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Boxing- West Point Punchout

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Offline ironkobe

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Boxing- West Point Punchout
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:31:03 AM »
Kendra was a little overwhelmed; she’d never been to a Senator’s fundraiser before, yet here she was hobnobbing with her district’s political elite.  Everywhere she looked it was businessmen in golf wear and trophy wives in cocktail dresses.  The spread of food looked amazing, but almost every guest here seemed less enthused than Kendra.   Of course the other guests were paying over $1,500 a plate for the meal, so she could see why they might be expecting a little bit more out of the meal.  In that way Kendra was no different than anyone else here, she wanted access just like them. 

Since she had been a little girl playing with her big brother’s GI Joes she had one goal in mind.  Kendra was going to go to West Point, the nation’s top military academy.  Her Uncle had been a graduate, and from an early age a love of country and duty of service had been drilled into her.  Most girls would fold under the pressure, but Kendra thrived in it.  See the hill, take the hill; it was as simple as that.  She had taken top marks all through high school with a 3.8 grade point average, and excelled athletically; she’d taken 5th in State in cross country and was captain of her private school’s cheerleading squad.  Not only that, she had two years of student government experience.  You combine that with her letters of recommendation from her uncle the Lt. Colonel, her pastor, and several of her coaches and president of her shooting club, she seemed a shoe in.  There was one thing she still needed, and that was the nomination of someone in congress.  The easy choice would have been to get her congressman’s backing, but Kendra didn’t do easy.  She wanted her Senator’s nomination. 

Like everything else, Kendra had risen to the challenge.  She got her letters of recommendation together, she wrote her essays, and dominated her interview.  Now it was time to reap the rewards.  A Senate staffer had invited her to her guest at today’s fundraiser, obviously to introduce Kendra as this year’s nominee to the US Military Academy.  So it was a little bit of a surprise for Kendra when she heard, “Yo, Blondie, what are you doing here?”

“I.. I’m the Senator’s guest.  What are you doing here?”

“You too, huh?  Congratulations, I guess, wonder which of the guys made it to the next round of interviews.  I’m going to see if I can’t find that Jimmy kid, he’s cute.”

“I’ll go with you Maria.”

“The name is Maritza, Blondie”

“Mine’s Kendra.”

“We met already, Blondie, I know your name.  Look I know you think we should be pals because of sisterhood or whatever, but we aren’t amigas.  You and I are competing for the same thing and I really don’t want to be your friend.  You can afford to go to college wherever you want, me, I need the free ride Uncle Sam is offering so do me a favor and buzz off.”

Maritza brought Kendra back into focus, she was her to compete for, and win, the nomination.  Funny, Kendra thought her closest competition for the nomination was going to come from Blake, but Maritza was probably right, it was going to be one boy and one girl, and Kendra guessed Maritza was going to be her rival.  She’d seen Maritza around before at cheerleading meets, she commanded a lot of attention, and not just for the way she filled out her uniform.  She was a classic type A, but then wasn’t everyone in this race?

Still if Maritza was going to try and find Jimmy, Kendra would do some searching of her own.  Let the little girl chase boys, she was going to find the Senator and impress her.  The Senator was a vet in her own right, served in ‘Nam as a nurse, and Kendra was going to impress her with her family’s shared connection, her grandfather had flown a Huey in the war, her Mom was a medic in Dessert storm and her Uncle was a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Let Miss 1st generation Latina try and compete with that.  Kendra milled her way through the party looking for the Senator.  She ran into a couple of retired military guys and pressed the flesh for a moment, tried to steal clear of a couple of creepy looking dudes with oversized belt buckles and cowboy hats, and continued to look for the Senator.  Kendra didn’t see the Senator, or any of the guys who had been at the earlier interview.  Imagine Kendra’s horror when she finally found the Senator and she was talking to Maritza.

Kendra was a little relived when she saw that the Senator was walking towards Kendra as much as she was trying to reach her, but Maritza was still on the Senator’s heels.

“Kendra, so good of you to make it.”

“Thank you for inviting me Senator.”

“Well I really had no other choice.  In my 11 years in the Senate I’ve never had two such highly qualified candidates for appointment to West Point, let alone in the same year.  It is a shame I can’t nominate both of you.  But there is always, WPAOG.”

“I don’t accept second place,” said Maritza.

“Neither do I.”

“I am sure that is the case, ladies, and that is why this is such a difficult choice.  Either one of you would do this state, and our country proud.  If I were to choose one of you it would be an insult to the accomplishments of the other, so I can’t choose either of you.”

“Wait,” Kendra ask, “so neither of us gets the nomination?”

