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Finaly Bipasha vs Jessica Beil At one Place

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Offline Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite

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Finaly Bipasha vs Jessica Beil At one Place
« on: January 17, 2012, 07:18:19 PM »
Part of Hollywood vs Bollywood,17806.msg125170.html#msg125170

“Bipasha wud u like to Fight Jessica?” I asked.

“Why not?”  was  Bipasha’s reply.

“Jessica wud u like to Fight Bipasha?” I asked Jessica.

“That Indian Slut! I wud make her piss under my feet’s” was Jessica’s reply…don’t know what made her that much agitated….

To b contd…..(Only in 3-4 rounds….within a precise time frame for sure).

The Snaps links....

Jessica  Beil -  Hollywood - (Height weight will be given in second post)

Vs Bipasha Basu - Bollywood - (Height weight will be given in second post)

To b cond…

Bipasha boarded the flight for US.

The fight is scheduled in a stadium in front of audience of about 3 to 4 thousands. not much ....but the tape is going to be sold with a very hefty price in public.

But it was much more than that…it will be the matter of personnel self respect for both of them.

Jessica looking more strong if u see her arms…

Bipasha looking more…if u see her legs….

But overall if u see all the snaps…it seems a bit tilted in favour of Jessica…She has got more powerful arms which is a bit more important…in the format they are going to fight….MMA in rings…in tight half trousers & tight sleeveless tops…the eight muscular limbs four each contesting between them would be delighted to watch.

Both the gals are roaring to go at each other’s in the rings.

Bipasha kept on thinking in the flight…

To b cond…

Now both the gals are in the ring. Both looking very sturdy…Jessica with very good biceps got an edge there…Bipasha’s thighs very tight…& a bit taller where she is got an edge…height wise Bipasha an inch taller at 5’8” against Jessica’s 5’7”….weight wise Jessica more by 2 kgs about 5 pounds more…Jessica 66 kgs - Bipasha – 64 Kgs. (147 & 142 pounds), Jessica’s ass a bit more tighter & wider…

Both the gals are in the Rings…waving hands to their fans…for one last time might be at a time…as at the end only one among them would be able to raise her hand proudly…It was Jessica’s home ground so got more supporters & the more applauses…compared to Bipasha’s….who cud b having lil more pressure because of this also…but only the time cud tell that....

To b cond…

The bell ringed means the gals got to get closer.

Jessica staring at the eyes of Bipasha like anything…Bipasha also not removing eyes off hers.…

Referee bought all the three hands together including his…& ran away out of the middle shouting… “Start”.

But the Gals a bit cool….Both gals staring at each others eyes carefully…who wud blink first!...

Jessica first tried to stomp Bipasha’s feet hard with her right & tried to give her a sharp right cut on her side tummy…

Bipasha blocked it with her left hand…removing her feet quickly back right in time…as both the gals went a bit defensive mode first covering their faces with their elbows…. elbows coming closer pushing each other back…now Bipasha as if to take revenge tired to stomp Jessica’s right feet heavily with her left …Jessica also moved asides right in time & swings a wild right cut over Bipasha’s side temples….Bipasha blocked it with a sound like a Big ‘dhap’ …both the gals went together on the rings…trying to trade heavy blows on each others tummies & upper chests …Jessica’s back was on the rows….& pushing her head a bit down she was trying to give lots of quick lower punches down on Bipasha’s tummy spraying a lots of first venom on Bipasha…but Bipasha seems overcoming the same started blowing her hard punches on Jessica’s face mainly on the left side from top…making the stadium get on their feets…both traded quick un-countable punches with each others…Jessica first gripped Bipasha’s both throwing punches in her both hands…wrapped her right leg on Bipasha’s left leg tightly from behind…& turning her waist side to side with Bipsha’s…tried to hip throw Bipasha down…Bipasha got hooked beautifully…referee rushing towards the front…Bipasha puts her right hand from back side of Jessica’s butts to adjust herself…but both gals got imbalanced & felled down heavily on the wooden dais…Bipasha’s hips thudding heavily on the dais…Jessica getting on top…getting a very gud grip & position…trying to whip Bipasha with her right hand…Bipasha blocks her punches…but she’s down…Jessica whip’s two more in succession…Referee moves close towards on top of their heads…Bipasha skids & tries to hold the rope tightly with her left hand…Jessica imbalanced a bit with this act…but energizing with the public cheers she gets on top again…both gals whipped each other asides around kidneys…amidst loud cheers...Bipasha had turned vertically…parallel to the side rings…Jessica with close range…whips two more…She’s on the top…but Bipasha with her free right hand whipping on the back scull of Jessica hard…though down giving lots of bad time for Jessica with her this hand…Bipasha continues…now Jessica trying to gather her both hands attacking on her back scull…her breasts pressing bipasha’s…& ohhh my God both again started whipping each others badly on faces wildly with both hands…
Referee interfered “You cannot hit back skull” Referee seems warning Bipasha.
“Why not?” Bipasha.
Jessica too stopped looking back at referee for his interference…
As the match got interrupted…referee suggested them to get separated & start from scratch again.
Both had to get up again on their feet’s.
Bipasha un-Happy by the timing of separation!
However seems the first round went slightly in favor of Jessica….

