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Story:Cory Everson vs.Susan Powter the Battle of Vegas

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Offline cager

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Story:Cory Everson vs.Susan Powter the Battle of Vegas
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:13:33 AM »
Disclaimer:All Fighters are 18 or Older!   Prologue:at a Hotel/Casino just off the Vegas Strip,Cory Everson is getting out of the Shower after a Serious Work Out! the Reason for Cory's Work Out, 2 Mobths before her Fight with Kiana, Fitness Guru Susan Powter tried to get Cory to Agree to Endorse a Fitness Program that would help Women Develope Lean Muscle. Cory Refused because the Program had Too Many Flaws & No Research to back it up! Susan Called Cory a 'Muscle Snob' and Claimed She Could Beat Cory in a Wrestling Match!  2 Miles Down,at another Hotel/Casino, susan Powter is Getting Back from a Shopping Spree, Convinced She'll Beat Cory!   

at a Warehouse 2 Miles From Cory's Hotel,Lady Gaga,Sunrise Adams,and Katy Perry are watching as Kim Kardashian and Catherine Zeta-Jones Trade Blows in a Nude Bare Knuckle Boxing Match. CZJ is Barely Standing as Kim NAILS the 'Welsh Witch' with a Rocketing Uppercut that Sends CZJ Crashing to the Floor,to become Spread eagle and Beaten! Sunrise walks over with a Towel, drapes it over Kim's Shoulders and Says,"Baby,You just earned your Release. You'll find Cash,Some Clothes,and a Surprise waiting for You! Kim walks through the Door, and is Surprised to find J-Lo, Jennifer Lopez Nude and Waiting! after a Bit, Kim Awakens in a Hotel room and finds a Case with a Note taped to it! the Note says,"A Little Thank You for the Hummer! Joanne!" Kim opens the Case and Finds a Gold Metallic 2 piece Bikini with the Double K Kardashian Logo stitched on it with a Pair of Matching Thigh High boots for her!

The Fight:at a Club off the Vegas Strip called,'The Bloody Sands Arena',a Ring stands ready, along with a Nude Cory Everson!  a dancer tells Cory,"If Your Opponent Fails to show,You win by Default and the Terms for the Match go into Effect!" the Stakes for this Match:if Cory Wins,Susan has to Wait Tables at a Lounge or Bar on the Strip until a Rematch is Granted! if Susan wins, Cory has to Endorse without Pay the fitness Program Susan has! if the Fight Goes to a Draw, they fight with their Fists until 1 is Left Standing!

Cory waits until a Dancer enters the Ring, brings a Mic to her Lips,and Says,"Ladies & Gentlemen, Ms. Susan Powter has failed to Show for the Match! Your Winner by Default,Ms. Cory Everson!"

Post-Fight:Cory is Pissed! She Worked Out Most of the day, and That Bitch Failed to Show! Cory heads back to her Dressing Room,Gets Dressed and Returns to her Hotel. She is STUNNED when she Spots a Topless Kourtney Kardashian waiting for Her!  Kourtney Greets Cory with,"Hello Cory, My Sister Kim Found Out that Susan Powter Never Planned to Go through with the Match! Kim asked me to Help You Relax after What that Skank did to You!" Kourtney leads Cory to the Bathroom, Draws Water for a Hot Bath and Helps Cory get undressed! after help from Kourtney,cory heads for her Bed and falls Asleep Quickly!  as Kourtney,Now Dressed leaves the Room, a Maid asks,"Is Everything OK,Ma'am?"

Kourtney smiles Sweetly and Replies,"My Friend Needs her Rest, would You Please Make Sure She Isn't Disturbed?" the Maid Nods and Hangs a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and Leaves!

Later,Cory Awakens to find Herself Aboard a Lear Jet,with Lil'Kim Looking at her! Lil'Kim asks,"You alraight,Homegirl?"

Cory Smiles at Lil'Kim and Replies,"What's Up with Susan's Little Trick?" Lil'Kim replies,"Found Out she Learned how Fit You were and Never Really Planned to Fight You because She Knew You'd Beat Her Worse than a Rug! she Decided to Slip out Rather than Go through with the Fight!"  Cory grins and Tells Lil'Kim,"The Contract She Signed states that if She fails to Do the Match, she Has to wait tables until a Rematch is Granted,No Matter What!" they both Laugh at the thought of Susan Powter Working as a Waitress at one of the Lounges in Vegas! Lil'Kim then tells Cory,"Those Kardashians are Class,Kim has someone waiting to Fuck you when we land in Reno!"

Epilogue:they Land in Reno,Cory is taken to a Hotel, and Escorted to Room 606,where she Hears,"Come in, I'm Ready for you, Cory!" Cory is stunned to see a Nude Barocca waiting for her! they Make love until Cory Awakens to the Sight of a Topless Blonde Maid bringing her breakfast!

this story is Dedicated to bigmack!


Offline bigmack

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Re: Story:Cory Everson vs.Susan Powter the Battle of Vegas
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 01:37:19 PM »
Thanks again for the  great story


Offline cager

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Re: Story:Cory Everson vs.Susan Powter the Battle of Vegas
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 01:56:33 PM »
No Problem. want me to set up a Bout between Cory &  Jessica Simpson? if not,pick Cory's next Victim. Dan