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Lovely Latina vs. Beautiful Blonde on Cinco de Mayo

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Offline supporturgoddess7-11-57

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Lovely Latina vs. Beautiful Blonde on Cinco de Mayo
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:44:46 AM »
                                                  Dora vs. Laura:
                       Lovely Latina vs. Beautiful Blonde on Cinco de Mayo
                                                                      By: Supporturgoddess

The Time: Cinco de Mayo
The Place: A Small Texas Town

       Some see the day as a chance to celebrate their heritage, a day to honor the traditions of parents and grandparents and past generations. Others believe the day has been altered to become a provocation, a day when some schools replace the American flag with the flag of a foreign nation, a day when some students are told not to overtly show their patriotism for their own country and are sent home for wearing American flags on their T-shirts. Most folks seem to believe there should be a way to celebrate everyone’s heritage, but in a small Texas town evenly divided between Anglos and Hispanics, racial tensions were always an issue.

       On this day feelings ran especially hot. The pressure reached a boiling point when a pretty, dark-haired Latina stood nose-to-nose with a beautiful, pale, blond-haired country girl. They stood with their hands on the sides of their hips, their eyes blazing, each daring the other to make her move. Smack! The Latina slaps her open palm across the blonde’s cheek. Slap! The blonde instantly responds with a slap of her own. Two beauties of very different appearance explode with equal fury, erupting into a blur of slaps and swings. Suddenly the blonde lands a fist to the Mexican-American girl’s nose. The Latina sees stars. She staggers back, barely on her feet. The Caucasian seizes the Mexican- American girl’s blouse, shaking her wildly. Buttons pop off and fly away, as the blouse is torn open, revealing the Latina’s bra. A punch to the jaw sends the Latina spinning out of her blouse and falling to the dirt. She looks up, growls, and kicks the white girl’s knees out from under her. The blonde falls. The girls rise to their knees and then pounce like wildcats, rolling wildly and kicking up a cloud of dust. Each knows that only one girl will be left standing to rule the town. Everyone present knows this is a fight to the finish!

       Both brown-eyed brunette Dora and blue-eyed blonde Laura were born in the small town. They grew up attending the same schools. They had always known each other, but they had never liked each other. Although strikingly different in appearance, when each girl looked at the other she saw her mirror image, across an ethnic divide. Neither could claim to be the prettiest girl in town. Neither was the most popular, the most successful, or the smartest. Each, however, held the exact same position on her side of the community. Each was the essence of the sexy girl next door, the epitome of the hot good girl. Each was the kind of girl a certain kind of young man could worship, the kind of girl that sort of young man could love for a lifetime.

       Brian was such a boy. He had fallen in love with blonde Laura in fourth grade. He immediately told everyone who would listen that she was perfect, head-to-toe. Laura was deeply and genuinely flattered, but she believed…correctly…that she could do better than Brian. Though she had no interest in Brian, she strung him along, basking in his endless compliments.

       In centuries past, Spanish and Euro-English forces fought countless battles over territory across the globe. Laura and Dora began their conflict over a different kind of territorial claim.

       Brian spent his youth pining away for Laura, but after graduation, they went their separate ways. Of course not everyone who starts college finishes it. Some spend only a short time trying to get a higher education before ending up back where they came from. Others never leave. Laura and Brian fit the first category, Dora the latter.

       A week before Cinco de Mayo the fuse was lit. The annual spring dance was one of the few activities attended by both Anglos and Hispanics in the area. The local dance hall was packed, not only with locals like Brian, Laura, and Dora, but also with many of their former classmates, who returned home from college to attend. Even in the festive setting, people tended to divide themselves along racial lines. Laura laughed and caught up with other white girls, while Dora chatted with fellow Latinas. Brian fawned all over Laura, waiting on her hand and foot. Though Laura pretended to be annoyed, she did little to discourage it, basking in all the praise and attention he showed over her.

       “Why does he make such a fool of himself?” asked Dora’s friend, Brenda.
       Dora sneered. “Laura’s not even that hot! She acts like she is, but--”
       “He’s probably Gay,” said Esther.
        Dora laughed. “How does that make any sense?”
       Esther shook her head. “Don’t you get it? He knows Laura won’t go out with him. He keeps asking her out so we can all see him asking a girl out, without ever having to worry about having to actually go through with it. I mean, I’d be okay with it and all, but in a small, conservative town like this, he could have some problems. He’s just protecting his secret.”
       Dora shook her head. “I’d be okay with it too, but he’s not Gay.”
       Esther grinned. “Prove it!”
       Although Dora desperately hoped to get back together with her ex-boyfriend, HE had broken up with HER. She had every right to flirt. Vivacious by nature, Dora took up the challenge.

