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Request for "BABY" 2 mature woman fight over 21 year old blonde in locker room

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I tried to avoid Vicky all day at the store, but she caught up to me in the locker room and I felt bad as I told her that Caitlin told me that I better stay away from her. Vicky was enraged. She was screaming, and yelling and beet red in pain, screaming how dare that big fat cow think she can tell anyone who they can hang out with. She was screaming how she wants to confront that stupid old whore, and talking about how she would love to beat the shit out of her. I didn’t want to debate who would win, I really didn’t want to tell Vicky that I was quite convinced that Caitlin would knock the shit out of her.” I just want to get her out of their before Caitlin hears her and beats the shit out of her. We went to Vicky’s house and she was all worked up, all infuriated, all passionate about who does this fat cow think that she is, and that she wants to knock the shit out of that big, fat cow whore.” We were drinking wine and she was just so passionate, so sexy, so hot I couldn’t help it, I just leaned over and stuck my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me like I was her prince charming and she was passionately in love with her. We were in bed, naked and making out. I don’t know about being straight, but she was kissing me as if she really means it. Soon Vicky got up and she grabbed a big, double ended dildo and she stuck it inside of herself and then she laid right on top of me and shoved it into my pussy. 



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We were kissing and fucking each other and we got soaking wet. Our sweat drenched us, drenched the bed, drenched the sheets. Our tongues dueled and made passionate electricity with in us. Then at one point as if on cue we stopped and said, “I LOVE YOU,” to each other. We made hot passionate love to each other almost all night and I just couldn’t help but tell Vicky how I would be hers forever if she beat the living shit out of that fat cow Caitlin and made Caitlin submissive. I told Vicky that if she did everything the fat fuckin whore Mistress is planning to do to her, that I would have a volcanic eruption. The two weeks had completely changed my sex life and I can’t tell you which the best or the greatest or which way, or even with who. EXPLOSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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The next day was Friday and Caitlin, Vicky and I all were working late. The 5 guys were there along with 3 other woman. We were very busy and I hardly spoke to anyone all afternoon and evening.

Things really come to a fuckin head in the locker room right after we close. Vicky had already fixed her hair and her makeup and she put on this sexy little black micro mini dress, high heels and stockings. Vicky wears a lot of jewelry, especially big, heavy rings on all of her fingers. I asked Vicky if they were her brass knuckles and she said yah, they would be perfect to knock Caitlin’s face in with. She walked up to me asking me to go out with her when we leave, and when I took a minute to think and answer her, she got really pissed off and started talking about that big fat cow, and carrying on. I wondered if Caitlin would hear Vicky and if tonight was going to be my fantasy. My heart was pounding hard. Vicky knows how vicious I want her to be. I told her that the worse she tortures and terrorizes that stupid fat whore bitch, the more I want to eat her out.

We continued to get ready, but just as Vicky closed her locker, in walks Caitlin, with all the guys from the store. She locks the door behind her and she storms toward Vicky. She grabs her dress with both of her hands and she shoves Vicky backwards hard. You can hear Vicky’s dress rip in Caitlin’s hands as as she goes tumbling backwards on her high heels until “boom,” her body hits the metal lockers hard, and bang, her head does too. Caitlin goes right after her and she grabs Vicky’s already ripped dress and she’s holding Vicky up against the lockers so that Vicky’s feet are practically dangling in mid air screaming right in Vicky’s shocked face, “Alright you skinny little slut. You wanna fight, you really wanna fight, lets settle this once and for all.”

