This event happened a while back....Quite a Picnic Memory....
It happened at least once every year-a big family, cousin, uncle, Aunt and anybody who cared to enjoy some country fun would get together at my Uncles place out on the farm. They had a big area with picnic tables, stonebuilt firepit, and a pump that you could get the coldest wettest best tasting water from an underground well. (Keep i mind the cold wet part)
After the best ribs and barbecue and chicken in the county were eaten the kids would usually take off with one of the Aunts and go fishing or exploring. Probably a good thing cause just about everybody of age and sometimes a bit younger would be soused....ever tasted the really good homemade stuff?
We had one really bitchy nasty mean Aunt that was just always mean; only two things about her made her likeable. Her famous banan creame pie and her body; both looked and tasted (well I don't know how she tasted) superfantastic.
(I will call her Aunt Bunnie-don't think she has a computer but better safe than sorry....
She was fairly tall, big; had a nice face; always wore bright red lipstick-yeah nice lips...kind of made you want to kiss her if she'd shut up long enough....had pretty red hair, a plump sexy ass and huge boobs. She liked to wear rather tight and low cut tops or sundresses. All us guys would drool and love to stand close to her; like when she bent over to cut the pie? Get it?
All the women were jealous or didn't like her. Most of the ones who hated her were older or her age; a couple of cousins in their twenties liked to make fun of her---her chest, her butt and her almost pure pale white skin. Us men would have given just about anything to see her naked or at least topless....