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SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls

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Offline stormbolt7

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SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:00:13 PM »
OK 8 lovely ladies took part ... PLUS Amber M played bartender during the poll, so having some fun using her in the story, for her kindness. HERE the set up and story begins.. hoping to have it all done, and posted here, with in the week.
THAT SAID .. onto the story.

It had been a very cold winter, and I was happy to get to head to a warmer, and more enjoyable setting.
I was going to enjoy spending some time, with several very sexy ladies from catfights. It was time for some spring break, from the cold, to enjoy warmth, and heat with the feisty ladies.
I had a friend, that was out of town on business, yet was letting us use their place, along with a private beach, to have some sun, fun, and very likely catfights, away from the main public beaches, further down the way.
Everyone had begun arriving about the same time, and after getting settled into the main house, either catching a quick nap or changing to head out for some rays, and relaxation on the warm sands.
The beach was bordered on both sides, with some rocks, that ran partway out into the water.
The sun was high, and the air warm, yet soothing, as a gentle sea breeze blew inland.
The private beach, also having a small wooden landing leading into the water, with a few jetskis ready for use if desired. I could easily see the ladies like Lynn, and Lauren playing with them later, as they both enjoyed riding motorcycles now and then.
Further out, and a ways off, the sound of boats, and jet skis in the water could be heard.
Overhead the soft drone of single engine planes, as they pulled advertising banners across the public beach area, as well as above us, as they headed of to land, change sings, and head back into the air again.
I enjoy the warm sand, beneath my feet, and between my toes, as I head to the small shack sitting on part of the beach.
The shack used for parties, as well as nearby a place for cooking things over an open fire if desired.
A grill nearby the shack, as well as a ring of stones slightly a ways to the side, for larger items and bonfires when desired.
I head around the front of the shack, as it faces the sea. Smiling and inside it behind the front counter, is a very lovely redhead.
Amber M smiles, as she greets me. The barely there white bikini she is wearing, showing her sleek, firm figure nicely.
"Have one of my Amber-tini's?" She asks.
Amber is lovely, yet I can not miss seeing a slight look of mischief in her eyes, as she asks me.
"Maybe later, remember you promised to help out and behave, if you got to join in." I remind her.
Amber pouting her lips, as if wounded I would even think, she would get into trouble.
"OK fine, one Amber-Tini for now." I tell her, as she smiles, and quickly begins mixing things together.
The other ladies soon to be there, as I figured it best I see if Amber was ready, and also going to be able to behave herself.
Something about redheads, when they looked this good. Usually trouble followed. Not to mention the temper of a redhead when set off.
Soon I have a glass in hand, taking the first drink, as I notice it is very smooth, yet I can also tell it is a deceptively strong drink as well.
Amber standing smiling, watching me. "Are you trying to get me drunk?" I ask, as she laughs.
"Maybe I will, we will just have to see what Amber can do for you today." She says, leaving a lot left unsaid, for me to think about as I begin to move away. Amber slips out the side, and rushes over to grab me in a hug.
"Thanks for letting me come along." "You need anything else from the bar ..... you just let me know." She says smiling, the sun seeming to dance on her auburn hair, as I try not to stare, at how much of her toned figure is exposed or barely covered.
Amber seeing some of the ladies head down, being sure to let them see, as she gives me a quick kiss, then a nice view of her almost bare, scantilly clad ass, as she heads back to behind the bar.
While I like looking at her, and spending some time with her. I begin to have serious doubts, about having a red haired, catfighting bartender at the beach.
Brandi Doll is the first lady heading down from the house.
Brandi's blonde hair soft, and blowing nicely in the breeze. Her curvy figure clad in a skimpy pink bikini.
Brandi is definately full figured, and pleasing, as she heads out along the sand. Her chest firm, and threatening to burst free of her top, each step she takes.
Her lower half of the bikini barely covering the essentials.
Brandi a very confident, and sexy woman, as she greets me with a hug, and not seeing any coolers, asks me about getting a drink.
I motion to the shack, and she smiles, before seeing what we had to offer. All the ladies having been asked what they liked for food, and drinks before getting together.
Wanting everyone to have something they liked.
"That will be five dollars slut, got any cash shoved next to those fake tits of yours?" I hear asked from the shack.
"What the fuck, are you kidding me?" I hear Brandi reply.
"AMBER !!" I say politely, yet loud enough for her to hear me.
"Oh here free for blonde whores for today." I hear her quickly ad, before Brandi walks away, bottle in hand. "Fucking red heads." I hear her say before Amber ads from her spot. Not sure about the tits, but she does have a nice ass." She ads.
Brandi pauses, then both myself and Amber enjoy, as she ads some more motion, to her strut, as she claims a spot on the beach.
"I do get to have fun right?" Amber asks, as I shake my head. "Ready for another drink Stormy?" She asks, as I picture the teasing smile on her pretty face.
"Later maybe, if your good." I reply.
"Oh I can be naughty.. AND good at the same time." She amswers back with a giggle.
Michelle Wrestle was next to make her way down to the beach.
Michelle's long brunette hair shifting around her pretty face by the sea breeze.
Her ample assets bobbling in a barely their black top. Her belly toned, and her bikini bottom, showing of her long legs nicely.
Michelle looking very good on the beach or anywhere else for that matter, as she smiles and gives me a hug, while greeting me.
I show her where some of the things are kept, and waiting. I would be sure the ladies had beach blankets, towels and sunscreen or lotion, if desired.
