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story: Teresa Palmer vs. Naya Rivera

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story: Teresa Palmer vs. Naya Rivera
« on: August 14, 2013, 02:10:43 AM »
Teresa Palmer always tried to stay zen but hearing Ashley Greene had fought Ashley Benson irritated her.  Equal fights fought and won and she’d take on a woman she wanted to tear apart for no reason.  She was mad that she was so close to getting her fight with one more win and now needed two.  She wanted to beat up Naya Rivera and then find Ashley.

She was in her car looking at Naya on the beach, dreaming about her fist colliding with Ashley’s face.  Just a few weeks back she went to her friend Dianna Agrons house to tell her how close she was to fighting Ashley.  She wanted Dianna to see her finally prove she not Ashley was the best at this.  What she found sickened her, Dianna was beaten up badly.  Her friend who never tried to fight anyone because she knew she’d lose was beaten up by someone who Teresa never paid attention to.

She promised Dianna that she would avenge this even though Dianna didn’t want her fighting Naya.  Naya might not be Kaley Cuoco but would be her toughest fight to date simply because Kaley didn’t always have the mean streak needed to win a fight.  Naya was all mean streak, it was her rep and she dressed to show it.  So many women of similar age and height avoided Naya simply due to a reputation that in Teresas mind wasn’t earned.

So badly she wanted to fight Naya and then Ashley but now she needed two more fights and one of them was damn well going to be Naya Rivera.  There she was on the beach, so easy to follow and ask for a fight.  She wondered who else there was, who would step up and challenge her.

‘You know it won’t matter anyway, all you do and all you win its going to end with you losing to me!”

She had a vision of Ashley Greene seating next to her “Really Ashley, really.  Everything you can do I can do.  You’ve avoided those kinds of women in every fight, if they match up well physically with you, then you got the experience factor.”

“Still mad about the Benson fight, well she had as much experience against others when I fought her that I had when I fought Megan Fox… Difference I won.”

“Kaley’s greater then Megan and I knocked her out.  Knocking you out isn’t satisfying enough. You need to know which of us is better.  Its why you won’t fight me, its why you stick your chest out when we’re together.  It’s your biggest fear now that you have so much respect and adulation which you don’t want to lose.  When we fight and I will get two more wins and we will fight, I’m going to beat you and show you for what you are, my inferior.”

Ashley was no longer there but a young person was at her window “Hi”

“The girl from Glee wanted me to give you this.”

It was a cell phone and Teresa thanked her and the young girl left.  A text message came in and it read ‘Want to avenge your friend, meet me under the pier. NR’

Teresa looked and Naya was no longer on the beach but heading towards a pier on the back of a all terrain vehicle.  Teresa drove her car towards the pier, watching the road and watching the vehicle Naya was on. 

It was not a popular pier and Teresa realized something strange was going on.  IT had a no entry due to safety sign but nothing seemed wrong with the pier itself.  She got out of her car and removed her shirt and jean shorts now she only had her bikini on which matched Naya.  The all terrain vehicle left and another text message came in ‘You bringing it or are you afraid I’ll beat you like Dianna’

“Dirty bitch”

Teresa stormed down to find Naya waiting for her, the latina actress put down the phone on a little break in a pillar.  “This pier has seen so many catfights, I hope you give me a bit more of a fight then your friend did.”

“You know she never wanted to fight anyone, she knows what she is and you went to her house… To her house and that isn’t right”

“You going to set me straight, make me see the err of my ways.  Make me call Dianna and beg forgiveness.”  Naya’s tits barely contained in her small bikini started walking toward Teresa, her hand going up and down her stomach she wanted to make sure Teresa could see the six pack stomach with oblique muscles that were very impressive.

She never really sized up Teresa but if she did she would have seen an Australia with a very impressive body.  Smother worthy tits, very impressive mid region she didn’t have the obliques as Naya but you could tell the muscle tone on each six muscles.  Naya was two feet away from Teresa looking for the hint of fear so many others who claimed they wanted to fight her ended up having when it was time to fight.

“So Teresa here I am and there you are” SLAP

“Now you’re on the ground bitch.” 

“Whore.” Naya took Teresa down and got on top of her and hit the blonde with two slaps but unlike her fight with Dianna Agron she was now fighting someone who was fighting back.

Teresa grabbed Naya’s bikini top with her left hand and yanked Rivera down and slapped Naya in the back of the head.  Naya got her arm up and took Teresa back down to her back where the two women started rolling around in the sand.

Back and forth for a good three minutes of ripping at hair and scratching the others face they pushed apart.  On their knees Teresa threw a punch and Naya leaned back dodging the punch and got her hand on the back of the blonde locks, pushed Teresa face into the sand and sat atop her back.

Naya rubbed Teresa’s face in the sand “Bitch friend of a whore.” She yanked Teresa’s head up twisting her hands into the blonde locks. 

