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For Her Man by D.G.

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    • Tales From the Underground Women's Wrestling League
For Her Man by D.G.
« on: June 22, 2022, 07:11:54 PM »
For Her Man
 by DG         
            It’s Lauren’s time to strike.
            She’s been craving revenge on Mindy ever since the redheaded vixen took her house and her world championship - and now’s her best chance. Lauren knows how vulnerable you are right after losing the UWWL world title, and Mindy just lost the belt to Amy in a nasty cage match. Not only that, but the Hellcat stable had perhaps their worst night ever because Danielle got injured in the ladder match and Trisha had her jaw broken by the world tag team champions when The Wrecking Crew had their title opportunity quickly yanked away in a lopsided squash.
            So Mindy and The Hellcats are at their lowest point, and the time for revenge is now.
            Lauren challenges a battered and downtrodden Mindy to a private lingerie catfight in the city’s most luxurious hotel suite with stakes that couldn’t be much higher. The dirty blonde beauty is willing to risk her husband, who Mindy’s been trying to steal from her for a while, for a chance to pay Mindy back while getting her out of the world title picture… forever. Lauren just can’t seem to beat Mindy in a sanctioned match, but since Mindy’s vulnerable right now Lauren’s willing to push all of her chips to the center of the poker table to fight Mindy on HER turf in a match of HER choosing. Mindy’s pride would be shattered if she turned down the challenge, and she knows how dominant she’s been over Lauren with a winning streak over the good girl that numbers well into double digits. Mindy KNOWS she can beat her no matter what the situation, and a big win over Lauren would be the perfect remedy for her broken confidence.
            So the fight is on, and here are the stipulations:
-It will be a no rules lingerie catfight with Lauren’s husband as the only spectator, and it will take place in the cavernous hotel suite on the top floor of the most expensive hotel in the city – the same room where Lauren and her husband stay on special occasions. The loser will pay the hotel bill.
-The fight can end by submission, knockout, pin, or forced orgasm. Lauren’s husband will act as the referee.
If Mindy wins:
-She and the rest of The Hellcats will get custody of Lauren's husband for one weekend per month for the rest of their wrestling careers. During the custody weekend Mindy and the other Hellcats can do whatever they want to him or with him with no restrictions or limitations whatsoever. He will be legally required to do whatever they want him to do or go wherever they want him to go. Also, Lauren’s man will be required to be as open as possible about his sexual fantasies and desires, so Mindy and the others can fulfill his wildest dreams.
-With each month’s custody weekend Mindy will have the option to record the weekend's events and can force Lauren to watch.
-Lauren will be forced to spend the rest of the weekend in excruciating forms of breast bondage while Mindy gets to fuck her husband in the hotel suite whenever she wants. If Lauren loses then the rest of the weekend will serve as Mindy’s first custody weekend with her husband.
If Lauren wins:
-Mindy will never again be allowed to challenge for the UWWL world championship. She will be permanently knocked out of the world title picture. 
-Lauren will shave Mindy's head bald on camera to open an upcoming UWWL event and will get to keep the red hair as a trophy. Mindy will then be put on display under torture naked and bald for the entire event and fans will be allowed to do whatever they want to her.
-Mindy will be suspended from wrestling without pay for one calendar year.
            Lauren, Mindy, and Lauren’s man sign a legally binding contract with the aforementioned stipulations and consequences, and the night of the fight arrives: a Friday evening on a weekend when both Lauren and Mindy have off from wrestling.
             Lauren and her beloved husband get to the hotel first, and as always Lauren looks stunning in her trademark sky blue dress with silver high heels. The hotel suite has an expansive window with a beautiful view of the city and a wooden dining table along with a large living room area with ornate furniture including couches, chairs, and a glass coffee table along with a kitchenette. There’s also a bedroom with a luxurious king sized bed, a hot tub in the corner (that’s currently empty), a well-stocked and well-equipped bar area, a walk-in closet, and a large and lavish bathroom.
            Lauren’s man (dressed in a suit and tie) puts his designer suitcase away and pours himself a scotch on the rocks, trying to hide his massive boner under his dress pants. He loves his wife and the good guy part of his brain wants her to win, but the thought of being Mindy’s boy toy fuck slave for one weekend a month for the next decade is rather exciting. He’d never admit this to Lauren but Mindy has a tighter pussy and can work his dick better than Lauren can, and the forbidden nature of sex with Mindy adds an exciting element to it. Lauren’s pussy has been tortured so much over the years and she’s been gang banged by well over a thousand heel fans during her tumultuous wrestling career, so her vaginal walls are loose by now and can’t squeeze and hump his dick the way Mindy’s vagina can. Yet he keeps all of those thoughts to himself.
            Then there’s a knock at the door. Mindy is here.
            Lauren’s gorgeous face immediately gets a bitter look as she puts her stuff away in the bedroom. She HATES Mindy more than anyone alive except one person, and Lauren grins as she thinks about getting that bag full of red hair – a prize she’ll treasure for the rest of her life.
            The five foot three inch Mindy enters the hotel suite in a luxurious cheetah print coat with black stockings and matching cheetah print heels peeking out from under the bottom. She drops her suitcase and then immediately sidles up to Lauren’s husband while holding the sash of her coat, getting ready to open it and show off her lingerie to the man she’s trying to steal.
            Lauren storms in from the bedroom and aggressively puts herself between Mindy and her man, and then the hated rivals bump chests while making hate-filled eye contact. Lauren says, “Why wait, bitch? Let me go get changed and we can start this right away.” The dirty blonde beauty then points at her husband and says, “And you stay the fuck away from him…”
            The seductive redhead grins and says, “I’ll be here, bitch… and I’ll have plenty of time with him after I beat you yet again.”
            Lauren shoots the Hellcat leader a nasty look as she storms back into the bedroom to slip out of her dress and into her catfight lingerie. Lauren hates Mindy so much that even the sight of her riles her up, but the former world and tag team champion takes a deep breath and realizes she has to keep a level head if she’s going to finally beat the bitch. Lauren lost the world title because she was so worked up for their match that she made mistake after mistake, and Mindy pinned her in less than ten minutes. If that happens tonight it would be an even bigger disaster because she’d lose the only thing more precious to her than the UWWL championship, at least for one weekend a month.
            Lauren kicks off her silver heels then unzips her dress and slinks it down what might be the most punished and tortured female body on the planet, takes off her bra, peels down her flesh colored pantyhose, and then strips off her white panties to make herself fully naked. Now it’s time to transform into fight mode – and finally beat that redheaded bitch. Lauren takes out the precious and very expensive teal lingerie set that her husband got for her on their last anniversary, which she wore as they fucked passionately in this very room. It was a rare time when Lauren’s tits and pussy weren’t ragingly sore so he could fuck her and fuck her hard, and she even let him fuck her tits and come all over her chest – one of his favorite things, a rare treat for the most romantic anniversary they’ve ever had. Lauren thinks about this as she bunches up her gray with teal floral patterned thigh high stockings with teal tops and then slowly slips them up her legs – she wrapped these same stockings around her man’s body as he fucked her that night, and now she’s wearing them to fight for him.
