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My Story Continues

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Offline xxxCATxxx

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My Story Continues
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:48:47 AM »

I finally got a text message from the girl in the USA *I will fight you all over the work site you slut*, which seems like years ago now my reply +not likely bitch, city girl+.  She finally has the time to come out here and settle our feud *You fucking try me you bitch*.  I am guessing she has finally trained up enough to want to take another swing at me +More then try Bitch, going to work you over nice and slow, make sure remember each punch, kick and knee. See how tough you really are .... not+.  The time and place is arranged *Fucking staying with relatives when I get there next Monday and then we can fight you Fucking cxnt*, she picked a construction site that her father's company is working on.  Just me and her, the other phones the others friend to go pick up the loser.  Sounds like a tough fight, but I have been there before.  I keep my workout schedule going with Mei helping out as well as AppleLao, we are blending different styles of fighting so that I have a set of controlled moves instead of me always powering through a fight.  Mei reminding me that I am not always going to be the strongest in the ring.  She explained that as people watch me fight they will be looking for fighters my size to take me down.  Just on pride alone.  Sometimes it is about breaking the other person at any cost.  Mei said she was willing to put m e contact with a woman on the west coast of North America.  That I was all attack, no defence.  It is better to be able to defend and attack from a position of strength.  I under stand the thought, but not so savy on the action.  There are also some battles you may never win Mei says.  No matter how hard you fight, no matter how hard you train and a person must enter that fight knowing that you must give it your all and be thankful as a warrior you have fought someone that was your match and more.  I mentioned, well I beat you, Mei looked back at me with her wooden expression, that was only a sex fight in a club.  AppleLao has explained this to you.  Your arrogance is going to cost you Cindy.  I said she was probably right, but I did not really know how soon.

That all being said, it is time to fight.  I head out in the limo and I am dropped off at the work site.  I get the limo drivers number and put it the cell I picked up just for this fight.  I headed off as the limo driver leaves.  When I get there I can see a pit and in the pit there are lights facing down into it.  In the middle my old rival.  She sees me come up and stands back so I can climb down the ladder.  Once down I lay the ladder down on the ground.  The pit is 40 meters by 30 meters and 20 meters deep, drilled and blasted out of the rock, its surface jagged.  I run my hand along it as she takes off her jacket.  Her muscles lean and strong, she is wearing a sports bra and black booty shorts as she takes of her track suit.  I peel mine off wearing similar clothing, I toss them over to the side, as does she.  Not a word is spoken between us, but the hatred in our eyes says it all.

