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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 14 - Big Sonia & Jean Rey vs Kim & Kourtney Kardash

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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After a successful 1st year , The Powers that Be behind ASCW had a raffle for those who voted on all the Polls & also bought the PPV's of ASCW & a Teacher , Jean Rey won the raffle to compete in a ASCW Match of her choosing .

Like so many others , Jean was a big fan of Op Repo's , Big Sonia & wanted to tag with her , but with Sonia already set for a match in ASCW 13 by the time Jean Rey won the Fan Lottery , she was told she would do it in ASCW 14 , against who ? , was up to the Fans when voting opened up after ASCW 13 7 when voting closed after the 2 weeks , Jean & Sonia's Opponents were Kim & Kourtney Kardashian , with Kim making her 2nd ASCW appearance , trying to get over her failed marriage & Kourtney , wanting just to experience it for Fun & Charity .

Since Sonia was so beloved in her Heel Role & Loved being the Heel while Jean wanted to explore her Bad Side , it was a gimmie that they would be the Heels while the Heartbreaking Kardashians were easily the Good Girls .

All 4 Ladies got along great during training & were all set to give the Fans a great match .

The Match was saved as the last Ladies Match of the PPV & as always , the Men in the crowd went Bonkers for Kim as she came out with Kourtney , both wearing White Leather Tops with their Kardashian line Logo on the chest & white short shorts & short white wrestling boots & black wristbands to complete their ensemble & both greeted their Fans warmly as they were cheered all the way to the ring until Boos were heard , not for Sonia & Jean though , the boos were for Kourtney's Beau , Scott as he came out telling everybody he decided to be the manager out of the blue to support his Kourtney as " Scott You Suck " chants filled the Arena & as they were Booing & telling him off loudly , Scott was yelling back at them when his face winced as it turns out , the Fans were so busy yelling at him , they never noticed Jean Rey making her appearance & giving him a Big Lowblow from behind , getting a huge Cheer of Approval from the crowd & making Kim & Kourtney run out to protect Scott & were on their way when Sonia ran out & made them stop as Jean brought Scott up & said " Come get him Kourtney " but Jean then tossed Scott towards the 2 Sisters , causing Kourtney to step aside , but Kim actually stood her ground & when close enough , Kim dropped Scott with a Superkick & just smiled & shrugged her Shoulders in an " OOpsy " thing as Kourtney let out a " Kim , what the heck Sis  ? " thing as the Fans began to chant " Kimy Kimmy Kimmy " as Kim did what Millions wanted to do to Scott & the Kardashians went back to the Ring as they were talking about Kim SuperKicking Scott while Jean & Sonia got their official introduction as they wore different black attire , but both had the Skull & Crossbones on their attire as their mutual Heel Symbol .

Jean & Sonia made it to the ring & the match was really ready to start & Sonia took the 1st turn as Kourtney started it out 1st for her side .

Sonia did her King Kong Chest Bumping thing & said " Do something Little Girl " to Kourtney who tried to Bodyslam Sonia , but Sonia was way too big & after watching Kourtney try to get her anywhere for 10 secs , Sonia said " This is how it's done Little One " & scooped up Kourtney like she was nothing & slammed her hard to the mat , making Kourtney's body keep bouncing up & down from the pain from the impact .

Sonia brought Kourtney up & Hip Tossed her all the way to the wrong corner & tagged in Jean & as Jean moved in , Kourtney pulled herself into a sitting position in the Corner dazed as Jean moved in & began to stomp away at Kourtney's Chest until the Ref gave her the 5 count to break , which she did at 4 3/4 & then acted all innocent & tagged Sonia back in .

After leaving the Ring , Jean eyed Scott up & staggering around like a Drunk & she was able to get behind him & level him with another Lowblow , getting a big pop from the Crowd again & then returned to her corner as in the Ring , Sonia was Bodyslamming Kourtney like Crazy until she tossed Kourtney into the Corner & with Kourtney barely standing , Sonia charged & crushed her , getting a collective " OOOHHH " from the crowd & when Sonia moved away , Kourtney fell limp to the mat .

Sonia waltzed over to Jean & tagged her in & she brought Kourtney up & somehow kept her up & DDT'd her to the mat & Kourtney was way done for , but the match was too soon in to end it so Jean tagged Sonia back in & Sonia just brought Kourtney up & had no trouble keeping the pretty much Ko'd Kardashian up & giving her a good Breast Smother until thrusting her Boobs forwards making Kourtney fall limp to her own corner where Kim made a Blind Tag in .

Sonia dared a cautious Kim to come & get her , but Kim quickly tried an Airbourne attack as she climbed the Top rope as Sonia stood & watched & said " Come on Kimmy " Kim dove down & tried to CrossBody Block Sonia , who was able to catch Kim & as Kim flailed for escape , Sonia gve her a mini Worlds Strongest Slam to the mat , taking alot of air out of the most infamous of the Kardashian Babes .

Sonia brought Kim up & whipped her into the corner & charged & CRUSH , getting another " Ungh " from the crowd as Kim was crushed & she to fell limp to the mat as Sonia moved away & tagged Jean back in .

sonia left the ring as she eyed Scott up again & dazed & Sonia grabbed him & Breast Smothered him until he stopped fighting it & she them freed him , but gave him a big headbutt & took in the applause as he fell out to the ground again as " Scott You Suck " chants began near him .

In the ring meanwhile , Jean was Hair Beiling Kim to all 4 sides of the ring , taking a brief pause after the 2nd one to knee Kourtney off the apron as she tried to regain her senses .

Jean brought Kim up by the hair & walked her over to Sonia & tagged her back in & held her as Sonia rained Chops across her chest until the ref gave them the 5 count to break which they did just before 5 of course & Jean stepped out for just a sec before she was instantly tagged back in & Sonia held her this time as Jean chopped Kim across her chest over & over until the almost 5 count was made & Sonia released Kim & left the ring & was immediately tagged in again & together Jean & Sonia put Kim into a Camel Clutch / Boston Crab Combo & held her in it for about 15 secs , the Ref waiting a bit before starting the 5 count & the Baddies broke just in time to avoid the DQ .

Sonia brought Kim up as Jean left & went out after Scott 1 last time & stomped him in the Family Jewels 5 times as the crowd egged her on as " Scott You Suck " had turned to " Fuck You Scott " chants & as Jean returned to her corner , Sonia had given Kim a few Samoan Drops at the time & Jean was taking her place back on the Apron as Sonia dragged Kourtney in by her hair & slammed her ontop of Kim 3 times before tossing her aside & walking over to Jean & tagging her in .

Jean brought Kim & held her by the back of her head while facing her & then jumped up & pulled Kim down with her , driving her Knees into Kim's Tits in a Codebreaker & as Kim fell onto her back out of it , Jean folded Kims legs over her Body & sat on her legs as the Ref moved in & 1-2-3 , giving Jean the Pin on Kim , but Sonia came in & grabbed Kourtney & Samoan Dropped her also & told Jean o get her & Jean also gave Kourtney a Codebreaker & covered her also & Sonia bullied the Ref into making the 1-2-3 on Kourtney & then Jean & Sonia were getting Cheers as they had their arms raised in Victory .

Jean & Sonia walked on Scott like he was a doormat as they went to the back as inside the ring , Kim & Kourtney still lay defeated holding their Chests as the Losers .

You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline Boundfighter

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Thank you for this good story. I like it very much. Good work. Go on with this :)
I have only one rule. Fun for both is the most importent thing :) and THINK POSITIVE :D Carpe Diem