            Lauren then takes the ornate teal panties with ribbons on them and slides them up to her waist, snaps the garters onto the tops of the stockings, and then puts on the lacy teal bra with skimpy triangle cups and puts it over the most famous and most punished breasts in women’s professional wrestling, covering her countless scars. She’s ready to fight for her man.
            Lauren puts on a teal silk robe and leaves the bedroom for what might be the most important fight of her life, when she can pay Mindy back for everything the bitch has done to her.
            Lauren comes out with the gray stockings peeking out from under her robe, and sees that Mindy has exchanged her coat for a cheetah print robe that goes just below her waist, revealing her black thigh highs. The love of Lauren’s life has the two fighters stand eye to eye as he explains the rules, which is basically just the various ways the fight can end. Lauren’s husband then goes over to a decorative chair, barely able to contain himself because he’s so horny, and then he tells the ladies to untie the sashes and remove their robes – which they do, slowly and seductively to show each other up.
            Lauren drops her robe to the floor and smirks as her husband gasps when he sees his absolute favorite (and most expensive) lingerie set she’s ever worn. She was hoping for that reaction. Mindy reveals a satin tiger print panties and bra set, worn to impress the man she’s fighting to get custody of.                       
            Lauren’s husband picks up a mallet and rings the bell. This high stakes private catfight is underway.
            Lauren immediately pounces on Mindy and wails away on the woman she hates so much. Hell hath no fury. Mindy gives up a few inches to Lauren but knows how to fight from below better than anyone, so she retaliates with a knee to Lauren’s bare breadbasket. Lauren verbally reacts to the blow but keeps pounding the redheaded vixen, and topples Mindy to the gray carpet with a judo toss. Lauren then stomps Mindy before dropping an elbow across her body.
            Lauren grabs that red hair and starts pulling Mindy up to her stocking feet but the bad girl slugs Lauren on the bad left tit through the teal top, right on the weak spot southwest of Lauren’s areola – the spot Mindy exploited to win the world title, take Lauren’s house, and condemn her to a month of non-stop torture and humiliation. Lauren gasps and stops in her tracks, covering up her left boob. Mindy blasts Lauren in the belly from her knees, then gets up, slugs Lauren’s left boob again, and scoops Lauren up while screaming with fury to bodyslam her on the carpet. Lauren grunts as her back hits hard.
            Lauren’s husband knew the fight would be loud so he also reserved the hotel room directly below, so nobody could hear the bumps and screams and then complain to management, and this room has top notch soundproofing. They’re on their own in here, with complete privacy as two of the best wrestlers in the world settle their differences before a lone spectator.
            Mindy stomps Lauren’s belly, and then kicks her to her left side to stomp Lauren’s bad left boob and then squash and grind the breast into the floor with her heel. The good girl squirms in agony on the carpet. Mindy drops a knee across the boob, and then tries to pry that teal top off by grabbing the ribbon and yanking on it. She undoes the ribbon on the front between the triangle cups, but the bra is still on. Mindy went to the well too early and Lauren capitalizes by reaching out and scratching Mindy’s face while emitting an animalistic war cry. Lauren will do anything to win this fight. Mindy clutches her face and doubles over, allowing Lauren to get up to her knees and elbow the Hellcat across the back of the head.
            Lauren blasts the back of Mindy’s head a few more times then grabs her hair, pulls her up to her stocking feet, kicks her in the belly, and then tucks Mindy’s head under her left arm to DDT her into the carpet! Mindy gets laid out flat on her belly, and Lauren rolls the homewrecker onto her back and hooks a black stocking leg as the love of her life drops to his knees to slap the carpet for the first time: “One! … … … Two! …” but Mindy kicks out.
            The bad girl is dazed, though, and Lauren takes advantage by kicking Mindy back onto her belly then grabbing the controller for the top of the line television on the wall. Mindy struggles up to all fours only for Lauren to brain her across the back of the head with the TV controller, knocking her flat again. Lauren rams the controller into Mindy’s head like a dagger repeatedly with a vicious look on her face, until tossing it aside. She cracked and broke the controller. Lauren then grins, unclasps Mindy’s satin tiger print lingerie top, and yanks it off with one hand while grabbing that red hair with her other hand and pulling Mindy up – making the bitch topless. Mindy has tortured Lauren’s tits so much that it’s now the bad girl’s turn. Lauren slugs Mindy’s now bare tit then slams her face into the carpet, before rubbing it into the floor real good.
            Lauren’s in complete control right now. Aside from her brief scuffle with Amy Lauren hasn’t wrestled in months so she’s the fresher woman – another reason why Lauren picked tonight for her revenge. She pulls a dazed and rug burned Mindy up by the hair, knees her belly, knees her left tit a few times as hard as she can (while thinking let’s see how YOU like it, cxnt…), and then walks Mindy by the hair over to the small dining area with the table in front of the window. Mindy fights back with a few elbows, but they’re not enough to faze the woman scorned. Lauren bashes Mindy’s face into the table, and then puts her in a full nelson, walks her to the window, and presses Mindy’s tits into the glass, then swishes her side to side so her tits run against the glass like wiper blades – with a breathtaking view of the lit up nighttime city before them. Lauren seethes “You’ll never have my man, bitch…” into Mindy’s ear while humiliating her. Mindy grits her teeth and tries to fight out of the full nelson, but to no avail. Lauren eventually releases the full nelson, grabs Mindy’s hair, draws her head back, and rams her face into the window.
            Mindy is noticeably groggy after such a vicious blow, and Lauren plucks a vase up from a set of drawers against the wall and dumps out the contents. Lauren waits for Mindy to turn around and then SMASHES the vase over her head with a loud clinking sound! Mindy staggers after the brutal blow and then Lauren leaps up and nails the scarlet haired bitch with one of her trademark flying roundhouse kicks – knocking her onto the table flat on her back, with her bare boobs sticking up and her legs spread. Mindy’s busted open and blood trickles from a gash above the inside of her right eye and the bridge of her nose. Lauren socks Mindy’s pussy a few times.
            Amy raked Mindy’s pussy to shreds in their recent cage match, Mindy is still very sore down there, and Lauren knows it. 
            Lauren springs onto the table, reaches up and grabs the chain of the chandelier above her, scurries up the chain to the ceiling, and then starts swinging back and forth on the chandelier chain to build up momentum. Lauren swings her legs before her, lets go of the chain, does a flip in the air, and LANDS across Mindy’s chest! The table is expensive and has very thick wood so it doesn’t break – which makes the impact even worse.
            Lauren covers Mindy on the table, but her husband says she has to pin her on the floor. Lauren shoots her man an incredulous look, as if to say it’s falls count anywhere – count the fucking bitch… but she knows how split seconds matter, so she dumps Mindy off the table then leaps up and splashes down across her topless body to hook her leg for a pin. Her husband drops to his knees in his dress pants and slaps the floor: “One! … … … Two! …” but Mindy gets a shoulder up.
            Lauren shoots a rare icy glance at her man. If he counted a pin on the table then she would’ve had her. Lauren had the fight won, and her own husband of all people screwed her on a technicality.