“I didn’t say that, I said that I couldn’t choose which of you should go, but I think you girls can self-select.  Are you ladies knowledgeable of the early military career of our 16th President?  He wanted command of his unit and was willing to fight for it.  I am making you the same offer.  One of my aides will take you each to a dressing area to get you ready for your little contest.”

“Contest?” said Kendra “What kind of contest?”

“Scared, Blondie?  You should be.”

“You both should be, this is something of a live fire exercise.  I’ve read your letters and essays where everyone who knows you seems to think you’ll make fine officers.  I’ve heard about your character and leadership, but there is more to being a military woman.  We are going to have ourselves a boxing match, test your courage and warrior spirit.  The host for this little revelry has set up a ring in his croquet lawn and will provide you with some fighting garb I’d hate to see the lovely dresses you are wearing get ruined.”

“So I gotta fight Blonde to get into West Point,”

“Now who is scared?”

“Please, Blondie, if I knew getting into West Point was so easy, I wouldn’t have studied so hard.”

“I always try my hardest.” Kendra said, as much as a warning to Maritza as a promise to the Senator.

“I am sure you two want a clear winner as much as I do, so the only ones who can stop this fight will be the two of you.” said the Senator just before the young women were lead away.

Two female aids took the girls to separate ends of the main house.  Maritza got a staffer not much older than the two of them, an intern of some sort, while Kendra’s guide was altogether more matronly.  She was older, but still fashionable, not unlike a Fox News Anchor.
In a spare bedroom Kendra saw her fight gear, some hand wraps, a short set of black satin shorts, and black leather boxing gloves, at just 6 ounces they were both feminine and cruelly martial.  Kendra lifted her dress over her head.  There was a nervous excitement in the room, not unlike the first time she got ready to have sex with a boy.  Standing there in her panties in front of a woman her mother’s age seemed to make it worse redness overcame her cheeks as she slipped on the shorts.  The woman started wrapping Kendra’s hands and tying back her curly shoulder length hair.


“Yeah,” Kendra said, with a sheepish grin.

“Have you ever fought before?”

“I do some kickboxing workouts to cross train.”

“That’s not what I asked.  Have you ever fought before?”

“Not like this.  I stand to gain a lot when I win.”

“And if you lose?”

“I can’t afford to think like that.”

There were some doubts in Kendra’s mind about this fight.  She had never fought another girl, and she doubted if they had really planned for this eventuality.  Kendra would be fighting bare foot, as she wore heels into event, and no one had thought about boxing boots.  She had no gum shield to protect her pretty smile, but she told herself that was just another good reason to keep her guard up.  While shorts had been provided, there was a curious lack of a top.  No t-shirt or sports bra, in fact as soon as the matronly woman had gotten Kendra strapped into her gloves she said, “Let’s get you out of that bra.”

Kendra froze, topless… She was going to fight topless.

“What’s the matter, girl, you haven’t got anything to be shy about.  I’d trade knockers with you in a heartbeat if I could.”

The walkout to the ring was strange, see felt more naked in shorts and gloves than if she was nude.  Her farmer’s tan called attention to her creamy breasts, crowned with hard pink nipples.  The white girl got a rather polite round of applause as she walked out, more suited to a golf game than the underground fight about to take place.  The ring was a set of four solid posts pounded into the ground in a 15 by 15 square.  There were a set of three ropes, which a man in his fifties was more than happy to hold open let Kendra into the ring.  The fighting surface was a smooth lawn that felt warm under her feet, it was over 90 today, and she did not look forward to fighting under the hot sun. 

Kendra caught sight of her opponent.  If Maritza was uncomfortable with the choice of attire she showed no signs of it.  Her full hips were barely contained by the tiny white shorts she wore that stood out against her olive skin.  Maritza kept her dark hair short in imitation of the military cut she hoped she would soon be required to keep.  Like Kendra she had black six ounce gloves on her hands, which rested on her hips with a little swagger.  Kendra couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated as she looked across the ring at her opponent with her 36CC chest that hadn’t dropped an inch since she took off her top.  At a modest A cup, Kendra felt like a little girl facing a woman, but her years of cross country had taught her big tits are hardly an asset in athletics. 

The two women were called to center ring by a girl in a white linen outfit more suited to playing tennis at Wimbledon than refereeing a boxing match.  Kendra supposed she was going over the rules to the fight, but what did that mater.  Kill or be killed, simple as that.  Kendra had to stop Maritza before she was beat herself, what could be simpler than that? 

Let her try and throw a punch around those big hooters, she thought, if she tries foot work it will be an open question as to who blackens her eyes first, me or those titties.