There were some light snacks at the front counter, along the shack. Some fruit or other such things.
Michelle strides over, and is greeted by Amber.
"Nuts for you slut?" I hear her ask. My hand moving to cover my eyes briefly, as I shake my head again.
Yes there was a bowl of mixed nuts on the counter.
"Amber .. please.." I plead, not wanting Michelle to grab her, and start anything.
"Oh it's okay, the bimbo is probably already drunk anyways." Michelle throws back.
"Hey Stormy I gotta take that?" Amber asks.
I move back over, and Michelle smiles, as she grabs a few nuts, flinging one at Amber, before she takes her drink, and heads away.
I grab Amber, as she is starting to lunge over the counter. "What no tip whore?" She fires at Michelle's backside.
"Amber please you promised." I remind her again.
"Oh don't sweat it Stormy, just having some fun with the ho's is all. Amber says, lowering back down, to prop her head up, with the palms of her hands.
I try not to focus, on the slightly aroused nipple, that is almost popped out of her bikini top.
"So Stormy see anything you like, maybe another Amber-Tina?" She asks, as I wonder if she is more interested in starting a fight or gleefully getting me drunk.
"Later still enjoying this one." I reply.
"Ok just remember, the right tip to your server, can maybe get you anything behind the counter." She says giggling, as I blush and she grabs something to snack on between servings.
Cynthia!  is another dark haired beauty that is pleasing to see at the beach and in a bikini.
Cynthia's bikini is an aqua and white blend, that hugs her curves nicely, where it did not reveal her.
Cynthia was slender, yet pleasingly curvy in all the right places. I had been looking forward to meeting Cynthia, and she did not disapoint.
A brief greeting and hug, as she asks me about something cold to drink, I reluctantly steer her Amber's way.
"Blankets, and towels if you want them." I tell her, as some lounge chairs had already been set out on the sand.
I would add some parasols or shading that way, if the ladies wanted it.
"Oh hey, you look like a sex on the beach type of slut to me." I hear cheerfully said, from my auburn haired bartender, I thought of gently strangling at this point.
"Why you already whoring yourself out for the day, slut?" Cynthia responds, as I quickly head over.
"Naw not me, I'm just trying to get the boss drunk, to take advantage of later." Amber happily ads, for my benefit, as she sees me move over.
"Amber please behave, can you even just for five minutes?" I ask, as Cynthia smiles, and leans in and gives me a quick kiss to the cheek. Before sticking her tongue out at Amber, and heading to find her own spot under the sun.
I wiggle my finger, "May I have a word with you?" I ask, as Amber smiles.
"What sex on the beach is a drink, honest." She says trying to look all innocent, and doing a good job at it.
"Ready for another Amber-tini??" She asks, looking like the cat ready to swallow the canary.
I had no idea if it was from getting ice for the drinks or something else. Yet as she ads, "Anything else from behind the bar you like?" I can not help as she arches her back, seeing both nipples fully distended and either poking into the material of her white top or trying to peek out, from it instead.
The other ladies now on the beach chatting, and looking our way now and then.
I could only imagine if they were talking about me and Amber maybe being an item or instead if they wanted to just tie her up, and shove her into a closet somewhere.
"Another drink later ok?" I finally respond.
"Okey dokey .. you want it you just let Amber know ok?" She replies back, the auburn haired beauty enjoying teasing me very much.
Lauren was smiling as she made her way down. I could see her eyes light up, as she saw the jet skis waiting for use.
I also was seeing Cynthia and Michelle splashing in the water a bit together to cool down with. While Brandi Doll's cruvy figure was stretched out on one of the lounge chairs.
Lauren was wearing a white bikini, that worked well with her blonde hair, and lightly tanned skin.
Lauren smiling, looking fine as she hugs me, and with some misgivings direct her to the beverage shack.
"Hey Stormy blondie stole my Kini, but it looks so much better on me." Amber gets her first dig into Lauren.
"Storm, how did you find your serving skank?" Lauren replies, as again I rush to stop a fight from starting.
Amber humming something, as she gets Lauren's drink for her.
Lauren soon drink in hand making her way down closer to the water, and a spot on the sand.
"AMBER!!" I say slightly louder than intended.
"Yeahhhh I know behave." She says, sticking her tongue out at me.
"No, give me another drink please!!" I reply, as she laughs, and begins making another Amber-Tini.
"Coming right up boss." She says gleefully, as I wonder if her digging at the other ladies, was part of the plan to get me drunk. Right now, it was not sounding like a bad idea, as Amber seemed to be trying to push everyone's buttons today, including mine.
Still, I could not deny how fine she was looking moving around behind the bar in her skimpy white bikini.
I tense, as a pair of very nice sized firm breasts press against my back.
"Hey Storm mind if I take a sip?" I hear the very nice sound of Brandi's voice ask from behind me.
"Hey slut, get your own, and Amber-Tini's not for the blonde brain impaired." Amber answers, as Brandi begins to push against me, looking to get her hands on Amber.
I hold out my newly made one, here enjoy Brandi." I tell her as she thanks me, and takes a sip.
"Not bad, but kind of weak, like a red head." Brandi jabs back.
Brandi orders her own drink, and Amber plays nice hading it over nothing more said, while I am standing there.
Brandi leaves, as Amber again props her elbows on the counter, resting her chin on her hands.
"So Storm, you going to rub lotion on me?" "You know we redheads are sensitive to sunlight right?" She asks.
I knew she was shaded by the shack, yet we both also knew Amber was giving me a very strong mental image of rubbing lotion on her body.
"I say you just send the strawberry tart back inside, and let Spanish ladies, enjoy the sun instead." I hear, and turn to find Marlu standing close by.
Marlu was dark haired, catlike on her feet, and looking wonderful in her pink bikini.
The only problem, was I knew it may cause an issue, as Brandi was also scantilly clad in pink.