       Little had changed since high school. Perpetual wallflower Brian sat alone in a chair and watched as his dream girl, Laura, flirted with other guys. Dora sauntered up to him. As he looked up, his eyes widened. He stared at Dora’s brilliant, red dress, slit high above each thigh. Dora plopped down in a chair next to and slightly in front of Brian’s chair.

       “Whew!” Dora said. “Hot night, huh? After all that dancing, I need to get off my feet for a couple of minutes!”

       Dora popped off her heels and propped her bare feet up on the back of the chair in front of her, her gorgeous, brown legs practically in Brian’s face. He glanced down at Dora’s toes, as she slowly clenched and unclenched them. He admired the curve of her foot and her shapely ankles. Then he took his time, letting his gaze drift slowly up perfectly sculptured calves, past mouthwatering, delicious knees, and finally up to the most magnificent thighs he had ever seen. Brian ogled every inch of those sensuous legs. He looked up and saw Dora looking down, directly into his eyes. She had caught him in full ogle.

       Nervously, he asked, “Would you like something to drink? I could go and--”
       “I’m fine.”
       “That’s the understatement of the century,” Brian mumbled.
       Dora blushed.

       After a few minutes, Dora returned to her friends.
       She grinned and said, “He is definitely NOT Gay.”

       The dance continued. An hour later, Brian and Dora happened to come face-to-face over the punch bowl.

       “Don’t worry,” he said. “I know you were only teasing me, not flirting.”
       Embarrassed, Dora said, “Listen, I didn’t mean to--”
       “Don’t apologize,” he said. “Heck, I’ll remember that image in my old age. I mean, I’ve known you all my life, and I always knew you had a beautiful face, but I never knew you were so hot!”
       Dora smiled, widely. “You think I’m beautiful? When exactly did you come to THAT conclusion?”
       “About third grade.”
       Shocked and deeply flattered, Dora blushed. “Brian! Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
       He shrugged. “I guess I thought you were too far out of my league. Besides, you know how it is in this town….”
       Dora’s bright smile faded. “Yeah….”
      Brian offered, “Your boyfriend’s a lucky man.”
       Dora sighed. “I wish HE thought so. He broke up with me.”
       “He’ll come around. How could he resist you? Don’t tell anyone I said this, but aside from those beautiful eyes and that angel’s face of yours, you also have the best legs in town!”
       “Brian!” Dora gasped, breathlessly.
       “No one can compete with those legs.”
       Dora raised one eyebrow. “No one? What about Laura?”
       Brian hesitated, as is afraid to admit the truth to Dora…or to himself.
       “Your legs are even lovelier than hers. I can’t deny it. It’s true.”
       Dora’s smile almost spread completely off her face.
       Brian fidgeted. “Remember, don’t tell anyone what I said.”
       Dora slowly backed away.

       Dora could not resist telling her friends what Brian had said. They, in turn, couldn’t wait to tell Laura! Brian’s crush on Laura was a town legend. The two Latina girls couldn’t give up the chance to tell the white girl that the white boy who claimed to worship her now said a Mexican-American girl was more beautiful than she was! In truth, race had little to do with the matter. In the eyes of Dora’s friends, Laura was stuck up, conceited. They didn’t care about her skin color. They just relished the opportunity to take the hot blonde down a notch.

       When Esther and Brenda told Laura what Brian had said, Laura stood frozen in place, as though she had been struck by an invisible hand.

       Trying to preserve her pride, Laura snapped, “Oh, like I really care what HE thinks? Ha! I guess he finally got it through his thick skull that I’m not interested and lowered his standards to go after a girl down on his level!”

       Naturally Esther and Brenda ran straight to Dora and told her what Laura said. Laura’s hasty words were only meant to defend against the sting of having everyone know that her most ardent admirer had chosen another woman more beautiful, but Dora knew she had been insulted.

       As the night went on, more and more people, white and brown alike, began talking about Brian’s words. Girls giggled behind Laura’s back. The country girl’s temper boiled. The pale blonde decided to take direct action…by openly flirting with Dora’s ex-boyfriend. The sultry, Southern blonde could be every bit as hot and desirable as Dora. Dora’s Ex couldn’t resist Laura.

