#9 - Nancy Chung - Acupuncturist /Yoga Instructor

#2 - Angie 39 - Free Catfight Member

The arena is packed for tonight's match between two equally strong opponents. Angie 39 and Nancy have clearly
demonstrated to be two of the toughest gals in their region and each of their fights have been top notch.
Adding to the excitement is the possbility of one of them being their last match and whole lot of cash at the end to be fighting for. Angie 39 is the first to be appearing down the ramp. The crowd cheers as she walks to the cage pit. She is wearing a long white t-shirt as she waves to the crowdand makes her way up to the cage pit. As Angie 39 enters the cage pit, Nancy Chung appears on the ramp. She is looking quite divine tonight. She trust down the ramp wearing a matching long white t-shirt with a pair of big lips being displayed in the center. She enters the cage pit as the fans cheer.
Both of them grab their t-shirts and rip them off their bodies . Nancy throws her t-shirt at Angie and then turns toward the cheering crowd. She raises her hands in the air and plays to the crowd.
Angie-39 has her hands at the center and is quite pissed at Nancy stealing her thunder and throwing her shirt at her. Angie grabs the torn shit and rushes over to Nancy. She comes up behind the Asian and places the ripped shirt around Nancy's neck. Angie tightens the hold and starts to choke Nancy. Nancy is not prepared for this and she gasps. She tries to break the choke but Angie has the shirt wrapped tightly around Nancy's neck.Angie is pulling really hard and Nancy is struggling to breath. Angie finally decides to release the hold and she turns Nancy around and pushes her into a cave corner wall. Angie then drives the sole of her foot deep into Nancy's bare belly.
Nancy lets out a moan. Angie continues to work over Nancy's mid section with her foot and knees. Nancy is moaning in pain. It looks like Angie is on a mission to go to business early to finish her off quickly.
After a dozen knee and kicks, Angie moves in. She then pulls her arm back and slams a fist into Nancy's face. Nancy cries out in pain from the hit, Angie throws another punch into the same spot. Angie continues to work over Nancy's face and her chest. She sends some hard punches into one breast and then the other . Nancy is really hurting and Angie continues to work over her face. Angie finally stops and pulls her from the corner. She puts the Asian in a head lock and then drops to the cave floor bulldogging Nancy. Nancy lies face first on the floor and is not moving.
Angie then steps away taking a breather jogging in place fists up and after a few minutes Nancy starts to move. Nancy slowly pushes herself up to her hands and knees. Angie then moves in for a kick, Nancy blocks hte kick and trips Angie down to the ground.
Nancy still holding her legs wide open sends her foot deep into Angie's crotch. Angie cries out in agony and moves both of her hands to her sore crotch.Nancy then pulls Angie's right leg and sends her knee into her leg. Angie moans in pain. Nancy repeats the move two more times. Nancy still holding her right leg continues to stomp down on Angie's sore knee. Angie slams her hands on the floor in pain. Nancy stomps on Angie's knee a couple more times. Angie moves her hand to her hurt knee. Nancy then moves over and stomps down on Angie's let knee. After a few more stomps on Angie's left knee, Nancy grabs Angie's hair and pulls her to her feet.
Angie's knees have been weakened and she is having trouble standing. Nancy starts sending punches into Angie's mid section. Angie moans with each fit and is unable to defend herself. Her body starts to fall back and she is caught up between the cave corner wall. Nancy keeps up the attack now on Angie's face. Now Nancy is sending vicious lefts and rights into Angie's ribs. Angie is starting to wear down as her legs give out and she falls to her knees. Nancy then moves in and grabs Angie up by the hair and sends a vicious hook to Angie's left cheek. Angie turns her head and Nancy comes back with her left hand and sends a hook to Angie's right cheek. Nancy sends another hook to Angie's left cheek leaving a bright red spot.Nancy then pushes Angie into the cave corner wall and pulls her fist back sending into Angie's face. Angie moans in punishment. Nancy continues the face punishment sending punch after punch after punch into her face. Angie is getting very winded . Nancy keeps up the punishment trying to weaken Angie . After 25 punches, Nancy stops the attack. Angie's legs give out and is leaning up against the cave corner wall.
