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(Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell

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Offline Wiffo

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(Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« on: June 29, 2011, 08:42:39 AM »
   “American Woman” by: The Guess Who started blaring over the arena speakers as Keeley Hazell made her way out to the top of the ramp, clad in her usual battle attire: a red and white striped bikini top with a solid red bikini bottom, a pair of red, fingerless black gloves, red “battle” boots, a black belt and a pair of black leather leggings. Listening to her entrance music, she had to laugh at the irony. She, herself, wasn't an American. She was born in London, England! But this crowd loved her, and, since this WAS an American wrestling fed, not an English or British one, as far as she was concerned she WAS American. Slowly walking down the ramp, she grinned as she looked, from side to side, at the raucous, cheering crowd. She slid into the ring, then got up, and raised one fist in the air, to cheers from the crowd, before jumping up and down a few times, getting herself ready to fight before she went to her corner and waited for her opponent.

   Keeley's music was soon replaced by “Teenage Dream” by: Katy Perry, as Perry walked out, clad in a white dress shirt with enough buttons opened for the audience to see her black lace bra underneath, a pair of black, fingerless gloves, a plaid skirt, plaid stockings, and a pair of running shoes, and sucking on her customary “I Love You” lollipop. What was missing, however, were her customary pig tails, which would have completed her slutty schoolgirl look. Tonight, for her I Quit match with Keeley, she had, instead, opted to wear her hair out straight, going for a more intimidating look, which she backed up as she walked down to the ring, not even acknowledging the boos of the crowd as she was too focused on keeping both her eyes on her opponent. Getting near the ring, Katy took the lollipop out of her mouth and tossed it into the crowd, before jumping up onto the ring apron, and wiping her feet on it, then slipping her way in between the ring ropes and then making her way to the nearest corner, where she rested, arms up on the ropes, still keeping her eyes on her opponent while she waited for the opening bell to ring.

   “Five minutes or less, bitch,” Katy taunted, from across the ring. “That's how long it'll take me to make you quit.”

   “See, now, if I was listening to your music, it'd probably take a lot less time to make me quit,” replied Keeley, with a grin, “But this is a wrestlin' match, luv. It'll take a lot more than idle threats to beat ME.”


   As soon as the bell rang, both ladies exited their corners, and started circling each other. For two or three minutes, they sized each other up, feigning kicks and tackles at each other, before locking up in a Collar and Elbow Tie-Up. Back and forth both ladies went, exchanging the advantage, as, strength-wise, they were pretty evenly matched, until, expectedly, Katy went for the cheap shot when she suddenly backed out of the tie up and kicked Keeley in the stomach. Then, as Keeley doubled over, trying to catch her breath, Katy smashed her in the back with a Double Axe Handle, sending her face down to the mat. Katy then picked Keeley up and whipped her into the ropes, extending her arm for a clothesline, which Keeley ducked, before grabbing Katy's extended arm and twisting it behind her back in a hammerlock

   “Gonna have to be faster then that, luv,” said Keeley, cranking up the pressure on the hold, “And your gonna have to take a hell of a lot more outta me, too, before I fall for a flimsy little clothesline.” In reply, Katy suddenly smashed her head backwards, headbutting Keeley in the face, and, before Keeley could stumble backwards, Katy slipped behind her and locked her up in a hammerlock of her own.

   “This fast enough for ya, BITCH?” sneered Katy, as Keeley cringed through both the sudden pain in her arm and the pain in her nose from the headbutt, “Ready to QUIT, like the little SKANK you – OOOF!!!” Katy's train of thought was interrupted when Keeley suddenly reached up with one arm, grabbed Katy around the neck, and then flipped her over her head with a Snapmare. As Katy hit the mat, she sat up, holding her back in pain, which suddenly got worse when Keeley landed several hard kicks to her spine. Then, quick as a wink, Keeley ran into the ropes behind her and returned with a hard, running knee to the back of Katy's head, knocking her woozy as she fell back down to the mat. Before she could recover, though, Keeley was back on her, lifting her back up to a sitting position, shoving a knee into the small of her back and keeping it there while she grabbed both of Katy's arms and WRENCHED them backwards, eliciting a slight gasp from Katy, due to the pain of it all.

