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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 6 ( Fake ) - Kendra Wilkinson vs Bridget Marquardt

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Numerous shows ago , Bridget watched as her former " Girls Next Door " costars , Kendra & Holly had match on ASCW & even though she didn't want to admit it , she has always liked Holly more & got along with her so much better behind the scenes & when she saw Kendra EASILY Defeat & Pin Holly , she felt a little irked , but it was the Fans vote & she believed it was there Biased opinion of Holly being a Pure GoldDigger that mde them want to see her get Squashed without knowing the Real Holly like she knew & also It didn't help that Kendra was always showing her playful side on her own show .

Bridget believed though that if it were She Vs Kendra , since she was the Shy Quiet one that was not always trying to seduce Hef , like Kendra & Holly , she would get the Votes due to the fans wanting Kendra to get Pummeled now that she was in Holly's role & asked the Producers if she could Wrestle Kendra & they were Ok with as well as Kendra & when it came time for the 2 weeks of the Poll , 1 Girl got pretty much almost every vote to win & in One-Sided Fashion & it stayed that way untl the poll closed & 1 woman saw the outcome & let out her Signature Laugh .

The 2 Ladies rehearsed the match for 2 weeks until PPV night came & match time came .


Bridget came out 1st clad in a Black Leather Bikini with a Flame Design on it with matching Leggings over white boots for a little contrast & had on matching Black Armbands & played up her Good Girl role as she made her way to the ring , stopping to give Holly a Big Hug who was sitting along the way as she was in attendance .

Once in the ring , the song from Kendra's show played with alot of her Annoying Laugh sounds dubbed in & got some Cheers & some Boos , but stayed in Bad Girl Character as she made her way to the ring , making it a point to stop & Jaw with Holly before finishing her journey to the ring .

As the 2 went to hookup , Bridget told Kendra " She'd pay for what she did to Holly " while Kendra countered that " Bridget was going to know why Kendra was the best GND Babe " & then Kendra let out a burp & Bridget responded by holding her nose & doing the " What did you eat today " question & was still holding it as Kendra stepped forward & Clotheslined Bridget to the mat .

Kendra quickly moved to Bridget's Right Side & dropped an Elbow onto her chest & then quickly stood & did it again & again , doing it 5 times before moving to Bridget's Left side & giving her 5 more Elbow Drops to her Chest .

Bridget clutched at her Chest as Kendra moved down by her fett & grabbed her Legs & spread them & gave Bridget 3 Jumping Headbutts right into her Crotch before releasing her & as Bridget rolled around in pain , Kendra pointed at Holly & said " You want more of this , I'll do it again Holly " as Holly's yells were drained out by the crowd .

Kendra brought Bridget up the hair & draped her throat over the top Rope & Bridget put her Hands & Arms over the rope as well to try to escape but only succededed in aiding Kendra as Kendra lifted her Legs & up & spread them again so she could deliver a Punt Kick into Her Crotch yet again , but was able to give her 5 in all before letting her go & playing " Innocent " as she got scolded by the Ref .

Kendra brought Bridget up who was still holding her Crotch area as Kendra spun her around & gave her a NeckBreaker & was brought up again & given another Neckbreaker & then brought up again for a 3rd Neckbreaker , leaving Bridget pretty much out of it as her body was at an awkward angle on the mat , ripe for Pinning .

Kendra let out a Laugh & taunted Holly for a few secs before placing her knees onto Bridget & stared at Holly as the Ref moved in , 1-2-3 DING! DING ! DING!.

Kendra smiled wide as she had her Arm raised in Victory as she proclaimed herself the GND Champion & gave olly a big stare again & then returning to Bridget to do a foot on body Victory pose as she again looked at Holly to prove her wrong .

You never grow old until you stop being young