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WBACCF #7 Fight #4: Anna Kournikova vs Stacy Keibler

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WBACCF #7 Fight #4: Anna Kournikova vs Stacy Keibler
« on: July 28, 2013, 09:15:21 PM »
Stacy Keibler was to fight Anna Kournikova.  Both longed for this rematch and now it was here they decided on the classic setting of in the prison shower.

They stood there face to face staring at each other all they had on was the prison pants and a tank top.  It had been a long time since they first met… Since they first fought in an epic back and forth battle that neither emerged victorious from, not earning that victory was something that irked both blondes. 

Since that fight Stacy had been involved in some fights most notably were two fights with Gisele Bundchen which she split. A destruction of Victoria Beckham which was the night she went face to face with Adriana Lima and for the first time she hoped the other didn’t want the fight. She wanted a third fight but knew she needed to fight Anna Kournikova first especially after her last fight.  She went toe to toe with Erin Andrews giving everything she could, tearing Erin’s body to pieces.  She heard that Erin never had sex for close to three months after the damage she did to Erin’s vagina.  In the end Erin did the same things to her but Erin won the fight.  Erin humiliated her, dumped her in a garbage and left her at square one.  Gisele wasn’t square one and as much as she hated the sight of Adriana Lima she acknowledged not to start a new feud.  Anna Kournikova was her first true failure, it was a move for move draw.  Here she was back at the beginning and this path was to lead if she was a legendary Hollywood catfighter like Heidi Klum and Karen McDougal or if like in WWE she was just a jobber

Anna never did much after the fight and was never really interested in fighting anyone else.  She was humiliated she was at a peak then.  Still with an athlete’s body and Stacy made her scream that she Stacy was the better athlete.  She didn’t care what Stacy wanted from this fight, she didn’t care about Stacy’s legacy she only cared to prove she was better than Stacy  “Admit I won the first fight.”

“I made you admit I was the better athlete, I’m the winner of that fight”

Anna stepped back and ripped her shirt off showing off her firm body shape.  Sweat coming down her chest she watched as Stacy took in her body “Enjoy what you’re looking at Stacy, because this strong body will destroy you if you don’t back away now and admit who won our first fight” 

She stepped into Stacy once again and the two spent 10 second just looking at each other.  Both taking deep breaths reliving there first fight which was so painful and so even that everyone in attendance were a fifty fifty split on who exactly won it.

Stacy stepped back and took off her own shirt and threw it away, her body every bit the equal of Anna’s, now Anna soaked in the sight of Stacy and didn’t want to show any envy but it was too late “You lost that fight and we both know it, all these years later and you are finally recovered enough to come back for more.  I was ready a few weeks later…”

Anna threw herself at Stacy and got a headlock in and really grinded her arms causing Stacy to shout in protest.  After 30 seconds Stacy got her hands on Anna’s and started to separate them and she lifted both their arms straight up then flipped Anna down onto her back.

Stacy immediately jumped on Anna and got a headlock in and got two grinds in.  Anna tried to separate Stacy’s hands but didn’t have good enough leverage or strength.  Stacy leaned back adding more pressure to Anna’s neck.  Desperately Anna grabbed both of Stacy’s breasts and squeezed.

Stacy let go of the headlock and Anna immediately slipped out from Stacy and backed away stretching her neck.

“Starting to see  now aren’t you Anna, I’ve kept in fighting shape since I last beat you and you’re in a lot of trouble.

Anna went to say something but Stacy had moved within range and hit two jabs and a straight which backed Anna into the shower wall.  Stacy didn’t rush in she stayed patient and hit a hard leg kick behind Anna’s left knee.  Anna grimaced and reached down for her leg so Stacy hit another leg kick this one to mid-thigh of Anna’s right leg.

Anna pushed herself off the wall but Stacy got her arms up in the way of whatever anna was going to attempt.  She got her hands on either side of Anna’s head and moved her body and threw Anna to the floor.

“No special ‘I don’t need to use a scissors’ this time Anna.  No slap fests, no back and forth this time I’m going to kick you with my longer stronger legs.  I’m going to punch you and I’m going to beat you.”

“You can’t stop yourself from getting into a slap fest” Anna got up threw a wild punch which stacy blocked but then Anna drove forward at Stacy’s left leg.  She tried to trip Stacy and then lifted the leg up but Stacy kept bouncing back and avoiding takedowns while hitting punches to Anna’s ear

Anna let go of Stacy’s leg and threw a blind punch from her knee upwards and hit Stacy on the cheek.  Keibler went down and so did Anna who just wanted to land a punch.

Stacy was dazed and pissed, she started to get up only to get slapped back down.  Anna got on top of Stacy and started to choke her “End you now”

Stacy bridged and kicked Anna in the back knocking her off.  Stacy got up to her knees and jumped on Anna’s back and hit a punch to the ear but Anna grabbed Stacy’s arms and flipped her down and leaned on Stacy’s chest.

Similar to their first fight neither getting a long advantage but in the first fight there was a rule that wasn’t in this fight.

As Anna worked for a arm bar stacy used her flexibility and got her right leg on Anna’s face and locked in a scissors.  Stacy’s incredible thighs applied more and more pressure as she sat up.  She was putting everything into the scissors and it wasn’t long before anna passed out from the incredible leg strength of Stacy Keibler and her unpreparedness for the scissors move.

Stacy got up and put  her foot down on Anna’s chest and flexed.  Her incredible body glistening with a sheen of sweat Stacy screamed a wrestling catch phrase “Whose NEXT”


Offline YumiReiko

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Re: WBACCF #7 Fight #4: Anna Kournikova vs Stacy Keibler
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 11:24:51 PM »
Beautiful! *____* Very cute story, friend! XD