   “How's that feel, then?” taunted Keeley, with a grin, as she pulled back even harder on Katy's arms, “Are YOU ready to quit, luv? Cause, I can make the pain worse. Much, much worse, in fact... “ Case in point, as Katy started muttering “no, no, no” under her breath, Keeley suddenly added her other knee to the hold, and started to lift Katy up off the mat, in some kind of Knee-Lift Surfboard. Then, to add the “much worse” to her “much, much worse” threat, Keeley started rocking from side to side, slowly at first, but then speeding up, faster and faster, before slamming Katy onto her side. “Hell of a ride, wasn't that, luv?” said Keeley, fixing her togs before getting to her feet and dragging a hurting, and slightly dizzy Katy with her, “Didja have fun, riding the Keeley Coaster? I'd letcha have another ride, but there are so MANY other attractions I'd like to introduce you to...”

   After kneeing Katy in the gut, Keeley moved behind her doubled over opponent's back, reached down, grabbed her feet, and yanked up, hard, sending Katy back to the mat, face first. But Keeley wasn't done yet, as, keeping hold of Katy's legs after pulling them up further into the crook of her arms, Keeley started to spin around and round, slowly at first, and then quicker and quicker, pulling out the Inverted Giant Swing she liked to call the Keeley-Go-Round. The faster Keeley spun, the higher Katy was raised up in the air, and the higher the drop would be when Keeley eventually let go. And let go, she did, after several more rotations, sending Katy skidding along the mat, face first, as Keeley backed up to the ropes, to recover from her slight dizziness. After a half a minute of getting her bearings back, Keeley pushed herself off the ropes and scanned the ring for Katy, spotting her starting to get up on the apron on the outside of the ring.

   “Surely it can't be THIS easy to beat you, can it, luv?” Keeley said, making her way over to Katy and reaching over the ropes to grab her by the hair. As soon as Katy felt Keeley's hands in her hair, though, she lashed out with a balled up fist, aimed right at Keeley's crotch. It definitely found it's mark, as, seconds later, she let Katy's hair go and started to fall to the mat herself, but Katy grabbed hold of Keeley's hair and pulled her up to her feet as Katy got to her own.

   “It sure as hell ain't gonna be that easy, tramp,” said Katy as she smashed a forearm into Keeley's chin, who's hands were too busy rubbing her sore crotch to protect her, “And don't call me Shirley, bitch.” Katy then draped one of Keeley's arms over one shoulder, took a tight grip of Keeley's red bikini bottoms, and, wincing at the pain in her back, lifted Keeley high up into the air above her and then fell back, suplexing her blonde foe to the cold, hard ringside floor, both ladies landing with a resounding crash. Though both ladies took damage from the move, it was Keeley who took the brunt of it, as, with her hands still at her crotch, she was unable to protect herself from the fall.

   Katy, using the ring apron for help, pulled herself up to her feet, rubbing out the last of the pain in her back, while Keeley slowly got to her hands and feet, at which point Katy darted forwards and smashed a foot into her ribs, sending her back to her belly with slightly less air then she had before. Katy then grabbed the hurting Keeley by the hair and pulled her to her feet, grabbed one arm, went into a deep crouch and FLUNG her, hard, into the nearby set of steel ring steps. Keeley hit them with a crash, having the presence of mind to hit them back first, which turned out to be a bad idea, as it just made the pain in her back worse as she slumped down against them. Things only got worse, though, because, as soon Keeley started to pull herself back up to her feet, Katy darted forwards, ramming her shoulder nearly through Keeley's rib cage as she speared her right into the steel steps, the impact of which caused the top step to move a few inches.