This is going to be a brawl, no one mentioned any rules, but the old hatred of her has reared its head.  I ball my fists up into tightly, cracking a few knuckles as she follows suit.  We approach each other carefully.  We raise our fists and get into similar MMA style stances.  I see she has a little tattoo and I recognise it as one that marked her as being trained by Sheila.  I quickly look up and there she is.  My heart skips a beat.  I have been set up.  Sheila yells down to me.  "You bitch, you fucking ungrateful bitch!  Doing that to us all because I said suck my pussy!  By the time we are done with you .. you are fucking dead!"  I look around, saying nothing.  This is going to be a long or very short night.  I sense her right fist coming in hard and fast for the left side of my head, I quickly throw up a left block and move to my right as it bounces of my shoulder with a solid thud.  It stings from the impact.  She follows with a low left hard to my right short rib but I curve in as it strikes just above it "UGHHH" as I feel the knuckles bite deep and my ribs absorbing the impact.  She then throws her right knee in at me driving it in and down towards my inner right thigh, I twist that inwards so her knee will strike the top of my right thigh THUD "UGHHHH" again as her knee digs into the top part of my leg.  I get my first clear shot as I drive my left fist down towards her right short rib at the bottom of her ribcage, she twists back CRACK, just tag it as she screams out "UGHHHH" I then spin going for the reverse crescent kick as her head is coming back.  She is not expecting it as it slices down on the side of her head CRACK, "UGHHH" as her head spins to the side.  I move in to press the attack she stays down and as I close sweeps her foot into the back of my knee THUD, "ughh", I let it go loose so she does not wreck it and fall backwards into a roll.  She is up quickly standing in the MMA stance again.  Right fist back and left hand out to swat away any attack her left leg forward.  My stance I form up the same.  We move about looking for an attack, I aim a quick kick at the out side of her leg just above the knee.  THUD, she winces.  We keep moving, she sends in a kick to my outer leg I raise it slightly so it hits my shin, THUD.  I try for the same kick she blocks in the same manner.  We throw jabs, trying to find our way through.  She throws a couple quick left jabs I swat away.  She times it just right and grabs my arm. I twist my wrist towards her thumb and do a front kick to her abs aiming for just below the belly button. THUD "UGHHHHH" I connected solidly she comes forward a bit, I drop my arm she had a hold of into her hair and then rush forward pulling her head towards my knee, she slips her hand in to absorb the damage as my knee thuds into her hand over my knee which was going for her head.  I draw my knee back and she swings a hard blow into my inner thigh "UGHHHH" I feel my leg going numb as I try to back up.  She steps in and fires a shot at my jaw, I bat it to my right with my left hand and then power my right fist into her exposed temple.  She sees it coming and moves her head so hits on the ear CRACK, "UGHHH"  She goes down low and continues her spin catching me in the back of my calf sweeping my feet I fall backwards. while I try to roll she jumps on me landing a knee hard on my inner thigh again THUD "UGHHH" my leg feels even numb, she is picking me apart.  She goes to power her right fist into my face while my head is on the rock floor.  I sweep my knee up as I roll to the side where her knee struck my thigh powering it into the back of her head.  CRACK, "UGHHH" her fist whizzes past my head into the rock floor, CRACK, "ARRRGGGG" she screams as her fist hits rock.  I drive my elbow up into the front of her shoulder muscle, THUD, "UGHHHH" she tries to roll I stay with her and we struggle on the ground her mangled fist wiping blood all over me.  I drive my knee into her inside thigh THUD, "UGHHH" as we keep struggling I do it again THUD, "UGHHH", I drop an elbow into the bridge of her nose CRACK, "ARGGG" I feel it break.  I then pull her head up and fire in the punches, THUD "UGHH", THUD "UGHHHH", THUD "UGHHHHH", THUUDDDDD  "UGHHHHHH".  I feel her go limp, but just keep on punching, bloodying her nose, cracking her cheek, blackening her eyes.  I get up off her, and hear Sheila clapping, CLAP pause CLAP pause CLAP...  I put the ladder up on the other side from Sheila, she just watches me as I climb up.  Most of the numbness gone from my leg.

I walk off the numb feeling and watch as Sheila comes around towards me.  She strips off her top and then her shorts.  She is wearing a pair of black booty shorts and is topless, her muscles leaner then ever.  Good god she is gorgeous as she is deadly.

I get ready, keeping my south paw stance as she advances.  My God she is quick.  Her left fist flicks out between my fist hitting me in the lips, CRACK, her hard knuckles making me taste my own blood.  I keep the position looking for an opening.  I snap two quick right hand jabs that she bats away, her foot comes out of no where slamming into my lower right ribs, CRACKKKK, the pain is horrible, my body feels numb and in such pain.  I try not to show anything, but when I try to breath the pain cuts through my ribs like a knife.  The force of the blow was more then I have ever felt before.  I think fuck she has broken my rib.  Sheila keeps her distance.  I try once again to come in at her.  Firing a hard left to her right ribs, she drops her elbow down and before I can even get my fist back sends her right fist into my jaw, CRACKKK, it hits like a a hammer as she twists her body into it.  My head snapping back blood flying from my lips, spittle and sweat.  I step back as my jaw starts to register the impact and begins to ache.  

Again I move in on her, but receive a front kick to my stomach near the cracked rib and the pain explodes through my body "UGHHHHH" I drop to one knee.  Sheila then powers her knee into my head, CRACK as it catches me on the bridge of my nose. "UGHHH" is all that comes from my lips.  My vision blurring, Shelia aims a kick to me cracked rib.  THUD, I scream "AHHHHHHH" as i feel it snapping.  I feel hands going into my hair.  THUD THUD THUD as her knee drives into my cheek, I feel it give to her knee CRACK... I scream in pain again.  She holds my head in place then stomps down on my breast, her heal digging into my left breast, THUD THUD THUD, I feel the tissue tearing as she keeps hitting, I try to scream out in pain.  She drives her knee into my mouth, I feel my teeth cutting my lips.  She drives in again and again.  My lips then my cheek she has already shattered.  The pain ripping through my body.  