Round -2

Bipasha staring at Jessica…Jessica staring back at Bipasha.
“How’ ws that?” Bipasha.
“Enjoyed the f***ng” Jessica quick to retaliate.
This sparked.
& before the referee cud say anything both the gals clashed again with each others .…Bipasha pushing Jessica over to the rope….trying to bang her tummy with her both hands….but Jessica relatively cool…grabs her hands well & using her legs well behind Bipasha’s leg manages to whip her down again….gripped tightly on the dias…both are at loggerhead….trying to tread occasional punches on each others coming their ways…Bipasha trying to whip hard with her long right hand completely free …Jessica grips it…but Bipasha whips her again…Now Jessica too whips Bipasha with her both hands…Referee watching closely…Bipasha trying to turn her right shoulder…Jessica trying to restrain…Bipasha gets on top spreading her lil longer leg more up & sideways in the air…& as if it was her turn…she tried to whip Jessica hard with her right punches for revenge…Jessica blocks them first & ties her both hands strongly in her both hands…Bipasha’s long legs trying to get some advantage in gripping Jessica inside her’s…Jessica trying to push & keep Bipasha’s chin & face a bit away from her on her left…Getting her left hand free Bipasha blew two more hard punches under the left ear drum of Jessica.… “Aghhh” Jessica…but soon they started trading very wild blows at each other again….referee had to interfere in between again….
“You should not come in between so often…” Bipasha.
Both had to be separated again.
Round two lil bit in favour of Bipasha…

Round 3 –

They got on their feet’s but now …It was difficult for the referee to keep them away…they started hitting each other badly…after pushing the Referee quiet away from them…there was nobody there to stop them on the dais….Jessica pushed Bipasha’s back on the ropes…where they started trading wild hard blows on each others…after some time Bipasha managed to hold Jessica’s both hands & fixing her long leg behind Jessica’s well this time she managed to thud Jessica’s back on the Dias...where they gripped hard with each others again…both unable to too open the hook they webbed on each others…they knew the moment one lets the other get loose she wud get browned by the other… Gripping Bipahsa hard Jessica tried to slide up…Bipasha not giving her an inch of a room…later griping tightly they again started banging hard on one another.…
The referee had to interrupt them again…

Now it was enough…& the manager of Bipasha comes in between...& tells Bipasha will not fight anymore.
All of a sudden it was a dead silence all over in the stadium.
Jessica had gone & was sitting on her chair….understanding the ongoing concerns raised by the opposite camp also very well…

Some negotiations went on in between…sure both the Gals were not liking it…cud be clearly gauged from their faces too…

After five minutes of un-solved resolution, Jessica first stood & came in throwing her towel back….

Looking at her Bipasha also joined in the party…

“Stop” Jessica ordered all the officials from both the camps raising her right hand up….

The officials stopped the ongoing arguments immediately between the two camps…

“Stop! Its enough”. Bipasha too joined in…

Soon Jessica managed to push off her officials away from the dais ….

So did Bipasha….