   “So...” said Katy, simply, as she got up and looked down at the breathless Keeley, wiping her hands mockingly, “ready to quit, yet, bitch? Cause... things will only get worse from here, babe.” In response, Keeley kicked her leg out, aimed at Katy's knee, but it was slow and there wasn't much power to it, and Katy managed to catch it easily. “I'll take that as a “no, Katy. Please beat the shit out of me some more.”” With that, Katy grabbed Keeley's other leg, spread them wide, then aimed several kicks to her opponents nether regions. Then, still holding onto her opponents legs, and before Keely could even get her hands up to rub her sore crotch, Katy turned to the side, pulled up and tucked Keeley's feet up under her armpits, and fell back, sending Keely crashing into, and over, the guard rail that separated the fans from the ring with an Alley-Oop, also sending fans at ringside scurrying away from Keeley, as they had a feeling Katy would need room for what ever she planned to do next.

   “Alright, people,” yelled Katy, addressing the nearby fans as she made her way over the guard rail, and grabbed a recovering, but still woozy, Keeley, before she could crawl away, “It's time to show you some REAL attractions!” Pulling the wobbly blonde to her feet, Katy wrapped an elbow around her opponent's neck, to keep her in place, while reaching down with her unoccupied hand to pull at the strings keeping Keeley's bra up. After a few tugs, she managed to untie the bow, causing the bra to fall down, and release Keeley's massive gazoombas. “Who want's to touch this bitch's tits?” Katy yelled,  grinning, as she put Keeley into a Full Nelson and started to parade the blonde around for the audience to enjoy, “Free admission, people! Everyone gets a piece!” And get it, they did, as she went around from fan to fan, some male, some female, some simply groping Keeley's breasts, while others licked them or sucked on her nipples.

   Unbeknownst to Katy, though, Keeley was using this time to recover. The fans grabbing her breasts were more embarrassing then hurtful, and Katy wasn't really cranking on the pressure of the Full Nelson as much as she could, which was giving Keeley a chance to get some energy back. So when Katy leaned in closer, to lick her ear seductively before asking her if she wanted to quit from embarassment, Keeley chose that time to strike, headbutting Katy in the side of the head. Katy, not expecting resistance, immediately stumbled backwards, but when Keeley suddenly turned around and rushed forwards for a clothesline, Katy quickly spun in a circle, with her elbow raised, which smashed into Keeley's face. The momentum from her sudden dash adding to the pain of the Discus Elbow, Keeley was floored, sent to her back yet again, her comeback short lived.

   “Oh, my dear Keeley,” said Katy as she reached down and picked up the blonde's discarded bra, before smashing a rising Keeley in the face with a hard knee, sending her rolling on her side, “Don'tcha know that fighting back will only make your pain that much worse?” True to her word, Katy pulled Keeley up to her knees, kneeled down behind her with one knee in Keeley's back, wrapped Keeley's bra around her neck, and then wrenched back, starting to choke the blonde out with her own clothing. Now having a hard time breathing, Keely panicked, clawing at the cloth material around her neck, looking for any kind of leeway that might help her breath, and failing miserably. “Ready to quit, bitch?” Katy said, enjoying the sounds of her blonde opponent choking and struggling and making sure, this time, not to lean forwards and give her blonde foe a chance to get out of her predicament, “It'll only get WORSE from here, I can fucking assure you of that.”

   Even if Keeley COULD garner up a response, it would still be a resounding, “no”. There was no way she was going to let that hack cxnt beat her, let alone make her quit. Sensing this, Katy leaned back more, trying to pull the bra string right through Keeley's neck and enjoying the gagging noises she was making, but, whether it was from Katy pulling it too hard or it was made from some kind of flimsy material or the fact that she just kept tugging and tugging repeatedly, the bra string suddenly SNAPPED. While Keeley, quickly sucking in some much needed air, managed to put her hands out in front of her to stop herself from having a hard fall, which then immediately went to rub her extremely sore neck, Katy wasn't as lucky, as she was too shocked to have enough time to protect the back of her head from the fall backwards, and, due to the quickness of the fall, it hit the floor HARD, knocking her into woozy semi-consciousness.