Nancy then forces Angie up to her feet shoves her over to the cave corner wall with Angie's right shoulder connecting with the wall. Angie lets out a groan. Nancy then pulls her back and then throws her toward the cave corner wall again this time making sure her left shoulder hits the pole.As Angie groans, Nancy grabs her right arm and pulls it behind Angie's back. She tightens the hold causing Angie to cry out in a pin. Nancy applies pressure and Angie is hurting. Finally Angie drops to her knees but Nancy continues to hold Angie's injured arm. Nancy then raises her leg and drives her knee into Angie's right shoulder. Angie winces in pain as Nancy hits her shoulder. It looks like Nancy is trying to put out Angie's shoulder. She is quite the astute expert on pressure points being a Yoga /Acupuncturist and knows just the right spots to activate feelings of pleasure and pain.
Nancy then drives her knee into Angie's shoulder a few more times. Angie is moaning in pain as her shoulder is getting very sore. Nancy decides to release Angie's right arm and it falls limply to Angie's sides. Nancy then grabs Angie's left arm and pulls it back and pins it behind Angie's back. Nancy then lifts her legs and sends her knees into Angie's left shoulder. She is repeating the same process on Angie's other shoulder.Nancy keeps up the punishment as Angie moans in pain. Nancy then releases Angie's left arm and it also falls limply to Angie's side. Nancy smiles knowing she sapped the strength right out of her arms to either attack or defend herself. Nancy then grabs Angie's long hair and forces her to stand up. Nancy then grabs Angie by the arm and whips her toward the cage wall. Angie's body flies into the metal and she crashes down to the floor moaning in pain.
Nancy then places her knees down on Angie's arm and applies pressure . Angie is wincing in pain. Nancy is trying to make sure Angie's sore arms are good and weak so she will not be able to mount a comeback. Nancy twists her body and drives her knee into Angie's body a few times. Angie is trying to get out of the hold but her shoulders are weak from the earlier punishment and she cannot escape. Nancy keeps the hold a while longer . She is playing to the crowd and as she does they are cheering for her. After a minute, Nancy slides back a little, freeing Angie's arms. Nancy grabs Angie's head and lifts it up and then slams it down on the floor. Angie moans in pain.
Nancy then lifts her head up two more times and slams it back down hard. Angie is looking a bit dazed as Nancy gets up and sends a hard kick into Angie's crotch. Angie screams in pain and lowers her head to her injured groin. Nancy sends a kick into Angie's belly and Angie moans. Nancy sends a few more kicks to Angie's belly. Angie rolls on the floor moaning in pain. Nancy then raises her foot and stomps down hard on her face. She grids the heel in as Angie is wincing in pain. Angie is weakening fast. Nancy sends a few more stomps into Angie's face . Angie tries to cover her face and Nancy stomps down on her hand. Angie
moves her sore hand away and Nancy continues to stomp on her face.
Nancy does not want to let up . The fans are looking down and going crazy. Nancy sends a few more stomps on Angie's belly. Angie is very winded now . Nancy raises her foot and sends a few vicious stomps onto her face. Angie rolls to the side as she shrieks in pain. As Angie slowly stumbled onto her feet wobbly , Nancy sends a hard hook across her face. Angie stumbles back and Nancy moves in and sends another punch to Angie's face. Nancy then pushes Angie back into the corner. Angie is now trapped against the cave corner wall as Nancy sends a hard punch to her belly. Angie moans in pain. Nancy sends a couple more hard punches to Angie's face. Nancy takes a step back and sends her foot into Angie's belly. All of her air is forced out of Angie. Nancy keeps the kicks coming using the foot to do damage to Angie's belly. Angie is hurting.