Soon both the gals again came in the middle of the dais all alone standing against each others with their both hands up on their waists.

“Bitch! Want to fight all Alone?” Bipasha “Camera will be there…”.

“Come at any place U Bitch!…I will Spoil ur Ass anywhere!.”

This conversation was getting circulated all across the stadium with large hootings….as nobody wanted they sud fight all alone which they were much eager to watch & paid for.

“OK Bitch Come here Only w/o a referee!” Jessica gauging the mood of the crowd intending not to make them un-happy.. amidst a loud Cheerings from All corners in her favour!

Now it was time for Bipasha to Answer it & win back the cheers!

Though inside Bipasha was lil afraid but uttered….. “Come!” …amidst a loud cheering for her too from All corners of the stadium…

Jessica quickly tapping Bipasha is a bit nervous announced… “Heard what she Said. She screamed loudly on the mike.

“YeSSSSSSSSSS!” The whole stadium screaming back to their full voice capacities…so there was no scope for Bipasha to back track now.

“Ok…but with a Condition!” Bipasha screamed on the mike.

There was again a dead silence in the stadium.

“What is that?” Jessica screamed back.

“She should fight me right on the Sand on The Beach right OUTside the Stadium?” Screamed back Bipasha.

Jessica snatched the mike from her Hand. “M Ready to KICK her Ass ..Wherever She Likes…She Cannot Escape today!” Jessica…amidst a Big Cheers! in the Stadium again.

“& U Know WHO Kicked Who’s Ass Just a While Ago!” Bipasha quickly announced Amidst a very lil Laugh from the only Handful of her Supporters…mostly of them the Officials from her side…Nobody else seemed to be impressed with what She announced…lil embarrassing for Bipasha…

Encasing the same Jessica announced “Ahhh…Heard WHAT She is Saying?” Jessica Screaming on the Mike “Do U  Believe Her what she said?”

ONLY about Half of the Stadium screamed loudly “Noooooo!”....

It was like a half won & half loose situation for Bipasha…being on the Opposite fort…& gathering silence of about Half of the audience not replying to that call…

BUT She knew She cud not gather a Single YES in her Favour.

“I will not only Kick rather f*** your ass Too” Jessica while going down the stairs w/o the mike.

“Cmon Bitch…lets see who f***s whom again” …Bipasha too w/o the mike now.

“Cmon lets see!” Beil.

“Cmon” Bipasha.

Concluding round…

People made a big circle around them…Bipasha & Beil to fight in between.

Bipasha Got Beil down first on the Sand…They were Wrestling now…I think it wud benefit Bipasha more as her hands were not that powerful as Jessica’s …which were always required more for MMA…

Jessica was holding Bipasha’s legs very tightly around her knees in her legs around the same place around the knees in a scissor…

But there was agreement that in between they can Punch & even kick each others…

So now again it became a MMA..which Bipasha was complaining…but all she cud not get as per her wish…otherwise everybody wud have easily said she is trying to backtrack in fear…

Now Jessica is trying to Punch Bipasha on head….Bipasha Held her punching right hand tightly… “Rather I Wud F**k U today Bitch!” Bipasha.

“Shit Bitch” Jessica trying to free her punching right arm. Even though she wished but Bipasha cud not get her butts on Jessica’s Chest as down Beil kept her legs tied in her leg quiet strongly.

Both the gals trying to free oneself from each others grip…because of her sound leg lock soon Jessica managed to roll on top…immediately she tried to spray two right hand punches on Bipasha’s side face…It felt hard on Bipasha…but Bipasha too sprayed to lower cuts on her right chin in reply…but may not be that powerful as Jessica’s as she was down…but she too gripped Jessica’s legs very powerfully around her knees at the same place as she was holding on hers…

“Bitch!” Bipasha.

“U Bitch!” Jessica! “Show me if U hv gutts?”

Both the gals are struggling on the sand…trying to trade few more blows on each others face.