   Rubbing the last of the soreness out of her throat, Keeley slowly sat back up on her knees, wondering why Katy had relented her attack. Bracing herself for an attack, Keeley looked over her shoulder and saw Katy, still out cold, and grinned. “Ya had a good run, luv,” Keeley said, slowly getting to her feet, before walking over to Katy and leaning over her semi-conscious form, “But it's time to show you what a REAL fighter can do.” Peeling Katy off the canvas, Keeley lifted her back up to her now very wobbly feet, and trapped her in a side headlock. Taking a very satisfying vengeful  moment to grind the headlock, Keeley then took a running start, with Katy in tow, and jumped in the air, before landing on her butt, with her feet out in front of her, and driving Katy's head again into the hard floor with a Running Bulldog.

   Running Bulldog:

   “Been meaning to ask ya, Katy,” said Keeley, getting to her feet, and grinning as she noticed a few rows of empty chairs a few feet away, “How's that pretty little head of yours feeling? Because, believe it or not, luv, it's about to get a weeeeeeee bit worse.” With that ominous note delivered, Keeley peeled Katy off the floor and back to her feet, which didn't last long, as Keeley went into a deep crouch and the whipped Katy right into the empty row of chairs, where she tripped over the first, landed head first on a second one, and then just lay there, barely a twitch. “On SECOND thought,” said Keeley, waltzing over and pulling Katy out of the wreckage of chairs, and back to her feet, “Make that MUCH worse.” Slipping behind Katy, she grabbed one arm in a hammerlock, while slipping her head underneath the other one. Then, after crouching to help with the lift, she lifted Katy up, pulling her legs inward with her free hand, and then started to spin around, before falling back, slamming Katy's whole body back into the wreckage with a sick little move Keeley liked to call the Keel-Over.


   “Well... I think it's about time for a change of scenery, now, don't you, luv?” said Keeley, getting to her feet and dusting herself off before dragging Katy out of the mound of fallen chairs and back to her feet by the hair, “But where, oh where, shall we go, hmm?” Looking around, she spotted a sign on a wall nearby that said,

               THIS WAY!!

   “Well, well,” said Keeley, putting Katy again into a side headlock, and dragging her in the direction of the arrow, “Let's go meet your fans, luv. See what they think of you now.” Keeley followed the wall, continuously grinding Katy's head in the side headlock and, occasionally, bumping it hard against the wall, until they got to a doorway. Taking a peek inside, Keeley knew this was the right place. It was a large room, with a couple dozen fans and spectators lined up at the various booths, of which only three really caught Keeley's eye; a popcorn machine, a souvenir stand, and a hotdog cart. In between each booth, there were stands, which had red ropes going through them. Those ALSO caught Keeley's eye.

   “Hello, everyone,” Keeley yelled, as she stepped into the room, getting the attention of everyone in the room, men's jaws falling at the sight of Keeley's lusciously bare breasts, their girlfriends pushing their significant others jaws back up before dragging them out of the room, leaving only a half dozen men staring, transfixed, at the sight in front of them, “Do you mind if we have the room to ourselves, fellas?” The remaining men simply nodded, prompting Keeley to raise her thumb, point it behind her, and say “That means LEAVE,” which, from the threatening sound in her voice, made them finally get the point, as they left the room to the blonde and her cargo. “So, still out of it, luv?” said Keeley, staring down at Katy's trapped head as she took a few steps further into the room, “Well, let's see if we can't fix that.”

   Dragging Katy in front of the souvenir table, Keeley let go of her headlock, pulled her upright, maneuvered behind her and then reached down and roughly pulled her legs out from under her, making sure that Katy's head again hit the hard concrete floor. Then, pulling Katy's legs up past her armpits, Keeley lifted Katy up into the air, took a few steps forward, and then sent her crashing through the souvenir table with a Wheelbarrow Facebuster.

   Wheelbarrow Facebuster:

   “You know... your WAY too overdressed for this fight, luv,” said Keeley, pulling Katy out from the ruins of the broken table and took a seat just below her waist, “Let's see if we can change that, hmmm?” Keeley slowly started to unbutton Katy's white dress shirt, which didn't take long, as she didn't really have many buttoned up in the first place due to her being a ginormous slutbag. Once she had finished unbuttoning the shirt, she pulled it off of Katy, pulled her to a sitting position, and wrapped the shirt, tight, around Katy's neck, quickly bringing Katy back to consciousness. “See, luv, THIS is how you choke someone out,” Keeley taunted, as she pulled Katy back to her feet using her makeshift garrote. Keeley used the noose to drag her victim around the room several times before, after seeing Katy's face was sufficiently red from lack of air and her hands were fittingly clawing away at the MUCH sturdier fabric around her neck, Keeley took a running start and then used the noose to help slam Katy against the wall near the popcorn machine with a Biel Toss.