Vicky has been caught totally off guard, but Vicky’s face turns beet red and Vicky loses her temper and she starts punching wildly at Caitlin’s face. First with her right fist she plows it “bang,” right into Caitlin’s nose, then with her left fist she punches Caitlin’s right eye. She leaves the impressions of her big rings on Caitlin’s cheeks under her eye. Then with her right fist she smashes it “bang,” right into caitlin’s nose again. Blood starts rolling from Caitlin’s nose as she lets go of Vicky’s dress and she stumbles backwards on her high heels. Vicky is beating Caitlin up with her big, full ringed fists, and Caitlin puts her hands on her hips screaming, “Take those rings off you stupid little bitch, you’re rings are cutting up my whole face.” The crowd is really cheering Vicky, screaming for Vicky to tear Caitlin’s clothes off. Caitlin is taken totally off guard, no woman has ever dared to punch her like this before, and she puts her hand to her nose and seeing blood she becomes enraged. She shows Vicky the blood on her fingers. Then as she screams, “Your rings, look at what you did to me you skinny little bitch, I’m bleeding. How fuckin dare you make me bleed,” as she puts her hands on her hips demanding, “Take off those rings bitch,” BUT

Caitlin isn’t ready for how crazy little Vicky is, and Vicky pushes herself off of the wall and she stumbles toward Caitlin, and she sends her left fist plowing “bang,” right into Caitlin’s nose again. Caitlin tries to raise her hands up and block Vicky’s punch, but Caitlin is much slower than Vicky, and Caitlin’s nose is really starting to bleed from Vicky’s big, metal rings bashing into it. The crowd is screaming for Vicky, and encouraging her to strip Caitlin’s clothing off. Big, tough Caitlin is embarrassed, her face is beet red both in anger and the humiliation of being punched bloody by this little, skinny red headed bitch, and I’m already starting to get moist between my legs thinking that I might have been wrong about Caitlin beating the shit out of Vicky, and I’m really turned on watching this tiny little firecracker beating up , and dominating the bigger dominant Mistress. I start screaming, “Punch her face in Vicky.” She grabs Caitlin’s dress and she shoves Caitlin’s back. Caitlin’s dress rips halfway down the front as she stumbles backwards a few steps. The crowd is really cheering Vicky.

Vicky seems more confident now and she holds her fists up like a man ready to fist fight screaming, “come you fat cow. I thought you were such a tough fuckin Mistress, put your fists up and fight me.” Vicky takes her fully ringed fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Caitlin’s teeth. You can hear Vicky’s fist full of metal rings bash against the enamel of Caitlin’s teeth, and Caitlin’s lips split open under Vicky’s rings, and blood is rolling from the cuts her Caitlin’s lips from Vicky’s rings and its starting to fill up in her mouth. Vicky is boxing Caitlin like a man, She punches her with her left fist, “bam,” right under her right eye. Caitlin’s eye is swelling up and starting to turn black and blue, and Vicky leaves bloody red welt marks on Caitlin’s cheek under her eye again.

Caitlin loses her temper again, you’re not going to take off those fuckin rings bitch, I’m going to pull them right off of your fingers.” She goes right after Vicky and her bloody face is beet red. Vicky smashes her right fist “bang,” right into Caitlin’s nose again. Blood is gushing from Caitlin’s nose and it’s starting to get all puffy, and blood is rolling from the cuts on Caitlin’s cheek from Vicky’s big, metal rings. Caitlin is totally infuriated as she goes after Vicky again screaming, “Wait until I get a hold of you Vicky you pathetic little bitch.” Vicky sends her right fist at Caitlin’s face again, but this time Caitlin reaches up with her left hand and she grabs Vicky’s wrist in mid air, and then with her own right fist she slugs Vicky “bang,” right on her chin, and you can hear Vicky’s teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head snaps back, and Vicky goes stumbling backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over.

Caitlin is breathing heavy now, but she goes right after Vicky to knock her senseless, screaming, “You’re going to be quite sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me you stupid little bitch. She pulls her right fist back and she sends it plowing full force right at Vicky’s face, but Vicky manages to step to the side and out of the way and Caitlin’s punch goes right past her face. Caitlin’s punch misses Vicky completely and she goes stumbling right past Vicky quite off balance, and as she does, Vicky sticks her foot out, and she trips Caitlin, and Caitlin falls right over onto her hands and knees on the locker room floor with a bang.” Vicky grabs Caitlin already torn dress and she rips it completely off of her body. Caitlin is on her hands and knees on the ground with just her huge, red push up bra and red lace panties, and now the crowd is cheering and screaming.