Sheila then pushes me onto my back and drives her knee into my sex, she says "GOING TO FUCK YOU UP SO BADLY", again and again she hammers me with her knee, crushing my clit again and again.  I cannot scream out.  I feel her fingers on my throat and I feel the nails digging into my neck.  I reach up blindly and rake her face with my nails.  i her her say "YOU FUCKING BITCH"  I feel her steely fist slamming into my eye, THUD THUD THUD, did the skin tear, I have no idea, I see blood on her knuckles, is it mine or hers.

I feel her drag me up, I try to take a swing, but I cannot feel my arms.  I can feel the blood running down my face.  I feel my self being moved then falling.  I land hard on my leg and side, I feel the pain as my leg breaks hitting the pit floor.  I am still not out, I wish I was.  I see two people climbing down the ladder.  It is Sheila and someone else.  I also feel the girl I beat is now up and moving.  The first blow comes in on my broken leg.  CRUSH, I feel the bones shattering, I try to scream, but I cannot.  The pain ripping through my body.  I feel my head being pulled up by my hair.  THUD THUD THUD THUD ... a fist hammering my face.  My destroyed cheek, now nose then lips, blood spraying everywhere.  It is surreal.  I begin to feel that I am no longer part of my body.  STOMP, I feel a foot crash into my ribs again, the pain exploding again through my body.  Another bunch of punches are coming in from someone else, I hear Sheila's voice saying keep hitting her.  THUD THUD THUD into my kidneys blow after blow, my body convulses, throwing up what ever bile is left in my stomach.

I feel myself being rolled over and here "Good, you are still with us".  I feel a heal slamming into my lower abs. again and again till they break down, the heal slamming into my bladder and deeper.  I feel someone grab my head, they start to twist one my neck, I am hoping this will be over.  I hear, "Fuck, she is still awake", Sheila says, "Do not brake her neck"  I feel the hands let me go.  I hear the sounds of a cell phone being typed in.... then "Nite nite bitch" and then a hail of feet, stomping my legs, my guts then finally my head.  I feel nothing as I slip into the darkness.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 07:17:22 AM by xxxCATxxx »
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

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Offline xxxCATxxx

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Re: My Story Continues
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2015, 10:58:57 AM »
The Rain... It was the first thing I remembered as I awaken... then pain as I slipped away again...  Again I awaken as the rain kept falling in the pit... I know if I keep in this position I will drown in the pit... I then close my mind to the pain and crawl to the side of the pit, dragging my legs behind me, each meter pain then more pain.  I finally get to the wall of the pit and manage to pull myself up into a sitting position... I can barely breath, I taste iron in my mouth.  It is pitch dark.  Just the sound of the rain, hitting the water in the pit and falling on me.  I can hear raspy breathing, it does not sound like me, but it is.  I feel numb and cold.  Slight tremors running through my body.  I open my mouth, more pain as I let the water fall into my mouth.  The temperature is raising slightly or I am dying.

"Ojōsan" ... "Ojōsan" ... I awaken, not even remembering passing out again in the pit.  "Kanojo ga okite imasu" ... It is still dark, I go to put my hand to my eyes and poke myself in the forehead with a metal frame around my fingers.  "Anata no me o tēpu de kotei sa rete imasu" ... I feel someone pulling the patches off my eyes after unwinding something off my eyes... The light stings... "Betā?" Everything is blurry, I close my eyes.  "Yes, Better." I fall back asleep ...

"Ojōsan" ... "Ojōsan" ... I awaken .... I look and see AppleLao and Mei standing by the bed.  Smiling AppleLao and stern faced Mei (Always the wooden mask).  "Oh my gawd" exclaims AppleLao, finding a mirror and holding it up.  I look at my face, still puffy, cut and bruised.  One breast is at least two cup sizes bigger then the other and aches.  There are tubes coming out of my ribs on the left hand side.  My ribs are bound.  My leg has metal rods and pins in it.  Suspended in the air.  Both my hands are in metal splints.  There are IVS in my arm.  "How long?" I ask my jaw aching.  Mei pipes up "One week"  AppleLao looks over nodding her head in the affirmative.  "It will be another couple weeks" says AppleLao.  "We found a place around Mount Fuji for you to heal up and be safer then out here." chimes in Mei.  It was a long two weeks.  Very long.