            No time to argue now though as she has her hated enemy topless, battered, and bloody. Lauren blasts Mindy’s gash with hard punches to open the bitch up some more, and then Lauren grabs Mindy’s ankles, lifts them up, spreads her legs, and stomps her sore pussy through the tiger print satin panties. Lauren stomps her cxnt a few more times and then stomps other parts of Mindy’s body, ending with a hard gray and teal stocking foot stomp to the face. Lauren then picks up a dining chair and wails it across Mindy’s body a few times before tossing it aside, making sure there’s enough room for a big move to finish the bitch off. Lauren then springs onto the drawers where she got the vase.
            Lauren stands up to her full 5’5” height on the wooden set of drawers, not worrying about hitting her head because this room has a high ceiling, and then leaps off for a frog splash… but Mindy puts her knees up and Lauren lands on Mindy’s knees, real hard! Lauren slinks off her foe holding her body and wincing, giving Mindy some precious time to recover and wipe blood from her right eye.
            Lauren uses the table to pull herself up while Mindy struggles up too. They get to their feet at the same time and Mindy goes to slug Lauren’s left boob but the good girl expected it and blocks the punch, then retaliates with a big KICK between Mindy’s legs! Mindy’s face goes ashen as she clutches her crotch. Lauren knows where the bad girl hurts right now and she will exploit it to the fullest, ironically benefiting from damage inflicted by her bitter rival.
            The surging good girl delivers a few unanswered blows to her foe’s face, tits, and belly as Mindy still feels the pain from her pussy radiating throughout her body. Lauren then maneuvers Mindy’s back near a tall mirror on the wall next to the dining nook. Lauren wants to ram Mindy into the mirror – but the bad girl has other plans, as she grabs the dangling ribbons on Lauren’s bra and then PULLS her into the mirror, full force! Lauren hits the mirror and cracks it with Mindy sidestepping her, and the bad girl quickly capitalizes by kicking Lauren in the pussy from behind. Thank God Lauren’s top was on when she hit the mirror – otherwise her tits would be cut to smithereens. Mindy gets behind Lauren like a cop patting someone down and uppercuts her between the legs as hard as she can, eliciting a gasp. After a few more pussy shots and then a punch to Lauren’s right kidney the good girl is subdued enough for Mindy to pull down the shoulder straps of Lauren’s teal lingerie top and finally yank it off, making both fighters topless.
            Lauren’s really in danger now, and tries to fight Mindy off with back elbows to save her now bare tits from going into the cracked mirror, but Mindy stuns her with more punches to the pussy and kidneys. Mindy then gets two big handfuls of Lauren’s hair, pulls her away from the mirror, puts a black stocking foot against Lauren’s back… and SHOVES Lauren’s tits into the mirror as hard as she can – shattering it with a loud clinking sound! Lauren SCREAMS. The mirror is destroyed, and so are Lauren’s tits as they now have mirror shards in them. Blood trickles down from various cuts on her boob flesh. The damage done, Mindy grabs Lauren’s shoulders, falls back and delivers a brutal backstabber. Lauren ends up on her side curling up with a look of shock on her gorgeous face.
            Lauren’s husband winces as he sees Lauren’s already scarred tits all cut up from shattering the mirror, as Lauren gently cups her destroyed boobs while grimacing in pain.
            Mindy wants to finish the bitch and ride her man’s dick while Lauren has to look on under torture. Mindy, risking getting her legs cut but knowing it’s worth it, snakes her powerful legs around Lauren’s body to then crush her cut up tits in an agonizing boob scissor, one of Mindy’s premier holds. She’s beaten many good girls with this hold, including Becky and Thunder – nobody puts on a boob scissor like Mindy, who knows how to crush a pair of tits between her legs in just the right way for maximum pain. And this time Lauren’s tits are a mess with little mirror shards on and in her titflesh; the shards put a few holes, rips, and runs in Mindy’s stockings but she couldn’t care less. Lauren’s tits are in a lot more pain than Mindy’s legs – and Lauren HOWLS out in the submission hold, suffering terribly as Mindy just CRUSHES and GRINDS her boobs.
            Lauren’s man comes closer to listen for a submission or watch for his wife to tap out, but Mindy would have to kill her before she’d submit and give up her husband.
            Mindy tortures Lauren’s shredded breasts in the boob scissor for quite some time, with Lauren squirming between her legs and crying out in agony, but Mindy realizes Lauren won’t submit so she finally releases the hold and shoves Lauren away. Lauren hugs her own chest and writhes on the carpet, in deep trouble.
            Mindy kicks Lauren’s hands away and stomps her bloody tits a few times, then picks up Lauren’s right leg and spins around it to finish her off in the figure four leglock – but a desperate Lauren plants her right foot on Mindy’s tiger print ass and shoves her as hard as she can, making Mindy topple over the glass coffee table and take a bad spill between the coffee table and couch!
            It’s the opening Lauren needs. The bloody breasted good girl gets up and goes over to Mindy with a deadly look on her face. Lauren throttles Mindy, pulls her up by the hair, and shoves her onto the couch to blast her face, boobs, belly, and crotch with Mindy turtling under the intense barrage. Lauren knocks Mindy’s legs apart and socks her right on the pussy as hard as she can, and then a heavy right punch to the left side of Mindy’s face knocks the bad girl senseless, allowing Lauren to strip Mindy’s tiger print panties off to bare her pussy with her cute little landing strip of red pubic hair. Lauren’s man notices the faded but not fully healed scratch marks all around Mindy’s pussy from when she lost the belt to Amy in that cage. Her cxnt looks sore, and Lauren goes wild on the pussy that she never wants near her man’s dick ever again. Lauren pins Mindy against the couch and stuffs her bloody boobs in Mindy’s face then slithers her right hand down her body to yank out strands of pubic hair, followed by furious, rapid fire punches to Mindy’s bare vagina that make a sexy fist-on-flesh slapping sound. Mindy’s gorgeous body, naked except for her ripped thigh highs, shudders after the pussy blows.
            Lauren knows how to shred a pussy after years of naked fights with Amy in steamy clubs all over this city, and she shows off how she’s just as lethal as any bad girl at torturing a vagina by working Mindy’s clit and labia with her nails, and even roughly finger fucking her and curling her finger inside to rake Mindy’s internal vaginal walls. All with her boobs stuffed in the bad girl’s face, making Mindy drift off while emitting muffled moans. Lauren can practically taste a victory over this firecrotch cxnt after years of frustration.
            Lauren’s husband is almost taken aback by the fury of his wife’s attack. He’s seen her do a lot in and out of the ring, but this is downright vicious. If Lauren makes Mindy pass out then it’s a knockout win.
            Mindy knows she has to do something fast or she’ll never be able to wrestle for the world title again, so she takes advantage of Lauren being topless by going after her left tit with her sharp, cat print fingernails. Mindy leaves a few red claw marks across Lauren’s beleaguered left boob and then feels around on a seek and destroy mission until the particularly sharp nail on her right index finger finds Lauren’s weak spot… and then twists home.