My pussy is soaking wet as I stand there and watch, sexy skinny little red headed Vicky totally in control of this big, fat cow, and I’m screaming, “rip all of her clothes off.” Vicky stands right over Caitlin screaming, “Get up you big fat cow. I thought you were such a tough fuckin Mistress. Get up and fight me so that I can really knock the shit out of you.” Vicky walks right around in front of Caitlin, grabbing Caitlin’s hair with both of her hands. She starts yanking, wrenching, jerking at Caitlin’s hair screaming, “Get over here you fat fuckin whore, you need a good spanking.” Caitlin is screaming too, “AAHH MY HAIR LET GO, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU.” Suddenly Caitlin lunges forward and she wraps her arms around Vicky’s knees, and Vicky screams “AAHH,” as she falls over onto her back on the ground with a bang. You can hear some of the air knock out of Vicky “OOFF,” and “bang,” her head hits the cement floor of the locker room.

Caitlin is infuriated and while Vicky is trying to figure out what just happened, Caitlin raises up and she leaps right onto Vicky’s stomach. “OOOFFF,” and now she really knocks the fuckin air out of Vicky, and Vicky is coughing and gasping for air. Caitlin grabs Vicky’s hair with both of her hands and she yanks Vicky’s head up off of the cement. Then she shoves her head back down “bang and she smashes it,” right against the concrete floor of the locker room. The crowd has gone silent, it’s so silent you can hear a fuckin pin drop. Caitlin jerks Vicky’s head up off of the floor again, screaming right in Vicky’s shocked face, “Now I got you, you stupid little bitch.” She shoves Vicky’s head back down “bang,” right against the concrete again. Then she jerks her head up screaming insanely, “I’m going to make you my slave you skinny little slut. You’re going to lick my ass hole clean, you’re going to lick my soaking wet cxnt into orgasm after orgasm, and you’re going to get fucked with my favorite strap on you whore.” She shoves Vicky’s head down again, “bang,” right against the concrete, and Vicky Is seeing stars, fuckin stars.

Vicky starts bucking and kicking and trying to knock Caitlin off of her screaming, “GET OFF OF ME COW. Get the fuckin off of me you big, fat cow,” but Caitlin is much bigger and stronger than Vicky, and Vicky can’t do anything to fuckin knock Caitlin off of her. Vicky’s arms are free and she reaches up with her left hand, and she takes her long, sharp red/orange fingernails and she starts grabbing, scratching, trying to tear open Caitlin’s skin. She grabs Caitlin’s huge right breast and she bigs her long, sharp nails right into her big sexy tit, and with her right hand she starts flailing, trying to punch Caitlin in her face. Caitlin still has her hands wrapped through Vicky’s hair, and Caitlin is even more infuriated, and Caitlin fuckin starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” cracking Vicky’s fuckin skull over and over again against the cement floor of the locker room. Vicky’s was starting to get weaker, but Caitlin screams, “AAAHHH, YOU FUCKIN BITCH,” as she grabs Vicky’s left hand, and then she grabs her right hand, and she starts struggling hard, trying to hold the weaker little red heads wrists down to the ground. Vicky is struggling hard too, and she manages to move her hands up, BUT

Caitlin is bigger and stronger than Vicky, and Vicky’s arms seem to tire, and then they just buckle, and Caitlin holds her hands down to the concrete above Vicky’s head. Caitlin let’s out a laugh screaming, “Now I’m going to take those fuckin rings right off of your fingers you pathetic little bitch. I’m going to,” but all of a sudden Vicky raises her head up and she clamps her teeth down right onto Caitlin’s huge left breast. Caitlin lets out a blood curdling scream, “AAAAAAHHHHHHH,” as  she leaps up off of Vicky, trying to get to her feet, BUT Caitlin loses her balance and she trips, and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement, and Caitlin’s big sexy tits are bounching up and down and up and down. You can see bloody red teeth marks on Caitlin’s big left breast. The crowd is roaring. Caitlin grabs her huge bloody breast crying out, ‘YOU BIT ME YOU WHORE. YOU SKINNY FUCKIN SLUT, YOU BIT MY FUCKIN TIT, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU. I’M GOING TO FUCKIN Kill YOU.”

