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One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)

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One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« on: November 04, 2008, 07:08:06 PM »
Hallo, Catfight obsessed here, I was able to just complete another catfight story thanks to pushing myself. It's another one I enjoy and I hope ye all enjoy as well. Please remember to comment, it so rude when people don't comment. But yes, it was a request again, so here you go.


Two indian twenty-four year old girls Appu 32C-30-34 height 5'2" and Hittu 32B-28-34 height 5'2" have never liked each other and in fact they hate each other. The reason why is because they share the same boyfriend, neither want to leave him just so they can get away from each other, for the both truely love him. Every night they try to prove to him which one can love him more only so that he can throw out the other for being worthless. But as it just makes their boyfriend like having them both more, the two girls have enough of this.

One day they request their boyfriend if they could fight one another, infront of him to show who loves him more. Pleased and hoping they would one day ask for this, he agrees. The next thing that happens is both girls, followed by their boyfriend, walked into large sitterroom with only and whitey shirt and shorts.

Making himself comfortable, the boyfriend sat on the couch, while both girls stood ready, already feeling naked. In hasty beginning both girls jumped at each other, pulling each other by the hair and ankle kicking each other. The boyfriend found it a delightful beginning as the two dragged and pulled each other across the floor.

Eventually, Appu braced herself strong enough, to immediately stop being dragged, this however made Hittu spring back instead and both girls bodies crashed into each other. With the unexpected result both girls flopped down onto floor with a thump.

Their boyfriend could not help but let out a small chuckle of how silly it looked when they slammed together. When both girls realized this they were embarrassed.

Grabbing each other’s hair viciously again, screeching like cats, yelling. “Whore!”, “Slut!”. They flatten bodies against one another, now rolling on the ground, flaying arms around attempting to wrap them around the other’s body or grabbing the other’s arm as the wrestled for control and also trying to use their toe nails to scratch each other’s legs whenever could trying to do as much damage as possible.

Eventually though Hittu succeeded getting on top, firmly wrapping her legs around Appu’s. However she had gotten one arm trapped underneath Appu’s back and when Appu accepted that she was below, she pushed her arm against Hittu’s chin and pushed her head back.
Gritting her teeth, Hittu grabbed Appu’s breast that were hidden underneath shirt and clawed on them. There was a yelp from Appu as her white thin shirt did not protect her breasts from Hittu’s sharp nails already starting to rip through the fabrics of her shirt. It caused Appu’s arms to retreat and Hittu to be firmly over tightly grabbing Appu’s breasts able to look at the helpless things torn at.

However, seconds after Appu grabbed back at Hittu’s breast and beginning to dig her claws into them. Both girls started ripping through the white shirt to get to their breasts, they shredded like animals trying to get to each other. Their boyfriend even watched anxiously as he saw the breasts starting to burst free.

Hittu’s breasts popped out first, hanging out from her chest and then Appu grabbed them like fruit viciously. Desperately though, Hittu managed to get Appu’s breast, naked and tore at them.

Unable to take the pain, Hittu leaped back up onto two feet, Getting up after her, Appu also got up to two feet, now letting their boyfriend see their ripped apart shirts as though they had been ripped by beasts, made him amused and turned on.

With shirts wrecked and torn, they threw them aside and saw that their boyfriend’s eyes were fixed at both their breasts, they questioned if he’d still gave at the other’s breasts if it had been either flattened or clawed off.

Going at it again about girls wrapped arms around each other’s chests and behind each other’s backs. They began clashing breasts together, grinding teeth as they did so, but not because of how their boobs flatten one another, but how they felt them rub against each other.

Neither could stay steady and tried tossing and shaking each other side to side trying to really force their breasts together. There much yelling as they tried to demoralize each other. “You call these breasts I feel mine crush against them!” Screamed Appu.

“”Stop imagining them, I can feel my breasts pushing yours back into you chest!”

Groaning, the two struggled trying to get their chests to do as much damage as they could to each other’s chest and breasts. But as they kept shaking side to side too much, the two almost tripped again, but were able to retain balance simply by pushing each other back.

Only standing six inches away from each other though, Appu grabbed Hittu’s breasts and begun mauling them with her hands again. Squealing as a result, Hittu almost tried to tear Appu’s hands off her, but had realized how much their boyfriend enjoyed them both harming each other’s breasts freely, she grabbed Appu’s breast back instead.