   Katy slid down, head first, against the wall, upside-down, holding her sore head, trying to rub out some of the pain she was feeling, Keeley watching and enjoying what she was seeing. “I COULD end this now, luv... do what you tried to do to me, and choke you out,” Keeley said, unplugging the popcorn machine before she kneeled down and started to unwrap the shirt from around Katy's neck, Katy starting to suck in as much air as possible, “But I am not YOU, Katy. I'm more generous then that.” Keeley finished unrapping the shirt and tossed it to the side before taking hold of Katy's hair, forcefully pulling Katy back up to her feet, slamming her back up against the wall, and leaning in close, grinning. “I mean... I'm going to feed you. What other opponent would do THAT, hmm?”

   With that, Keeley did a quick 180 spin, still keeping hold of Perry's hair until her face slammed up against the side of the popcorn machine. Keeley slammed Katy's face into the side of machine a few more times before opening up the back of it, and pushing Katy's head inside, trying to smother her out with popcorn. “How's it taste, then, Katy? What's the flavor?”, Keeley screamed, as she pushed Katy's head further down inside the mound of popcorn inside the machine, “Hey, bitch! Don't hog it all, eh?” Keeley pulled Katy's head out of the mound, and reached inside with her free hand, grabbing a single piece of popcorn which she then popped into her mouth and chewed before swallowing, “Mmmm. Not bad. Bit too sweaty for my tastes, though. As you were, bitch.” Keeley then shoved Katy's head back underneath the kernels, holding her under there for half a minute before pulling her back out and slamming her back against the wall. “Well... now that your full, I guess you'll be wanting a drink. How about a little milk, hmm?”

   Keeley pushed Katy down the wall a little, and then leaned in close, her breasts almost enveloping Katy's whole face. Keeley then started shifting her hips, quickly, from side to side, and as she did, her breasts started to smash into Katy's face, again and again, left and then right then left then right, SMECK SMECK SMECKITY SMECK! “How's that, then, hmm? Is it doing your body good?” said Keeley, as she kept this up, a cruel smile on her face, watching Katy's face get redder and redder. When it got to the hue of a beet, Keeley relented, pulling back and pulling a groggy Katy back to her feet. “You know... I never did repay you for stripping my bra off me,” Keeley said, getting Katy in another side headlock and leading her over to the hot dog stand, “How about a hot dog, luv? My treat.” When she got there, though, she noticed a lock on the hatch where the raw hotdogs were kept, a fact which didn't seem to disappoint Keeley at all, “Awww... it's locked. Well... good thing I have the perfect lock pick, don't I?” Keeley pushed Katy to the side, kicked her in the gut, and pulled her head between her legs. Then, maneuvering so Katy's back was to the cart, Keeley hooked Katy's arms over her own, lifted her up, and slammed her, back first, onto the top of the cart with her own variation of the Tiger Bomb that she called the Union Jill.

   Union Jill:

   “I guess that didn't work,” said Keeley, as she pulled Katy down to a sitting position against the hot dog cart and pulled on the lock with a fake frown on her face, “Oh, well. I guess it's time to repay that favor, then, luv.” Keeley then reached down, grabbed the bottom of Katy's black lace bra, and pulled it up and over her head, and twirled it around on one finger while she took in the marvelous sight of Katy Perry's bare breasts. Working quickly, Keeley used Katy's bra to bind her hands up and over her head, ensuring she wouldn't be able to escape or interrupt what was going to happen next. After making sure the bindings were tight enough that Katy couldn't get free, Keeley kneeled down in front of her victim fashioned both her hands into claws and went to work, twisting, pinching, pulling, and scratching Katy's magnificent orbs.