Amber stands waiting, as Marlu orders a drink almost as naughty sounding, as the sex on the beach.
"Ohhhh that's a good one." Amber says before starting to mix it.
Marlu smiles, and hugs me, giving me a kiss to both cheeks.
"Thanks for letting me join you Storm." Marlu says, as I enjoy seeing the attractive dark haired woman from Spain, close up, and filling out her bikini just fine.
"Marlu it is always a pleasure seeing you." I tell her, before Amber chimes in.
"Ok drinky here, now your fat ass needs to find some sand." She says, as I wonder if lightning can strike me, and save me on a clear day.
Marlu sips her drink, smiles while extending her middle finger Amber's way.
"Nice drink, from a jealous bitch,... thanks." Marlu says before turning to find a spot on the beach.
PrPrincess09 is a dark haired, nice looking lady. Princess's bikini pink, with palm trees on it.
The bikini clung to some very nice curves, and again I began hearing warning bells in my head, as yet another sexy brunette was wearing a pink bikini.
Two brunettes, and one blonde wearing pink. Yes they all looked great in them. Yet usually when the ladies enjoyed catfighting, it was just a reason to start a fight.
"Hey the lil princessie want something non alchoholic?" Amber ads an extra voice, and reason to start a fight.
"Just give me something cold, hold the comments whore." Princess replies quickly.
Amber keeping tension and attitudes rising, as she claws verbally at each lady in turn.
"Hey Storm, hope your paying her what she is worth, NOTHING!!" PrPrincess ads, as Amber fires back.
"Why I am a guest, willing to put up with the skanks, and PR Ho's cause Storm asked me to." "Not cause I enjoy listening to you bitches." She says, as Princess takes her drink.
Thankfully not rising to the bait yet, as the day was just to pleasing, warm, and relaxing to be pushed into a fight that easy.
"Here's my tip .. Storm dump red, and see what a Princess has to offer." She finishes and heads away, as I hear Amber say some unkind things softly from behind the bar.
I hear a familiar voice call my name, as I peek around the side of the shack, and my jaw drops a bit.
SexyCat_Lynn is heading towards us.
Lynn is dark haired, the wind lifting her hair around her pretty face.
Lynn is also wearing maybe the skimpiest bikini of the day so far.
Her breasts bobbling, as the two small triangles of material cover her nipples, and very little of the smooth skinned breasts proudly thrusting under the sun.
Her blue bikini bottoms were basically thonged, covering her sex, leaving her shapely legs bare, and I was certain most of her firm ass would be bare as well.
Lynn smiling, as she sees the expression on Amber's face, as she presses her body against mine.
"Hey we have a no slut policy on this beach tramp." Amber says, before adding. "Besides, Storm already has a woman here, so the working girls need not apply." Amber ads, as I begin wondering about her saying I had a woman here.
Then Lynn presses even closer to me, and to both mine and Amber's surpise, Lynn gives me a very solid kiss on the lips.
My arms going around the sexy cat, as I respond. Then something hits against us.
Lynn breaks the embrace, as I eye Amber eyes looking up, as if to say she had no idea who flung some snack mix at us.
Lynn asking for a drink, as I find I was right about her bikini bottoms not covering hardly any of her backside.
I am glad Lynn was not making an issue, of Amber tossing something at us.
Then drink in hand, she places a hand alongside my cheek, while looking at Amber.
"Maybe I will save this for later." She teases, then struts out onto the beach, as Amber rolls her eyes, and mocks Lynn, mouthing the same thing silently. Great, now I maybe had two of the ladies going to use me, as a reason to start an argument and a fight.
"Heyyyyyy whore at the bar ... someone order a Canadian slut?" I hear a very welcome, and pleasing voice announce, the arrival of Grlwrestler Joanne.
"Oh God ... not the tramps are us poster child." Amber replies, as Joanne throws her arms around me, and we hug.
I had known Joanne for some time now. It was always fun spending time with her or having her around.
Joanne was looking Hawt, in her own skimpy pink bikini. Wonderful, now two brunettes and two blondes had hit the beach wearing pink bikinis.
Houston we were going to have some problems.
"C'mere you skank, give me a hug!!" Joanne says, as both she and Amber lean across and hug each other.
"Hey no tongue slut." Amber says.
"You wish bitch!!" Joanne replies, as they taunt each other, as frenemies can.
I was getting to see again just how long Joanne's legs were, as well as how tight her ass was, in her pink bikini bottoms.
Joanne was very attractive, and had a nice figure. She could be great fun or a very intense and capable catfighter when needed.
"So Storm, why did you import this bitch from across the border?" Joanne asks, as Amber gets a drink for her.
"Why Joanne, it is wonderful, Stormy here is getting drunk, and thinking of taking advantage of me later." Amber throws in before I can do anything but blush again.
I was so ready to find a whole, and fall into it. I did not know why, maybe to be able to claim me, to use it to get in a fight later. Yet Amber was being so pushy about my having her there for other reasons.
I could not deny, Amber was very pretty, and enjoyable to be around. Yet we did not have that kind of relation.
Joanne presses against me, rubbing her body against mine.
"Hmmm I may decide he needs something HAWTER than you later." "For now, the beach calls, and this sexy Grlwrestler is going to let it have it's way with her."
"Just remember Storm, when you and Amber get frisky, she said no tongue." Joanne taunts before giving us a nice view of her firm ass, while heading for her spot on the beach.
"Amber .." I say, knowing the grin that was probably on her pretty face.
"Yeah Stormy .. I mean boss?" She asks.
"Before the shit, and beach sand hits the fan." "Another drink please." I reply, as with a giggle behind me, Amber begins getting another one ready for me.
"Coming up, and if their is anything else you like behind the bar, just mention it, and maybe Amber will have what you need." She says, as I wonder how long it will be before the first fist, claw or foot is thrown, as chances were good.
Soon there was going to be some serious spring break smackdown on the beach!!       


