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Paisley from POWW 2

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Offline Candi

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Paisley from POWW 2
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:02:36 AM »
Man was I excited as I went to the convention center.  I really had liked GLOW, and was very turned on by the sexy jobbers like Tara the Southern Belle and Americana.  I was still in awe that I had just had sex with one of those girls!  When I entered the gym at 6:00, production people were working on lighting and cameras.  There were not many fans as these were to be “dark” matches, just for TV.

Teri came out from the back, waved to me and came over.  She looked awesome, her hair really teased up, her makeup even heavier than last night.  She was wearing her new blue one piece spandex suit and shiny tights, with her black leather wrestling boots and her black leather jacket to keep warm.  The suit really emphasized her awesome cleavage.  She was smoking a cigarette and had her pack of Salems and lighter in her hand.  We hugged warmly and I kissed her, getting a wonderful fresh dose of her smoky breath.

Teri said she could hang out with me until the match right before hers.  We were seated outside the view of the cameras.  Her nerves were really getting to her and she was chain smoking her Salems.  In addition to her losing to Peggy Lee, the Terrorist, who she said was a wild-woman, was going to do “run in” and attack Teri after she was pinned.  Teri would then be carried out of the ring.

The first match we watched was Hot Rod Andie vs. Destiny.  Teri said she liked Hot Rod, and that although Destiny was one of the good girls or “faces,” she didn’t know her very well because the black girls and white girls didn’t hang out together much.  Teri told me about some of the moves as the match went on.  Both Hot Rod and Destiny had a lot more experience than Teri.  Destiny took a pretty good beating in the beginning but scored the victory in the end.

Next up was Sasha the Russian vs. Shannon O’Brien.  Teri said Shannon was nice but quiet.  She too was fairly inexperienced and a jobber.  Sasha was very strong and a very good athlete.  Teri told me that this would be a squash match, like hers would be.  Shannon was a very pretty red headed girl, with another great rack.  I was beginning to see a pattern here, where the good girl jobbers were young, pretty and very well endowed!  I liked this McLane guy’s tastes! 

Shannon arrived in the ring first and took off her shiny gold jacket, revealing her green one piece suit.  She wore green leather wrestling boots and had an ace bandage on her knee.  Teri explained that there was an angle where Shannon’s leg had been broken.  She had been in a tag match with Liberty against Sasha and the Terrorist, and the bad girls had destroyed them, double teaming Shannon at the end and using a chair and a milk crate to “break” her leg.  The leg had not really been broken, of course, but she was injured and had to take a few weeks off.  Teri said that the veterans had explained that injuries were just part of the job and that it was impossible to fake all this violence without sometimes getting hurt.

Sasha entered to some pseudo-Soviet music and had a USSR flag with her.  She entered the ring, strutted around, and then attacked Shannon, getting her in a choke with the flag.  Shannon’s face was in distress and turning red.  Sasha got her over the ropes and continued the choke.  She finally let go of the choke and flung Shannon to the mat by her hair.  Sasha then went to work on Shannon’s injured leg, twisting it, dropping her weight on it, and kicking it.  Shannon looked to be truly scared and hurt trying unsuccessfully to protect her vulnerable leg.  Sasha pulled Shannon on her back over to a corner, hopped out of the ring and grabbed Shannon’s bad leg, then banged it against the ring post.  Shannon’s back reared up with every blow.  Sasha twisted that leg around the post.  Finally, Sasha re-entered the ring and tried to pull Shannon up.  Shannon couldn’t put any weight on her injured leg.  Sasha dragged her to the middle of the ring and got her in a figure 4 leg lock.  Shannon immediately screamed her submission but Sasha would not release the hold.  More and more time went by with Shannon trapped in that hold.  The ref had signaled for the bell but Sasha would not stop.  The ref finally had to forcibly rescue Shannon’s leg.  Another ref rushed into the ring.

Shannon looked to be truly hurt.  Certainly she was not faking that she was gasping for air.  McLane was announcing as if Shannon’s leg had been broken again.  I asked Teri what she thought and she assured me Shannon was fine, “At least I hope so!”  The two refs gingerly helped Shannon out of the ring under the bottom rope and then used their shoulders to walk her to the back.  She did not put any weight on her injured leg and it certainly looked real to me.