Nancy stops the kicks and moves in and starts sending punches to her face once again. Amorally Angie has been able to withstand a lot of punishment to her belly and face but with the repeated attacks she is unable to endure the punishment. Angie's head droops forward as she is fading fast.
Nancy then gives Angie a hard right knee into her stomach. Angie falls face first to the floor. She grabs a handful of Angie's hair forcing her to stand up.She sends her knee into Angie's's sore belly. Angie doubles over and Nancy sends her fist into her back. Angie straightens up and groans. She arches her back as she moves her hands to her sore back. Nancy then sends her knee into her belly again. Angie doubles over and moans. Nancy then slams her fist into her back. Angie then drops to her knees and falls to the floor groaning in pain. She then rolls Angie onto her back and drives her knee down onto Angie's right thigh. Angie howls in pain. Nancy smiles and drives her knee down onto Angie's right thigh a couple more times. Angie starts to reach for her knee and Nancy steps on each of her forearms with her foot. Nancy then releases Angie's arm and she quickly rolls onto her stomach to protect her belly. Nancy squats down and grabs Angie's arms and pulls her up putting Angie in the inescapable came clutch. Angie cries out "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". Nancy leans back and begins to apply pressure. She places her hands under Angie's chin and rocks back and forth. Angie is in pain. Nancy keeps up the pressure and Angie is moaning in pain. Nancy knows Angie's back is one of her weakest spots and is really going after that area to dish out maximum pain. After about a minute. Nancy releases Angie's chin , giving Angie's back a little relief, but she still keeps her in the camel clutch. Nancy then wraps her arms around Angie's neck. She pulls back on her head and chokes Angie causing her back to bend back further. Nancy is really determined as she pours on the pressure.
Angie is in major pain and is unable to escape. Nancy continues to apply pressure as the crowd cheers her on. Angie gasps for air as Nancy leans back. Finally, Nancy releases the hold and drops Angie to the mat. Nancy then stands up and reaches down and grabs Angie's arms.
She pulls back and plants the heel of her foot down in the middle of Angie's back. She has Angie in a surfboard hold. Angie's upper body is pulled off the mat and Angie groans in pain. Nancy is digging her heel in as she pulls back on Angie's arms. Angie's back is hurting but there is no way for her to escape. Nancy keeps up the pressure. This move is also hurting Angie's arms as well. Angie is getting weaker and she is in trouble. Finally, Nancy releases her arms and her upper body flops to the floor. Angie turns to her side and arches her back as she lets out a few moans. Nancy then gets up and grabs Angie by the hair and forces her to stand up. She then grabs Angie by the arm and whips her around and Angie is sent flying into the cage back first. Angie drops to her knees. She reaches around to hold her arching back as she winces in pain.
Angie is in really bad shape now and is past the point of making a comeback. Nancy knows the fight is hers. She moves in and grabs Angie and lifts her up . As she starts to drop her, she extends her knee giving Angie a killer backbreaker. Angie lets out a soft moan. Nancy then picks her up slowly and places her leaning her up against the cage. Nancy curls up her hands into a fist and starts driving
combo punches into her Angie's belly and face. After 10 hard hits, Nancy stops. Angie's exhausted boy slides off the cage and crumples to the floor. Angie is barely conscious. Her back is badly injured and she is no condition to continue the match. Nancy stands over her and smiles "That's right bitch, your career is finished, your finished, and now all of the glory will soon be mine". She then places her foot on Angie's throat.She presses them tight against her throat cutting off Angie's air supply. Nancy is going for the finisher and the crowd eggs her on. Angie is too weak to try and get free and this allows Nancy to keep the hold making sure Angie is out cold. After close to a minute, Nancy gets off Angie and grabs Angie's right arm and lifts it up. She releases it and it falls limply to the floor. Angie is out cold. The crowd is cheering.
Nancy starts strutting around the cage pit showing off her sexy body and shouts "Look at me standing here with my killer body and killer good looks. I think the fans have spoken for a true winner". She turns to the crowd as they start up "