   “So, luv, are YOU ready to quit?” said Keeley, leaning her head back with the rest of her body and staring upwards with a grin as she pulled back on Katy's breasts, trying to rip them off her chest, “I mean, it's alright if you don't want to yet. Because I keep this going all night loGAH!!! You BITCH!!!” Unbeknownst to Keeley, when she had turned her attention to the ceiling, Katy had taken that chance to reach up behind her to the side of the hotdog cart and pulled, from off of it, a ketchup bottle. Opening it's top, she waited until Keeley was staring back at her and SQUEEZED with all her might, spraying ketchup right into Keeley's eyes. While Keeley rolled off to the side to rub condiment out of her eyes, Katy went to work on trying to get out of her lace hand binds, and the race was on to see who could recover first.

   It took a few minutes, but it seemed like Katy was the first to recover when she used the side edge of the hot dog cart to help her cut through her lace wrist cuffs, and, once her hands were free, she immediately got to her feet and went after Keeley, who was still on the floor, rubbing her eyes. Katy grabbed her by the hair, and started to pull her to her feet, only for Keeley to reach up and grab her around the neck, and then quickly sat back down, rocking Katy's world and sending her flopping, yet again, back down to the floor with a surprise Stunner!


   “Look's like I'll have to be a wee bit more convincing, then,” said Keeley, wiping the last of the ketchup out of her eyes, before reaching down and peeling Katy off the concrete yet again. Holding the woozy Katy upright by the hair, Keeley looked around the room, trying to decide what to do next, when she spotted a door with an exit sign above it and grinned. Kneeing Katy in the gut, Keeley used one hand to grab the waistband of her skirt and the other to grab a large clump of hair, and then started running towards the door with Katy in tow. “I figure, just in case it's a stubborn little door, it might take something akin to a battering ram to get it open,” said Keeley, as the two got closer and closer to the door, “Seeing as how it's so thick and stubborn, luv, I think your head will do the trick just as well.” With that, Keeley released her foe, sending her torpedoing into the door head first, opening it wide on impact and causing Katy to crumple to the pavement of the arena parking lot.

   “Up you get, luv. Ain't gonna get anywhere in life by just layin' around,” said Keeley, as she picked up Katy by the hair and pulled her further into the parking lot and took a good look around. There were dozens of cars in the lot, but none of them really interested her. What DID catch her eye, however, was the stretch limo that was parked a couple dozen feet away. Dragging Katy a little closer to the front of the limo, Keeley then grabbed her by the wrist and whipped her towards it. Katy hit the front of the limo with a crash and started to stumble backwards when Keeley ran up from behind her, grabbed her by the hair, and slammed her head onto the front lid of the limo. “It's been fun, Katy dear,” said Keeley, pulling the woozy raven haired vixen back to an upright position, “But I think it's time to end this.” Keeley reached one hand underneath in between Katy's legs, while the other reached around her neck, and she lifted Katy up into the air, before bodyslamming her on top of the limo. Keeley then got up on top of the limo herself, and pulled Katy into a standing head scissors. Reaching underneath Katy, Keeley pinched her nipples to bring her back to screaming consciousness. Then, with a grin, Keeley hooks Katy's legs with her arms, and then lifts her up, looking to drive Katy's head through the front of the limo with the Package Piledriver she had coined The Hard Goodbye.

   The Hard Goodbye:

   “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?” Out of shock, Keeley let Katy go, dropping her without much impact, and letting her roll off the top of the limo. Then, turning to the side, she saw a clearly pissed off balding man in his thirties wearing a suit. “GET THE FUCK OFF MY LIMO!!!”

   “Sorry, sir,” said Keeley, as she hopped off the front of the car, and walked over to him, hands on her hips, “Just trying to teach this bitch a little lesson.”

   “I don't fucking CARE!!” said the man, poking Keeley in the chest, barely noting her magnificent breasts were on display, “Take that other slut and go have your spat somewhere ELSE!!”

   “ExCUSE me?” said Keeley, hands on her hips as she was clearly offended by the “slut” comment, “Do you even know who I am, mister?”

