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Page 1 of this forum needs a clearing out

  • 17 Replies

Offline HB

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Re: Page 1 of this forum needs a clearing out
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2012, 12:41:51 AM »
The new sub-forum was created for a variety of reasons, not because of any one person.  Truth be told, the idea has been kicked around for several months.   Boeing, when you suggested it months back it was noted.   Others have also floated that idea.

I think it is a good idea, the Clique threads are popular with some members and this gives them their own place.  Hell , if anything, it validates the threads are popular enough to warrant their own section on the board.

Also some of the off topic threads went there, too.

You'd think it'd be welcome news.  Go figure.   ::)


Offline marydfights

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Re: Page 1 of this forum needs a clearing out
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2012, 01:19:04 AM »
Quote from: HB

Also some of the off topic threads went there, too.

You'd think it'd be welcome news.  Go figure.   ::)

Typical, instead of thank you....more complaints.

mary xxx
friends are those who stay and wait for an answer after asking how you are.


Offline Tomico

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Re: Page 1 of this forum needs a clearing out
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2012, 05:31:24 AM »
OK I see due to this persons WHINING  over his likes and items.. SEVERAL popular threads have been moved. To clear way at the top, for his crap here.

I  think THIS members topics have had THERE needed time, at the top page. So THEY also need to be removed now. I mean fair is fair right?? Just like this member was complaining about. His time at the top should be up as well. TAKING UP TO MUCH SPACE at the TOP page!!

SAD to see how one person.. doing the same basic thing. Gets to have their way OVER the majority. That was enjoying things, just as is.

IF you are here looking for the FUN POPULAR stuff.. That all got moved to CLIQUE wars thread.. Even if it was NOT clique wars material.
