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The Great and the Good

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Offline JohnMoog

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The Great and the Good
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:55:55 PM »
How do you distinguish a great video from a good one, and by extension a great producer from a good one?  I have in mind videos that certainly do the physiological trick, but leave the big head yearning for something more that would intensify the erotic experience.

One huge factor for me is sweat.  Premier’s girls aren’t always to my liking (FBBs), but when they feature ones I do like (e.g., Heather and Dion in PV 263), their exquisite bodies are so much hotter in all their slick, shiny glory.  And how humbling an experience it must be for a proud fitness champ to have another woman’s sweat forcibly imposed on her, all over her.  This sort of contact is at the very limit of what this subgenre can offer me. 

Contrast WeBringIt’s Welcome to the Neighborhood.  For most of it, Keri’s hot, lean body is trapped under Jenn’s ample, sexy thighs and ass, her pretty face being yanked suggestively, again and again, into Jenn’s privates.  This is good.  Yet the apparent absence of sweat (which would also suggest smell) denies that humiliating act a certain intimacy, intimacy that would be shared with each other and, I argue, with me. 

Come to think of it, the most damning indictment I can lodge against the vidbiz is that I spend a lot more time thinking about how my old inventories might have been even better, than about anything being produced today. 

Any thoughts?


Offline JohnMoog

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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2011, 05:42:21 PM »
There is not enough sweat in the world to make the women you mistook for Miami Ink cast members erotically stimulating.

That's just nasty.  The best one can make of such a vid is to shut the display and hope the soundtrack is entertaining.  There's a reason why Howard Stern works in the medium of radio. 


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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 07:02:41 PM »
I think a great producer is one who comes up with a style and format which produces consistently good results. Exactly what it is that makes some of those results great, as opposed to merely good, is more subjective and difficult to define.
If sweat is one of the things that does it for you, then obviously the temperature and humidity inside the studio when the match is filmed is an important factor, which may or may not have been under the control of the producer.
Another factor, which even the greatest and wisest student of human nature could never predict, is exactly what kind of chemistry will develop between two females in a situation as physically and emotionally intimate as a fight or wrestling match.
Why did the gorgeous Karen Collins, normally, as Ofecteau says, a pretty lethargic performer, suddenly spark into life and have a real go at Rosy Rocket during their Academy soap match? Why, when Rosy got on top and school-girl-pinned her, did Karen whisper - so quietly that even with the volume on my speakers turned up full I could barely make it out - "I give in."?
That whispered submission was for Rosy's ears only, something real and personal between the two of them that not even Bruce, for all his years of experience, could have predicted in advance. I'm sure he knew that Rosy would beat Karen, but that it would happen like that? Not a chance.
Afterwards, the ritual body-slamming of the loser by the winner and the strap-on sex we knew we were going to see at the end of a soap match took on a whole new level of significance. Rosy "owned" Karen for real, and Soap 46, for me at least, is a great video.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 07:10:31 PM by kafkod »


Offline JohnMoog

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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2011, 06:09:06 PM »
If sweat is one of the things that does it for you, then obviously the temperature and humidity inside the studio when the match is filmed is an important factor, which may or may not have been under the control of the producer.

In Flamingo Wrestling WW91, Julie and Gia chat a bit about the intentional conditions causing all the sweat, that that's the way "they" like it.  It was actually a very sweet, slightly awkward moment: these two trying so hard to inflict pain on each other (Gia mostly succeeding), sharing a bit of humor.


Offline zeeeni

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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2011, 05:11:29 PM »
These are outstanding observations, and I am pleased that someone else has noticed the glory that is the Dion/Heather match.  By the way, can anyone tell me who won that match?  I tried counting submissions, and my own rough estimate is that it was a tie or Heather +1.

Although decidedly fake, the work of JM Rolen, with his liberal use of "sweat" on his models, makes them, for me, head and shoulders above the other fantasy sites.


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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2011, 12:34:19 AM »
By the way, can anyone tell me who won that match?  I tried counting submissions, and my own rough estimate is that it was a tie or Heather +1.

I was quite convinced Dion was the winner.  I think she won more submissions, though it was close.  More important, she just dominated Heather physically, and it took Heather more effort to get Dion to submit than vice versa.  I noticed that each fall, win or lose, took more out of her than Dion.  The hottest part was how Heather would get up each time, however much she had been humbled, dance around a bit to reinvigorate herself, and come back for more, for 3/4 of an hour.  What I'm trying to say is that Heather being in great shape wasn't enough to win but was rather channeled entirely into making her a sexy victim.  Like some of the late Academy Bruce's greatest vids, this was an unscripted match that turned out exactly as if I had scripted it.


Offline zeeeni

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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2011, 04:13:56 PM »
It should be noted, though, that Dion appeared to injure herself during the match.  It was this injury that permitted Heather to make the match more competitive.  Prior to the injury, I believe Dion had a 4 or 5 submission edge over Heather.  Moreover, the abrupt ending to the match seemed to catch Dion by surprise.  Heather said, "Nice match", and Dion, rather suprisedly, replied, "Yeah."  That always seemed to indicate, to me, that Heather might have given up.  I think an equally plausible explanation is that they were contracted to wrestle for an hour, and that time had expired.

I did exchange emails with the producer, and it was his opinion that Heather won the match by submission count, but he did admit he had not reviewed the match for some time.  Again, my own review was hampered by the camera angles (difficult to see who tapped when only a sound was heard amidst the tangle of limbs) and my own admitted distraction at the eroticism of the whole affair.


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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2011, 05:39:12 PM »
I also consider the Heather / Dion match kind of a draw. PP is (was?) my favourite producer - hot, sweaty, muscular women. If I had a complaint, I sometime question the lack of competitiveness (except of course, anything involving Ziggy!); falls were loosely won / counted, women easily gave up.

Still, some of the toughest FBBs had some great matches at PP - Ziggy, Christine Marshall, Renee O'Neil, Dawn Riel (sp?), Joanna Lee, Tigra.



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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2011, 12:28:02 AM »
Have people here seen smoking hot Peaches (PV253)?  She reminds me of a blonde Heather.  How would it go if those two hooked up?


Offline Markleilani

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Re: The Great and the Good
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2011, 04:19:56 PM »
Speaking of sweat, the PP match between Ziggy and Dawn is a classic- hardfought (Dawn was a very capable opponent for Ziggy) and litres of sweat. I don't know how they managed to keep any hold locked on.