       Dora came around a corner and saw Laura all over her Ex. Laura French kissed Dora’s ex-boyfriend in full view of half the town. Dora’s mouth fell open in humiliation and shock. Her Ex was practically groping Laura. The whole town knew Laura had been able to steal Dora’s man from her. Whatever warm feelings Dora had felt over Brian’s compliments had exploded in her face. Dora had been betrayed, beaten, and humiliated before her hometown. Laura had won the battle of the ball. Dora ran from the dance and drove away fighting tears. Her hopes of reconciling with her Ex lie in shreds.

        A week later, Cinco de Mayo arrived. The racially divided town was equally divided over how to celebrate the day. Hispanics intended to celebrate their traditions. Many Anglos were not happy with the town flying the colors of a foreign nation. They felt the day had been altered to remind them of Hispanics’ growing power over the region and the nation. Adults were not the only ones responsible for the growing tensions. Some white students wore unusually patriotic clothing each fifth of May. Some wore T-shirts with slogans like ‘Remember the Alamo’. Some Hispanic youth responded by wearing shirts with maps that showed the Southwest as still a part of Mexico. Though most students wanted to get along, a vocal few went looking for trouble. Fights were common. When the fifth day of May approached that year, the town took action. Hoping to avoid as much turmoil as possible, the town let the schools out at lunch.

       Several Hispanic families, including Dora’s own, reserved large areas of the town park. They had the park from noon until 5:00 PM, ensuring they could hold their celebrations without any significant interruptions. They decorated the park to celebrate Mexican traditions. Children played with colorful, candy-filled piñatas, while other piñatas hung merely as decoration. Red, green, and white were the colors of the day. A mariachi band played. Tacos, tamales, and other Mexican foods were served.
       Thoroughly modern Dora had little interest in the affair, but she showed up anyway, out of respect for her parents and grandparents. She wore a white silk button-down blouse and a stunning, flowing, red, gold, and green skirt. The skirt spun and flowed with her, as she moved along in pretty, bright-red heels. The event was so uplifting that she began to enjoy herself, despite recent events.

       The afternoon drifted by. One-by-one, families left. By 4:00 pm the Mariachi band had been replaced by a Tejano beat. Parents, grandparents, and children were gone. Only about a dozen young adults remained. Dora’s mood brightened further as she spotted Brian across the park, in the small miniature golf course he ran. He only worked until about 5:00 PM, leaving the evening shift to his employees. She hoped he might join her when he could.

       Just after 5:00 PM, events took a turn. Several pickup trucks filled with white young adults pulled up. Laura was with them. Everyone in town knew the park was the traditional hangout for Caucasian youth. As far as Laura and her friends were concerned, they had shown their Hispanic neighbors plenty of respect by dutifully vacating the park all afternoon during the Cinco de Mayo festivities. They were back to reclaim what they saw as their territory. Of course some of the Hispanic youth saw no reason to leave. It was, after all, the TOWN park, and they were citizens of the town. They refused to budge.

       The white youth started their own party, complete with hotdogs and hamburgers, potato salad, chips, and such. They played country music...loudly. Each side hoped to drown out the other by playing their chosen music as loudly as possible. The mood from both camps darkened.

       The rapidly-forming battle lines caused a particular problem for Brian, who had left his job and found himself squarely between the two sides. He was Anglo, but he had more friends among the Hispanics. He stared at Laura. Fresh from a day at the lake, Laura wore a light blue bikini top over her pale skin and the tightest, tiniest of cut-off shorts. The tiny shorts left Laura’s peach-colored legs visible to all, all the way down to her bare feet. She wasn’t about to admit that anyone’s legs were better than her own. Laura also wore an oversized, white cowboy hat given to her by one of her male friends. Some of the young Anglos began bating the Hispanics, looking for trouble. Laura laughed and encouraged them. Brian was disturbed by how seamlessly Laura fit in with the young men in the trucks. Soon several Latinos stood, ready to fight.

