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Offline PeachPit

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« on: October 20, 2013, 08:54:10 AM »

Peach Pit 1st Round -,30250.0.html

Peach Pit 2nd Round -,32262.0.html

Peach Pit Sexy 16 -,34137.0.html


"The following annoucement has been paid for by the right to bare breasts

A a group of mafia hitmen from the Fratello Faction head down the Great  Amazon River


Tommy Fratello sits up front smoking his cigar taking in the lush landscape



Tommy and his henchmen cross the bridge

Image fades to black and fades up a Hardcore image font that reads

Just when you thought our Peach Pit contenders were cruising along


Someone always comes along to stir up the shit


Tommy Fratello exhanges the sand to pick up the Female Idol Statue

Next thing you know the ground from which he stands on begins to grow underneath him as he begins to ascend down a few levels
into the Great Warrior Hall Room


Out from under the rocks rising three Female Amazon Warriors dressed in the height of Roman Fashion




Tommy Fratello is now standing in front of the Female Amazons smoking his cigar looking at the camera

Try Practicing harder....You bitches ain't done yet

Images fades to black with the message in hardcore print "SEXY 69 PART DUEL....COMING SOON"

FADES DOWN AND FADES UP WITH MESSAGE "You Bitches haven't got a prayer!"

Fade to black and returns back to Peach Pit Fight Action


Offline Chann

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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2013, 11:11:32 PM »
woo! cant wait for the continuation! :D


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2013, 04:42:33 PM »
Yes we've been a way for a long time now but are back for some Yuletide Action as we close out the last of the Peach Pit Fight Tournament.


#4 - Tiara Williams - Model



#6 - Sandra Smith - Personal Trainer


Tiara is preparing to continuing her dominance in march to the big fight against this wanna-be blonde as she walks down to the Cage Pit wearing a white t-shirt.  The crowd cheers and whistles as she heads into the cage pit.  Next, Sandra emerges from the locker room walking down the ramp wearing a red silk robe .  She receives a lot of cheers and has a beautiful body that rivals the best of the best.  There has been a lot of speculation as to who will prevail.  Some think it will be Tiara given her size and strength but given the fact of
Sandra's fast, fit figure the polls have her as a slim favorite going into this.  We know for a fact this one could get pretty messy before
a new winner is revealed to us.

As Sandra enters the cage, Tiara rushes over and rips off her robe and sends a hard punch to her gut.  Tiara grabs her by the hair and whips her into the cave corner wall.  As Sandra bounces off the wall and comes back she is met by a vicious clothesline.  She falls to the floor as the wind is knocked out of her.  Tiara raises her elbow and drops it down on Sandra's gut.  Tiara goes after her with a purpose doing anything to take the fuel out of her fire. Tiara reaches down and grabs her arm and forces her to her feet.  She then launches Sandra's head face first into the cave corner wall.  Sandra hits the wall hard and Tiara follows up throwing her body into hers.  
Sandra groans in pain . Tiara then props Sandra up against the walls and stars sending punches into her gut and sides.  Tiara is punching her very hard and is sapping the strength out of Sandra.

After the last punch Sandra bounces off the wall and slips slowly down the wall.  Tiara then brings Sandra up by her hair and applies a tight choke hold as her air supply is cut off.  She tries to weakly fight back but Tiara has the obvious strength advantage and is keeping up the choke.  Tiara keeps up the choke for 20 seconds and then releases the hold. As Tiara does, Sandra sends her elbow deep into her gut.  Tiara screams and starts to brings her hands to hold her side but not before Sandra unleashes a  back kick to her stomach.  With the second hard blow connecting , Tiara falls to her knees and holds her stomach and moans in pain.  Sandra then measures her
and sends the heel of her foot into Tiara's ribs.  Tiara falls to the floor and is pain.  Sandra takes a quick breather as Tiara rolls onto her stomach.  Sandra then walks over and sends a heel into her back.  She brings it into Tiara's spine as Tiara cries out in agony. Sandra removes her foot from Tiara's back

Sandra releases her foot on Tiara's back and Tiara rolls herself alongside the floor.   Sandra is in quick pursuit and as Tiara is on her knees Sandra grabs her hair pulls t back and slams a knee upside her chin again and again.  Tiara drops down to the floor.  Sandra then comes back to Tiara on her knees and grabs her head and slams it down onto the floor as Tiara lets out a soft moan.  Sandra does this 5 times .