Bipasha was trying to turn her butts on Jessica…but Jessica went down herself…& using the same moment of Bipasha thrashed her again on the sand…amidst a big uproar from the crowd…Lil jolted Bipasha down & gasping a Bit…But in revenge She Began to press Jessica’s neck with her full power of Arm pits almost to Kill her…Jesica in pains went down…
Her milky white face turned red….
“Now tell Bitch!” Bipasha knowing she is inhaling a lots of pains on Beil.
Beil gasping unable to know what to do….Bipasha Sat on her face tying her both wrists over her head…trying to get her both shoulders also under her strong knees.

Jessica clearly fallen short by this move…She is twisting her ass both sides in a bid to unsettle Bipasha…Who is completely started dominating in the wrestling+MMA format now…& looking like wud win…She is still griping Beils both the wrists strongly over her head…almost paralyzing her shoulders under her knees.

Jessica picked her right heel quiet up & smashed it hard on the Sand attempting to panic & unsettle Bipasha a bit… but Bipasha was very firm on her face…

“Give up Bitch!” Bipasha.

The Officials separated them & declared them as Joint Winners…

Jessica in MMA Category…they raised her right Arm Up! Amidst...loud cheers from the rookie crowd…next they raised Bipasha’s Hand up…declaring her winner in the wrestling category….also cheered sportingly by the crowd.

So it was a H’ppy ending for all….both the gals had to hug each others without their wishes.

At last a H’ppy ending for All…but Jessica a bit distressed as on cards she was supposed to win…but Bipasha gave her a Big Fight… within inside Jessica was still willing to settle in a final decider between them.

But insides Bipasha was not willing to take her again.

It was evening…Sun had set….Soon Everyone departed one by one.

Bipasha took her flight back to India H’ppily.

But She Had a Call from San Fransico one evening soon… “Bitch but I want to Settle with U” Jessica.

“I think u can’t beat me in wrestling…but I can beat u in MMA too” Bipasha with a thin laugh.

“Should it be Wrestling+MMA then?” Beil.

“That’s what we last did…in which I have beaten U cheater” Bipasha.

“Ok I challenge u for the decider third by Submission…& the ball is in your court” Jessica.

“Yeah…but may b after 4-5 years.” Bipasha.

“CMON U Coward” Beil.

“U Coward” Biapsha laughs.

“Bye” Beil.

“Bye” Bipasha.

Hollywood – 1,  Bollywood – 1.

Total -  Hollywood – 1 – Bollywood – 3.


(Sorry I wanted Jessica to win….but probably when I started writing this….Bipasha did quiet well than expected…but surprises may be always there…& also Bipasha is better on lower parts…but Jessica far better on hands…Bipasha is also not less….if u see the pics…So it was a very good match….Realy my biased mind wanted to make it 2-2 in between H & B wood…but they toppled my idea…). Also now I doubt who can Bipasha from H’wood I wanted to make her loose at-least once after her defeat to Baomi Campbell. Also if anyone of u say… I wish to write a fierce IIIrd decider between Bipsha & beil…something more hard than this…& wish Jessica wins there…but only if anyone of u wish.


“Nothing is more humiliating than overpowering & pinning the opponent for at-least 10 minutes under you”


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Re: Finaly Bipasha vs Jessica Beil At one Place
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2012, 04:04:57 PM »
That was a really epic fight between two of the stronger girls (although my money would have been on Jessica) and it was written in a good english (I dont want to offend you, but if I remember right, I sometimes had problems understanding your posts, but here it was easy to understand (and I should keep my mouth shut, because I am also no english native-speaker and can only hope, that my own posts are understandable).


Offline Anygal4-f2f-f2m-fite

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Re: Finaly Bipasha vs Jessica Beil At one Place
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2012, 05:07:55 PM »
That was a really epic fight between two of the stronger girls (although my money would have been on Jessica) and it was written in a good english (I dont want to offend you, but if I remember right, I sometimes had problems understanding your posts, but here it was easy to understand (and I should keep my mouth shut, because I am also no english native-speaker and can only hope, that my own posts are understandable).

The word epic meaned a lot to me.
I also think its like an epic...but thank u to make me also think i was right..yeah.
Thanks dude. & Yes Wud like to ease & see my Engilsh a bit more.
Thanks anyway. TC.
“Nothing is more humiliating than overpowering & pinning the opponent for at-least 10 minutes under you”