            Lauren feels the sharp pain from that damnable milk production lobule that bad girls always use to give Lauren unimaginable levels of agony, but she tries to hold out with sweat pouring down her beautiful face as she tries to smother Mindy out with her tits while literally trying to pull her clit off – stretching it out to an obscene degree like a piece of gum.
            Alas, Mindy twists her nail into the weak lobule so hard that Lauren can’t stand it and she’s forced to release the boob smother and clit pull, but she keeps the advantage by ramming her right elbow into Mindy’s face – bloodying her lip. Lauren gets up, with a groggy Mindy brushing the blood from her lip with the back of her hand, and then Lauren ROCKS the right side of Mindy’s face with a huge left punch. Lauren is right handed but it’s perhaps the hardest left punch she’s ever thrown, and it starts swelling up Mindy’s right eye. Mindy is almost like a rag doll at this point, with her pussy bright red looking like it was mauled by a wolverine. She’s SO sore. Lauren blasts Mindy in that seductive face a few times, and then stands Mindy up on the couch with her back to a glass-encased painting against the wall above the couch. Lauren slugs Mindy in the belly, wallops the left side of her face with a huge punch, and gets her beyond sore pussy with a huge, cxnt crushing uppercut.
            Lauren then backs up to the other side of the room to finish Mindy off. Lauren gets a running start, springs onto the glass coffee table, and springs off through the air toward Mindy like a rocket – looking to nail the back of her head into the painting’s glass frame with the biggest stinger splash she’s ever delivered. Yet Lauren’s high risk offense haunts her once again at the worst possible time; Mindy dodges the stinger splash… and Lauren flies tits-first right into the painting! The glass frame practically explodes with a loud crashing sound as Lauren’s already cut up tits go right through it! It’s a devastating miss.
            Mindy – who looks like an absolute mess – shakes off her cobwebs to uppercut Lauren’s cxnt from behind, and then Mindy pulls Lauren away from the painting by the hair, tucks her head under Lauren’s left arm, grabs Lauren’s panties, pulls her up into the air, and then leaps off the couch while spinning Lauren in midair… to BLAST Lauren through the glass coffee table with a huge blue thunder bomb! The coffee table gets destroyed as Lauren crashes through it to the now glass covered carpet, after one of the most impressive moves Mindy has ever delivered – in front of only one spectator, but a very important one.
            Mindy takes a second to compose herself, drags Lauren out of the coffee table wreckage by the hair, and then covers her and hooks a gray stocking leg. Lauren’s husband drops to count, being careful not to slap his hand into remnants of the annihilated table. “… One! … … … Two! … … …” but Lauren kicks out!
            The hesitations cost Mindy the win, but she doesn’t let it faze her. The tide has turned once again and Mindy can end this fight to spend a glorious weekend with her new boy toy.
            Lauren lies on the floor heaving with exhaustion, with her tits looking like they went through a windshield. Mindy starts by socking Lauren between the legs, unsnapping her garters, and then untying the ribbon on one side of Lauren’s teal panties to easily pull them off and then toss the expensive anniversary panties right at her husband – hitting him in the face with them. Lauren should have worn panties that aren’t so easy to remove. Both ladies are now in just their stockings. Mindy gets up, spreads Lauren’s legs, and stomps her now bare pussy hard a few times. Lauren grunts after each blow. After the cxnt stomps Mindy jumps up and drives her right knee into Lauren’s vagina, and now it’s Lauren’s turn to have some of her light brown pubic hair ripped out. Mindy pays the good girl slut back by yanking her pussy lips in opposite directions then tugging up so hard that Lauren has to arch her back off the floor while shrieking, and then Mindy socks Lauren’s bare muff one more time. Mindy takes the opportunity to strip down Lauren’s stockings one at a time to make her fully naked, and Mindy can’t resist wrapping one of them around Lauren’s throat to choke away as the good girl squirms and gags with her tongue flicking out – until Lauren’s man yells at Mindy to stop choking his wife.
            Mindy looks back at him, pulls Lauren up to a seated position with the stocking, and chokes her even harder than before until walloping his wife with a huge straight on jab that lays her out flat. Mindy says, “Anything goes, asshole.”
            Mindy then goes over to her suitcase, quickly unzips it, and takes out a gruesome device she and the other Hellcats created just for Lauren and her sensitive weak spot: something Mindy calls the “lobule digger”. It looks like the wire frame of a bra cup on the end of a long chain with a tiny, cylindrical metal device inside the cup in the exact place where Lauren’s weak spot is on her left breast. The whole thing is like a small satellite dish with the digger as the antenna. When you twist the base of the cylinder a mean looking barbed claw comes out of the tip and starts slowly spinning and buzzing while crackling with electricity.
            Lauren’s husband looks at the lobule digger, and it gives him chills. Seeing his wife take punishment makes him horny, but something like this is way too far – he loves his wife and doesn’t want her to endure medieval suffering. This device looks like it will take the word “torture” to a whole new level for poor Lauren.
            Mindy goes back over to her foe with the lobule digger on the end of the chain, and stomps Lauren a few times. Mindy unwinds the stocking from Lauren’s throat and then uses it to bind Lauren’s wrists in front of her belly, and then Mindy maneuvers the lobule digger toward Lauren’s already busted up left boob. Lauren fights her, but the blue thunder bomb through the coffee table took a lot out of her – and Mindy subdues the good girl with a head butt and then a heavy SLUG to the left tit. Lauren collapses back on the carpet with a gasp, and it’s Mindy’s opening: Mindy roughly works the lobule digger into Lauren’s weak spot, secures the wire cup around her left breast nice and snug, and then twists the base of the digger to turn it on. You can’t see it but the barbed metal claw comes out and starts rotating, crackling, and buzzing inside Lauren’s weak spot.
            Lauren’s eyes and mouth open wide and she whispers, “my God…” The word “agony” doesn’t do justice to what it feels like for her – for the umpteenth time in her wrestling career Lauren finds herself frozen in a state of pure, unadulterated Hell, tortured to the brink of insanity by a sadistic heel’s diabolical device. It’s beyond unbearable.
            Mindy, with an ear to ear grin, grabs the chain and starts dragging Lauren by the lobule digger-ensnared left breast across the carpet and toward the bedroom. As Lauren gets dragged flat on her back by her sensitive left boob her frozen expression of shock gradually melts way to be replaced by primal SCREAMING that makes her throat hoarse. Lauren emits loud, elongated SCREAMS until she runs out of breath only to scream again at the top of her lungs. Mindy makes sure the chain is wrapped firmly around her hands so she has a really good grip and she DRAGS Lauren by the torture-pulsating left tit along the carpet and right into the bedroom. Lauren’s very concerned husband, who considers stopping the fight, follows them in.
            Mindy drags a screaming, naked Lauren by the left boob all the way to the floor by the large, king sized bed. Mindy stomps Lauren a few times and then smirks, stands on Lauren’s hair, and YANKS up with the chain to pull her left boob up off the floor by the lobule digger as that barbed, electrified claw still slowly twirls inside the weak spot to give Lauren unbelievable, screaming, hellish pain. Mindy then gets off Lauren’s hair and slowly pulls Lauren up to her feet by the left tit like a caught fish, with Lauren still screaming all the way. Mindy notices that the bed has wooden posts on the corners – perfect. Once Lauren is fully up on her feet then Mindy drops the chain, grabs Lauren in a bear hug position, lifts her up… and then DRIVES Lauren’s pussy onto the wooden bed post like a lemon on a lemon juicer. OUCH!