Just then Kendra noticed that Maritza had extended her gloves to touch in a sign of good sportsmanship.  Kendra wasn’t sure how long the glove had been extended, but it was too long for Maritza’s taste.  She withdrew her leather covered fist before Kendra could reach out the nonplussed scowl on her face was replaced with indignation. 

Pay attention to her fists, not her tits, that’s what she’s going to be trying to hurt you with, Kendra reminded herself. 

Not touching gloves was not really a sign of being an officer and a lady, but that hardly mattered now.  Her GPA, her endorsement, the family legacy, all her preparation didn’t count for a thing.  The only thing that was going to decide if she got into West Point or not was her and the unlucky bitch standing in the opposite corner. 

The woman in the linen skirt yelled fight and the two topless women advanced on each other, guards held high.   Maritza flicked out her jab, eager to punish Blondie for her insult, but wasn’t in range.  Kendra proved a little quick on the trigger herself, her counter punch was inches from its intended target, and Maritza took a step back.  The two women circled each other, peaking behind their gloves looking for an opening.  When one didn’t appear Maritza plunged ahead hoping to create one, for her trouble she took a one two from the fit blonde.  Rather than press her advantage Kendra backed off and pulled guard. 

“Come on, Blondie,  You afraid to fight?” said Maritza,  She let a range finding jab fly as if to show her commitment to making the battle happen.  Kendra probed Maritza’s defenses with a few shots up to her head.  They were solid shots, Maritza could feel Kendra’s knuckles though her own gloves, but did no damage.  Rather than back up Maritza planted her own feet and returned fire.  Both fighters now stood in the center of the ring punching. 

While Kendra was headhunting, Maritza went to the body.  The punch landed on Kendra’s unprotected belly, she never had been hit so hard in her life.  Her natural reaction was to lower her guard to cover her sore belly, and that left her open for Maritza’s big hook.  The looping punch slammed into the side of Kendra, leaving many to think the fight was over before it really started.  No one was more surprised when Kendra took the shot than Maritza, who ate a solid uppercut from Kendra as she marveled at how the white girl stood unbowed. 

Kendra’s follow up hook was blocked by the olive skinned girl, and the two fighters kept on their toes for the remainder of the round.  They traded off being the aggressor; one girl would throw a jab and be met by her rival’s.  Neither one of them was prepared for another war like they had fought when the both planted their feet.  The round ended and both girls headed to their corners. 

Kendra’s ivory skin was now red, more from the effort of the fight than the damage caused by Maritza, but the Latina girl didn’t know that.  She was confident as she sipped her water and eyed her opponent across the ring.  Still she had told herself that the pretty little Barbie girl was not going to make it out of the first round, and there was no denying that her chin was sore from that upper cut.  For someone with such skinny little arms Blondie could hit.

The woman in white yelled fight and the two combatants headed to meet each other in the center of the ring.  Neither girl had been hurt in the first round and that emboldened them.  Maritza thought back to the slap boxing fights she had with her brothers and came in with flurry this time.  The first two punchers were lost in the gloves of the woman in black shorts, but as Blondie thought it was safe to counter punch she ended up eating the rest of the combo. 

Kendra gave up some ring to her rival to collect herself.  Before she could counter attack in came Maritza with another flurry, the crowd roaring with approval.  Kendra kept her guard up and weathered the storm, landing a stinging tit shot to Maritza for her trouble.  Kendra went to follow up, and came smack into the middle of another combo from Maritza.  The white girl was battered from side to side with a flurry of hooks and straight punches.  Her efforts to reset herself were pointless, Maritza was relentless in her attack, and Kendra slowly gave ground to her rival.
The crowd was now fully into the fight, cheering for the Latina to land the big knockout.  For the most part the blonde girl in black shorts could cover up, but every attempt she made to fight back resulted in her getting hurt worse.  She’d land a jab, but eat two or three punches for her troubles as Maritza slipped the cross and banged at her blonde rival’s tits.

Maritza stalked her prey, cutting the ring off at every turn until Kendra’s retreat was stopped by the corner post.  Kendra tried her best but she couldn’t hide the fear in her eyes behind her gloves.  Maritza began her leather barrage by banging away upstairs.  Kendra covered as best she could but left her body open to assault.  Even with the crowd screaming, most could hear the muffled groans of Kendra as she took shot after shot to the belly and ribs.  Maritza was sure if she just kept hitting Blondie she’d drop her gloves, but it was the fighter in white shorts who was getting arm weary.  Maritza had been dominating so long she forgot to defend herself, and got rocked with pair of hooks.