       Suddenly Dora leapt up and marched halfway over to the pickup trucks. The white boys weren’t sure what to do. They hadn’t expected a girl to answer their challenges.
       Dora shouted, “You know you just came here to start trouble. Why don’t you just go home?”
       “Why don’t you?” Laura hopped from the back of a pickup and marched up to Dora.
       Dora’s big, brown eyes narrowed. “We were here first.”
       Laura snapped, “So? We ALWAYS hang out here at night. You KNOW that. It seems to me that YOU’RE the ones looking for trouble!”
       Laura stepped forward, forcing Dora to unconsciously take a step back.
       Trying to regain lost footing, Dora snarled. “You think you’re so hot, don’t you, Laura? Well, you don’t impress me.”
       Laura laughed in Dora’s face. “Why don’t you talk to your Ex? We all know how much I impress him!”
       ‘Oos’ filled the air. Dora looked like she had been hit by a truck.
       Laura steeped forward again, but this time Dora refused to step back.
       Dora’s eyes blazed. “You better think twice, little white girl!”
       Dora clenched her fists and feigned a few lunges toward Laura, but Laura never flinched. Dora could not intimidate her. The two started circling. Boys slowly poured out of the trucks and rose from the picnic tables. Brian’s heart pounded!
       Laura sneered. “You’re the one who had better think twice, ‘little brown girl’! I might make you cry again, like I did when I stole your boyfriend and ran you off from the dance!”
       The crowd roared. Dora seethed.
       “Aw”, Laura taunted, “I think I’m making the little Mexican girl mad.” Laura stepped forward. “What are you going to do about it?” She shoved Dora back a step.
         Dora reached up and snatched the cowboy hat off Laura’s head. She threw it to the ground and stomped it into the dirt. Instantly Laura pulled the rose from behind Dora’s ear and fed it to her, smashing and grinding it in Dora’s face and halfway down her throat! Hacking, Dora sat down backward, hard. The crowd laughed and cheered.

       Dora propped up on her hands, staring up at the gloating blonde standing over her. Her brown eyes spat fire. She leapt up. Laura didn’t give an inch. They stood nose-to-nose, daring each other to start something.

       Smack! Dora slapped Laura’s cheek. Smack! Laura slapped Dora’s cheek in retaliation. A wild blur of poorly aimed blows followed. Crack! The pale blonde hit the Mexican girl in her nose. Dora saw stars. Stunned, she staggered back, barely on her feet. Laura seized Dora’s white blouse, shaking her wildly. Buttons flew off in every direction. Still holding a firm grip on Dora’s torn blouse, Laura drew back. A second fist to Dora’s face sent the Mexican-American beauty spinning out of her blouse. She collapses in the dirt. Dora lie flat on her back, her eyes slightly crossed, her world spinning. Laura gloated over her, wiping the bottom of her dusty bare foot across Dora’s face.

       Suddenly Laura looked right at Brian and said, “I guess now we all know who the better woman really is, don’t we?”

       Dora looked straight up into Brian’s eyes. Laura turned to walk away. Dora rolled over, grabbed Laura’s ankles and pulled them straight back, tripping the pale blonde and making her fall on her front.

       The girls raced to their knees and then pounced. They fell fighting furiously, rolling around and kicking up dirt. They fought up to their feet. Each curled her fingers deep in the other’s hair. A vicious, savage hair pulling dual began. Laura screamed. Then Dora let out a heart wrenching cry. A moment later, Laura cried out in anguish. Black and light blonde hair was torn out at the roots. They grunted and squealed, walking each other around in tight circles. Each girl gave little cries, as if each begged the other to quit…before she had to. Pretty faces wet with tears, neither could take much more. The pain drove them both down to squat positions, their knees bent and their thighs spread open wide. They looked like two crabs locked in battle, moving slowly side-to-side. Each girl looked at the ground, as she felt more and more of her precious hair being torn from her scalp! They slowly rose, still locked in their savage hair pulling duel. They spun faster and faster in a tight circle. Dora finally lost the battle for footing, when her heel caught. Dora’s ankle twisted sharply. Instantly Laura won the hair pulling duel, flipping the screaming Mexican-American down by her hair.

       Dora leapt up, straight into another fist, this one to her mouth. Dora fell to her knees. She tried to stand, but her eyes were blank and her arms dangled limply down at her sides. Her legs wobbled violently until she fell back to both knees.

       Laura yelled, “Remember the Alamo!”

       Dora looked up in time to see the bottom of Laura’s foot flying at her face. The kick flattened the Spanish beauty. Laura leapt on Dora and assumed a schoolgirl pin. The blonde’s knees pinned the Mexican girl’s shoulders. Dora took a pounding, but she turned and bit the folded flesh on the inside of Laura’s bent knee. Laura howled and fell off.