After the third time Tiara goes out as Sandra leans into her, "I guess you were just a fad so I guess I will have to be the last woman standing now "


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2013, 04:52:45 PM »

#16 - Lisa Nelson - Porn Star



# 7 - Jen H - Free Catfight Member


Heading into this pivotal South Regional Final , Jen H has certainly turned heads and for some appear to be the #1 contender for the crown.
However, she will have her hands full in her most challenging match yet for a Porn Star who has so much to prove in so many ways.

The first fighter to ascend down the ramp is Lisa who struts down wearing a blue silk robe.  She looks quite good as she waves to the cheering crowd on her way to the Cage Pit.  Now Jen H appears on top of the ramp
wearing a white t-shirt as she crowd cheers wildly for her as she makes her way to the Cage Pit door.

The girls immediately waste no time to build up suspense and immediately strip off their clothes and head on toward each other. They lock up in a test of strength.  Jen H starts winning the battle and is pushing Lisa towards the nearest cave corner wall.
As Lisa's back hits the corner, she breaks off her test of strength.  Before Jen can react, Lisa sends a front kick into Jen's mid-section.  Jen flies backward landing hard on the floor.

Lisa rushes over to her fallen opponent and grabs her long brown hair.  She forces Jen up to her feet and throws her into the cave corner wall.  Jen bounces off the cave corner wall and meets a waiting Lisa.  Lisa pulls her fist back and drives it forward burying deep into Jen's belly.

Jen drops down to her knees and clutches her mid-section.  Lisa then sends her knee into the side of Jen's head knocking the athletic beauty down to the floor.

As Jen holds her head. Lisa raises her foot and stomps down on the Jen's head.   Jen lets out a loud moan as Lisa repeats the move.  Jen starts to roll over and Lisa stomps down on Jen's side which causes Jen to grunt in pain.  Lisa then grabs Jen by the hair and forces her to her knees. Lisa knees down behind her and wraps her arms around Jen's mid-section.  She clamps her hands together
and then pulls back, squeezing Jen's tight mid section.  Jen lowers her hands and tries to pry Lisa's hands apart. Lisa squeezes harder and Jen lets out of a groan as she continues ot work on freeing her mid section. Lisa is squeezing with everything she has trying to weaken her
stronger opponent.  Jen seems to be getting a little weaker.  Finally, Jen is able to force Lisa's hands apart and free her mid section.  Jen takes a long deep breath, trying ti get some air back into her lungs.

Lisa then rolls onto her back and then sends both of her feet into Jen's back knocking her face first to the floor.  Lisa then moves over to Jen's right leg .  She then puts Jen in an ankle lock.  Lisa starts to twist Jen's ankle and Jen cries out in pain.  Lisa then raises Jen's leg off the floor and slams her knee back down.  Jen howls in pain. Lisa continues with the hold and Jen is in pain.  Lisa lifts Jen's leg up and smashes her knee down on the floor again increasing Jen's pain. Lisa is really working Jen over.  Jen is trying to escape the hold but is unable to.

Lisa keeps up the pressure a little longer and releases the hold .  Jen brings her legs closer to her body as she reacheds down to hold her ankle as winces in pain.

Lisa does not allow her much time for recovery and reaches for a handful of Jen's hair.  She yanks on it forcing Jen to her feet. Jen cannot put much weight on her foot as she is basically standing on one leg. Lisa pushes her back into the corner and moves in for a hard side kick into Jen's belly.  Jen moans in pain .  Lisa sends more kicks into Jen's belly and sides knocking the wind right out of her. Jen is having a hard time standing since her ankle is hurt.  Lisa moves in and drives a punch into Jen's side.

