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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 9 ( Fake ) Tina Turner vs Beyonce

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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 9 ( Fake ) Tina Turner vs Beyonce
« on: October 13, 2011, 04:33:54 PM »
The Producers of this show has been trying to get Beyonce from the getgo , but due to her immense popularity & Tour schedule , she was unavailable until now as her Tour was over & she was exactly halfway through until it all started up again , the perfect time to do some Charity Wrestling .

The day after Show 8 when the Polls opened , folks were stunned to see her on the list of Female Celebrity Wrestlers & Beyonce when the 2 weeks were over , had the largest voting interest in the Internet voting of any show & any Match / Celebrity , & of All possible Matchups that could be had , all but 1 result was in favor of possible the world's Most Beautiful Woman & that was against the Legendary , Tina Turner , who at her age , still was in great shape & still turned some heads .

Beyonce worked with her Trainer on the Match Format & the fact she was facing Tina Turner , 1 of her Idols growing up , made her happy to do what she needed to do to go along with the Extra side pay to get her to Wrestle which can further help her chosen Charity .

On Match night , as always , an A-List of Celebrities were in attendance to go along with a few Joe Schmmos & Plain Janes who were able to get in or win tickets , with most of the Celebs clueless as to who would Win or Lose that night .

Of the 4 Ladies Matches that , it was a Gimmie that Tina vs Beyonce was saved as the Last Ladies Match , Match 10 on the card as 2 Mens Matches would remain as the Men always had 8 Matches on every PPV to 4 for the Ladies .

Beyonce was Introduced 1st & the cheers were deafening as the Celebs were beside themselves seeing Beyonce giving Wrestling a whirl & Beyonce as always looked great as she wore a Body forming Red One-Piece Bathing Suit , pure Baywatch all the way except no Batwatch like logo was on it & her Sexy Legs were accentuated by White Boots as a nice contrast to her Red outfit & light Ebony skin , which was made sexier as she also had Red Outfit Matching Bandanas dangling from the top of her Boots & upon entering the ring , Beyonce did some tantalizing Dance Moves for the Fans as Tina's Song , " We Don't need another Hero " from the Mad Max movie she did played & had people saying " Wow " as she came out looking Fit & Ready clad in the same outfit she wore in the movie .

Tina really didn't act the Heel as she did High Five Fans a few times & put on a showy mean scowl for Fans taking Pics of her until she finally made it into the ring & did an almost friendly Muhammed Ali like quick speech towards Beyonce that made the younger Beauty smile  .

The Bell finally rang t get the match stared & before they locked up , Beyonce extended her Hand out as a friendly Good Luck gesture & told Tina what a thrill it was to be facing her as Tina shook her Hand back with a " Aw Stop " gesture & still was shaking as she told Beyonce she was proud of her for All she accomplished until she quickly changed attitude & pulled Beyonce right into a Big Boot to her Mid as she still had Beyonce's Hand in hers from the Handshaking .

Beyonce doubled over from the Mid Stomp & then fell over Backwards as Tina brought her Knee up & nailed Beyonce in her Chest .

Tina quickly pounced & draped her Knee across Beyonce's throat & played the Mean Heel now as Beyonce's Sexy Legs Flailed Wildly for escape & air until the Ref applied the Break It up 5 count , which Tina rode like every other Heel in the history of Wrestling to almost 5 before removing her Knee , but went back to it immediately after the Ref stopped counting & argued with him as he restarted the count & Tina again broke just before 5 to avoid DQ .

Tina brought Beyonce up by her Hair & Hair Mared her to the Mat & quickly brought her up by her Hair & did it again & again & again , doing it 12 times as now Beyonce's Hair was in pain a little to go along with her still trying to get some air back into her from the choking .

After the Last Hair Mare , Beyonce sat stunned on her fine Ass as Tina ran off the Ropes for Momentum & on the return , nailed Beyonce right between her Tits with a Running Boot , putting the Younger Singer on her back , where Tina grabbed Beyonce's Legs & Spread them & said " Oh Yeah " before she gave her 7 Crotch Stomps as the Fans Loved it & as the Ref berated the Legend , all the while , Tina still held Beyonce's Legs Open & after finishing her little spat with the Ref , Tina dropped a Headbutt down into Beyonce's Crotch , making who knows how many watching Insanely Jealous that Tina met that area of Beyonce .

Beyonce lay writhing in pain as Tina got to the mat & grabbed Beyonce by an Arm & Leg while sticking her Boot into Beyonce's Side & pulled her awkwardly into a Sexy Stretch that had Beyonce crying out in pain & had her on her Side which made Beyonce's Tits protrude just that bit more from the Stretch she was in .

Beyonce was about to Tap when Tina released her & then switched sides & put Beyonce into the same stretch , but this time of course , it was Beyonce's other Arm & Leg & Ribcage that felt the pain as the pain slowly ebbed in & built up to it's fullest & again as Beyonce was so close to crying Uncle , she was released from the hold & held at her Ribs as Tina got up & played the Meanie at the Crowd .

Beyonce had little time to rest as Tina returned to her & stood on the small of her back & added some pain now to Beyonce's Back & Arms as she grabbed Beyonce by her Arms & pulled them back as Beyonce's Arms were in pain as well as her Back as Tina had that hold on her for 30 secs before rudely pushing her down .

Tina brought Beyonce up by her Hair & with Beyonce's Back facing Tina , Tina lifted her up into a Torture Rack & Beyonce was so concerned about trying to escape as she had almost nothing left that she soon found herself being bounced Limp on Tina's Shoulders , prompting the Ref to do the Arm Check thing & upon lifting Beyonce's Arm up twice , it instantly fell back towards earth as 1 more meant Tina would win by KO , but Tina told the Ref " Wait " & as he inquires why , she said " Oh Nothing " as she dropped Beyonce to the mat in a Reverse Death Valley Driver & then watched as Beyonce lay Face down & pretty much motionless .

Tina booted Beyonce onto her Back & watched as Beyonce lay sprawled & then Tina backed up a bit before Charging Forward & Jumping , letting her Ass Crash down onto Beyonce's Chest & sliding off , but Tina returned to fold Beyonce's Legs over her Body so Beyonce's Wrists were right against her Ankles & Tina sat on the Folded over Beyonce as the Ref moved in , 1-2-3 DING ! DING !  DING ! as Tina had her Arm raised in Victory & muttered " 2 Ladies enter , 1 Lady Leaves " as Beyonce's Bod slowly unfolded itself & made the slow recovery as she tried to clear her cobwebs , unaware she was defeated by her Idol .


You never grow old until you stop being young