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls PT 2
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 11:18:46 PM »
PT 2 SUN, SAND, and fights begin!!

Things seemed to be going smoothly, as the ladies laid out, and enjoyed the sun, and gentle sounds of the tide coming in and out.

I still had no idea, what Amber was up to trying to supply me with drinks, fast as I can handle them. Not to mention the overly innocent look on her face when she did.
Each of the ladies had beach blankets laid out or lounge chairs, some with umbrellas over them slightly.
Drinks or snack items given to them, as well as sunscreen or lotion.
I leave a grinning, pretty redhead behind the bar, as I check on the ladies.
As I get to Sexy_cat Lynn, she smiles, and with a few quick motions, has her blue bikini top slipping off.
Lynn's breasts bobbling, then thrusting firm and proud. The heaving breasts having nice sized areolas, the nipples beginning to distend slightly, as she looks to me and smiles.

"I think the ladies need some sunscreen protection, can you help a girl out?" She asks, as I try not to stare, ate her well formed assets. My eyes roaming her sexy figure, coming back to her pretty face. Nodding my head, to avoid having my voice sound like a high schooler on his first real date.

"Whore alert.. we found the easiest whore over here." Lauren teases, laying out on a chair close to Lynn.
"Oh Storm, I'm sorry, not only is she blonde, but shy about showing her body." "Must not look that good huh?" Lynn replies back, as Lauren looks at her, then to me, moving closer with the lotion bottle.
A few quick tugs, with her fingers, and Lauren's own smooth skinned breasts spill free, to enjoy the kiss of the war, suns rays.
"Better hurry with the tramp Storm, a real woman is waiting next in line, to be taken care of." Lauren offers, letting me know, as soon as Lynn's impressive assets were oiled with the lotion, I was going to be tending to Lauren's ladies as well.
"Ladies here are your slut's specials." Amber's cheery voice sounds close by, as she sets a few glasses of drinks by Lauren, and Lynn.
I turn to again ask her to behave.
I am greeted by Amber, long aurburn hair down, gently being blown around her. While her top has stayed at the small shack, and Amber's very pert tits, heave naked, and as she arches her back, to catch my attention even more. Amber smiles. "SO boss man, can the hired help get some sunscreen put on her body or does she have to help herself?" Amber asks, as I wonder if I will ever be able to blink again.
Between Lynn, Lauren and now Amber, stripped half naked, with very little left on the rest of their pleasing figures. I don't want to miss a single moment, of this wonderful display of feminine beauty, and sex appeal.
Lynn turning slightly, to give me a glimpse of her nice ass, in bikini bottoms.
"Before you get cornered by little red riding slut." "You may have to do my backside as well." Lynn offers.
As she moves, and I understand more by the minute, why they call her a sexy cat.

I begin tending to Lynn, and Lauren, as they discuss maybe taking the jet skis out for some racing, and fun on the water.
I have the lotion spread evenly, and glistening on Lynn's now fully hard nippled tits, as the other ladies begin getting very loud.
We start to watch, as the other ladies have divided into two teams of three ladies.
The ladies now enjoying a game of volleyball across the net strung up, along a level patch of sandy beach.

I admire Grlwrestler Joanne's legs, as she jumps, to send the ball slamming down, close to a diving PRPrincess09.
"Eat dirt, bitch!!" Joanne yells gleefully, as Princess lands in the sand, the ball sailing up, yet not clearing the net.
Joanne's team mates Brandi Doll, and Michellewrestle jumping up and down, and high fiving each other, as they win the point.
Marlu, and Cynthia! help Princess up, as they prepare for the next service, and volley.
Six etremely nice bodies, clad in four pink, one black, and one aqua and blue bikinis.
The game continues, as this time it is PrPrincess getting the final shot in, as Joanne, and Michelle almost collide, as they both dive for it.
"Suck sand sluts!!" Princess returns the earlier taunt.
Michelle getting up, her black bikini top, no longer with her, as the full figured, dark haired beauty was now topless. Her foot kicking the top off to the side, as she brushes some of the sand off her firm breasts, and sleek belly, to continue playing as is.
I am now gently rubbing lotion, across Lauren's soft warm, hard nippled assets, as a pair of firm breasts brush against my back.
"Brought you another Amber-tini." I hear the bartenders voice very close, as my drink set aside, she is hugging me from behind, as the ladies playing begin shouting back and forth, about strip volleyball.
Since Michelle was already topless, each new point, a lady from the other team had to lose part of her bikini.
Lynn almost fully naked, laying out beside me, her body glistening from the lotion, I got to rub on it.
My hands gliding across Lauren's pleasing, soft skinned figure. Amber, for what ever reason, rubbing topless against me, while trying to get me drunk.
Now the other six ladies would be losing bikini's, as the sun shines, the gentle breeze blows inland, and I seriously figure, I must have died, and was now in heaven.

