who's gone undefeated for 10+ fights?" said Brody, getting louder.

"I have" said Avril, matching his tone.

"Who's knocked out all of their previous opponents?" he shouted.

"I have" she yelled. Brody could feel her belief returning.

"And who's going to knock this trashy slut out?" Brody yelled, making sure Lindsay could hear.

"I AM!!!" Avril screamed with all she had.

Brody smiled. She had her fight back.

With that the bell rang for round 2 to begin...


Offline YumiReiko

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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 11:01:50 PM »
Good!  :) Go Avril! U WINS!!! *hey-hey! U! U! i want to be ur girlfriend!* Love this song  :D :D :D :D :D


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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2011, 11:59:18 PM »
Looking forward to the rest !!! Go Lindsay! Avril needs to lose! :)



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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2011, 12:01:07 PM »
The bell sounded and round 2 was underway!

Lindsay came out aggressive this time immediately landing multiple shots to Avril head. Avril dropped back avoiding the rest of the onslaught and moved to the out edges of the ring. Lindsay closed the distance in an instant and was right on top of Avril again. This time pestering her with body shots since Avril had her face covered. The punches definitely hurt, but Avril as easily able to escape again to the other side of the ring. Lindsay was relentless however and rushed right back at the pop princess swinging away with all her might. Most of the punches glanced off, but one struck Avril directly in the head causing her to stagger, but her resilience to punishment would be what was keeping her in this fight. She managed to stay on her feet and continue to dance around the ring.

Avril's strategy was preventing her from taking major damage all at once, but at the same time, she wasn't doing much of anything. She hadn't even landed a punch on Lindsay yet since everytme Lindsay would come in for an attack Avril would retreat in fear of her power. Avril continued to dance around the ring, but as the end of the round drew nearer you could tell she was running out of steam. Lindsay would catch her with more stray punches everytime she got close, even landing a powerful combination that almost toppled reigning champion.

Brody was looking on and couldn't stand to see his girl getting worked over in the ring. He knew Avril had lost the first round on points and if she didn't make something happen this round she'd be down 2 rounds to 0, meaning she would need a knockout to win. He told Avril "Get in there and bang with her" something he might have regretted saying, then again maybe not...

Avril listened. She dodged one of Lindsay's punches and got up close landing a huge right on Lindsay's head with everything she hand. Lindsay grunted in pain, but Avril was shocked to see that not only was she still standing, she was barely dazed at all. It took Avril a second to recompose herself from the shock, but by then it was too late. Avril had never seen Lindsay's haymaker coming. The blow connected directly to the side of Avril's head, blindsiding her. She was instantly dropped to the ground as her weak legs gave out easily.

Avril was miraculously still conscious after landing on her back, but Lindsay capitalized and mounter her instantly. Avril tried weakly to throw her guard up to protect against the incoming punches, but she just didn't have the strength. She deflected the first few, but soon after her arms went limp, leaving her face exposed. Lindsay rained punch after punch on Avril's defenseless head. Right, left, right, left it was a scary sight with each punch drawing more blood. The referee was almost about to call it when.... "Ding Ding". The bell rang to end round 2.

In the aftermath Avril was left laid out on the ring floor, barely conscious, in a pool of her own blood. Brody quickly ran over to carry her nearly limp body back to the corner. Avril was a complete mess. Her once cute nose was now completely shattered from the savage punching of Lindsay. She could bearly see out of her left eye, with her right being swollen shut entirely. She had deep gashes on her cheecks and forehead, and her body/abdomen was left badly bruised. Lindsay had absolutely demolished her in every sense of the word in round 2.

Looking over at Lindsay's corner, she didn't have a scratch on her, aside from the red mark left from Avril's only punch of the round. She was completely flawless and ready to get on with round 3 after dominating Avril in the first 2.

Brody was completely lost as to what to do. Should he try to fix Avril back up and send her out against that monster for round 3? Or should he admit defeat and simply throw in the towel now?

What do you guys think Brody should do?

Post your opinions/suggestions. If he does get her to go out there for round 3 how do you think he might convince Avril to do it? Also, if you think a round 3 should occur, who do you think will win?



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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2011, 07:05:41 AM »
Avril was a complete mess and barely conscious when Brody got to her.

He immediately went to work fixing her nose to stop the bleeding. Blood was gushing out and it was difficult, but he managed to get it to stop. Next he worked on her left eye to make sure she could still see.

Even after he was done, he just couldn't send her back in there against Lindsay so he told Avril, who hadn't said a word since entering the corner, that he was telling the ref to stop the fight.

As he started to get up she uttered the first words "I can fight" she barely squeaked out, through all the pain. Brody asked if she was crazy but she repeated again "I can fight". This time adding "I need to fight, I can't be defeated like this. I can't just give her the title."

Brody was stunned she could even talk, and he thought she was crazy, but he knew how much this meant to her. "Ok, he said."

Round 3 started and Avril, slowly but surely rose up from her corner, waddling into the middle of the ring.

Lindsay was practically skipping she was so light on her feed. She met Avril in the middle of the ring to touch gloves and it was on.

Avril knew she couldn't last the round with Lindsay, if she tried she'd have her belt taken away for sure. She knew she needed to end it quicky within the first 30 seconds. She would need to land that devastating blow to floor lindsay once and for all. She had been watching Lindsays movements for the first 15 seconds, getting her pattern down. She knew she could end it might here. Lindsay started at Avril, which is when Avril threw everything she had behind a heavy right hand headed right for Lindsay!


Lindsay had dodged the punch leaving Avril staggering forward. She couldn't recover in time to deal with Lindsays counter attack. She grabbed Avril by the hair and pulled her head downward as she smashed her knew into the punk rockers face....

Avril's body went completely limp and she collaped to the ring floor. Blood gushing from her re-opened nose wound. Lindsay had deliviered the calculated blow exactly where she needed it, and now the 5 time champion, punk princess, had been reduced to an unconscious pile of blood, messy hair, and flesh. For a finishing touch Lindsay rolled Avril's body over and stripped her so the crowd could see her small tits and pussy. She was completely unconcious, the fight was over, Lindsay was the new champion!

Brody quickly rushed into the ring to tend to his fallen princess, but Lindsay caught him by the lips, and suddenly he had other things in mind...


Offline KSWer

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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 02:49:04 AM »
Thanks for the great story ! Loved it. More Avril please! :)


Offline YumiReiko

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Re: Avril Lavigne vs Lindsay Lohan (Story)
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2011, 05:31:14 AM »
Thanks for the great story ! Loved it. More Avril please! :)
More winner Avril! :D