After ambling out of the hospital .... well on crutches limping with a broken leg and pins, two black eyes, fingers in a splint and broken ribs ... I get into the limo, some how, Mei on one side and AppleLaos big tits in my face, helping the topside.  We are in and on our way. The drive is along one and I am trying not to take any pain killers.  Mei has some disgusting herbal drink ... A good bourbon would be better.  Nope... no bourbon.  Fuck me drunk... By the time we get the villa ... it is huge.  They rented our the whole Ryokan, just a couple of private nurses checked out by Mei a new chef and a food taster (yup Mei's handy work) not a single bottle of spirits... taste the cooking sake ... salt.

Hobble off to my room ... going to be a long recovery.
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

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Offline xxxCATxxx

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Re: My Story Continues
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 08:36:31 AM »
( mmmmmmmmmm applelao will it ever :* )

The months ticket by ... after six months and gaining 15 lbs was feeling .... not very fit at all.  Pins etc had come out a few moths before, but the pain ... the leg was fucked... is all I could think.  Beth, one of the nurses, kept using acupuncture, which was the long slow path and I had long since run out of drugs and Beth and Mei had made my mind up for me about getting more.  So, the day came, the doctor gave the all clear and Beth just smiles the wicked way she can.  I look at her, "Ohhhhhh no you don't, I need to train"  as the doctor was leaving the villa.  I walked towards the training area, that I have not even been in ... nor looked at for the six months.  AppleLao and Mei had gone to the city for supplies.  I looked inside the training area and everything from the city villa was here.  I limped towards the sparring area which was over the mats... tap-tap-tap  I hear someone running up, I spin and it is Sheila running up dropping her robe, I go to run, her laughing away.  She hits me with a low tackle pulling on my legs.  "Ughhhhhhhh" the pain shoots through my leg (not really any pain at all) when it is bent a little further then half way.  I crash to the mats trying to absorb the impact with my forearms, then try to roll to the side.  Sheila, then crawls up "Oh no you don't Cindy"  I hear Beth come in and slide the door shut.  I look up at her, wooden faced, but I secretly believe I can see a smile in those eyes..  I feel myself being bent backwards... Sheila, "remember the Boston Crab" she says mockingly.  "UGGHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK" I pound the mat as she steps into it hearing the bubbles pop in my back, both legs hurting but the previously broken one hurting more.  I keep pounding the mat, then she drops my legs, "Ughhh" escapes my lips again.  Shiela has been working out for six months while I have been laying about.  She then grabs one arm and my sore leg and applies a bow and arrow, "UGHHHHHHH" again as I slam my hand on the mats.  "LET ME GO APPPLELAO!!" I command... In response "Make me Cindy" as she falls to her bum really putting the pressure on my leg "FUCK" I bang the mats again.  I notice Beth stripping to her panties and bra.  Sheila lets my legs go and slides back.  They slap hands mocking a tag in.  I think ... shit ... Beth comes running up as I am trying to get up and bowls me over with a knee to my kidney, "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH" my whole side cramps.  "FUCK" as I feel her sitting me up, her hands on my face cradling my jaw and placing her knee between my shoulder blades pulling back on my neck, twisting it a little in different directions ... clunk ... pop ... I grab at her wrists, trying to pry them off my neck.  I hear Sheila coming up I see her standing there her big breasts swaying under her top.  THUD, she drops a boot between my breasts "HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I cannot breath.  My eyes go wide.  Sheila then drops a couple more boots between my breast THUD, THUD "HUHHH HUHH" less and less air in my lungs.  Sheila smiles looking down into my face, grabbing me by my chin as Beth lets go.  I am trying to gasp in some air.   SLAP, my face spins to the side as I fall over, spit and some blood flying from my lips.  I try to get upright but Beth is on me in a flash.  Pulling me up into a camel clutch, I do not even feel my leg pain any more.  "UGHHHHHHHHH" as she pulls back, bouncing a little on my back.  Her hands around my throat working her fingers in.  Finally bending me hard backwards ... my back cracking like Chinese fire crackers..... My eyes go wide again as she drops me to the mats, I try to curl up in a ball.  I here Beth slap hands again with Sheila.  I cannot grunt in pain because I have no air left in my lungs.  I see Beth's face, I see anger in her eyes.  I look away as I feel myself being pulled up by Sheila, surfboard.  The pain racing through my body as I am held there.  I feel Beth moving in... I hear her leap up, then her elbow slamming into my sternum, THUD, "UH............" is all that escapes, I feel my head getting lighter ... no air ... each time I squirm or resist more air is burnt up.  I watch Beth mover to my belly, getting into position.  THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD ... she just keeps hitting me.  My stomach knotting I feel my bladder give out.  I am lost, I do not know why they are doing this to me.  Beth walks up, "You are weak" as Sheila rolls over slamming my body onto the ground.  I try to crawl away, I have no tears for what is happening.  I feel myself being dragged through my own fluids on the floor.  I feel Beth pulling me up whispering in my ear "You wanted to die at the hands of Sheila", I see Sheila putting on some gloves.  Her looking at me, a stern look in her eyes.  THUD, the first fist bites into my lower pelvic area, THUD ... THUD ... THUD ... my guts are heaving I fight the foam forming in my mouth.  I try to spit it out, CRACK ... her fist slams into the side of my face.  My lips splitting ... blood, foam and spit flying from my mouth.  CRACK her fist slams into the bridge of my nose, breaking it as blood sprays from my nose.  I feel Beth drop me as I slump to the floor.  I try to push myself up.  I feel a knee crash into the side of my skull .. dropping to the ground I try again to get up.  CRACK ... a fist drives into my face, CRACK another fist into my face and I land on my back.  I feel my body being pulled over an my ribs in between Sheila's thighs...  then Beth wraps hers around me just under my breasts.  They hold my arms from either side and apply pressure.  I feel my ribs sinking in and the pain from the broken ones in the past.  They keep working my ribs until they feel like they are going to pop.  I slowly start to pass out from the pain. 