I am finishing putting the sunscreen lotion on most of Lauren's half naked body, as she and Lynn mention the ski jet's and get up, to begin heading to take them out for some fun.
Amber standing before me smiling, as none of the ladies interested in drinks or snacks for now. The pretty redhead, was able to take a break. My eyes gazing into her own, as Amber was very pretty, and easy on the eyes. Then her eyes look down, mine following them, to see her pour some of the lotion, over the firm mounds of her breasts.
I still can not figure out what her game is. Driving me crazy, with her looks, and body. While trying to piss off every one of the ladies.
I begin gently massaging the lotion, across her pert tits, when some yelling and shouting draw my attention behind me.

Cynthia's bikini top was now off, revealing just how full, and firm her breasts were, as all six ladies are at the net.
Cynthia's team having lost a point, and the lovely brunette losing her top due to that.
Amber stands very close, as we both watch, while I still gently grasp one warm, now wet breast, from the lotion being applied.
Cynthia is holding the volley ball, as both sides argue if a shot was in or out of bounds when it landed.
Each team having one lady already topless, as they argue the point, and which will be the first pink top to come off.
Voices raising, Lynn, and Lauren's nice backsides moving past, as they head towards the dock, and the waiting jet skis.
Sand begins to be kicked by some of the ladies, as Cynthia flings the ball away, to smack into the side of Lauren's head.
I hear a "What the fuck??!!" Yet with all the ladies yelling, I can not be sure if it is Lauren or one of the other ladies yelling it.
Lauren and Lynn turning, and heading towards the rest, as Cynthia stands turned, and soon has Lauren surge forward, and slam into her.
Cynthia's leg kicking out, and hitting into PrPrincess's legs.
Princess stumbling forward, her hand trying to catch the net, and her balance.
Instead it clears the net, and slaps against Joanne's pretty face.
Joanne crying out, as she is knocked to the side slightly, and into Brandi Doll. The buxom, attractive blonde being knocked into her team mate Michelle.
Michelle grabbing her, as Brandi's hand slaps across Michelle's firm breasts. Michelle grabbing some of Brandi's hair, as well as yanking off Brandi's pink top, to reveal Brandi's well formed assets. Just before Michelle backhands them, while Brandi gasps in surprise and pain.
The two struggling, then tumbling to the sand together.
While around them, all of the other ladies are starting to fight.
Marlu standing, watching to see if she should help on of her team or enjoy getting into the fight herself.
Her decision made, as a very willing Lynn soon pounces on her, and the two go to the ground together, as now four seperate fights are raging, as sand, bikini's and fists begin to fly.

I feel Amber hug herself to my side. "I better get some drinks poured, pretty soon these bitches are gonna be thirsty." She says, before the topless red head slips free, to head to the snack shack. Leaving me again wondering just what the attractive red head had in mind. I can't resist taking a quick glance at Amber's firm bikini clad ass, heading away. Before turning back, to watch and see which lady or ladies would do the best, as a Spring Break Smackdown and catfight was now in progress.   


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls PT 3 Ladies fight
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 01:34:43 AM »
PT 3 the ladies catfighting.