Vicky sits up and her eyes are still swimming around in her head. She tries to shake some of the cob webs out of her head and then slowly she gets up onto her wobbly, rubbery legs. The crowd is cheering Vicky as Vicky stands up straight, but quickly, one of her knees almost buckle and Vicky starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back on her wobbly legs. Caitlin is bloody and she’s breathing hard too. She can’t take her hand off of her throbbing, aching bloody breast and as she gets halfway to her feet, she almost falls back down. She’s trying to remove her hand from her aching, bloody breast, but she can’t. Caitlin stands there with tears welling in her eyes, and she starts screaming, “YOU BIT ME WHORE, YOU FUCKIN BIT ME. I’M GOING TO KILL YOU. I’M GOING TO FUCKIN KILL YOU,” BUT

Vicky stumbles forward and she sends her right fist plowing “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Caitlin’s fat cow stomach. “OOOFFF,” She knocks the air right out of her, and Caitlin grabs her aching belly as she bends forward gasping for fuckin air. Vicky has this totally crazed, insane look on her face as she yanks Caitlin’s head up, and Caitlin has a look of extreme pain as she tries to regain her breathe. Vicky screams, “Baby is mine you fat cow.” She shoves Caitlin’s head down as she raises her right knee and Vicky smashes Caitlin’s jaw “bang,” right onto her rising knee. You can hear Caitlin’s teeth knock together and chatter in her head, as her head swings straight up in the air, and Caitlin is stood straight up on her feet.

Caitlin raises up and she starts to stumble backwards on her high heels until her head comes back down, and when it does, Caitlin is knocked silly. Her eyes are swimming around in her head and her legs are all wobbly. She has to hold her hands out in front of herself to try and maintain her balance, and then she just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then Caitlin just gets this silly little smile across her face. She has this goofy little grin right across her face. Vicky grabs Caitlin’s shoulder’s and she pushes her back against the metal lockers, and Vicky is completely crazed now as she screams, “Baby, Baby look at her. Take a good look at your tough Mistress now Baby. This fat fuckin cow, I thought she was such a big tough Mistress, and look at her. I beat her up, and now I’m really going to show you Baby just what a weak, pathetic fat cow your Mistress really is.” Caitlin is just standing there and she can’t do anything, she fuckin beat up and weak, and she doesn’t say a word, she’s fuckin startled.

My pussy is dripping now. There is a serious fire in between my legs and I can feel the volcano trembling, and I’m having shotting hot spasms throughout my body. My pussy is fuckin vibrating. I’m really getting off on watching my hot little lover completely dominating and humiliating this big fat cow. Vicky screams, “And now I’m going to make you my slave cow. You’re going to tell Baby that you’re my slave. You’re going to fuckin tell Baby that you’re going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on you big, weak fat cow slave, you are to address me as Mistress when you want to speak to me.” TEARS START ROLLING FROM MY EYES, I’M SO OVERCOME THAT VICKY IS DOING ALL THIS FOR ME, FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicky shows Caitlin her right fist laughing and screaming viciously, “ARE THESE THE RINGS THAT YOU WANT SO BAD COW.” Vicky takes her fully ringed fist and “bang,” she sends it plowing “bang,” right into Caitlin’s nose, straight into it. Blood is still gushing from Caitlin’s nose, it’s starting to get all puffy now and Caitlin puts her hand to her nose and she’s crying, tears are rolling down her cheeks and she cries out, “STOP.” Vicky smashes her ringed fist “bang,” right into Caitlin’s nose again and this time you can hear the bone break and the silence. Blood is squirting from Caitlin’s nose. The crowd has gone silent, it’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. The only sound you can hear is Caitlin crying and crying like a little girl.

