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straight Tina vs lesbian Becky

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Offline dave16

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straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« on: April 04, 2009, 10:19:38 PM »
This is my first attempt at a please excuse.

Tina Gray was beautiful and sexy, 23 ,long black hair,5'4',34' breasts,very athletic even used to cheer back at her old high school.All of that was in the past as she rang the doorbell of her new tutoring assignment.Becky plains opened the door the 18 year old had been left back a year and Mr Simms the school principle had asked her as part of her new teaching job to help her to get back on track.This was the first time the two girls actually met.Tina was a bit schocked when Becky opened the door to her home.She was overweight..160lbs,short,face full of pockmarks,short blond hair and an attitude that was down right rude.
"Is your mother in Becky"..."No..I'm alone here for the week...its just you and me miss tight ass"
"I was about to leave but I remembered the words of Mr Simms if I couldn't teach her I was out of a I gritted my teeth and entered the little bitches house.
We sat down on the sofa together and I began to go over the program I had in mind.When suddenly she put her hand on my knee.
"You have really nice legs Miss gray"
"thank you" as I pushed her hand off my knee.I was wearing a rather short black two piece suit with a white silk blouse and inexpensive pearl necklace.My long black hair was done up in a pony tail.
Again she placed her hand on my knee but this time it went further up until it was under the hemline of my skirt.
"Oh are one hot looking bitch...ever made it with a girl before"
"oh my god "...I pushed her hand away..."I'm sorry but this kind of talk either stops or I'll be forced to inform your mother as well as Mr Simms.
"My mother.... she's got to be the biggest dyke in town...and as far as
Mr Simms is concerned he's scared shit of her and wouldn't lift a finger against my mom."
I was just stunned as she went on not even realizing that her hand was back on my knee slowly going up my thigh under the skirt.
"In fact bitch the reason why your here is to stimulate me to how about earning your pay"
With that it was like a shock of cold water hitting me as her hand reached the crotch of my white bikini panties.With that I grabed her hand and dug my nails into her arm causing her to scream.As she let go I smacked her across the face forcing her grab her cheek as a reaction.I then stood up to leave when she also got up ,as I walked to the door the red faced girl grabbed me by my pony tail and twirled me around and slapped me across the face so hard it stung.Still holding onto my pony tail she dragged me back toward the coach and threw me back over the coffee table.
" Nice pair of panties bitch....Im gonna enjoy getting into them"
My legs were spread apart as I fell backwards across the table as I managed to get up she lunged for me and I realized I was in the fight of my life with this crazy teen...To be continued



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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2009, 12:35:14 AM »
good start dave cont the story


Offline krispin

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2009, 05:59:22 PM »
Good start. Please go on!


Offline dave16

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2009, 11:17:01 PM »

Before Tina knew what hit her Becky had lunged over the coffee table and tried to pull her up by her pearl necklace but it snapped and the little pearls went popping along the floor in all directions.The good news Becky had lost her grip and feell backwards onto the carpeted floor.
"You lousy broke my necklace"Tina got up and made a mad dash for the door but just as her hand reached the door knob she felt a hand grab her ankle.Then another.Becky pulled Tina back until she lost her balance and then both girls were now struggling together on the livingroom floor.
They finnally wound up with Becky flat on her back and Tina laying on top of her but also on her back looking up at the ceiling.Becky managed to pull Tina's black suit jacket over her arms temporarily trapping the sexy teacher so she had no means of fighting back.She then used her sneakers to wrap themselves around Tina's legs and seperate them apart.She tried in vain to use her high heels to get at her attacker but all it was doing was further spreading her legs apart.
Becky had one free hand,[her right] and she used it to pull up Tinas short skirt which had now riden way up her thighs,just below the line of her panties.
"Oh god"......"No..No...Stop it you perverted bitch"
But it was too late as becky's index finger was gentle stroking the crotch of her white bikini panties.
It had to be one of the most humilating experiences of her life for this fat bitch to be doing this to her.Tina managed to free one of her arms from the suit jacket  and grabbed Becky's wrist digging her nails as hard as she could.
"Ouch..that hurt..I'm gonna enjoy fucking the brains out of you ....youstupid cxnt"
Tina rolled to the side and slid out of Becky's grip.She was quit a site on her knee's suit jacket dangling by one arm,her skirt bunched up around her panties exposing not only them but her sexy nyloned legs and white halter holding them up.Her long black hair had came undone from the pony tail and was now cascaded about her shoulders and face.To her shock Becky in one fast move removed her t-shirt revealing a pair of large breasts.They were heaving up and down as droplets of sweat began to fall from her brow onto the floor.If this wasn't enough she stood up kicked off her sneakers,undid her pants and then pulled her belt off throwing it onto the floor
"Oh god no" Was all Tina could mumble as Becky began to slide the jeans off her over weight body.She was hideous as rolls of fat hung over her cotton panties...but what really shocked the young teacher was the massive amount of pubic hairs that were trying to burst out of the teens panty crotch.
During this Tina got up and ran toward the front door to escape but as luck would have it she tripped on her high heels


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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2009, 08:46:00 PM »
keep going this is getting good


Offline dave16

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2009, 02:19:15 AM »
Thanks for the encouragement


Before Tina could react the heavy set teen was on the floor grabling with the young teacher.The two girls rolled about the floor,each trying to get an advantage over the other.Finnally Tina found herself with her back up against one of the living room chairs and again Becky managed to trap one of her arms in the suit jacket.The other arm was totally trapped by becky's body as she lay directly over it.She then reached behind Tina and found the snap and zipper of her skirt and
"Hope this dress cost you a bunch bitch" With that she popped off the button and slowly began unzipping the sexy black skirt.
"I'll kill you ugly fat dyke...Stop... leave my clothes alone...sto...glub...glub...glub"
Becky mouth smashed onto Tina's lips.She tried to force her tongue into her captives mouth but the older girl managed to avoid the kiss by turning her head and biting Becky on her cheek.
"That hurt you bitch"
With that she grabbed the skirt and crudely yanked it down until the seams began to split.She continued to pull it down so that it was now hanging somerwhere around her thighs.Not content with ruining her skirt she then grabbed the top of the white silk blouse and pulled on it as hard as she could until again she could feel the fabric comming apart.
"Nice bra you got those titties are going to be great to suck on"
With all of the clothes ripping taking place Becky again made the mistake of misjudging what a tough opponet she was up against.Tina had wiggled her arm free and dug her claws across beckys face causing the teen to scream in pain.That gave Tina the chance to roll away fromthe heavy girl  and temporarily escape.Getting up she removed the now ripped skirt and tossed aside the jacket that was constantly getting her into trouble.
With the blouse now goneTina was now only dressed in  white bikini panties and bra ,garter belt and torn nylons.Becky recovering from the pain was dressed in her white panties.
The fight was now about to begin.

to be continued....


Offline dave16

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky-Repost
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 12:03:57 AM »


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 04:58:24 AM »
Finish Finish
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline dave16

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2013, 06:46:54 PM »
Thought I'd repost it


Offline dave16

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Re: straight Tina vs lesbian Becky
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2019, 10:51:19 PM »