I feel them release me and then sit down talking.  Sheila looking over at me every few minutes as I try to get a breath back in.  They are both drinking water and now looking at me.  I try to pull myself from the centre of the mats... them just looking at me.  When I finally get to a sitting position blood running from my nose and mouth.  Beth walks over starts ripping off my clothing.  When I put up my arms she fires a punch into my face.  Sheila grabs a wooden sword, walking over to me.  After Beth has finished she locks me up in a full Nelson.  Sheila looks down "A little reminder Cindy!" CRACK, she beats my legs, again and again.  Not hard enough to break them, but hard enough that I will not be walking on them any time soon. I refuse to give in. Blow after blow... It hurts at first then after a bit, just feels warm.. The skin splits here and there, she avoids any points that could destroy my legs.  She then tells Beth to let me go.  I again try to curl into a ball.

"Now", Sheila says  I feel Beth pull my head straight.  I see Sheila removing her panties ... all wet and excited ... "Remember when I said lick it" she muses. "You should of just did that."   all I can do is moan in pain as her wet pussy is pressed against my mouth and she grabs my hair "LICK IT" Sheila commands.  I keep my mouth shut as she then pinches my nose shut.  I feel Beth spreading my legs as I fight not to open my mouth.  I suddenly need to breath I feel a warm clothing being applied to my face to clean up the blood.  Replaced by Sheila's hot sweaty pussy.  I gasp as I feel something penetrate my pussy.  Sheila says "Good Girl", I do not even move, she can fuck my face till I am dead.  For all I care.  Sheila waits for a few minutes more then gets up off me.  "You stupid cxnt"  dropping to a knee in my breast.  "Uhhhhhhhhhh" escapes my lips as Beth grinds the wooden sword into me.  The door slides open and someone motions.  Both Beth and Sheila get up and grab their clothes .... "Till we meet again Cindy" I notice a diving regulator fall onto the floor and Beth scoops it back up ... Smiling at me...
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

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