Vicky screams “Say it. Fuckin say it you fat cow.” Caitlin cries out, “ My pussy is soaking wet and boiling hot as I stand there watching Mistress Caitlin’s huge, sexy breasts bouncing, flopping around right in front of Vicky, right in front of everyone, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and Caitlin is crying like a little girl and blood is still squirting out of her nose as she looks right at me and passionately cries out, “I’M YOUR SLAVE MISTRESS. I’M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE MISTRESS. I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME TO DO MISTRESS.” The crowd is going crazy, and the volcano is getting closer to erupting and I can see Vicky’s panties are drenched and I can see her hot juices are rolling down her legs, and I can tell her pussy is thumping and aching. I feel so warm and loved as my sexy, hot little red headed bitch is putting on a special show just to get me off.

Vicky holds her fists up like a man screaming, “I knocked the shit out of you Caitlin you big fat cow, and now I’m going to knock the shit out of those big, fat cow tits of yours.” Vicky starts punching Caitlin’s big, sexy tits, “right fist “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth, she’s using Caitlin’s huge sexy breasts as punching bags. The crowd is roaring and screaming. Feebly Caitlin is holding her hands out in front of herself crying out, “I’M SORRY MISTRESS, PLEASE STOP MISTRESS, PLEASE STOP I’M SORRY,” BUT Vicky is really getting off on giving everyone a really good show, and she just keeps on punching Caitlin’s big tits, until Caitlin’s tits are all swollen and black and blue. Everyone in the locker room is excited and sexually turned on as they cheer and cheer.

Vicky grabs Caitlin’s hair and she screams, “Get on your hands and knee’s slave.” Vicky pulls Caitlin right over onto her hands and knees. She starts dragging her around the locker room on her hands and knees, and Caitlin’s knees are getting all scraped and bloody, and Caitlin is crying and screaming, “STOP, PLEASE STOP MISTRESS,” but Vicky is getting off on humiliating this fat cow and she’s not going to fuckin stop. She drags Caitlin right in front of me, and she pulls Caitlin’s head down so that Caitlin’s ass is sticking up in the air. Vicky grabs Caitlin’s huge panties and she rips them right off. Vicky throws the panties to the floor and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she starts “bam, bam, bam,” spanking Caitlin’s left cheek, and then “bam, bam, bam,” spanking her right cheek. She’s smacking the shit out of Caitlin’s ass with the open palm of her hand. Vicky screams, “Look at her Baby, look at your tough Mistress now Baby, she loves spankings so much, now I’m giving her the spanking she deserves.” Everyone in the locker room is really turned on watching, big tough Mistress Caitlin’s tits bounce each time the open palm smacks against her ass.

I’m so turned on, so fuckin excited my sexy, 43 year old red headed lover is showing me just how vicious and nasty she can be FOR ME., FOR ME. Vicky just keeps on “bam, bam, bam, bam,” spanking Caitlin’s ass until Caitlin’s ass is all swollen and black and blue and blood is rolling from the bloody red welt marks on Caitlin’s ass. Vicky screams, “Baby could you get me my pocketbook, right next to my locker.” I walk over and grab Vicky’s huge black pocketbook and I bring it to her. Vicky pulls out this big hard strap on rubber cock and she starts laughing as she straps it on to herself. She’s standing right behind Caitlin, and Caitlin has no idea of what Vicky is doing behind her. Then Vicky grabbed Caitlin’s hair and she screamed, “Get up on your feet cow.” She yanks Caitlin standing straight up on her wobbly legs, and Vicky puts the dildo right up against Caitlin’s anus. Then before Caitlin has a chance to think, Vicky shoves that big, hard erect rubber cock right into Caitlin’s ass hole. The crowd is cheering and cheering.