            The bed post is too big to fit inside Lauren’s vagina like a dildo, but it still hurts. Mindy shoves Lauren onto the bed to finish the bitch off. Mindy climbs onto the bed, drags Lauren across the comforter by the left tit with the lobule digger chain until Lauren’s head is near the top of the bed, and then while standing on the bed Mindy lifts up Lauren’s right leg, spins around it, pulls up Lauren’s taut left leg, and then falls back to put Lauren in the figure four leglock – while the lobule digger still works away on her weak spot! Lauren HOWLS out on the mattress, flailing to both escape the figure four and get the damnable torture device off of her left breast. She’s in so much pain she could pass out any second – it’s some of the worst agony Lauren has ever experienced during a fight, if not the worst.
            Yet her man is on the line, so she refuses to give up. Her worried husband asks, “Do you submit, sweetheart?” and she shouts out a guttural “NO!” between screams.
            Mindy pours on the pressure with the figure four as the lobule digger works Lauren’s weak spot. How can she endure torture like this?
            A torment-wriggling Lauren uses her teeth to untie the stocking around her wrists and free her hands. Lauren saw how Mindy turned on the lobule digger, so in the midst of madness from extreme torture the desperate good girl reaches to her left breast… and turns the base of the metal cylinder to finally switch the cruel device off. Mindy keeps putting as much pressure on Lauren’s leg as she can with the figure four, trying to snap her leg and get a submission. Lauren winces and sucks air through her teeth as she carefully pulls the torture device out of her left tit, and then Lauren wraps the chain around her right fist. Lauren sits up, grabs Mindy’s right stocking with her left hand for leverage, pulls Mindy just close enough to reach her, and then SMASHES Mindy’s beautiful face with her chain-wrapped fist – making her break the figure four!
            Lauren’s husband can’t believe his amazing wife escaped such a dire predicament – he thought she was finished. She really is one of the best of all time. Yet she still has to slay her biggest demon by finally beating Mindy.
            Lauren and Mindy’s legs uncoil and Lauren holds both her freshly tortured left breast and legs while curling up on the bed, as Mindy holds her bloody face from the vicious chain shot. These two women hate each other more than words can describe.
            Lauren shakes off the pain then uses her quickness to pounce on Mindy and wrap the chain around her throat. Lauren wants to break the slut’s neck after the torture Mindy just put her through. Lauren stands up on the bed, pulls Mindy up to her stocking feet by the chain-wrapped neck with her back to Lauren, and then Lauren clasps her hands around Mindy, lifts her up as if it’s an atomic drop… and RAMS Mindy’s bare vagina onto the bed post, paying her back for earlier! Mindy shrieks with a look of disbelief on her face. Lauren then pulls that chain around Mindy’s throat even tighter and chokes away with Mindy perched on the bed post gasping for air, until Lauren finally shoves the bitch off.
            Mindy lands on the carpet but the chain is still around her throat, so Lauren hangs her for a bit until letting go of the chain to make Mindy collapse to the floor. Mindy unwinds the chain from her throat as she squirms in pain on the carpet. Lauren leaps off the bed and delivers an axe handle blow to Mindy’s body. Lauren then drags Mindy by the hair so she’s between the bed and the hot tub, and then Lauren pulls Mindy up by the hair, scoops her up, and bodyslams her on the carpet. The resurgent good girl then springs onto the bed and waits for Mindy to struggle back to her feet.
            Mindy uses the side of the hot tub to pull herself up, brushes blood and matted hair out of her face, and then turns around. Lauren leaps off the bed and delivers a flying dropkick – her finishing move! The dropkick hits Mindy squarely in the kisser and actually knocks her over the side of the hot tub like a field goal! The bad girl ends up inside the hot tub in a crumpled heap. Lauren gets up after nailing the dropkick, reaches into the hot tub with a smirk, and turns on the water – making it as hot as possible; SCALDING hot.
            Mindy SCREAMS as the scalding water rushes over her body, and the pain from being scalded makes her frantically try to escape the tub. She gets up and fights Lauren to get out of the tub – and lands a blow right on Lauren’s digger-tortured weak spot. Lauren backpedals holding her left breast and gasps with her eyes closed. That shot really hurt her.
            Mindy climbs out of the tub, dripping wet and in anguish from her skin getting burned by the scalding water, and stalks Lauren to capitalize on the lobule shot. But Lauren recovers enough to hammer Mindy on the gash above the bridge of her nose, staggering the redhead, and gets ready to crush Mindy’s pussy with a huge cxnt kick.
            Lauren’s husband, the “referee”, wants to turn off that scalding water but there’s not much room between the fighting ladies and the hot tub. So he slinks past them and, without realizing it, accidentally nudges his wife ever so slightly. It creates a split second, blink-of-an-eye distraction – but it’s all Mindy needs to BLAST the ragingly sore weak spot on Lauren’s left boob as hard as she can. 
            Lauren’s man gets to the faucet and turns off the scalding water, having no idea what he’s just done. Lauren barely noticed him nudging her, but the damage is done - and her gorgeous face goes ashen after such a hard blow to the absolute worst possible place.
            Another shot to the left tit elicits a worried gasp and freezes Lauren in her tracks, allowing Mindy to wind up and wallop her weak spot again… and then again… and then AGAIN, with Lauren shrieking louder after each blow. Lauren is reeling. Mindy kicks Lauren in the pussy to double her over and then scoops her up… and DRIVES Lauren into the carpet with a falcon arrow! Mindy reaches out and grabs Lauren’s legs for a cover as Lauren’s man drops to slap the carpet: “One! … … … Two! … … …” but the good girl just barely kicks out.
            Lauren is still flat on her back, though, and Mindy capitalizes by jumping up and driving her right kneecap into Lauren’s weak spot. Mindy then grabs the chain from earlier, wraps it around Lauren’s throat, pulls her up to all fours, and walks her over to the bar area – stopping occasionally to knee Lauren in the left tit real hard.
            They get to the bar and Mindy opens the door to the mini fridge, puts Lauren’s annihilated left boob inside the door jamb… and then SLAMS the fridge door shut onto Lauren’s breast – absolutely crushing it! Lauren SCREAMS, and her left boob has taken so much punishment that she’s about to pass out. Mindy opens the fridge door again and SLAMS it shut on Lauren’s breast three more times in quick succession, then keeps the door open, grabs Lauren by the left boob with a sneer, drapes Lauren’s back over the fridge door so her tits are sticking up, and then Mindy grabs a bottle of white wine, whacks it onto the bar to crack it… and then WHAMS the wine bottle onto Lauren’s left breast – breaking the bottle across the tit! Lauren yells out again as her beleaguered left breast takes even more punishment, with wine and yet more broken glass cascading across it. Lauren’s left boob looks like raw meat, and droops discolored and misshapen like a leaking parade float.