“That the best you got bitch?” said Kendra, punctuating her remarks with an attack that was equal parts slap and hook.  Rather than waste her breath, Maritza let her fists do the talking.  The two young women traded punches in the corner.  Kendra took a series of overhand rights but gave as good as she got, landing a jab and several good hooks to the ear and cheek.  Both women were grateful for time to be called, and seemed eager to stop fighting even if the crowd didn’t feel the same. 

Kendra wasn’t sure where in the ring she was till she was shoved forward to make room for Maritza’s stool.  The application of ice was welcome relief for both fighters, but little could be done for the soreness in the blonde’s body.  Each fighter also had to deal with the heat as well as her opponent.  Maritza in particular thought the August sun had done more to weaken her in the last round than the rich girl ever did.  Still there was no hesitation on either fighter’s behalf when it came to start the next round.

Maritza was still trying to shake some life into her arms as she headed to center ring, but she smacked her black gloved fists together to tell everyone she was eager to fight again.  Kendra had her own way to tell the crowd she was still in this fight, a well-timed use of a double jab.  Bap, bap, Maritza’s head flew back and sprayed the crowd.  Maritza advanced again, and again tasted leather, bap-bap, on her way to deliver some punishment to the body.  Inside the fighting grew intense; Kendra tried to slow her dark haired rival’s attack with a clinch, driving Maritza’s face into her sweaty bosom.  The woman in the white linen skirt called for the two warriors to box it out, not that either girl knew what that meant.

Maritza landed a series short choppy punches to the kidneys for her blonde opponent, along with a roar to frustration.  A quick shove from Kendra gave Maritza the separation she wanted, but her guard was low.  Once more a one two landed for the blue eyed girl, a stinging jab and vicious uppercut to Maritza’s breast.  Kendra’s double jab kept her in the fight, but she was clearly weakening from the inside work of Maritza.  The turning point in the fight happened at around the two minute mark of the round.  Maritza slipped the jab and got Kendra to turtle up with a hook to either side of the head.  Rather than go to the body, Maritza threw an uppercut that landed right on Blondie’s chin.

Maritza could feel Kendra’s body crumble with that hit she turned on her heel and walked to a neutral corner with her gloves held high basking in the cheers from the spectators.  She could barely container her excitement as the got to the corner, and began jumping up and down as she turned to watch the rich girl get counted out.  Her joy was quickly transformed, and Maritza couldn’t help but stomp her foot when the saw Blondie was already sitting up.  Kendra kept her eyes locked on Maritza’s across the ring who had already lowered her fists from victory to her guard.  Kendra turned her head to the side like one might if they had a kink in their neck before she got to her feet.  Rather than a formal eight count, Kendra got a quick wipe down for her gloves and a slap on the ass to let her know it was time to get back to fighting. 

Pride and anger took sway of the blonde girl’s body.  She forgot all about defense and rushed head long into Maritza.  The Latina had the faster more accurate hands and easily won the last exchange of the round.  It was now Kendra’s turn to stomp all the way to her corner where she fumed as ice was applied to her face and chest, and an unhealthy pink ting had taken hold of her spit bucket.  The bleeding should have been worse, neither girl had a proper mouth guard, but that was not stopping either young warrior.  Maritza’s corner had stopped the bleeding that was coming from her nose, but no one thought that would last, the rangy blonde seemed to be able to land her jab at will.
Knocking the rich girl down had filled Maritza with confidence and energy; she was convinced she’d finish the skinny bitch this round.  Maritza’s best defense continued to be a heavy volume of punches.  Kendra didn’t like to get hit, and her double jab quickly faded to a single jab if she got hit.  After two losing exchanges Kendra stopped even throwing the single jab.  The girl in black satin gave up ring space as the bronze boxer pressed forward.  Against the ropes Kendra turtled up and absorbed the storm of punches rolling in.  Kendra peeked through her gloves and saw that Maritza was loading her cross up to push through her defense and lashed out with a cruel hook to the tits that forced Maritza to take a step back and cup her luscious breast. 

Kendra motioned Maritza forward and the two exchanged again, Kendra taking several shots to the belly, but landing another uppercut to the busty boxer in white shorts.  The blonde tried to fight her way off the ropes, but Maritza wasn’t having it.  She stood her ground and kept Kendra in place with looping hooks.  The girls wrestled about the ring in a clinch, for a moment it looked like Kendra would break free, but Maritza kept on the pressure, driving her blonde foe around the ring with punch after punch. 