Teresa’s eyes closed tight fighting the urge to scream “You bit off more than you can chew, I’m the real #1”

Teresa reached up and got two handfuls of Naya’s hair and when Naya pushed her face first into the sand she threw Naya off.

They both got up and Naya went after Teresa going for the hair but ended up being hip tossed down to the sand.  Teresa immediately sat just under Naya’s tits and hit her with four quick slaps, two with the right and two with the left.

Naya arched up and sent Teresa down face first into the sand she got up quick and jumped on Teresa’s back and reached around and milked Teresa’s tits getting a scream.  She lifted Teresa up and was about to dig in when Teresa got one foot behind Naya’s leg and hit a drop toe hold.  Free from Naya’s death grip she jumped down and locked in a headlock making sure she pressed Nayas mouth and nose into the sand

Naya grabbed at Teresas fingers and broke the headlock and started to stand up and pushed Palmer away.  Getting up Teresa threw a wild right hand which was ducked and Naya pushed forward getting her shoulder just below Teresa’s exquisite breasts.  Naya kept pushing forward and Teresa could do nothing to stop from being overpowered by Naya Rivera until she was slammed into the large pillar.

She stepped back and slammed Teresa into the pillar again before finally stepping back and looked at Teresa who was in a lot of pain.  The most pain she had been in any of her fights, none of Jennifer Lawerence, Kaley Cuoco, Sarah Roemer gave her a decent beating but the fight ended before too much pain was delivered. 

Naya grabbed Teresa’s breasts and squeezed which made Teresa scream and slink down.  Naya then came up with a knee to the stomach and Teresa slipped further down the pillar.  Naya smiled and picked her up ever so much for one purpose to use her bigger tits and end the Teresa Palmer undefeated streak in the most embarrassing fashion. 

Perfectly placing Teresa’s pain filled face in between her large perfectly shaped breasts she pushed forward.  Large breasts surrounded Teresa Palmers face, sweat was building up on the point of Teresa’s nose and not escaping. 

She heard of this move from other women who shared catfight stories with her but never actually thought it could ever happen to her.  She didn’t panic though and started hitting hard rights to Naya’s unprotected ribs.  She felt some air coming back as Naya stepped back to escape from hard punches to her ribs. 

Naya threw a wild untrained punch that hit solidly on the side of Teresa’s head putting her down to one knee.  “Yeah blondie not the great fighter she made people think she was hey.”

Naya took off her bikini top all together and wrapped it in both hands and threw it over Teresa’s head.  Palmer got her hands up blocking it and started shuffling around in the dirt and when she turned ninety degrees still fighting the bikini choke she pushed herself up slamming Naya’s back into the pillar.  The bikini dropped to the ground and Teresa reached back and grabbed Naya’s hair and flipped Naya over her shoulder onto the dirt.

Teresa stood up and fell back leaning against the pillar.  She thought about the fight for what felt like an eternity, she had a good read on style of Naya’s punches and ferocity.  She could probably counter those for a knockout but looking at Naya she wasn’t used to having pain delivered.  She could hear something and looked and Naya was crying.

“Do you give.”  She asked and Naya was starting to get up so she kicked her in the breast.

Naya was screaming “Don’t hurt my boobs” 

Teresa smiled and grabbed the bikini top and sat on the back of Naya’s legs and tied her wrists behind her back.  Naya tried to fight it but got her face slammed into the dirt for her efforts and finally hands tied her back the blonde aussie who was still undefeated after this her most draining fight.

“What are you going to do to me?”

Teresa stood up victorious and walked away and got Naya’s phone.  She put the phone back down and fixed her bikini so all her parts were covered.  She cleaned the sand off her body and fixed her hair “That my luv is up to you.  I can make you pay properly for what you did to MY FRIEND.”

“Please Teresa, we had a good fight but you got me… You got me, show some honour”

“Honour Naya, you talk of honour when you fight a woman who made it known to all of  us she had no interest in fighting.  She knew she could beat a select few and if those were the only ones you had a chance against she wasn’t going to fight them.  Why because she’s a good person and you took advantage of it.  You didn’t like her or that your show…. Naya, honour talk makes me want to hurt you, do you want me to hurt you.”

“No Teresa, my tits are to nice for you to mangle them.  I worked hard on my stomach and don’t want you doing anything to my face and my stomach…I worked hard on this body to look great and don’t want to…”

“Ok Naya, then you do two phone calls one to Dianna”

“Anything I’ll beg her forgiveness, I’ve seen the light.  I’ve never been so sorry in my life for what I did to her.  Who else do you want me to call?”

“Ashley Greene and make sure she knows I’m coming for her and will be the one to put her down.  Make sure she knows she can’t beat me!”

(upcoming: Bilson v Hale,Kelly Overton fight, WBACCF8, Another Teresa fight)