The two stood face front to one another, with hands clawing and twisting breasts trying to tear them off. Neither girls held back as the breasts were being torn out like dough. None though were able to hide how they felt, showing twisted faces as they tried handling the pain.

It became a matter who would give into the pain and Hittu tried to smile when Appu was attempting not to stand on her toes. Unexpectantly though, Appu leaned down hovering her face over Hittu’s left breast and bit on it.

Yelping out, Hittu began trying to push Appu back with both hands against her breasts, while Appu get herself biting and holding with both hands on Hittu’s breast. They stepped back and forth, Appu still holding her teeth in the side of Hittu’s breast and Hittu whimpering as she did so.

In a desperate attempting, Hittu lifted her leg and kneed Appu in the groin. The sharp blow, sent Appu staggering back holding her cxnt with one hand and cradling her boobs with the other. Hittu placed her hands around her left breast relieved.

As Hittu was vulnerable though checking her breast for marks, Appu charged up and rammed her knee into Hittu’s cxnt. There was a loud “Arghh!” and Hittu collapsed to the floor holding her cxnt now. Appu next leaned down and slipped off Hittu’s shorts.

Next Appu placed her foot on Hittu’s crotch and tried to lift up both of Hittu’s legs, but suddenly Hittu gain control of one of her legs and stomped Appu in the groin, causing her to fall down to the floor.

Already able to recover her strength, Hittu got onto all fours and quickly crawled up to Appu and stripped Appu’s shorts off. But when Hittu attempted to elbow Appu in the crotch, Appu flailed her legs around Hittu trying to kick her, but Hittu got up to her feet and then Appu followed her.

Their boyfriend watched more excited then ever now seeing both his girls naked and still going out it. However both girls wobbled and staggered around, with their cxnts still sore and their breasts aching.

Pussys not sore enough though and only just got naked, Appu stepped forward and grabbed Hittu by the pussy, crying out, Hittu grabbed back and both girls began yanking and clawing by the pussy. They stood still as their hands ripped and mangled one another’s pussy apart. Straddling and dancing, both were unsure how’d long they’d have to put up with this.

As neither could actually take it after having a few knee blows, Hittu smacked her body against Appu. When Appu almost thought she was trying another bearhug, she felt her butt cheeks being ripped at and found out that Hittu was actually changing the focus. Accepting it Hittu grabbed Appu’s butt cheeks back and begun ripping hers.

Clawing at one another’s behind, they kept ramming into one another gritting teeth as their nails tried to shred one another’s bums. As they did so, Hittu had wrapped one leg around Appu’s leg when their bodies couldn’t wrap around anymore.

They began to wobble though as their sore pussy and breasts and as Hittu’s leg tightened around Appus as they clawed one another’s buttcheeks. As the pain was getting excruciating, Appu tried to use her free leg to wrap around Hittu’s, they both ended up toppling and fell hard onto the ground.

Still body to body, it didn’t take neither girl long to start rolling around on the ground naked. As soon as the two found out this after being stunned, the wrapped around one another and rolled tightly on the ground.

Clawing at each other’s backs and bums, while trying to crush the other’s body much as possible while on top and kicking and coiling legs with one another, they tried to be as merciless as they could be. Still watching on his seat, their boyfriend loved how both naked bodies grinded and rubbed against one another.

However once both girls were sick of being this close together and were starting to get dizzy with how fast they were spinning, Hittu pushed off Appu soon as Appu got on top. Willingly Appu fell back, onto her back away from her, but when they tried to part, they had their legs tangled with one another.

Instead of simply untangling them, they tried using it to their advantage and tangled them harder together, squeezing tighter with their locked legs. Gritting their teeth as their leg bones grinded together, neither was sure who had their legs in the better lock, but kept going for a while.

Trying to stop themselves from hitting the floor incase in looked like a tap out. Not making it easier for neither of them though, they raised their legs up into the air and began trying to force the other girl to flip over. But as that became to much for them, their legs broke off from one another.

