However, I would like to see at least some hairpulling and some open handed body (not face) slaps in a competitive match. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? How can I get the girls to agree to do this? What other kinds of rules should I implement? (I certainly don't want anyone to get hurt although I would like to see a competitive match)
Help is most urgently requested since I am actually in contact with a few girls who are interested!
Thanks for your help
My son, it sounds as though you want less of a wrestling match, and certainly not a real fight, but rather a Greatest Hits” medley of “Things Mike Wants To See 2 Women Do To Each Other.”
As you are paying the freight, this is your prerogative.
To get it done, offer lots of money, which you hold until they do these things to each other to your satisfaction.
And for God’s sake, get them to sign an injury waiver. I doubt your home owner’s insurance would cover this, even if you had the stones to file a claim. And make no mistake, female or not, your performers have the stones to sue you.