Jen is moaning in pain.  Lisa drives a few more hard punches to her sides and mid section.  Jen's head droops forward as she groans.  Lisa then grabs a handful of Jen's hair and yanks her head back.  She raises her fist for the whole crowd to see.  She then drives it into Jen's head as the crowd chants "one".  Lisa has the crowd by her side.  She smiles and continues to send punches in to Jen's head as the crowd keeps up the chant "two, three, four, five, six , seven, eight, nine , ten!". 

Lisa backs off as Jen slumps in the corner.  Lisa pulls her leg back and drives her knee into Jen's crotch.  Jen's head flies back as she lets out a shriek.  Lisa sends her knee into Jen's crotch again.  Lisa then grabs Jen by the hair and pulls her out of the corner. Lisa leads her to the center of the pit and puts her in a front face lock.

Oh wait, she has Jen set up for a DDT.  She then falls to the floor, driving Jen's head into the floor.
Jen is lying emotionless on the floor.  Lisa stands up and parades around the cage pit listening to the cheering crowd.
Jen H, who once had a reputation as once fierce warrior has finally met her match as no movement but slight body twitching is seen. Lisa will get an easy victory for playing it strategically .  The bell is rung and Lisa is the winner.The crowd cheers their approval. 


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2013, 05:06:52 PM »

Well everyone we will deck the halls with these last two regional fights before the big kahuna, the main event , the final four to determine the 2013 Peach Pit Fight Champion.

And Remember.......the winner of this must undergo the final tests of strength to be the Supreme Champion as the contests only get harder from here on in.


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 09:17:47 AM »

#9 - Nancy  Chung - Acupuncturist /Yoga Instructor



#2 - Angie 39 - Free Catfight Member


The arena is packed for tonight's match between two equally strong opponents.  Angie 39 and Nancy have clearly
demonstrated to be two of the toughest gals in their region and each of their fights have been top notch.

Adding to the excitement is the possbility of one of them being their last match and whole lot of cash at the end to  be fighting for. Angie 39 is the first to be appearing down the ramp.   The crowd cheers as she walks to the cage pit.  She is wearing a long white t-shirt as she waves to the crowdand makes her way up to the cage pit.  As Angie 39 enters the cage pit, Nancy Chung appears on the ramp.  She is looking quite divine tonight.  She trust down the ramp wearing a matching long white t-shirt with a pair of big lips being displayed in the center. She enters the cage pit as the fans cheer. 

Both of them grab their t-shirts and rip them off their bodies .  Nancy throws her t-shirt at Angie and then turns toward the cheering crowd.  She raises her hands in the air and plays to the crowd.

Angie-39 has her hands at the center and is quite pissed at Nancy stealing her thunder and throwing her shirt at her.  Angie grabs the torn shit and rushes over to Nancy.  She comes up behind the Asian and places the ripped shirt around Nancy's neck.  Angie tightens the hold and starts to choke Nancy.  Nancy is not prepared for this and she gasps.  She tries to break the choke but Angie has the shirt wrapped tightly around Nancy's neck.Angie is pulling really hard and Nancy is struggling to breath.  Angie finally decides to release the hold and she turns Nancy around and pushes her into a cave corner wall.   Angie then drives the sole of her foot deep into Nancy's bare belly.
Nancy lets out a moan.  Angie continues to work over Nancy's mid section with her foot and knees.  Nancy is moaning in pain.  It looks like Angie is on a mission to go to business early to finish her off quickly.

After a dozen knee and kicks, Angie moves in.  She then pulls her arm back and slams a fist into Nancy's face.  Nancy cries out in pain from the hit, Angie throws another punch into the same spot.  Angie continues to work over Nancy's face and her chest.  She sends some hard punches into one breast and then the other .  Nancy is really hurting and Angie continues to work over her face.  Angie finally stops and pulls her from the corner. She puts the Asian in a head lock and then drops to the cave floor bulldogging Nancy.  Nancy lies face first on the floor and is not moving.