“Face it, Blondie, I’m stronger, tougher, and I and I want it more.” Maritza said, driving home each one of her points with a punch. 
Kendra was beginning to believe what Maritza was saying, she didn’t seem to be hurting the warrior who stood in front of her.  Still she couldn’t give her rival the satisfaction of admitting that, once more her gloved fist sank deep into the perfect tit of her opponent. 

“Prove it,” said Kendra, and she immediately regretted that challenge.  Kendra took a pounding from Maritza for the rest of the round.  At the sound of the bell both women sank back to their corners, Maritza shanking with anger that she couldn’t put the slim blonde girl away, Kendra unable to hold back tears any longer in the face of the beating her midsection endured. 

“I think we’ve got a winner,” announced the Senator.

“No!” said Kendra, “Don’t you dare stop this.  I can still fight.”

“You put up a good fight, you really did.”

“I can fight.  I can fight.” Kendra repeated

“There is still WPAOG, and next year I’ll be more than happy to give you my endorsement.”

Kendra rose to protest, “I can win this.  I’m not beat.”

“Enough, Blondie, you fought hard, I’ll give you that, but I have you beat.”

“I’m still standing. I’m woman enough to keep fighting, are you?” said Kendra, pounding her breasts for emphasis.

“More woman than you’ll ever be.”

“Alright then, ladies, round five it is.”

Swelling had taken its toll on Kendra’s once pretty face, one eye was swollen shut, and her lips were a bloody mess from repeated shots with Maritza’s leather gloves.  While her belly ached from the beating it had taken, the worst pain was in Kendra’s arms.  They had taken the beating from Maritza, and the gloves offered little in the way of protection for her hands.  Maritza shook her head and sent sweat flying in all directions.  She wished she had more time in her corner, more water, and more ice.  The skinny white girl was tougher than anything she expect, anything she ever fought.  That was fine by her.  Maritza loved a challenge almost as much as she enjoyed winning.

The spring was out of Maritza’s step, the foot work and bounding steps of the earlier rounds was just too painful for her sore tits.  Taking a more flat footed approach suited her just fine, she would have more power this way and the knockout wouldn’t be very far behind.  Kendra wiped some bloody spit from her mouth as she headed to face the dark haired girl.  The crowd was at a fever pitch, they smelled a knockout, and there was no way the fans shouting “Knock her out” could have been talking to her.  Maritza still looked prefect, the sweat just made her shine, she was hardly bruised, and it looked like her tits were even bigger thanks to the beating they took.

A jab rocked Kendra’s head, then another, her gloves finally were up, and she was back to fighting.  Maritza slipped Kendra’s lead punch, but missed with her counter.  She took a sharp inhale of breath as the hard black glove found her tit again.  Maritza had enough, Blondie wants to tit box, fine they can tit box.  Now it was the white girl taking it to the chest, leather covered missiles targeting her small pert tits.  Strangely, the more Kendra was hurt the less she let it show, even as her A cups swelled to a B, she got more focused.  This was no time for tears, this was time to fight back.  With Maritza keeping her face protected those big perfect tits of hers became the best target.  After a few seconds of breast beating a clinch seemed like the best option for everyone, both women were tired so neither fought it too hard.

“You know what your problem is, Blondie?” Maritza said as she piledrove her fist into Kendra’s sides. “You’ve been handed everything.”

Kendra broke free and tagged Maritza with a quick one two to the chest, “Your problem is that you think you know me.”

Maritza lowered her guard to protect her proud chest and got smacked in the face with a shifty jab, raising her gloves to protect her face resulted in another shot to the tits. 

“You don’t know shit about me,” the girl with white shorts struck at the white girls sore tits “-hugh- but you will.”

Both girls continued trading punches to the chest till the round ended.  Frustration was beginning to build in the face of Maritza.  The fight had been declared over in the fourth round, but somehow she convinced the Senator to fight a fifth round.  Blondie was more than annoying her by sticking around; she was hurting the lovely Latina.  For the first time Maritza questioned if it was worth fighting this bitch, there had to be an easier way to get to college.  Just like that Maritza banished those thoughts.  This wasn’t about some prize this was about the fight itself.  Blondie had hurt her, it was true, but she’d done the same to her.  She was going to stop this chick, prove to everyone, including herself that she was the better woman.

Kendra was in bad shape in her corner, held up by an equal measure of stubbornness and ring ropes.  Her face was swollen, her tits were swollen, and she was praying for a miracal that she’d somehow be able to recover in the scant few seconds before the bell.  The applause from the crowd were the first thing that let the blonde girl know what sort of problem she faced in the next round.  There was Maritza standing tall, pouring a bottle of water over her head to rinse some of the blood and sweat off her.  She shook her head, and water sprinkled the crowd from her hair, a baptism of blood and sweat.  If not for the pink stains from their combined blood on the once white shorts you could hardly tell she’d been in a fight to Kendra’s blurred eyes.   

