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Catfighters I think not

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Offline bedcatfighter

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Catfighters I think not
« on: September 23, 2012, 10:16:36 PM »
As i do mostly I read through the forums here and that got me thinking as to the number of women here say that they are catfighters you know as I read some of the postings and such most of what I read is cyber stuff but IRL it it my opinion that most women say that they catfight IRL I say ok you say your all catfighters but can you prove it?

Here is my reasoning I have posted a few times for catfighters and all I got back was how much do I pay for them being in the catfight that I requested? Years back when I did catfight videos for those that wanted a video done the women that did these videos were wives, girlfriends ect and they did the videos to see who was the better woman in a catfight and were not at all modest as some fought topless and some more daring fought nude.

These women did not ask how much they were going to get paid they did it for the competition and the chance to prove who the better woman was in a catfight. Sometimes when Iam on the Chat section I would like to chat with some women about catfighting but to no avail as when I do try a PM I get the message box closed before I could ask.
So this is my opinion take it or prove me wrong as I think it is all talk and no action I still want to do one more catfight video but I have to let my opinion be known
Thank You


Offline DJP60

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 11:05:40 PM »
i think most on here r posers living out their fantasys. i am not i am a guy. i get your point.
do not get me wrong i do think there r some women here that are the "real thing".
I have an interest in female
hooligans fights too as well as Russian girl gang fights!!
i also pay entertainers to fight 1 another and i get photos of them here in Las Vegas Nv Sabrina is now 6-1 Yes i pay strippers to fight each other for $$.


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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2012, 11:34:03 PM »
Some are here for fantasy, and that's fine.

Some are here who've had real life experiences, some continue to do so, and that's fine.

But no one here has to PROVE anything to anyone.  I am so tired of people posting here saying someone else needs to "prove"  their intentions.   What bullshit.

Let me say it again ( although heaven knows I've said it a dozen times this week ), no one really has to justify,  verify, or "prove" themselves to anyone else here.

End of story.


Offline butters

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2012, 12:21:14 AM »
A delicate problem such as this should go to a Higher Authority, a man who, dare I say it, has “proven” that he  can best balance power with wisdom and temper authority with just a  teaspoon of compassion. It should go to the St. Patrick to the Posers.
Time to get out the searchlight and the penis silhouette and summon Simcock.


Offline Nutmeg

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 05:24:20 AM »
A serious producer I think not. Perhaps try this spiel on lawyers "Work for free at my firm to prove you are lawyers!" Let us know how that goes. Or maybe try giving us more details on your 'productions'  besides some vague reference to having done some filming. Posing works both ways and for all anyone knows, you are a serial rapist posing as a producer looking for a new girl to tie to a bed.
Now reading: Donut Legion


Offline BigDevil

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 07:32:34 AM »
I have never understood why people think that the women here must prove they are who they claim to be. It's funny how I never hear anyone demand that a guy prove he is who he claims to be and if someone did demand me to prove myself to them I'd tell them to go to hell.

This is primarily a fantasy site and Cyberfighting is fantasy. If someone chooses to fight irl than that is their choice just like not wanting to fight irl is a personal choice. I know that if I had a girlfriend that fought irl I wouldn't want her to arrange a fight with someone neither of us have met before. And if she were to fight in front of a camera if she didn't say she wants to be paid, I'd say it for her. Most people that arrange irl fights do it with others that they know and trust.
Have fun and tussle.


Offline butters

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2012, 12:33:45 PM »
Goose bumps, Big Devil!
Sometimes we forget how grateful we should be the Moderators, individuals who selflessly devote their seemingly endless free time to give shape and maintain order on these lawless boards.  When they come to the aid of posers they remind me of brave firemen rushing forward into a burning building when everyone else is running the other way.
And next time any  of you awful people want to bash, just imagine what this place would look like without dudes pretending to be women. Heck, the chatroom would be a ghost town, and there would be no Clique Wars!
How would you like that? I thought so. Keep that in mind next time you want to bash!


Offline bedcatfighter

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2012, 07:09:56 PM »
First i want to say that i wrote this as my opinion see everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and needless to say that my opinion has gottenLike I said out of hand. Iam not a poser OK and certainly not a Criminal as some here pointed that out  It seems that this topic was taken way too seriously as this was just an opinion

Some say this is bullshit well I have no argument with that yes this is bullshit and no one has to prove themselves to me what I wrote may have offended some and I apologize to those this opinion was never written to Offend others.

On the other side of the coin those choose to judge me by the Offensive remarks which is fine i have been called alot worse many times this was only ment as my opinion Iam not asking anyone to be on video just wanted to get others opinion but the subject got  blown way out of proportion and if I choose to do a video then i will go about it in the proper fashion

In conclusion I again Apologize for Offending anyone and I deserved the name calling toward me but remember we all have our opinions no matter how good or bad they maybe


Offline simcock

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Re: Catfighters I think not
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2012, 10:32:38 PM »

A delicate problem such as this should go to a Higher Authority, a man who, dare I say it, has “proven” that he  can best balance power with wisdom and temper authority with just a  teaspoon of compassion. It should go to the St. Patrick to the Posers.
Time to get out the searchlight and the penis silhouette and summon Simcock.

Dear buttress, I have done, said, and posted nothing whatsoever on this thread. I in no way whatsoever should have been brought into this thread, especially in such a gentle mocking manner. I should not have been mentioned here. I should have been left out of it. Still, I can't deny how nice it is to get such attention. Thanks.

Dear moderators, I know you're reading this. Buttress has in no way offended or hurt me. There is no need to bar him from the forum. There is no need to even tell him off on my behalf. I forgive him. He's only being friendly.