Angie then steps away taking a breather jogging in place fists up and after a few minutes Nancy starts to move.  Nancy slowly pushes herself up to her hands and knees.  Angie then moves in for a kick, Nancy blocks hte kick and trips Angie down to the ground.
Nancy still holding her legs wide open sends her foot deep into Angie's crotch.  Angie cries out in agony and moves both of her hands to her sore crotch.Nancy then pulls Angie's right leg and sends her knee into her leg.  Angie moans in pain.  Nancy repeats the move two more times.  Nancy still holding her right leg continues to stomp down on Angie's sore knee. Angie slams her hands on the floor in pain.  Nancy stomps on Angie's knee a couple more times.   Angie moves her hand to her hurt knee. Nancy then moves over and stomps down on Angie's let knee.  After a few more stomps on Angie's left knee,  Nancy grabs Angie's hair and pulls her to her feet.

Angie's knees have been weakened and she is having trouble standing.  Nancy starts sending punches into Angie's mid section.  Angie moans with each fit and is unable to defend herself.  Her body starts to fall back and she is caught up between the cave corner wall.  Nancy keeps up the attack now on Angie's face.  Now Nancy is sending vicious lefts and rights into Angie's ribs.  Angie is starting to wear down as her legs give out and she falls to her knees. Nancy then moves in and grabs Angie up by the hair and sends a vicious hook to Angie's left cheek.  Angie turns her head and Nancy comes back with her left hand and sends a hook to Angie's right cheek.  Nancy sends another hook to Angie's left cheek leaving a bright red spot.Nancy then pushes Angie into the cave corner wall and pulls her fist back sending into Angie's face.   Angie moans in punishment.  Nancy continues the face punishment sending punch after punch after punch into her face. Angie is getting very winded .  Nancy keeps up the punishment trying to weaken Angie .  After 25 punches, Nancy stops the attack.  Angie's legs give out and is leaning up against the cave corner wall.

Nancy then forces Angie up to her feet shoves her over to the cave corner wall with Angie's right shoulder connecting with the wall.  Angie lets out a groan.  Nancy then pulls her back and then throws her toward the cave corner wall again this time making sure her left shoulder hits the pole.As Angie groans, Nancy grabs her right arm and pulls it behind Angie's back.  She tightens the hold causing Angie to cry out in a pin.  Nancy applies pressure and Angie is hurting. Finally Angie drops to her knees but Nancy continues to hold Angie's injured arm.  Nancy then raises her leg and drives her knee into Angie's right shoulder.  Angie winces in pain as Nancy hits her shoulder.  It looks like Nancy is trying to put out Angie's shoulder.  She is quite the astute expert on pressure points being a Yoga /Acupuncturist and knows just the right spots to activate feelings of pleasure and pain. 

Nancy then drives her knee into Angie's shoulder a few more times.  Angie is moaning in pain as her shoulder is getting very sore.  Nancy decides to release Angie's right arm and it falls limply to Angie's sides.  Nancy then grabs Angie's left arm and pulls it back and pins it behind Angie's back.  Nancy then lifts her legs and sends her knees into Angie's left shoulder.  She is repeating the same process on Angie's other shoulder.Nancy keeps up the punishment as Angie moans in pain.  Nancy then releases Angie's left arm and it also falls limply to Angie's side. Nancy smiles knowing she sapped the strength right out of her arms to either attack or defend herself.  Nancy then grabs Angie's long hair and forces her to stand up.  Nancy then grabs Angie by the arm and whips her toward the cage wall.  Angie's body flies into the metal and she crashes down to the floor moaning in pain. 

Nancy then places her knees down on Angie's arm and applies pressure . Angie is wincing in pain.  Nancy is trying to make sure Angie's sore arms are good and weak so she will not be able to mount a comeback.  Nancy twists her body and drives her knee into Angie's body a few times. Angie is trying to get out of the hold but her shoulders are weak from the earlier punishment and she cannot escape.  Nancy keeps the hold a while longer .   She is playing to the crowd and as she does they are cheering for her.  After a minute, Nancy slides back a little, freeing Angie's arms.  Nancy grabs Angie's head and lifts it up and then slams it down on the floor.  Angie moans in pain.

