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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 4 ( Fake ) - Anna Kournikova vs Big Sonia

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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As soon as the 3rd Celebrity Wrestling event came to an end , E-Mails came pouring in from people who watched & Loved Big Sonia & wanted more of her & Lucky for them , Big Sonia wanted to do it again & just a few days into voting , 1 of the Female Celebrities had to pull out for Personal Reasons & Big Sonia quickly got the call to come back for an encore .

All Voting for the Ladies Matches were reset as 12 days to vote was still more than enough time for the fans to vote on what they wanted & when it came to Big Sonia , every Poll came up with her Winning by Total Squash & the poor Woman who got the most votes to be her Opponent was Anna Kournikova .

At match time , Anna of course came out 1st , like always , it indicated that she was the Face ( Good Girl ) Clad in a Gold Bikini with Gold Leggings hiding most of her White Short Boots & got a Big Ovation from the crowd as she entered the ring & did some tennis stroke like stuff that looked sexy because it was after all , Anna Kournikova .

Big Sonia came out & although she was the Heel , she got a respectable reception , a bit more Cheering than Booing , even though she still did the Heel stuff while going to the ring  .

Once both Ladies were in the ring , the Ref called for the bell to start the match & the 2 Ladies slowly walked up to each other & stood face to face in a staredown  until Anna let out an " I am Anna - Anna is the best " playing on her Russian roots trying to intimidate the Big Tattooed Gal who replied " Yeah , well I'm Sonia " & shoved Anna very hard to the mat .

" I am Anna , you can't do that to Anna " Anna said as she quickly got to her feet & then let out " Anna get you back " & tried a Kick that was dodged by Sonia who responded with " No - Sonia get You " & let loose a Clothesine that found it's mark acros Anna's chest & sent her down .

Sonia quickly followed with a Splash that found it's mark , Anna who let out a big Umph as Sonia came down on her .

A few tmes after the Splash saw Sonia bring Anna up for Bodyslams that had her saying " No Slam Anna " that was followed by " No's as she was Slammed to the mat  & after 3 Bodyslams , Sonia brought Anna up to her feet & whipped her into the corner & as Anna stood dazed saying " No , No  " Sonia from the opposite corner charged & crushed Anna with a Corner Splash & Sonia remained against Anna for a few extra secs for the drama effect & then moved & guided Anna down so Anna was on her Ass sitting in the corner where Sonia backed her Big Ass up & Stinkfaced Anna as the crowd cheered her on .

Sonia brought the now silent Anna to her feet & placed her upside down on the top turnbuckle & again Stinkfaced her since Anna's face was at Ass level & when done , Sonia positioned Anna so she was fully spread across the top rope then slowly she climbed the rope to make sure she kept her balance & once she made to the top , she sat on Anna's Chest & Mid & slowly kept rising up & sitting back down on Anna's Chest & Mid , doing it 7 times before sliding off her & back to the mat while Anna still lay draped across the top rope .

Sonia reached up & got Anna free & onto her broad shoulders & walked around the ring for 15 secs before falling down & Crushing Anna with a Samoan Drop & after doing an " I'm Bad " pose , Sonia dragged Anna to the corner , placing her so Anna's head was closest to the corner & body close to the corner as well & once Sonia had her positioned right , Sonia climbed up to the middle rope & like she did on the last show with Carmen Electra , Sonia bounced a few times for momentum & released herself down where she came crahing down onto Anna's Chest with a Big Bonsai Drop & remained on Anna's chest & cockily hooked aleg as the Ref moved in , 1-2-3 , DING! DING ! DING ! " Your Winner , Big Sonia "

« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 07:35:58 AM by LoveSexyJobbers »
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Re: All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 4 ( Fake ) - Anna Kournikova vs Big Sonia
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 09:04:04 PM »
Anna played the arrogant bitch and was badly punished. I think, she should be mor humble next time when meeting a much bigger woman.
But nevertheless, I hope, Sonia didnt break bones of Anna with all the bodyslamming an dropping on her helpless victim.