Caitlin’s eyes almost bulge right out of her head and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAHHHH,” as she starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of the cock screaming, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, GET IT OUT, PLEASE GET IT OUT PLEASE YOU’RE HURTING ME.” Vicky starts fuckin Caitlin up her ass. She’s plunging that big, hard, erect rubber cock in and out of Caitlin’s ass hole. Vicky drags Caitlin right in front of me. Caitlin is still hot, but she looks so pathetic as Vicky is holding her up on her rubbery legs, with that big cock plowed deep into her ass hole. Caitlin is beet red in embarrassment and she’s crying like a little girl. Vicky drags her right in front of me and she screams, “Look at Baby Caitlin you big, fat cow.” Caitlin is looking at me and Caitlin is knocked silly and she’s all pummeled, and she’s weak. Caitlin is all swollen and bloody and black and blue. Vicky is really knocking the fuckin shit out of Caitlin.

Vicky laughs as she screams, “Alright, now do you know what you’re going to do Caitlin you big, fat cow. You’re going to moo. You’re going to fuckin moo for Baby and you’re going to tell Baby that her Mistress is a real woman, and that she is just a stupid, pathetic, weak fat cow. Now let me hear you moo.” My legs are shaking, and my whole body is vibrating now. I have a beam of heat running deep into my body and I can feel the pressure building inside of me. I’m a fuckin volcano really to burst, ready to explode, as Caitlin stands there all beat up and submissive now, and she lets out a loud long, “MOOOOO.” This big, tough Mistress is a crying, pathetic weak fat cow, and Vicky screams, “Moo cow, and keep mooing until I say you can stop.” Caitlin is crying and crying, but she’s totally submissive to Vicky now and she starts to “MOOOOOO, MMMOOOOOOO, MMMOOOOOOO,” mooing and mooing over and over again like that fat cow that she is. 

Caitlin is mooing like a cow over and over again, and she’s right in front of me. Vicky laughs and pulls that big hard dildo out of Caitlin’s ass hole screaming, “get on your hands and knees you fat cow. Lick and suck my cock clean you fat fuckin whore.” Caitlin is totally submissive to Vicky and she gets down onto her hands and knees and she takes that big, hard rubber cock in her hands and she sticks her tongue out, and she starts licking that dildo clean. She’s licking it feverishly, over and over again like a dog licking its master. Vicky screams, “Suck it clean cow. Suck your cock clean you fat pig.” Caitlin starts sucking it like she’s sucking her husbands cock. She’s passionately sucking it off right in front of everyone. Then Vicky pulls it out of Caitlin’s mouth and she unstraps the big cock from herself. She pulls the penis out of its holster and now she just holds the big, hard erect cock showing it to Caitlin and to the crowd. The crowd is really cheering. She hands the dildo to Caitlin screaming, “Now fuck yourself with it cow. Masturbate your cxnt you fat fuckin whore, with your brand new cock.” 

The crowd has gone silent again. Everyone just stands there watching as Caitlin, big, tough dominant Mistress Caitlin is totally submissive to sexy little Vicky, and Caitlin doesn’t hesitate. She takes that big, hard erect rubber penis and she shoves it right into her wet hot pussy. IT WAS VERY OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE IN THE CROWD AS THEY WATCH CAITLIN’S HUGE NIPPLES BECOME ALL HARD AND ERECT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE IN THE CROWD. They’re like baby bottle nipples, rock hard and beet red, and Caitlin looks scorching hot, all bloody and black and blue, fucking herself with that big, hard erect rubber cock. She’s punched silly like a goofy fat cow rag doll, on her wobbly, rubber legs, and Caitlin is crying and crying as she cries out, “ALRIGHT BITCH ENOUGH. That is enough.”

Vicky is cruel, and she really wants to show Baby what she will do for her. She wants Baby to have the most earth shattering orgasm of her life, and love her forever. Vicky shows Baby her fully ringed left fist, and Vicky is laughing as she screams, “I’ll teach you cow, with these rings. You thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought that you were such a tough Mistress and that you were going to beat me up and take my rings. You threatened to beat me up with these rings on your fist.” Vicky takes her left fist, with all of her big, heavy rings and she punches her, “bang,” right in her teeth. You can hear Vicky’s big rings crack against the enamel of Caitlin’s teeth, and Caitlin’s lips split open under the rings, and blood is rolling from the corner of her mouth and its starting to fill up in Caitlin’s mouth.