       Laura was out for blood. Eyes showing fear, Dora pulled off one of her shoes, throwing it at the blonde. Laura ducked it, but it kept her from charging in. Dora pulled off her other shoe, threatening Laura with the high heel. Laura grabbed Dora’s wrist, and they struggled over the shoe. Laura slammed Dora’s wrist down against the top of a picnic table. Dora shrieked. Still pinning Dora’s hand to the table, Laura swept her arm up Dora’s arm and cracked her elbow under Dora’s chin. The shoe flew away. Dora’s eyes welled with tears. She staggered. Laura drove her fist deep in to Dora’s belly. Dora looked sick. Her eyes bulged, and she looked a little green. Dora’s hands came up instinctively trying to beg Laura off. She tried to stagger away, but Laura took a fistful of Dora’s beautiful skirt. Desperate to escape, Dora lunged forward. Laura yanked back, tearing the skirt right off Dora’s beautiful legs!

       Boys both Anglo and Latino whistled and cheered. Dora lifted one foot in a brief and pointless attempt to cover herself. She had been reduced to only her tiny white bra and panties.
Dora was a bit curvier and more voluptuous than Laura. Her bra seemed ready to break loose.

       Laura swung, but Dora ducked under it. Utterly humiliated, Dora cried out in rage and smacked her fist into Laura’s mouth. Laura’s big, blue eyes flooded with tears. Her thighs quaked violently. Dora slammed a fist deep into Laura’s stomach. Laura sank to both knees. She tried to rise, but she ate Dora’s fist. Laura more cried than screamed with each punch. Laura proved much better at delivering punishment than taking it. Her eyes filled with fear. Laura fell flat on her back at Dora’s feet. The Latino boys went wild.

       Dora stood gloating over Laura, hands on hips. She put her foot on Laura’s lips, looked down, and shouted, “Yeah, I remember The Alamo. I remember the Mexicans won!”

       Laura kicked wildly in shame, toppling Dora over. Anglos cheered, but when the girls rose, Laura ran scared of the Mexican girl. With both girls now barefoot, it became a race. Dora tackled Laura from behind. They roll in a wicked girl fight, pulling hair, scratching, and biting. Dora ended up on top, tearing into the blonde. Laura’s feet kicked straight up in the air. She cried, “Get her off me! Somebody get her off me!”

The Hispanic boys would have allowed a rescue because it would have been a victory for their girl. Bruised, scraped, and disheveled, Dora would have been happy with that outcome, too, but not one Anglo came to save Laura…not even Brian. Every boy there, white and brown alike, simply wanted to see the fight continue to a clear conclusion. Boys who had been ready to fight now stood shoulder to shoulder, cheering the girls on. Though they began divided, Whites cheering on Laura and Latinos cheering on Dora, they now stood cheering for both girls, only wanting to see who would finally prove herself the better woman. They were happy to watch the best catfight any of them had ever seen!

         Laura seized Dora’s tiny white bra, threatening to tear it off. Screaming obscenities, Dora was forced to turn to keep it on. Laura kicked Dora off and ran. Dora chased her. Laura tried to hide behind some of the white boys, but they refused to hold Dora off her. Dora grabbed for Lara’s hair. Laura tried to escape by crawling under a picnic table. Dora grabbed Laura’s ankles and tried to pull her back out. The struggle was a stalemate, until Dora pulled one of Laura’s feet up and bit the bottom of it. Laura let out a strange sort of cry, as much in disbelief as in pain. Dora pulled Laura back out from under the table. Laura cowered on her knees, cringing. Her hands came up begging off.

       Gasping, Dora shouted, “Had enough? Ready to quit?”

       Laura looked up at Dora and around at all the young men she had grown up with. They expected her to fight. Pride on the line, Laura kicked Dora’s knees, sending her down. The women leapt up. Dora tried to choke Laura out from behind, but Laura turned in on her and took a huge bite of Dora’s upper, inner arm. Dora wailed madly. Laura threw away any thought of a fair fight. She dug her fingers into Dora’s eyes. Dora screamed wildly. Laura slammed the Latina’s back down over a picnic table. Laura crawled up on top the table, sitting on Dora. The pale blonde grabbed whatever food she could find and ground it into the Mexican girl’s face. Hotdogs, mayo, mustard, and ketchup smeared across the Latino’s face. The crowd roared their approval. Dora couldn’t catch a breath!

