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« on: June 22, 2009, 05:13:39 AM »,487.0.html

You & Melanie are at a wedding having a really good time. Then at one point you decide to go outside onto the terrace. Melenie has to go to the bathroom so she tells you to go ahead outside & she would meet you in a few minutes. You sit down on the concrete bench looking out over the water, & just as you sit down, Lisa walks up & she sits down practially on your lap, haninging all over you & acting really fkirtatious. Melanie returns from the backroom & she slowly walks up right behind you. She arrives just in time to hear Lisa say, "why don't you just dump that flabby, pathetic cow & take me home tonite." Melanie is enraged & she walks right around to face Lisa & she says, "what was that Lisa." Lisa gets this nasty little smile across her face as she looks up at Melanie & in a voice quite loud enough for everyone on the terrace to hear she says, "you're boyfreind is going home with me after the party, do you have a fuckin problem with that." By now it seems like everyone on the crowded terrace has stopped what they were doing & is looking at the two woman screaming at eachother. a man walking out onto the terrace stuck his head back inside screaming, "fight, fight two girls." Melanie is not only embarassed, but she's pissed off too, & she puts her hands on her hips & says, "i' most certainly do have a fuckin problem with that you fuckin instigating bitch, you troublemaking cxnt. You're going to stay away from him, stay far away from him or i'll knock the shit out of you & teach you a fuckin lesson you';ll never forget." Lisa practically leaps up off of the bench & she shoves Melanie back as she steps away from the bench & she raises her fists up screaming, "alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, i'll fuckin fight you Melanie. i'm going to punch you untiul your dizzy you flabby whore bitch, & then i'll humiliate you right in front of your boyfreind & all of these people.  Now a crowd is starting to make a circle around the two woman & they're cheering, & alot of peaople are starting to walk out onto the terrace to see what was going on. Melanie raises her fists up too, & the two woman start circling eachother with their fists raised like men ready to fist fught, each woman wants to knock the shit out of the other woman & send her home totaly humilated & you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fight.  Melanie has a more explosive temper, her face is beet red & she definatly hits Lisa first. She pulls her right fist back & she plows it "bang," right into Lisa's nose, swinging her head back from the force of her hard punch. Lisa's head swings back, & Lisa stumbles back a few steps. Melanie is enraged & before Lisa has a chance to think, Melanie sends her right fist plowing, "bang," right into Lisa's nose again. Blood starts rolling from Lisa's nose as her head snaps back & Lisa stumbles backwards on her high heels & she almost falls over. Lisa is shocked, she didn't think that Melanie could fight so good, but shock turns to anger as she puts her hand to her face & seeing her own blood she becomes infuriated as she screams, "look at what you did to me you fuckin cow, i'm bleeding. how dare you make me bleed. i'm going to kill you," Melanie pulls her right fist back to punch Lisa in her face again, but as Melanie moves in closer to throw her punch, Lisa steps forward & "bam, bam, bam, bam," hammered Melanie's chin with four short jackhammer blows to her chin, knocking Melanie's head swinging back & forth & back & forth under each punch until she lost her balance & she fell over onto her ass on the concrete. now its Melanie who's shocked, now its Melanie who can't belive how good Lisa can fight. Lisa stands right over melanie screaming, "get up cow, get up & fight me you fat pig, so that i can really knock some sense into you."


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« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2009, 12:34:57 AM »
This a good story,please go on!