            Mindy reaches to the bar, grabs a high quality corkscrew with a horizontal wooden handle, and tucks it into the elastic top of what’s left of her tattered right stocking. Mindy then flings wet hair out of her face, stands a quivering Lauren up with her back to the bed, and HAMMERS her left tit with an uppercut so hard that it knocks Lauren onto the bed. Lauren collapses onto the mattress holding her left breast and squealing.
            Mindy climbs onto the bed, pulls Lauren up to her feet by the hair, KNEES her in the left tit to double her over, and then Mindy uses all of her strength to lift Lauren’s nude body over her head in a gorilla slam position. Mindy shoots a seductive look at Lauren’s husband, leaps off the bed with Lauren moaning all the way… and CRUSHES Lauren’s back across her left knee for an absolutely brutal avalanche backbreaker!
            Lauren’s husband winces.
            Then, with Lauren’s back arched across her left knee, Mindy takes the corkscrew out of her right stocking, gets a real good grip on it, grabs Lauren’s hair with her left hand and bends her to make sure her boobs stick up fully exposed, and then slowly but firmly D I G S the corkscrew into the titflesh over Lauren’s already abused and tortured lobule near her left areola. Lauren shivers in agony on Mindy’s knee as the redheaded buzzsaw twists the corkscrew into Lauren’s ultimate weak spot; Lauren’s throat is so hoarse she can barely scream anymore so she emits a little feminine squeal with each painful twist, until Lauren’s eyes go wide and she gasps in pure agony when the corkscrew’s tip reaches her lobule. Mindy works the corkscrew into Lauren’s left breast for almost a full minute with the good girl gasping and squirming helplessly on her knee.
            Lauren’s husband can’t stand watching his beloved wife suffer like this anymore so he says, “That’s enough, Mindy. I’m stopping the fight – you’ve won. Just stop hurting my wife.”
            Mindy looks him right in the eyes, presses the corkscrew in even harder (making Lauren gasp louder), and says, “You can’t end the fight, jerk. No referee stoppages - you told us the rules, remember?” and then Mindy turns her attention back to Lauren and t w i s t s the corkscrew into her weak spot as hard as she can… with Lauren quivering in abject, untold agony… until Lauren’s eyes and mouth open wide and she gasps out a faint, “Oh no… not again…” as Mindy ruptures her sensitive lobule once more. Lauren’s entire body has a long, undulating shiver and then she passes out across Mindy’s knee, slipping into unconsciousness from unbearable anguish. Mindy pulls the corkscrew, with blood dripping from the tip, out of Lauren’s left breast, tosses the corkscrew aside, then dumps the beaten slut off her knee so she ends up face down on the carpet. Mindy rolls Lauren so she’s flat on her back naked and drenched in sweat with her hair matted everywhere. Mindy slithers on top of her, stuffs her boobs into Lauren’s face, and presses Lauren’s wrists flat against the carpet. Mindy then turns back to Lauren’s husband and says, “I want to PIN the bitch. Count.”
            He drops to his knees, crawls over to his wife, and feels to make sure her shoulders are flat on the carpet. Lauren comes back to partial consciousness and squirms weakly beneath the redhead, helpless. Lauren’s man then slaps the floor: “One! … … … … … Two! … … … … … … THREE!”
            Mindy emits a maniacal laugh as she lies there with her boobs pressed in a squirming, soundly defeated Lauren’s face. She’s WON. Again.
            Lauren’s husband gets up, heads into the other room, grabs the ring bell and mallet, comes back into the bedroom, and hits the bell with the mallet three times: DING! DING! DING!
            He puts the bell and mallet aside then goes over to Mindy, who pulls her boobs out of his wife’s face then leans down and says, “Your husband is now MINE, bitch…” before slapping Lauren so hard it makes her eyes water. Mindy straddles the defeated bitch and her new boy toy lifts up her left wrist to declare Mindy as the decisive victor.
            Lauren lies on the carpet coming back to full consciousness after the slap, trounced and humiliated once more by the woman who’s dominated her for years. She has LOST to Mindy yet again, with her losing streak now approaching fifteen straight defeats to the redheaded buzzsaw. Mindy is clearly and obviously the better woman – without question. It’s not even close. Lauren simply cannot beat her no matter how hard she tries, and now Mindy owns her husband for one weekend a month. But she also has him for the rest of this weekend, and it’s only Friday night.
            Mindy grabs Lauren’s husband by the tie, pulls him close, and gives him a deep, long, slow, passionate kiss with a black stocking leg wrapped around him – getting sweat and blood on his suit, but he’s so aroused that he doesn’t care. Lauren lies on her back on the floor, wracked with sobs as she witnesses the result of her loss – and the magnitude of what just happened sinks in. Mindy then goes into her purse, takes out her phone, sends a few texts, and then comes over with her phone so the “referee” can take victory pose pics that she can send to UWWL Insider magazine for their popular “Secret Wars” series about private catfights. She wants the world to know about her victory here tonight.
            Mindy kneels behind Lauren and props her up by the hair to pose next to her tear streaked face while Lauren’s husband snaps pictures. Mindy does everything she can to ham it up and humiliate Lauren as much as possible while she poses for the victory pics, including making “rabbit ears” with her fingers behind Lauren’s head. Mindy then bops Lauren on the crying face to knock her flat on her back again, and then stands up to make victory poses with a black stocking foot on Lauren’s sob-wracked body. At one point Mindy puts her toes in Lauren’s mouth and flexes as he snaps more pictures. They end the photo shoot with Mindy pulling the naked loser up to all fours and posing on her back with Lauren beneath her like a pony, occasionally slapping her ass. The last shots involve Mindy getting two handfuls of hair and pulling Lauren up to show off the damage to her tits. Lauren’s husband gets close ups to show poor Lauren’s breast damage in minute detail, which makes him VERY hard under his dress pants. Lauren softly cries through all of it, enduring some of the worst and deepest humiliation of her life. 
            After the lengthy and humiliating photo session Mindy shoves Lauren down to the carpet then kisses her new boy toy again, making sure the loser has a real good look at it, and then the victorious redhead goes off to shower and change.
            When Mindy gets into the shower Lauren’s husband cradles his naked, battered, defeated, humiliated wife in his arms and she sobs out, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” for losing custody of him one weekend a month to her hated rival. He brushes tear-stained hair out of her face, gently kisses her bruises and sore spots, and tries to console her, telling Lauren that she fought as hard as she could. The weak spot on her left breast got the best of her again.
            Lauren then says, “Sweetheart, my breasts are killing me… please get my ice packs…”
            Lauren’s husband loves to comfort his wife after a defeat, and it’s a post-fight ritual for him to rub healing salve on her and give her the ice packs he got just for her sensitive and frequently tortured boobs. He gives her the two ice packs and she holds them against her badly damaged breasts, moaning in faint but welcome relief while still faintly crying with tears staining one of the most gorgeous faces in women’s professional wrestling.