The woman in white linen called out fight, and Kendra bravely rose from her stool to face her enemy.  Maritza struck first tagging the firm young tits of her rival.  The blonde girl was too tired to keep her hands up, so the stayed low around her belly.  This late in the fight the girl’s technique had gotten sloppy.  Hard looping haymakers were the order of the day.  Neither novice knew much about footwork or defense, but they had abandoned all pretense of trying to use it.  The faces of both girls were left unprotected, but no one seemed willing to capitalize on it.  It was wild slugging to tits, with each woman trying to prove her tits were the superior set. 

The raucous crowd added to the event.  This contest was equal parts blood sport and sexploation, and yet so much more.  Somehow giving and receiving a pounding few men could endure had transformed these women.  They were warriors, and no one could deny that.  Tears were flowing in equal measure from both combatants but no one questioned their resolve.  The climax of the round came when the girls began exchanging right crosses to the tits, slowly circling dead center of the ring as they pounded at one another.  The pain proved too much for Maritza to bear and raised her glove to protect her prized tits.  Kendra sunk her glove to Maritza’s belly instead, and the proud Latin girl knew she would need to do more than cover up to survive the round.   The looping punch she threw at Kendra’s head was easy for her to dodge; the blonde ducked under it and came up with an uppercut from hell.  Not just am arm punch, but her whole body had been used.  Kendra had powerful legs from cross country, and they shot her up like coiled springs, sending her black leather missile crashing on Maritza’s chin.  Maritza staggered into her corner, her arms caught the ropes, but that only slowed her fall.  Kendra roared and smacked each of her swollen tits like a silverback before pressing them together to emphasize her cleavage.  She raised her arms in the air and stood tall soaking in the cheers she got for knocking down her opponent.  Just then someone shouted time, and Maritza was lifted up by her corner. 

Kendra turned her back on Maritza, resting her arms on the top ropes, and a foot on the bottom she called for water to be dumped on her.  When Kendra snapped back her soaked hair; some of the splash hit Maritza in her corner.  A couple of men were asking her if she knew where she was, what was the date, who was the president?  Maritza didn’t know what the answers were to these questions, or why they were asking her these questions.  All she did know was this, “You let Blondie keep fighting, I want to fight.”

That it seems was good enough, as serious looking man gave a nod to the woman in the white dress and she announced “Seconds out!”  Maritza was shoved out of her stool and Kendra turned to face her opponent, slamming her fists together with excitement to get back to the fight.  There was now a brown stain on the back of Maritza’s short from where she landed in the muddy ground, she didn’t care.  The blond girl was advancing on her, and she need to get her gloves up or she’d get hit.  Maritza still got hit, but taking body shots was less painful than the alternative.  Maybe that was being too generous, Kendra had her legs under her, and struck with terrific force.  After one nasty shot, Maritza spat from blood from her mouth at as the air was forced out of her.  The spatter landed on Kendra’s left breast, and she seemed to take peculiar offense to this.  In the white girl’s mind, this was not the involuntary reaction for a hard shot to the breadbasket, but a deliberate insult.  She exploded with rage and began pounding on Maritza’s guard, pushing her into a corner.  With her arms burning with pain tried to clinch, but found herself getting shoved into Kendra’s blood covered bosom.

“Lick it clean, bitch!” said Kendra.

Maritza fought against the downward pressure into the white girl’s tits and ended up slamming the crown of her head into the Kendra’s nose.  Blood started flowing immediately, causing the white girl to scream “Cheating cxnt!”

The fight was on in earnest.  Blood was flying from both fighters as they slammed their gloves into each other.  For the finally twenty seconds of the round the two young warriors matched each other punch for punch and seemed unwilling to stop fighting when the woman in white shouted time.  It took the effort of both corners to separate the women and neither of them could be convinced to sit down or let the corners do something to stop the bleeding.     

“Final round, ladies,” said the Senator, “The only way to end this round is with a ten count.”

Those terms suited each woman.  They wanted to end this, they need to know which of them was the better woman.  The finality of the round brought an end to the bad habits of the previous rounds.  Guards tightened as gloves went back to protecting the face.  There was a sudden spring to Maritza’s step as she bounded around the ring looking for an opening.   Bap-bap! The jackhammer jab of Kendra was back taunting Maritza. 