Joanne was trying to use her legs to kick at or wrap around PRPrincess, as Joanne's bikini top goes flying, and Princess splashes her own body down onto Joanne.
Three pink bikini tops out of four now gone, as Joanne, and Princess now struggle, and fight on the warm sand.
Cynthia's hands grabbing, and trying to squeeze Lauren's heaving breasts, as the two tangle topless.
Lauren stripping her own top, for some sun screen, while Cynthia's top had been forfeit as part of the volleyball game.
Lauren writhing, and shifting in the sand, as she winces as Cynthia's nails rake along her right breast.
The one nail gouging against the distended nipple, adding even more pain, to the tender skinned tit.
Cynthia trying to dig nails in and twist, even as her own body presses to, and slides off the side of Lauren.
Cynthia being flipped, and hitting her side, driving some of the air out of her. As Lauren moves to the attack, her own clawed fingers now seeking out Cynthia's pert breasts, to find them slippery, from the lotion on Lauren's own breasts. Their bodies rubbing together, and now Cynthia's tits glistened, and were hard to grasp, as they continue to fight.
Lynn had tackled Marlu. Their bodies slamming to the sand together. Sexy_Cat Lynn topless, while Marlu still had both pieces of her pink bikini on, her curvy figure.
The impact jarring them both, yet causing Lynn to lose her grasp of Marlu. To her regret, rolling to lay on the sand slightly beside her. As Marlu reaches for and grabs Lynn's bikini bottoms. Lynn struggling, to free herself, before the skimpy bottoms, can be pulled into her ass or her sex.
Marlu starting to twist the material, as Lynn is in a bad position trying tp work herself free, while being faced slightly the wrong way.
Michelle, and Brandi Doll are back to their feet. The buxom brunette, and the full figured blonde, seeming to be trying to do a dance tggether, as arms are linked, while they circle. Each lady trying to shove the other off balance, as they push, and strain for leverage.
Brandi's well formed assets pressing against Michelle's own well formed ladies, as they test each other.
Finally Brandi's foot losing her balance, as the sand shifts, as she tries to press her foot down.
Michelle's tits, and upper body slam into her, and with a cry of surprise. Brandi falls backwards, with Michelle following her down, there bodies tangled together.
Cynthia gasps in pain, as Lauren draws some blood from her tits, as her nails dig into them.
Lauren smiling, as she seems to have things, and the catfight well in hand.
Lauren trying to force Cynthia fully onto her back, to deliver more punishment, and a finishing blow.
Then Cynthia manages to bring her leg in, driving part of it into Lauren's side, Lauren with a cry of surprise, arms flailing out over her, is sent sprawling to the sand, as Cythina rolls, and grabbing Lauren's bikini bottoms, begins to punish her opponent, even as Lauren tries to kick out or be able to turn back onto her back. Willing to sacrifice more torture to her breasts, in place of having Cynthia be able to have her face down, and at her mercy in the sand.
Lynn's oiled body, surges forward, her bikini bottoms coming off in Marlu's hands, as Lynn finally frees herself, from the pain of having them yanked into her crotch and ass. Marlu falling forward, to catch part of Lynn's foot to the side of her jaw. As Marlu falls to the sand. Lynn scrambles around, and soon is stripping Marlu's bikini top, and rolling her over to slap, and backhand Marlu's firm breasts.
PrPrincess, and Joanne now have each other stripped naked. The two struggling, and fighting to the waters edge.
Joanne landing a solid punch to Princess's belly. The pretty brunette doubling over, even as Joanne rushes ahead.
The attractive slender blonde, grabbing a hand full of hair, trying to prepare to knock Princess out. When the incoming water, surges against her legs, while Princess swings one of her legs into them at the same time.
Eyes widening in surprise, as with a few brunette hairs coming free, clutched in her fingers. Joanne falls off balance to the wet sand. PrPrincess quickly following her down, to grab Joanne's hair, and to begin to try and shove Joanne's pretty face into it, to smother her.
Brandi Doll has Michelle's bikini bottoms in her hand. Trying to shove the skimpy black item, into Michelle's mouth, as she gasps and tries to regain her breath.
Brandi having landed on the top of things, and Michelle as they landed together. A sudden impact to Michelle's body, then Brandi hitting her as well. Leaving the lovely brunette gasping, and out of air.
"Auuggghhh fucking skank!!" Brandi cries out, as Michelle tries biting her hand, teeth just nipping two of the fingers, as Brandi lets go, and Michelle spits the bikini bottoms out.
Brandi leaning down, just in time to catch a fist from Michelle to the side of her neck. Brandi moaning, as she is bucked off, and falls to the sand.