       Laura looked up at Brian and shouted, “Do you still think she’s hotter than me? Does she look hot now? Huh? Well, does she?”

       Laura took a fistful of diced onions and rubbed them in Dora’s scratched and burning eyes. Dora screamed. Her feet kicked madly in mid air. She managed to kick Laura off, but when she rose, she blinked wildly. She rubbed her eyes and sobbed, “It hurts! It h--u--r--t--s!”

       Dora’s blind swing missed. Laura’s punch did not. Dora fell. Laura sat on the Mexican-American’s back, pulling her top half up and back with a hair-pull clutch. The blonde alternated between pulling the Mexican girl’s hair, pounding her face on the ground, and rubbing her face in the dirt. Dora kicked her legs back and wrapped the tops of her feet over Laura’s mouth and chin. Dora suddenly straightened her legs, slamming the blonde over backward, hard. Laura tried to rise twice, but each time Dora slammed Laura down backward. Despite Dora’s escape, Laura tackled her down. The two rolled and fought like wildcats. They held nothing back.

       A Hispanic boy leaned over to the white boy beside him. “Laura’s stronger and more athletic, but Dora has more heart, more fire in her belly.”
       The white boy grinned back. “Oh, man! This is the best catfight ever!”

       The fight had begun with the crowd divided along ethnic lines, with each side cheering on their girl. By the end, they simply cheered. Young men who had been ready to fight stood side-by-side, laughing and cheering. They began to remember all the years they had spent together as classmates, neighbors, and friends. They no longer watched a fight between a white girl and a Mexican-American girl. They watched an epic showdown between two beautiful young women who they had grown up with. They were simply young men, sharing the wildest event of their youth, an event they would remember all their lives.

       Dora came out on top. She had the heart to take the pain she endured. Laura did not. Laura cried and screamed, as Dora tore into her. Dora suddenly stood up over Laura. Laura lie flat on her back.

       Dora gloated. “Had enough, Blondie? Ready to beg for mercy?”
       Laura cringed, refusing to answer.
       “Good!” Dora shouted. “I want more! Now it’s MY turn!”

       Dora seized Laura’s hair. She marched, pulled, and dragged Laura across the picnic area, pounding fists into the pale blonde along the way. Dora slammed Laura’s back down over a picnic table and crawled up, sitting on her.

       Dora looked up at Brian, while shouting at Laura, “Yeah, he thinks I’m hot all right, and a hell of a lot hotter than YOU could ever be! Now I’ll prove it to you!” Dora grabbed fistfuls of every dish she could reach, grinding it all in the kicking blonde’s face. She finished by rubbing onion dip in Laura’s eyes.

       Laura wailed. “I’m blind! She blinded m--e--e--e--e--e--e! Somebody save m--e--e--e!”

       No one came to Laura’s rescue. She had mercilessly subjected Dora to far worse. Everyone knew Laura was in no real danger…but that doesn’t mean that dip didn’t burn like hell!
Dora pulled Laura up and marched her over to one of the tables where the Cinco de Mayo celebration had been held. She pinched her fingers around Laura’s chin, forcing the blonde to look at her, face to face.

       Dora taunted, “Do you still think you’re hot, Laura?”
       Laura cried a river. “N--o--o--o--o--o! Stop it! Stop! I’m sorrie--e--e--e--e!”
       Dora shouted, “Were those onions you rubbed in my eyes supposed to hurt me, Laura? Did you think they were hot? Mexican girls know how to be hot, you blond bitch! Mexican girls can bring the heat in ways a spoiled, pampered girl like you never could!”

       Dora punched Laura. Laura fell back over one of the picnic tables where the Cinco de Mayo celebrations had taken place. Dora sat on Laura and smeared various Tex-Mex dishes all over the country girl. She crushed a taco into Laura’s face, smeared an enchilada across her chest, and rubbed her face in refried beans. She turned Laura over and dunked her head in a bowl of guacamole. Finally the Hispanic beauty took a handful of diced jalapeno peppers, shoved them into Laura’s mouth and then rubbed them into the beautiful blonde’s blue eyes. Laura screamed her voice out. Her feet pounded the tabletop with the speed of a drum roll.