            Mindy gets out of the shower with a towel around her succulent body and she’s furious when she sees HER new boy toy comforting the loser. She goes up to her new weekend lover and says, “Hey! You are MINE until Monday morning… and you’re not allowed to even LOOK at that pathetic bitch until then. Do you hear me?”
            He knows the rules, and nods his head submissively. Mindy is right – he belongs to her. It’s a legally binding contract, and his wife lost.
            Mindy walks up to Lauren and RIPS the ice packs right out of her hands, with Lauren reaching out for them like a baby grasping for a rattle. Lauren collapses back to the carpet, cupping her destroyed, bloody pulp boobs with her sobs intensifying. Mindy STOMPS on Lauren, then goes into the cavernous bathroom to towel off and slip into something more comfortable.
            A few minutes later the winner comes out with a cheetah print robe on, walks up to her new boy toy, and then lets the robe drop to reveal the outfit she used to turn him into jelly during that month in his former house: a skimpy, silk cheetah print lingerie outfit with beige thigh high stockings. Mindy likes to think that she can turn on Lauren’s husband better than the defeated dirty blonde slut can, and after fucking him for a month she knows that he has a thing for legs. His dick always got harder when Mindy wore flesh colored stockings and wrapped her legs around him while wearing the UWWL world championship belt she took from his wife. She also felt his big dick stiffen inside her whenever she whispered descriptions of his wife’s punishment and humiliation into his ear, and he got particularly hard whenever she had him think about his wife getting pinned. He would never admit it to Lauren but it’s very, VERY arousing for him to watch his wife take a three count, and the more humiliating and high stakes the loss then the more arousing it is for him; during the frequent times when her pussy is too sore for sex he secretly watches or thinks about her pinfall losses and always comes hard when the ref slaps the canvas that third time and the bell rings to signal a delicious defeat for the love of his life. A loss means that he gets to comfort her, sometimes for weeks or even months. He LOVES it. 
            Then there’s a knock at the door. Mindy goes to open it, and her Hellcat teammates Alana and Jessica come in wearing tiger print dominatrix outfits.
            Lauren, furious, yells out, “What are THEY doing here? This is supposed to be ONE ON ONE!”
            A grinning Mindy says, “The FIGHT was one on one. The contract doesn’t say anything about inviting friends over afterwards.” Mindy’s grin then widens and she says, “Get used to guests, bitch… tomorrow our biggest fans are coming over to give you what you deserve.”
            Lauren shuts her eyes and bristles at this – she can’t bear to endure yet another gang bang after being fucked by over a thousand men across her career. But Mindy and her guests can do whatever they want to Lauren for the rest of this weekend.
            It’s now time for Lauren to pay one of the main consequences for her defeat: being hanged by the breasts and impaled on a torture dildo, then forced to watch as Mindy fucks her man once again. Jessica and Alana quickly get to work installing a pulley system and then setting up a gruesome looking upright cheetah print sandpaper dildo between the bed and window across from the bar and enormous wall-mounted television. The vertical torture dildo is identical to the one that poor Staci the Ballerina was impaled on in nothing but her tutu after being slaughtered by Trisha in an apartment catfight. Speaking of Trisha, she and Danielle aren’t here because they’re recovering from injuries sustained at the recent cxntClash pay-per-view. That was a terrible night for The Hellcats, but this weekend should be a very satisfying consolation.
            Jessica and Alana finish their work, and Mindy pulls Lauren up to her bare feet by the hair. Lauren elbows Mindy in the belly, but she’s so weak from sobbing that Mindy easily stops any resistance with a crushing knee to the cxnt followed by an uppercut to the beleaguered left breast. Mindy handcuffs Lauren’s wrists behind her back and then straps a ball gag onto her mouth as Lauren emits a “Mmmmmppphhh…”  Jessica and Alana then thread a thin chain that splits in two at the end like a snake’s tongue (with nasty looking claw grabbers on the business ends) through the pulley system. Jessica takes one boob and Alana takes the other while Mindy pulls Lauren’s man onto the bed by the tie and starts taking off his clothes piece by piece while kissing and fondling him.
            Alana and Jessica skewer the claw grabbers through Lauren’s already destroyed boobs, making the good girl shriek, and then pull on the chain to hoist Lauren up, with the dirty blonde babyface moaning all the way as her feet get lifted off the carpet – her entire body weight suspended by the breasts. They lift Lauren all the way up, HANGING her by the boobs for the umpteenth time in her wrestling career.
            By now Mindy has stripped Lauren’s husband and they’re on the bed with Mindy coiled around him in her sexy lingerie, forcing him to watch his wife’s suffering and humiliation.
            Jessica and Alana slowly lower Lauren over the coarse cheetah print torture dildo. Jessica takes one leg while Alana takes the other and then they yank Lauren down to IMPALE her sore pussy on the dildo. Lauren closes her eyes and cries out as she feels the sandpaper against her internal vaginal walls. Lauren’s husband gets noticeably harder when Lauren’s impaled on the dildo, and The Hellcats take exquisite pleasure in telling Lauren that right into her ears as she’s forced to watch Mindy coil around him. The bad girls then slap Lauren’s bare ass, and get ready to set up some entertainment for Mindy and her new weekend lover.
            Mindy purrs into Lauren’s man’s ear with her legs wrapped around him while teasing his dick, as Alana takes out a custom bootleg DVD-R and pops it into the slot on the TV. The Hellcats had a tech savvy fan make a montage of Lauren’s worst defeats and tortures that she’s suffered at their hands, and the first thing that shows up on the screen is the end of the fateful match between Mindy and Lauren during the height of the New Dark Age, when bad girls swept the good girls at five straight pay-per-views in the most sustained period of complete and total heel dominance in UWWL history. It’s a time Lauren and every other good girl would love to forget, but she’s reminded of it on her painful sandpaper perch as she’s forced to watch both the TV and what Mindy’s doing to her man. Lauren went into that match with her freshly tortured tits ragingly sore, and Mindy annihilated her by tearing off her sky blue top with the opening bell still resounding and then going after her tits at every opportunity. Mindy raked Lauren’s boobs to shreds until making her submit by standing on her hair and yanking up Lauren’s clawed-raw boobs until Lauren howled out a submission. Mindy feels her new man’s dick flutter with excitement when he watches his wife lose, and she smirks. Mindy whispers, “You like that, don’t you?” into his ear.
            Lauren has tears well up in her eyes, as Jessica and Alana taunt her and rub it in.
            Then the montage shows the end of the terrible war games cage match when Lauren and the Rebecca-less Superpowers got their asses handed to them by The Hellcats in a lopsided drubbing. On the screen Mindy forces a tearful submission from Lauren by twisting her jagged cheetah print fingernail into Lauren’s weak spot, and Lauren’s man’s dick flutters again.
            Next up is a torture scene with Lauren having her tits milked, then Lauren losing a tag team match to The Hellcats with Jen as her partner (Lauren passed out and got pinned after being in a boob scissor and figure four leglock at the same time) and then Lauren endured a trademark Hellcat double dildo sandwich fuck after the bell. Through it all her man is stiff as a board watching his wife lose and get punished, with Mindy sensually narrating the action into his ear.