“Let’s fight, slut,” she said

Maritza didn’t need any more goading she launched her flurry of punches but was stopped with a hook to the tits that dropped the dark haired girl’s gloves and got her to eat two more jabs.  Maritza hoped wrestling would prevail her where boxing had failed.  She tried to muscle Kendra to the ropes in a clinch, but she gamely fought her the whole way.  Maritza might have had as many at ten or fifteen pounds on the girl in black shorts, but the runner’s legs were proving to be stronger by this stage of the fight.  Kendra had spun the darker skinned girl into around and into the ropes.  With her back to the crowd and half blind from swelling in her eyes the only thing that told her punches were coming was the roar of the mob.  Maritza was getting lit up, and she need to change the course of the fight.
Kendra was in a zone.  She felt time slow down as Maritza let her combination go, and she dodged or blocked most of the punches.  Maritza wasn’t so blessed, she took a number of stiff shots from the white girl, but gamily pressed on.  A looping left missed Kendra’s head, but Maritza was still able to get a hold of the blonde’s pony tail.  She started holding on for stability, as she had taken an uppercut as punishment for missing with her last punch, but she held on as her legs returned to her.  Maritza found she could stabilize her target by yanking on the ponytail and began laying in heavy punches to the bloody face of the blond girl. 

“That’s it hurt the girl!”

“Make her cry.”

Kendra was hurting but still fought back, one hand choked at Maritza, while the other smashed leather clad fist after fist into her rival’s face.

“Kill her, kill her!”

Maritza gave way first, falling to the ground but not letting go of the ponytail.  Kendra followed her down and the both hit the ground with a thud.  A mad scramble occurred as both women moved to press the advantage, the wrestled for position and landed a few more stinging punches in the muddy patch of grass.  Neither girl responded to the call of time by the lady in white linen, they had been promised this would be the final round and they intended to fulfill that promise.  The break was only called as it was deemed fighting on their feet would lead to a faster knockout.  After a solid thirty seconds of brawling on their knees a couple of stout men pulled the girls to their feet as the kicked out with fury.  A second spent not fighting was a second wasted.

“You’ll do more damage with way,” was all the lady in linen said as she ordered the release of the fighters.  They girls tore into each other like hellcats.  Each girl staggered around the ring trying to escape the punishment one minute and dishing it out the next.  Kendra was too angry to operate on anything more than a vicious animal cunning.  At range she mixed her headshots up with body blows to the ribs that weakened resolve, and punishing blows to the bicep that weakened the body.  After a solid three minutes of targeting the army Maritza felt her guard lowering.  She went for the clinch to protect herself, but Kendra was ready.  She raked her gloves laces against the swollen eyes of her foe letting the blonde break the hold.  Now came her barrage. Rights and lefts that drove the dark haired girl to the center of the ring…  Now came the tit shot, and the lowering of the gloves.  Now came the right hand from hell, crashing on the face of Maritza, and sending her crashing to the grass.
Maritza wished she had been knocked out, but she wasn’t.  She was in too much pain to be unconscious.  There was a torrent of blood coming from her nose, and she couldn’t breathe out of it.  The only time she could catch air was between sobs.  Seconds ago the crowd had been screaming blood, and now it was silent.  Maritza could hear the only words spoken.  “FOUR!  FIVE!  SIX!”

Maritza’s nose was broken, she’d never been hurt like that in her life, but that wasn’t why she was crying.  She was crying because she was beat.  Physically she couldn’t fight anymore, mentally she couldn’t fight anymore, and yet she still had to endure the count.  She’d lost, a skinny blond bitch with no ass and no tits had taken her dream from her.  Strangely she didn’t hate Blondie like she had at the start of the fight.  She couldn’t hate Kendra for beating her out, after all it was Kendra’s dream too.  And being angry at the pain she caused Maritza, that was silly too.  They agreed on the terms, but when she agreed to them Maritza never envisioned this.


She was on her knees, held half way up by her arms but unable to rise any further.  She couldn’t even look up, so all she saw as the dirty feet of the white girl. 

“NINE!  TEN!!!  You’re out!  The winner and cham-peen Kendra!!!”

The cheers were the worst part.  A crowd of the richest most powerful people in the state was cheering for Maritza’s defeat, and she had to hear it all.  She wanted to crawl into a hole and die, but she was too weak to move, so she kneeled in the muddy grass until she was dragged to her feet, by Blondie of all people.  She was crying too, and both women hugged. 

“I’m sorry it had to end like this.”

“Not half as sorry as I am.”