       The Latina got off the pale blonde and watched with great satisfaction as she slowly slid off the table and cringed sobbing and begging at Dora’s feet. Dora marched over, pulled down one of the decorative papier-mâché piñatas, and smashed over Laura’s head so it wedged tightly down to her shoulders. The crowd cheered and roared with laughter. Laura sat on the ground in absolute humiliation, her back against the table, arms hanging limply by her sides, legs wide apart, a piñata shoved down over her head down to her shoulders. Laura’s bare belly pouted up and down gently. She cried tiny, high-pitched whines.

       Dora yanked the piñata off Laura’s head, causing her to fall over forward and lie flat on her front. Laura looked up. Her nose ran, saliva drooled, and her reddened eyes were on fire, pouring tears. Laura’s legs seemed limp, useless. She dragged herself on her belly up to Dora. The pale blonde put her hands gently on the Mexican girl’s thighs and forced her body up a bit, so she could look up into Dora’s eyes.

       Laura’s pride had been trampled out of her. She absolutely begged for mercy. “No more,” she bawled. “I can’t take any m--o--r--e!  I’m sorry! I’m s--o--r--r--y  Merci--e--e--e--e--e!!!”

       Dora pulled Laura to her feet by her hair. “Mercy? Yeah, I’ll show you mercy…but not yet!”

       Dora drew back her fist and hit Laura flat in the mouth. Laura flew off her feet and then crashed down. She lie with arms and legs apart, spread eagle, down for the count at Dora’s feet. Well aware of the countless cell phones and other cameras around her, Dora posed; her bare foot over Laura’s face, making sure no one would forget who won the fight. Finally, Dora staggered back to her friends.

       The fight was over.

       Laura lie sobbing in the dirt for several minutes. Though she had once thought she was the hottest girl in town, no one seemed willing to claim her. Finally a couple of the guys she had arrived with pulled her into their truck and drove away.

       Dora sat on a bench, gasping for air. She had been reduced to only her bra and panties. Once white, they were now sweat drenched and covered with grass and dirt stains. Her black hair was a frenzied mess, and she had a slight gash under one eye, coutesy of Laura’s fist. Nevertheless, when Brian approached her he saw the most beautiful girl in the world.
       “See? I told you you were better than ANY girl in town!”
       Still desperately trying to catch her breath, Dora looked up at him and smiled.

       Anglos and Hispanics looked at each other, nervously. The rush they had felt during the fight was wearing off. The angry, hateful words they had exchanged remained. No one knew quite what to do or say.

       There was no way in Hell Brian would give up a chance to be with Dora, so he took his best shot at calming things down.

       “Aw, come on, guys! This is ridiculous! We’ve known each other all our lives. We’ve been friends and neighbors all that time. English and Spanish are BOTH European languages. This is America. England and Spain fought over land throughout the world, but that was centuries ago. That was their war, not ours. THEY made peace all that time ago. If they could learn to live together way back then, can’t we do it now?

       For a few moments, silence reigned.
       After a minute, an anglo boy said, “Geez…that was so lame….”
       Muted laughter broke out.
       A Hispanic friend of Brian’s reached out and messed up his hair, teasing, “A--h--h! You should be in politics with speeches that bad.”
       Everyone laughed, but they were laughing with each other, not at each other. Soon they were joking around and offering each other drinks.

       Dora walked up to Brian. He looked down into her deep, soulful eyes.
       A tempting smile spread across her luscious lips. “They say people should make love, not war,” she said, standing so close Brian could feel her breath on his face. “If we’re not going to make war, does that mean we’re going to do the other thing?” She winked.

       A new party began, a party where everyone was welcome. Anglos and Hispanics spent that night side-by-side, drinking, listening to music, and recounting the greatest catfight any of them would ever see.

       As far as anyone in the area could tell, this was the first time a racial divide had been healed and a town had been brought together…by a girl fight.

       Dora pushed Brian to the open back door of his van.She pushed him down inside and crawled sexily over him.
       In a seductive tone, she said, “If you thought those jalapenos were hot, Baby, just wait until you get a taste of me!”

       Dora closed the van door shut behind them.


Offline bishopberkley

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Re: Lovely Latina vs. Beautiful Blonde on Cinco de Mayo
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 12:14:25 AM »
Loved the slapstick use of food and the piñata on the head. Very humiliating for the blonde loser. Well done.


Offline peccavi

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Re: Lovely Latina vs. Beautiful Blonde on Cinco de Mayo
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 10:58:21 PM »
you always write wonderful stories.
and I agree with kimval , let's read about these ladies again
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!