            The downfall of Lauren’s title reign started when she got kidnapped by Mindy and her team at the awards banquet right after she won Wrestler of the Year. Lauren instantly went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. The Hellcats brutally tortured Lauren in a secret location for days, and Lauren’s man never knew what they did to her during that time… until now. The next scene shows footage of this secret torture session with Lauren spread eagle on a torture table in nothing but the shredded pantyhose she had on under her dress at the banquet, with wires snaking under the waistband to electro-torture her pussy and her breasts tortured with all kinds of sadistic devices.   
            Mindy can tell that Lauren’s man really finds this footage particularly arousing, and she calls over to Lauren and says, “Did you KNOW that your husband likes seeing you tortured? Look how horny he is!” By now his famously enormous dick is standing up rigid and engorged, practically ready to explode, as he subtly undulates on the bed barely able to hold back the come. Mindy edges him and doesn’t let him finish yet – SHE wants to control when he comes.
            A small part in the back of Lauren’s mind always suspected that her husband was turned on by her punishment at least a little, but now she knows for sure. He’s much more turned on by her punishment and defeats than she realized, and Jessica and Alana drive the point home by whispering into her ear how hard his dick is from watching her torment.
            Next the montage shows the aftermath of the apartment catfight that was the first fall in their championship two out of three falls series. The footage shows Lauren bound to the spiky chair in the bedroom of the apartment fight set forced to watch under torment as Mindy fucks her husband on the bed, the first of many times.
            Then the grand finale. The video transitions to the fateful match when Lauren got slaughtered and lost the world title to Mindy in a shocking lopsided squash. Mindy narrates the action into Lauren’s husband’s ear while stroking his dick, and he writhes on the bed barely able to stand it. The screen eventually shows Mindy grapevining Lauren after making her pass out from torturing her weak spot, very similar to tonight, and then Mindy counts along with the ref’s taps right into his ear… One… … … … … Two… … … … … … and when the ref slaps the mat for THREE Mindy finally lets him come… and he shoots the biggest, most satisfying load of his life across the bed like a geyser.
            Mindy laughs with maniacal glee and then snuggles against him, cuddling him as his body shivers with aftershocks of ecstasy from one of the best and most intense orgasms of his life. Mindy then looks over at Lauren handcuffed on her torture dildo and says, “I can make him come harder than you can.”
            It’s a simple, matter of fact statement - but it cuts Lauren to the bone.   
            The video continues with even more of Lauren’s punishments, defeats, and humiliations, and it doesn’t take long for Lauren’s husband to get hard all over again. Mindy’s pussy is killing her after the fight, but the soreness will be worth it as she seductively strips off everything but her stockings while giving him a sort of lap dance, and then Mindy mounts her new boy toy in the cowgirl position and starts to fuck him and fuck him and FUCK him with her hands running through her red hair. Alana holds up Lauren’s head by the hair while Jessica uses her fingers to pry Lauren’s eyes open and FORCE her to watch.
            Even with Jessica holding her eyes open Lauren can barely see through her tears.

             Lauren is strapped at a 90 degree angle nice and snug with her arms straight down flat against her sides. The most famous and most sensitive pair of tits in women’s pro wrestling protrudes out between two of the horizontal straps, fully exposed. Jessica flicks a switch and the scan grid slowly lowers her toward a diabolical array of heated and electricity-crackling breast torture implements. Lauren turns her head and sucks air between her teeth as she feels the heat more and more the closer her breasts get to the orange-glowing grid, and she says, “Hot… hot… no… AAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!” as her breasts sink into the sadistic devices, with a replica of Mindy’s lobule digger working its way into Lauren’s ultra-sore weak spot and then expanding and rotating inside – putting Lauren into a level of agony that few humans have ever felt, and even fewer could withstand.
            Mindy laughs at Lauren’s pain as she clacks around in heels putting on expensive earrings, dressed to the nines for her Saturday night romantic dinner with Lauren’s husband – and now her one weekend a month paramour – at the best restaurant in the city. Alana will accompany them to record every minute of the date, which will be streamed live for Lauren to see on a tablet as she’s leaned forward at a 45 degree angle enduring unspeakable torture on the scan grid.
            Lauren SCREAMS as countless heated and electrified spikes, barbs, corkscrews, clamps, and needles poke, jab, prod, crush, and puncture the most tortured pair of breasts on Earth... in exactly the worst possible spots for maximum suffering. Mindy knows Lauren’s sensitive spots better than anybody in the world save one. The Hellcats used the scan grid on poor Jackie a few months ago (see “Medically Cleared”) but that time it was configured for the sexy southern belle’s sensitive belly. The beauty of the scan grid is that it can be customized for every victim and her particular weaknesses, so tonight The Hellcats set it up for breast torture. Yet Lauren’s belly and pussy didn’t get off scot-free as there’s a spiky, metal dildo curved deep into Lauren’s vagina and a small array of punishment devices for her belly including a pair of barbed, electrified corkscrews working into the flesh above her ovaries (a part of the grid they’re testing for use on that young bitch Ashley Starr someday).
            Mindy is ready for her date with Lauren’s man so she leans over and she gives Lauren a mocking good night kiss on the cheek, and Lauren shivers in anger as she notices that Mindy’s wearing her husband’s favorite perfume… a perfume he gave Lauren on their anniversary a few years ago. Yet another chess move in Mindy’s complete and total psychological dominance over Lauren, who she has defeated about as thoroughly as one woman could possibly defeat another – with this weekend being the finishing touch.
            Mindy and her new weekend boy toy exit the suite along with Alana, leaving Lauren trapped in torment on the scan grid with Jessica standing by to adjust the controls and to make sure Lauren’s watching the live stream of the date.
            As she leans forward suffering and gasping with her tits leaned forward on the grid her mind goes back over this awful day (despite her best efforts to forget it), when The Hellcats invited around twenty of their biggest high roller fans to an epic bukkake fuck party with Lauren as the guest of honor. The worst part might have been when The Hellcats propped Lauren up and then dropped her tits onto a bed of spikes before fucking her o-gagged mouth from the front and her pussy from behind, with fans holding her legs spread wide open – but all of it was bad. The whole thing was a blur that went on for hours and hours, and by the end Lauren’s tits and face were covered in so much come that the entire upper part of her body looked like an ice cream cake with thick, gooey icing.
            Jessica turns up the juice on the grid and it jolts Lauren back to the present, as she’s forced to watch on the screen as her man and Mindy have a wonderful, romantic night at a restaurant that he’s taken Lauren to on romantic evenings before – with Jessica narrating it all in Lauren’s ear.   
            Later that night Mindy comes back from the date with Lauren’s husband to fuck him on the bed yet again, this time with Lauren watching while bound to the very same spiky chair from that apartment house catfight. One more day and this nightmare will be over… but because of this devastating, unthinkable defeat Mindy will now have Lauren’s man – who’s now technically Mindy’s man as well – for one weekend a month… for years… with well over a hundred of these terrible cuckold weekends to go…
            That’s the kind of extreme consequence that a woman experiences when she loses a high stakes fight for her man.         


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