Vicky is laughing as she screams, “Look at her Baby, look at your tough, big fat cow Mistress now, telling me, her Mistress when she’s had enough. You don’t think this stupid fat cow has had enough, do you Baby.” My whole body is shaking, vibrating, pulsating in excitement, I’m all pins and needles. My fuckin teeth are chattering in my head, and my pussy is really thumping now.” Vicky is my hero, my woman, my love of my life. My eyes are full of tears, tears of joy, tears of elation, tears that I know my cxnt is going to blow like an erupting volcano any minute now, and that this is going to by far be the very most mind blowing orgasm I ever experienced before. I cry out “NO.” Vicky screams, “No Mistress you weak little bitch.” It takes every bit of effort that I can muster up to cry out, “NO MISTRESS.” 


Caitlin is completely humiliated. She’s fucking herself with that big, hard erect rubber cock, over and over again, right in front of everyone, right in front of me. Vicky grabs my hair and she screams, “Now take your clothes off slave. You don’t think I know what was going on.” I’m scared, but I’m so fuckin excited. I slowly take off my dress, and my bra, and slide out of my panties and kick them away. The crowd is going crazy, and I’m embarrassed, but I’m shaking and shaking both from the excitement and the anticipation. Vicky grabs my hair screaming, “Get on your hands and knees slave.” She pulls me over onto my hands and knees. Vicky laughs and she screams, “I put you’re big, tough fat cow Mistress in her place and now I’m going to put you in your place. Now get on your hands and knees bitch.” I’m usually a lot more dominant than this, but my pussy is aching, as she pulls me over so that my ass is sticking straight up in the air.

Vicky takes the open palm of her right hand and she starts spanking me. “bam, bam, bam,” right cheek, “bam. Bam, bam,” left cheek. My ass was starting to sting, and then to burn as its first pink and then red, and starting to get all puffy. Vicky screams, “Now you’re going to be my slave too. You’re going to love your Mistress Baby.” I’m looking over at Caitlin, she’s still fucking herself with that big rubber dick. She’s masturbating herself with that huge artificial penis, and I can’t help but laugh to myself at how weak and pathetic Caitlin looks now as the crowd is screaming, and I can see a couple of the guys with their cocks in their hands and a couple of the woman playing with their soaking wet pussies. I can’t help myself, I desperately start crying out, “I LOVE YOU MISTRESS, I’M YOUR SLAVE AND I LOVE YOU MISTRESS.”  The crowd is cheering.

Vicky shoves Caitlin over onto her back and she sits down on Caitlin’s huge, sexy black and blue tits, and Caitlin’s huge, right baby bottle sized nipple is engulfed by Vicky’s wet, hot pussy. Vicky looks so savage, covered in sweat, and her nipples are rock hard through her bra, and Vicky is panting, and making these sexy little noises, “AAHH, AAHH, AAHH, AAHH,” over and over again. Vicky raises up and she holds her tight, sexy little ass up only inches over Caitlin’s face screaming, “Look Baby, Look at what I’m doing to your big, tough fat cow Mistress now Baby. Now you’re going to stick your tongue out you fat cow, and you’re going to lick my ass hole clean with your tongue.”  Caitlin is completely obedient to little Vicky and she raises her head up, and she stuck her tongue out and raises her wobbly head up off of the floor of the locker room, and everyone starts laughing as Caitlin’s eyes are still swimming around in her head, and she still has this silly little smile this goofy little grin right across her face as she starts licking Vicky’s ass hole with her tongue. Vicky starts laughing as she screams, “Look at what I’m doing to her Baby. You thought that she was such a tough Mistress, and look at her now Baby.