   “I don't fucking CARE who you are!!!” said the man, “This is an expensive limo, and you two skanks might damage it if you keep fighting around it and -HEY!!!”

   The man was interrupted when Katy suddenly rushed Keeley from behind, smashing her in the back with a hard forearm smash to the back, knocking both her and, due to proximity, the man, down to the concrete. The man scurried away like a crab, as Katy, clearly in a bad and vengeful mood, straddled Keeley's back and started smashing down forearms into the back of her head, again and again and again, knocking the blonde dynamo for a loop. Then, clearly still hurting from the ringer that Keeley had put her through, Katy slowly pulled a woozy Keeley up to her feet by the hair, and tugged her over to the driver side window. Then, one hand in Keeley's hair, the other holding tight onto her belt, Katy spun her in a wide circle before tossing her, head first, right THROUGH the driver side WINDOW!!! As Keeley lay half in and half out of the window, barely showing any signs of consciousness, Katy used a few moments to catch her breath and recover, leaning on the limo as she did so.

   “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!?” Turning sideways, Katy noticed the man rushing up to her, trying to pull out his remaining hair, clearly freaking out about the damage to his limo's window, “That's a one thousand dollar window, you whore! I'm going to fucking sue you AND tha- OOF!!” Sick of having to hear that asshole continue to complain, Katy decided to put a stop to it when she kicked him in the gut, and shoved his head between her legs. Katy then grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up high enough that he flopped onto Katy's back, at which point she moved her hands up to his neck and sat out, crushing the man's spine with a devastating Teenage Dreamer : With THAT nuisance out of the way, Katy went to work grabbing the legs of the still unconscious Keeley pulling her out of the limo and making sure her face fell right onto the concrete, bringing her, somewhat, back into consciousness.

   “Alright, bitch,” said Katy, dragging Keeley to her feet by the hair, “It's time to finish you.” Looking around the parking lot, she suddenly heard a noise high in the air, which made her grin. Then she spotted what she was looking for, a doorway leading to both the arena stairwell and elevators, thirty or forty feet away, and started to drag Keeley towards it by the hair, Keeley not resisting in the slightest. “In ya go, bitch,” said Katy, kicking the door open and then dragging Keeley inside. Katy started to drag Keeley towards the stairwell, but, after looking inside and seeing how far up they would have to go, she thought better of it, and pushed the button to summon the elevator. As she waited for it to arrive, Katy slammed Keeley up against wall, reached down, unclasped the buckle of her belt, and then slowly pulled her leggings down and off. Then, tossing the leggings aside, she grabbed ahold of her red bikini bottoms and slowly peeled those down and off Keeley's legs, as well, leaving the blonde completely naked, aside from her boots. And then the elevator dinged and opened.

   “Time for a real ride, bitch,” said Katy, tossing the naked blonde inside the elevator and following her inside, looking at the list of options, and hitting the “R” button, to take them on a long ride to the roof. As the elevator doors closed, Katy slammed Keeley up against one of the side walls of the elevator, and let her slump down to the floor, where Katy joined her, kneeling down and spreading Keeley's legs wide. “So... what do you think will come first? The roof? Or YOU?” Then, with a grin, and while keeping an eye on the elevator display, which currently showed them as being at the third floor, as it started moving upwards, Katy went to work on pleasuring her formerly formidable foe.

   By the fourth floor, Katy had started to rub the outside of Keeley's pussy, eliciting some slight moans from the blonde, her bare nipples starting to perk up. By the tenth floor, Keeley was primed for more, so Katy inserted two fingers and slowly went to work, caressing the inside of Keeley's pussy. At the fifteenth floor, the elevator doors opened, and Katy yelled out “GET A DIFFERENT FUCKING ELEVATOR!!” to the unlucky Asian family who had interrupted them, and slammed the “Close Door” button with her foot. At the twenty third floor, Katy had inserted a third finger and was well on the way to make Keeley climax, thrusting her fingers in and out, in and out, Keeley moaning louder and louder as her pussy got wetter and wetter. Then, when they arrived at the thirtieth floor, so did Keeley, releasing her honey juices onto the elevator floor as the doors opened, giving them access to the arena roof.

