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the first f.c.f holiday party

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Offline Gaelle

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2014, 02:27:43 PM »
sipping my wine quietly and watching the argument between Ivy and  Lexi..
A very fine party indeed..thinking when Lexi will finish the little one, I'll have to thank her for the invite.
Lady Gaelle


Offline Michelle

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2014, 03:00:54 PM »
*Walks back in...goes behind the bar.....elbows pete out of the way and pours my own GlenLivet18 scotch neat*

"Sorry pete.....I'll do my own drink"

"I think you've been watering them back"

"But if you want to do something constructive...set me up 6 shots of 1800 Tequila"
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2014, 11:13:03 PM »
my knee causes  ivy to cough,gasp,and sputter...let that be a lesson to you baby girl...pete give her a milkshake
but to my surprise.she isent ready to  give just yet  shoving me on my ass...I try to get back up

only to have  this young wildcat  dive on top..arrgh ..I shriek.her hands attacking my hair.

catching her hair in both my hands.we wrestle  around on the floor..finally able  to toll on top
I try to straddle her stomach.releasing my right hand...swinging a hard slap to her face

stop this foolishness..i
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2014, 06:28:33 AM »
we roll across the floor  screaming  cusiing pulling hair...the girl is more of a wildcat than she looks

the sound of clothing being shredded  fills the dress is torn exposing my breast..i rip your top almost completely off...

pete and a few of the guys  jump in pulling us apart..throwing their coats over us...
we glare and shout at  each other as we are guied to opposite sides of the room

then a knock at the door..its the cops...someone complained about our party getting to loud :o 8)

slowly it is broken up  and the guest begin to leave...
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #49 on: January 05, 2014, 06:32:35 AM »
I want to thank everyone  for  joinin g this party..and for all of their postt...a lot of the people that show
interest were not able to really get involved....I knew that would be a risk    this time of year
with members being away over the holidays/

I had fun with it..hope that everyone else  did  as well...maybe next time there will be a spring bash at the fcf posh resort.. :)
the prez tramp


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2014, 12:32:53 AM »
I am sitting at home not doing much at all. I am watching a National Lampoons movie, Vegas Vacation. It is the weakest of the National Lampoons series in my opinion but still funny in some parts. I am sitting at home when I hear my mobile phone buzz. I got a text message.

Storm: Come to the party Candy123. I want you here. Starbear, Lexi, Michelle and Karly are all here. Free food and drinks and jello shots. You are my plus one.

I jump to my feet the moment I see that Starbear is at the party. If I had known Starbear has signed up for the party then I might've shown an interest. I can't go as I am dressed as I would show up pretty well.....Nekkid......hehehe. I will have to go and get dressed up so  run to my wardrobe and pick out a dress which I think will make Starbear take notice.

I catch a cab to the site of the party.

Storm is waiting for me outside the party room. He sees the cab of which I am in pulls up. Like a true gentleman, he opens the door and helps me out of the cab. I do a little twirl for him whcich I can see he likes. I smile to him and give him a kiss.

Storm: Starbear is inside.

I walk inside the room where the party is being held.

(Picture is not me.)

Sarah ... I think you would look wonderful in that dress!!
LEXI another great idea.. thanks for sharing it.. Hope all the ladies had fun with it!!

Hmmm if Michelle spikes her own drinks.. Maybe I will still get that slow dance with her... For now, enjoying the fun loving Candy123 and Starbear's antics..
With warm wishes to Sadie, Karly, and Mandy as well.
Nice meeting you Ivy!!


Offline Gaelle

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Re: the first f.c.f holiday party
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2014, 01:02:32 PM »
See you all at the next party!!  ;D
Lady Gaelle