Baby screams, “Get over here Baby. Now you’re going to lick me into orgasm with your tongue. You’re going to eat your Mistress’ cxnt and show your Mistress just how much you appreciate what she is doing for you, BUT FIRST, Caitlin is going to moo again. Your big, tough fat cow Mistress is going to moo again, only this time she’s going to moo right into my ass hole. Tough Mistress Caitlin is going to moo into my ass hole for you Baby. Now moo cow.” Caitlin is “MOOOOO, MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” mooing over and over again right into Vicky’s sexy little ass. My pussy is aching, it’s begging, its crying and dripping my hot volcanic juices. Vicky screams, “Get over here Baby and lick my cxnt. Lick your Mistress/lover’s soaking wet pussy into orgasm. Vicky is sitting on Caitlin’s face and I lay down on Caitlin and move my face up right up to her huge exposed breasts..

I can’t help myself. I stick Caitlin’s huge baby bottle sized left nipple and I stuck it right in my mouth. I felt the rush of excitement, and the heat as I sucked Caitlin’s big, hard erect nipple. Then I move my head up right in between Vicky’s legs, and I can see Vicky’s pussy has juices dripping out of it. I stick my tongue in. I spear her cxnt with my stiff tongue, and then I loses my tongue up and I start slurping Vicky’s soaking wet pussy. I’m licking beautiful Vicky passionately, making love to her wet hot pussy with my tongue just like I would want her to do to me. I feel the vibrations of Caitlin’s muffled MOO’s inside of Vicky’s pussy. Vicky starts dry cumming. Her body is twitching, vibrating, wrenching as she’s “MOOOOO, MOOOOO, MOOOOO,” mooing like a fuckin fat cow over and over again right into Caitlin’s ass hole. I’m still licking her out and she screams, “suck me off Baby., suck my cum out of me baby, I love you. I fuckin love you.” I start sucking her like a vaccum cleaner. Licking her, making passionate love to Vicky’s soaking hot pussy. Vicky starts “OOOOOOOHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, having convulsions over and over again, right on my tongue. She’s howling and screaming like a wounded animal. She exploding insanely over and over again on my tongue and then she laps back off of Caitlin. She’s sitting right behind Caitlin’s head and she screams, “SIT ON HER FACE BABY. MY SLAVE IS GOING TO LICK YOU INTO ORGASM TOO BABY. THIS FAT FUCKIN WHORE IS GOING TO EATMY BEAUTIFUL SEXY, HOT LOVER INTO AN LIFE ALTERING ORGASM.

I LEAP RIGHT UP ON Caitlin’s face, and I can feel Caitlin stick her tongue out, and she slides it right up between my legs. I’m sitting on this big fat cow’s face and she’s licking me over and over again, feverishly like a dog licking its master. My nipples are rock hard and beet red and Vicky leans forward and she grabs my big hard erect nipples with both of her hands and she twists them just hard enough to make me moan “EEEYYYOOO.” Vicky sticks her tongue into my mouth and we start kissing each other passionately. Vicky’s time and my tongue seemed to be dueling in time and Caitlin’s tongue inside my soaking wet pussy was driving me completely out of my mind. I push Vicky back and I’m dry cumming, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” OH, OH MY GOD. I’m wrenching, twisting, vibrating. I can feel the trembling, the rumbling of the volcano. I’m having hot shooting spasms inside of my body. Tears start streaming down my cheeks, and I start giggling, laughing hysterically as I’m trying to cum. I’m “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” desperately begging and crying out, “PLEASE, PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU, OOHH, OOHH PLEASE.”

All of a sudden Caitlin starts to “MOOOOO, MOOOOOO, MOOOOO,” over and over again into my cxnt. She’s mooing like a cow right into my pussy. the vibrations of her lips inside my cxnt is making me “OOOOOOHHHHHHHH, and I start ‘OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOOHHHHHHH,” and I’m screaming at the top of my lung, convulsion, spasms, erupting volcano. I’m screaming and howling like a wounded animal. Vicky raises up and she starts to piss right on my cxnt as Caitlin is eating it. She’s pissing a warm yellow stream of hot urine is dripping off of me and joining with the piss spraying all over Caitlin’s face and on her big, sexy tits.

Vicky and I drag ourselves out of there and can’t wait to get home to……………   



Offline Abbey

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Johnny super hot story ur a super writer that baby is a lucky....