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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 18 - Olsen Twins vs Aly Michalka & Ashley Tisdale

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Aly & Ashley came out 1st like all the Faces did in ASCW & as previously mentioned , in their Hellcats Cheerleader Outfits & were all pumped up like Cheerleaders should be & did tandem Rope Flips into the ring as they awaited the Olsens who came in like most Twins like to do , in completely 100% matching outfits & played up their Baddie role as they made their way to the ring & then in it , where Aly & Ashley were doing a special Cheer & were attacked by the Olsens .

Clubbing Forearms by the Olsens put Aly & Ashley down & the Olsens quickly followed up by bringing Aly & Ashley up & Snap Mared them both down & then followed & Charged & leapt over the Blondes while pulling onto their heads , giving them Neck Whips & as soon as the Olsens reset themselves , they brought Aly & Ashley up & Snap Mared them again towards oppsing corners & after giving them a Stomp , they brought them up & went to whip the Blondes into each other , but Aly & Ashley reversed it & The Olsens crashed into each other & stumbled backwards & were then sent out of the ring as Aly & Ashley followed with Dual Dropkicks & did Cartwheels for the Crowd as The Olsens regrouped .

Order was restored & Ashley started it out with 1 of the Olsens & as they went to hookup , the Olsen in the ring quickly connected with a Knee to Ashley's Mid & followed with a Jumping Forearm Bash that put her down .

The Olsen followed with several Stomps to Ashley's Back & the other Olsen Twin quickly ran in & joined her Sister & together they went Stomp Crazy on Ashley as the Ref tried to break it up as Aly also came in to try to break it up .

Aly's arguing allowed the Olsens extra time to work over Ashley & as Aly left the ring , The Olsens gave Ashley a Double Elbow & 1 of the Olsens left , the Fans though yelled at the Ref that the Illegal Olsen stayed in the ring & when confronted , the in ring Olsen simply denied be Illegal & the confused Ref had no choice but to buy it .

Ashley was brought up & rope whipped & on the return was given a Back Body Drop & the Olsen followed by walking Ashley into a Boston Crab & with the crowd clapping as Aly urged them to , Ashley slowly was able to crawl to the Ropes to force the Olsen to release the hold , but she held on as long as possible as the Ref gave her the 5 count to break .

The Olsen released the hold & tagged in her Sister who brought Ashley up & rope whipped her & went to give her another Back body Drop , but this time , Ashley saw it coming & leapt over the Olsen & countered it with a Sunset Flip , which the Olsen tried to fight not going over , but Aly ran in & with a Dropkick , the Olsen was down & the Ref counted , 1-2 , but no 3 as the other Olsen broke it up , but was quickly taken down as Aly hit her with a Thesz Press but had little time to wail away at her as the other Twin yanked Aly off hard by a nasty Hair Pull & the Twins Hair Beiled the Blondes quickly into opposing corners & again went to whip them into each other , but like the last time they tried Aly & Ashley reversed it & again the Olsens crashed into each other & then were Clotheslined down & then were set up so they were facing each other with their Feet were almost touching & as the Ref stood watching , Aly & Ashley grabbed the Legs of the Twins , spread them & fell to the mat & played the old " Row Row Row Your Boat " game with them making the Fans cheer for the Good Gals as The Olsens yelped out in pain until the Ref had to apply the 5 count which Aly & Ashley had to break up the Fun .

As the Ref escorted Aly from the Ring , Ashley got onto the top rope & hit 1 of the stumbling Olsens with a Dropkick & made the cover & seemed to have her , but the Ref was a bit late as he was still occupied with Aly & by the time he counted , the Olsen had time to gain enough umph to kick out before the 3 as the other Olsen charged in & as the Ref went to head her off , Ashley rolled over & tagged in Aly , but the Ref not seeing it didn't allow it & as Aly argued , the fresher Olsen quickly grabed Ashley by the top of her Head & pulled her forward & down , driving her knees into Ashley's Chest , hitting her with a Chestbreaker & scurried out of the ring & watched as the in ring Olsen also got enough strength up to also hit Ashley with a Chestbreaker who rolled right into Olsen Corner where the Olsen made the cover & with alot of ground for Aly to make up , the other Olsen was able to tackle her & keep her at bay long enough for the Ref to bang out the 1-2-3 & give the Victory to the Olsen's .

You never grow old until you stop being young