Michelle quickly following, with a punch to Brandi's kidney area, while Brandi writhes in pain.
Michelle shoving Brandi against the sand, as she prepares to finish the sexy blonde.
Michelle grabbing some of Brandi's hair, shoving her head back and forth against the sand.
Brandi in desperation, throwing a fist, that slips through, and lands with a solid thud, between Michelle's nice sized tits. Michelle crying out, as her air is slammed out of her body again, by the impact.
Chest heaving, gasping for air, as Brandi throws another punch, that lands to the side of Michelle's jaw.
Her eyes glaze slightly, and she topples to lay barely conscious and out of the fight.
Brandi laying briefly with Michelle across her, as she gathers her strength, before pushing Michelle off, to find another fight.
Cynthia begins trying to sit down on Lauren's back, as Lauren claws at the sand, trying to pull herself out of the way, before Cynthia can put her into a submission move.
Lauren's legs kicking, and sliding around in the sand, as she fights it with everything she has.
Cynthia slapping the side of Lauren's face, and at times trying to knee her, in her sides, as she has the pretty blonde almost in position, to finish her off.
Lauren's one hand slapping onto the top of Cynthia's bare foot. Lauren quickly digging her finger nails in hard, as Cynthia screams in pain, trying to jerk her foot away, as some blood is drawn.
As she tries hopping her foot again. Lauren raises her leg, catching Cynthia almost fully in her exposed crotch, with the side of it.
Cynthia howling in pain, mixed with shock, as she grasps herself, tumbling off Lauren.
Lauren quickly lunging, and hitting the lovely brunette, stunning her, and putting her out of the fight, with a hard fist to the side of her head. Cynthia moaning softly, as she lays naked,and barely conscious on the beach, while gently holding her sore crotch. Lauren slowly working herself free to find another opponent.
Lynn has Marlu fully stripped out of her pink bikini now, as they roll together across the sand.
Lynn gasping as Marlu lands a fist to her side. Then Marlu crying out, as Lynn brings a knee up into her sexy body.
Sand flying around them, as arms and legs struggle in it to gain purchase and leverage.
Marlu grabbing Lynn's hair, as Lynn backhands Marlu hard across her chest. The stinging blow, driving some of her air from her, even as the chop registers to her body.
Marlu gasping slightly, as Lynn uses her own arm, to knock Marlu's from her head, losing some dark brunette hair as she does.
Then Lynn trying to throw another punch, that instead of Marlu's face, slams into Marlu's heaving left breast, as she tries dodging it. Her leg shooting out, as she is knocked back, to send sand flying into Lynn's lovely face.
Lynn quickly digging her fingers into Marlu's pert breast her hand had just struck, as she uses it to follow Marlu down, and land a hard shot to the lovely dark haired beauty from Spain's chin.
Marlu's head snapping, the back of it hitting the sand, as she is knocked barely conscious, and out of the fight.
Lynn releasing the tit, to try and start clearing the rest of her vision, before one of the other ladies takes advantage of her condition, from having sand shot into her face.
PrPrincess is enjoying herself, as Joanne's pretty face is just about to be planted  into the wet sand.
Joanne's arms flailing, as she gasps, cries out, and almost chokes as water surges onto the beach, and splashes into her face.
Some getting into her mouth, and gagging her slightly.
Her pretty eyes widening in panic, as her elbow slams into Princess's side. The blow coming in part, due to Joanne's thrashing around in her panic.Her grasp of Joanne loosening, as Joanne bucks, then uses her arms, to push herself up, sending Princess tumbling backwards.
As she lands, with a soft splash. Joanne's long leg lashes out, her foot connecting to the side of Princess's head.
As Joanne rolls onto her back, gasping and struggling to clear her airway, and breathe fully.
Princess topples to the sand, and as incoming water splashes into her lays barely moving, stunned by the kick to the head.
As Joanne pulls herself slowly to her feet, to see a very impressive looking and naked Brandi Doll standing, waiting on her. I rush over, and quickly scoop up PrPrincess, and carry her out of the water, and harms way, as she was out of the fight.
As I hold a naked, and very attractive PRPrincess in my hands, Grlwrestler Joanne, and Brandi face each other.
Not that far away, Lauren motions with her hand, for a naked and sexy Lynn to come to her, as another test of brunette versus blonde was about to begin.
Four of the ladies out of the fight, being helped to comfy resting places, while four more stood ready for the next round of catfighting on the beach, as sunny skies still shown overhead. 