Two days after the fight and Maritza still could hardly leave her bed.  She had headaches and it hurt just to breath, but the loss of her dream hurt worst of all.  Her family was surprisingly understanding, but she didn’t want to hear any more from her poppa about things had a funny way of working out.  She was going to be the first one in her family to go to college, come hell or high water.  There was always the GI bill.  After high school she’d enlist, and with some luck be a NCO by the time Blondie got out of the academy.  But even then she’d have to salute Kendra.
The doorbell rang, and it was easy for Maritza to hear what was being said in the tiny apartment.

“My name Major Howard, USMC, and I wanted to speak with your daughter to encourage her to apply for entrance into the Naval academy."   

“Poppa, I don’t want any visitors,” Maritza said before burying her head under her covers.

“I am sorry, sir, she isn’t fit to see anyone in her present state.” Maritza’s father said.

“I understand, I witnessed her contest the other day.  That is why I think she’d make a great Marine officer.”

“And what makes you think she’d want to me a Marine?”

“Because we also teaching boxing at the Navel academy, and our students fight the West Point students every year.”

“Daddy, send the Major in, please.”                                 


Offline KarsaOrlong

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2013, 03:14:13 PM »
Very Good story!  Excellent job describing everything, including the build up, and even their thoughts!

Looking forward to more of your work

Witness - Karsa Orlong
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 03:14:30 PM by KarsaOrlong »


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2013, 05:44:39 PM »
Good work and an original plot. Thanks for the time and trouble!


Offline ironkobe

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2013, 08:13:43 AM »
Glad you folks enjoyed the story. 

Karsa- it means a lot that someone who's done strong writing enjoyed it.

Kimval- I could see why you'd be surprised the blonde won.  Seems every story I read, the blonde will lose to the brunette, and the white girl loses to the ethnic girl.  Kendra had a lot going against her in terms of erotic fighting tropes, but then I am a contrarian at heart.   


Offline Rocko23

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2013, 09:02:19 AM »
This was an excellent story. I am normally not a fan of boxing but this was brilliant. Loved the personalities of the gals and the set up. Glad the blonde won as well lol. Thank you.


Offline jjj11100

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2013, 05:03:00 PM »
Wow, well written and a great boxing match!  looking forward to more of your work!


Offline SonnyB

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2013, 08:43:17 PM »
A fierce, thrilling boxing match ... great!  ;)



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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2013, 08:00:15 AM »
Great story, was shocked that the blonde won. Glad that you left room for a rematch

It's funny you mention this because I could tell by the writing,rather early, that the Blonde wasn't going to lose.

I almost hate to criticize this story at all because most of it was absolutely amazing. From a technical perspective it was spot on, and the descriptions were done beautifully. The writer also did a pretty good job of showing us what was going on in Karen's head throughout the match.

Sure the scenario was completely out of the question, but that's irrelevant since this is fiction/fantasy and to produce an interesting/original story like this it's pretty much required to deviate from reality. For that reason I really enjoyed the scenario.

My only complaint is the cliche come from behind ending victory for our protagonist. Now the fight wasn't completely one sided up until the forth, but by the end of the forth round it was pretty clear who had gotten the best of who. Hell, the blood thirsty officials wanted to stop the fight. I thought it was a great idea that you allowed it to continue, but as soon as they were fighting again I was afraid of this rocky style comeback occurring. It's not that I'm really wrapped up in one or the other winning, but seeing this type of against all odds comeback kind of takes you out of the fight. It's not quite as bad as a Rocky movie, but definitely comparable.

I would have liked to see Kendra desperately try to defeat her rival, but simply not having it in her after he early beating and falling to her opponent.

Anyways, still an amazing story. One of the best I've read in a while, the ending just kind of ruined it a bit for me. But hey, that's just me.

« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 08:27:35 AM by Ronnie123 »


Offline ironkobe

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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2013, 03:21:30 PM »
Fair point, the plucky underdog overcoming the odds is a cliche. I will point out two things though, one Rocky was and is awesome, and two the plucky underdog Rocky lost that fight with everything on the line.  I know Rocky wasn't an underdog in the next six films not how much Sly tried to make it seem that way, including the one where he's a senior citizen with brain damage fighting a champ in his prime, but those films are still fun.  

There is also a long proud tradition in combat sports of taking a beating to tire one's opponent out.  See the Rumble in the Jungle, the fights of Big Nog in the MMA, and damn near every boxer of Irish decent.  I wasn't looking to a twist ending or anything, just wanted to do a story about a good hard fight.  Glad you like the story overall.        
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 03:24:54 PM by ironkobe »


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Re: Boxing- West Point Punchout
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2013, 04:15:56 AM »
excellent story can't wait for the rematch