   “Well... that was fun,” said Katy, pulling her fingers out and licking them clean, and then standing up and starting to drag Keeley out of the elevator with her legs, “But, now? It's time to make you scream, bitch.” As soon as she had pulled Keeley all the way out of the elevator, Katy kicked her over onto her stomach, bent her into a rough, vile “C” shape, and kneeled down, sticking one knee into the small of Keeley's back, sending her into screaming fits as she locked in her Liontamer variation that she called the Hot & Cold.

   Hot & Cold:

   It wasn't long before Keeley was screaming, “I QUIT!! I QUIT!!”, but Katy still didn't let go, instead opting to lean her head down between Keeley's legs and start licking her pussy clean. It wasn't till she heard a loud whirring noise high up in the air that kept getting closer and closer, that she got up off of the blonde and started scanning the sky. Then she spotted it, about a dozen miles away; a helicopter, flying closer and closer. Katy started grinning and waving her hands, as the helicopter neared the roof, and then, seconds later, it landed, the whirring noise subsiding as the helicopter's blades came to a complete stop. Dragging Keeley along with her by the hair, Katy made her way over to the helicopter, just as the helmet wearing pilot, who was noticeably female due to the large breasts sticking out of her skin tight black suit, hopped out of the driver's seat.

   “Well, well, well,” said Katy, licking her lips as she threw Keeley to the ground, “You look DAMN good in leather, you know that?”

   “I look good in ANYTHING, babe,” said the pilot, who took off her helmet to reveal herself as Katy's lover and partner in crime, Nichole Van Croft, “I take it you had no problems, then?”

   “Oh, she fought back, of course,” said Katy, aiming a kick to Keeley's ribs, “But I tamed her in the end. Bring the rope?”

   “Of course,” Nichole said, reaching inside the helicopter and pulling out a long white cord of rope, which she tossed to Katy, “Don't tie her up too tight, though. Don't want to break her before we've had our fun.”

   “We'll be having fun with her no matter what,” said Katy, leaning down and tying Keeley's hands behind her back, and then tying her legs together as well, before lifting her up onto her shoulders, and, after Nichole opened the side door of the helicopter for her, depositing Keeley in the back seat. As the now helpless Keeley weeped and begged to be let go, Katy leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips, before stepping back and closing the side door of the helicopter, pretty much sealing the blonde's fate as a future sex toy.

   “Well, then, shall we go, babe?” Nichole said, wrapping an arm around Katy's shoulders and kissing her neck repeatedly.

   “Of course, love,” Katy said, turning around, and embracing Nichole, before they shared a passionate kiss. Then, separating, Katy jumped into the passenger seat, as Nichole put her helmet back on, jumped into the drivers seat, and closed the door, before starting up the helicopter again. Minutes later, they were in the air, flying into the sky and disappearing into what would, assuredly, be a VERY wild night.


Offline Wiffo

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Re: (Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 12:53:35 AM »
so brutal!!!! OH my god that was epic! I am happy to see that Katy won, but in a very hard match up indeed. Brilliant story! You are an amazing writer!

Thanks a bunch. Glad to know I have at least one fan around here, hehe. :) Also... that's the last of the unofficial matches. Gonna give it a week, then post the EFW roster and the start of the first show. :)


Offline KSWer

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Re: (Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 04:13:45 AM »
Great stories so far!!! I'm not that much into the women featured so far but I like your writing a lot!

What exactly is the EFW ? Not sure if I missed anything......


Offline Wiffo

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Re: (Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 04:17:14 AM »
You shall see... soon. :)


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: (Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2011, 05:57:25 AM »
Very nice , would of been better though if 1 of their stops as Keeley was getting her Butt kicked was at my house
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline Wiffo

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Re: (Story) Katy Perry Vs. Keeley Hazell
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2011, 01:26:31 AM »
At the moment, I'm in indefinite retirement from writing anything femme fight related, so I can focus on my career and getting my life back into gear. But in the future.... who knows?