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls PT 4 FINAL chapter
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2012, 02:53:16 AM »
PT 4 Final Chapter

Some of the ladies were oiled, others not as much yet.
Still sand was clinging to each of the four sexy figures still ready to fight.
Joanne was being stalked by Brandi Doll. The lovely Grlwrestler still trying to regain her breathing fully, after choking on some sea water, while almost having her face planted into the wet sand, by PrPrincess.
Brandi smiling, as she moves in, while Joanne takes another step back.
Joanne hesitates, as if losing her balance, and Brandi launches a fist, towards Joanne's face, and hopefully a fast finish.
As Brandi's arm surges forward, Joanne drops to the ground, her long legs scissoring slightly, as she catches herself, while landing with her arms on the soft sand. Even as her legs crash into Brandi's own, as Brandi comes toppling to the sand, even as Joanne rushes over to try and attack.
Lynn, and Lauren slowly move closer together. Hands outstretched, as fingers tease against each other. Both ladies trying to test each other, before committing to an attack, that may leave them open, for the other to take advantage of.
Lauren seeing an opening, as Lynn loses footing on the soft sand. Lauren's arm streaking out, to slap across Lynn's pretty face, forcing her even more off balance. As Lauren's arm comes back, smacking across Lynn's firm breasts as it does.
Lauren smiling, as the pretty blinde, begins getting confident, as Lynn staggers. Then catches herself, just in time to stomp her foot, down on top of Lauren's as she moves in to try and send a closed fist, into Lynn's naked body.
Lauren cries out, and Lynn's forearm slams into Lauren's belly. The curvy blonde doubling up, even as Lynn grabs her hair, and the two begin tumbling down together.
Brandi tries to roll, but does not quite make it, as Joanne splashes her body, down on top of Brandi.
Air whooshes out of Brandi, even as Joanne begins to slide onto her, slapping, and punching at Brandi's exposed breasts, and belly.
Joanne becoming more bold, as she senses she may have an edge now. Leaning down to try and pin Brandi's head to the sand, to measure her, for the punch that will finish the fight.
As she does, Brandi manages to snap a punch hard, into Joanne's side.
Joanne's sexy naked body seeming to try and conform to the fist, to soften the blow, before she is bucked to the side.
Brandi shoving herself up, and moving ahead, as Joanne is reeling from the hard body shot.
Brandi managing to land a fist to the back of Joanne's head, as the slender blonde is trying to get clear. Joanne falling forward, images of her face, and the sand coming to her again, and with it some added adrenaline, as she rolls over onto her back. Trying to keep from having to go through that struggle again.
As Joanne gets onto her back, Brandi is launching herself to try and fully splash her own full figured body, onto Grlwrestler. To knock the rest of her breath out of her, and to finish her.
Joanne's strong legs heave against the sand, as she springs herself to the side, and out of the way, just before Brandi hits hard beside her.
As Brandi is gasping, and trying to gain some distance to recover from the missed move. Joanne's forearm snaps out, catching Brandi fully against the side of her head. With a soft sigh, Brandi slumps down, barely able to stay conscious, and out of the fight.
Lynn, and Lauren have gone from their feet, and hard slaps, and body punches. To on their knees, tits thrust together, as hair flies, and both struggle to finish the other.
Reddened skin, and some bruising showing on both sand covered, oiled figures.
Some light trickles of blood, on both ladies heaving breasts, from claw and gouge marks.
Lauren's head jerking to the side, as Lynn's hand catches her with a slap.
Lynn trying to follow it up, with a fist or forearm, as Lauren grabs a hand full of tit, and begins squeezing, and twisting it. Lynn writhing in pain, as she tries to free herself from the grasp, while not giving Lauren any exposed area, for a finishing shot.
Lynn clawing at Lauren's smooth skinned breasts, even as Lauren brings her other forearm up, and slamming in between Lynn's bobbling breasts.
Sexy Cat's arms flying out, as she is knocked backwards to hit the sand hard, with Lauren hovering over her. Still trying to dig into her heaving tit.
Lynn struggling, finally having the grasping fingers, find a more oiled, and slippery part of the tit, to slide off.
Lauren landing a partial punch to Lynn's belly.
Yet losing her grasp of the breast, while trying to punch her, throwing her off balance.
Lynn shifting, working her legs, and while she is off balance. Lynn grabs hair, and using her legs, sends Lauren sailing up over her head, to land with a whumphhhhh and loss of breath on the sand just past Lynn.
Lauren's sexy body aching from the impact, as she gasps, trying to shift, to protect herself. Yet is unable to before Lynn manages to finish her with a hit to the jaw.
Lauren slumping on the sand, as Lynn gets herself up, looking around to find Grlwrestler also just getting up, and the only other lady left standing.
Lynn, and Joanne move slowly together. Two sand covered, and wet looking naked bodies. Lynn from the sunscreen lotion, Joanne from being in the incoming tide, as she fought.
Chests heaving, bodies aching, as eyes focus on each other. Both wanting to end it, and be the winner.
They begin to move faster together.
Their feet sending sand flying, as their legs propel them on.
They meet, as Joanne lands the first hit to Lynn's body, causing her to stagger back a few steps.
Yet even as she moves to close. Lynn's feet dig into the sand, and her fist finds Joanne's already aching side.
They soon press together, hands being used as fists or to try and gain a grasp of the others hair or tender female areas.
The two shuffling, and stumbling around together, as they hit, claw, and struggle with each other.
Joanne ducking a shoulder, and as Lynn begins losing her balance. Rocks her with a hard slap across Lynn's pretty face.
Lynn taking a step back, yet surging ahead again, as her own fist hammers between Joanne's pert breasts, sending Joanne gasping and staggering, back into the volley ball net.
Unknown to her, she had gotten turned around, and almost backed into it.
Now her body bounces against it, with out anywhere for her to go. Joanne is unable to get out of the way, before Lynn's fist slams into the side of her head.
Joanne's legs weaken and go out from under her, as she drops to the sand, eyes trying to roll partially up.
I am moving to them, as Lynn realizing she has won, does a cartwheel, that has her tumbling, and almost collapsing into me.
Amber is there, and after Lynn is able to stand on her own again. I quickly have Joanne turned over, and use the wet cloth given me by Amber, to wipe some of the sand from her pretty face, as she begins to slowly revive.
We begin helping all the other ladies to get them under some shade, while they recoup.
Some of the drinks Amber given, helping them to quickly bounce back, as Lynn nicely stays close to my side.
The ladies beginning to chat, and share about the fights.
Soon some would take a dip in the warm waters, to help revive, and refresh themselves more. I hoped we could sort out the pink bikini's with out more fighting starting over them.
I begin to relax, as the ladies all seem okay, and starting to enjoy themselves again.
When Amber moves close, still topless, with yet another Amber-tini for me. Handing it to me, as she smiles.
I was wondering why she seemed so intent on getting me drunk. Yet could not deny seeing double of any of these ladies could be pleasing.
"Amber, is everything okay?" I ask, as she tenses, as I notice her biting her lip a little, eyes going to the other ladies before coming back to me again.
"Lynn told me last lady you had help serve, got you upset, and you just sent her adrift on a boat, for her bad service." Amber begins to blurt out the truth, as I feel Lynn move up against me.
"The ladies said, I needed to be extra nice or get you drunk, to be able to not get abandoned at sea, like the last lady." She finishes, as I shake my head.
So Lynn had been playing a prank on the pretty red head, with the other ladies gleefully joining in.
Maybe I DID need another Amber-tini!!
"Amber relax, we need to talk." I tell her, as I take my fresh drink, feeling the effects of the others, as Lynn smiling, tags along.
I knew once Amber knew she was safe from being made a catsaway. The feisty red head would have her own catfights, trying to get some revenge from the prank.
I begin walking her back to the snack shack, as I begin easing her mind. Turning to give Lynn a look that would hopefully not have her start giggling, at how Amber had fallen for it.
I would be sure to make Amber feel better about everything.
Yet even as she smiled at me, slight mischief in her eyes, I could not be upset with Lynn.
She had won the catfight, yet she also was a very Sexy_Cat!!
The end ..


Offline T aka Tony

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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 01:15:46 AM »
I pulled this story from the sand! It got buried. LOL T



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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 02:01:08 AM »
Good story.



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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2012, 03:03:43 AM »
I bet you like the Hot bartender, didn't you WJ?


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: SPRING BREAK SMACKDOWN .. story from polls
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 12:42:03 AM »
Tony  thanks for the diving save ....... stories come fast and furious here, so does not take long for them to drop out of sight.
Have Pirate story roaming here as well... like 24 ladies PLUS in that... sequal to do near future on that one.
ALSO a Haunted Cruise and catfight, among the others here someplace.

How can you NOT like this with AMBER tending bar, and ladies like SEXY-CAT LYNN making appearances.

To the BRAVE FEW HERE !! Thanks for the kind words!!