As Hittu almost tried to get off her back, she felt one of her legs tapped by Appu’s feet. Cursing she wasn’t done fighting with her lower half, Hittu rose up her feet again and tried to tap Appu’s leg back with her feet, but was easily blocked by Appu’s foot. As their other foot was blocked by each other, they were locked feet to feet and began pushing.

Firmly pressing, the girls were gritting teeth as they tried to force each other’s legs back. Their legs cranked and flailed as their feet splutted against one another and their toes wrestled trying to bend the other’s back.

It only went on for a little while though, their legs were getting no were and their toes were on the brink of snapping whenever the balance of both focusing there was not good enough. Instead they simply broke up again and tried getting to their feet.

They almost did, but their legs and feet were a little too sore. Let alone running out of breath and were getting tired. Seeing they both agreed, they instead slid up to one another on their bums, but that wasn’t easy either after being clawed so much around their bum cheeks.

Slowly and cautiously they locked up to one another and placed their legs beside each other’s wastes. Both failed uncomfortable that they were cooperating, but it meant that they were both stationary in front of one another and wanted to end this.

Both, so vulnerable with their arms laying by their sides after using them so much, in a lot of pain and tired the girls questioned if they should keep this up. However it came to them if both of them stopped now, they’d both have to share their boyfriend.

Burning back to life, they began pinching and grabbing one another, trying to find out where it hurt most on each other. They pressed fingers and thumbs seeing how each other reacted to see if that was sorer, changing from pussy to breasts, Appu even clutched Hittu’s leg to see if that was any sorer.

As both girls were get tired of this and everywhere they pinched made the same expression on each woman. So they went straight onto grabbing and twisting each other. Pulling and stretching breasts, pinching and tugging nipples and yanking and clawing pussys.

It was like they thought each other were controls, quickly changing hands every five seconds. Both women cried in pain, but tried to control it gritting their teeth. Their legs rubbed and pushed against each other’s sides trying to withstand the pain. Each was almost falling each time they were pulled by the breast, but their determination kept them up.

As both arms were becoming tired and they couldn’t take any more of the grabbing and pinching, they rammed chest first into another. Their breast felt ready to pop as they were splattered hard against another breast. It became a battle of willpower though, see who could take the most pain, grabbing onto each other’s butt cheeks and continued to press against one another.

As neither could keep pressing against each other anymore, they withdrew their legs from each other’s waists and planted them on the floor. When both were secure, they tried pushing their bodies against one another and hauled up each other by the butt cheek.

As both heaved and pressed against one another, they slowly craned to their feet gritting and moaning. Their legs cranked as they had difficulty taking in all the pressure, their breasts were flatten each other and were ready to explode unable to take any more and the felt their but cheeks about to be pulled off.

Both were now on their peak, barely standing now as they continued to use the last of their strength to force the other to submit. But it only lasted for three seconds and both collapsed onto the floor.

They laid helpless floor and gasping from breath. Both were apart from each other and were not trying to close the gap from each other. Their boyfriend gave them to the count of ten, but was smiling and well turned on by what a battle it had been. Getting off his chair, he said.

“Well girls, both of you have won and lost, therefore your going to have to keep sharing me or continue on fighting?” Offered the boyfriend.

Both girls were aching and catching their breath like dogs, barely able to get up as result. “We’ll share.” The both whimpered.

“Good, now how about we celebrated with some sex shall we?”

“Yes master.”

« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 09:40:01 PM by Catfight obsessed »



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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 06:12:06 AM »
hi it was good story, i'm waiting for u to write my story pls write a nice long catfight story.


the game

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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 04:00:16 PM »
good story.....would've preferred a clear winner though with some facesitting humiliation......but it was a good story nonetheless......keep up the good work.



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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 11:29:27 PM »
hi would you pls write a story soon


Offline Phil_65

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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2008, 01:06:23 AM »
Hello Catfight obsessed!
Thank you for the story, another great addition to the collection.
And congratulations on publishing your stories @ Seaking's!
Posting the stories to the forum is good, but publishing them at one of the most popular catfight sites is even better (at least, it makes them easier to find).


Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2008, 08:06:48 AM »
two hot chicks fight over a man is the best, I'd love to be the guy who gets the winner!  great story.


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Re: One guy, two girls and one leaves (catfight story)
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2025, 04:12:38 AM »
Thank you for the story