Nancy then lifts her head up two more times and slams it back down hard.  Angie is looking a bit dazed as Nancy gets up and sends a hard kick into Angie's crotch.  Angie screams in pain and lowers her head to her injured groin.  Nancy sends a kick into Angie's belly and Angie moans. Nancy sends a few more kicks to Angie's belly.  Angie rolls on the floor moaning in pain.  Nancy then raises her foot and stomps down hard on her face.  She grids the heel in as Angie is wincing in pain.  Angie is weakening fast.  Nancy sends a few more stomps into Angie's face .  Angie tries to cover her face and Nancy stomps down on her hand. Angie
moves her sore hand away and Nancy continues to stomp on her face.

Nancy does not want to let up .  The fans are looking down and going crazy.  Nancy sends a few more stomps on Angie's belly.  Angie is very winded now . Nancy raises her foot and sends a few vicious stomps onto her face.  Angie rolls to the side as she shrieks in pain.  As Angie slowly stumbled onto her feet wobbly ,  Nancy sends a hard hook across her face.  Angie stumbles back and Nancy moves in and sends another punch to Angie's face. Nancy then pushes Angie back into the corner.  Angie is now trapped against the cave corner wall as Nancy sends a hard punch to her belly.  Angie moans in pain. Nancy sends a couple more hard punches to Angie's face.  Nancy takes a step back and sends her foot into  Angie's belly.  All of her air is forced out of Angie.  Nancy keeps the kicks coming using the foot to do damage to Angie's belly.  Angie is hurting.

Nancy stops the kicks and moves in and starts sending punches to her face once again.  Amorally Angie has been able to withstand a lot of punishment to her belly and face but with the repeated attacks she is unable to endure the punishment.  Angie's head droops forward as she is fading fast.

Nancy then gives Angie a hard right knee into her stomach.  Angie falls face first to the floor. She grabs a handful of Angie's hair forcing her to stand up.She sends her knee into Angie's's sore belly.  Angie doubles over and Nancy sends her fist into her back.  Angie straightens up and groans.  She arches her back as she moves her hands to her sore back.  Nancy then sends her knee into her belly again.  Angie doubles over and moans.  Nancy then slams her fist into her back.  Angie then drops to her knees and falls to the floor groaning in pain.  She then rolls Angie onto her back and drives her knee down onto Angie's right thigh.  Angie howls in pain.  Nancy smiles and drives her knee down onto Angie's right thigh a couple more times.  Angie starts to reach for her knee and Nancy steps on each of her forearms with her foot.  Nancy then releases Angie's arm and she quickly rolls onto her stomach to protect her belly.   Nancy squats down and grabs Angie's arms and pulls her up putting Angie in the inescapable came clutch.  Angie cries out "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".  Nancy leans back and begins to apply pressure. She places her hands under Angie's chin and rocks back and forth.  Angie is in pain.  Nancy keeps up the pressure and Angie is moaning in pain.  Nancy knows Angie's back is one of her weakest spots and is really going after that area to dish out maximum pain.  After about a minute.  Nancy releases Angie's chin , giving Angie's back a little relief, but she still keeps her in the camel clutch.   Nancy then wraps her arms around Angie's neck.  She pulls back on her head and chokes Angie causing her back to bend back further.  Nancy is really determined as she pours on the pressure.

Angie is in major pain and is unable to escape.  Nancy continues to apply pressure as the crowd cheers her on.  Angie gasps for air as Nancy leans back.   Finally, Nancy releases the hold and drops Angie to the mat.  Nancy then stands up and reaches down and grabs Angie's arms.

She pulls back and plants the heel of her foot down in the middle of Angie's back.  She has Angie in a surfboard hold.  Angie's upper body is pulled off the mat and Angie groans in pain.  Nancy is digging her heel in as she pulls back on Angie's arms. Angie's back is hurting but there is no way for her to escape.  Nancy keeps up the pressure.  This move is also hurting Angie's arms as well.  Angie is getting weaker and she is in trouble.  Finally, Nancy releases her arms and her upper body flops to the floor.  Angie turns to her side and arches her back as she lets out a few moans. Nancy then gets up and grabs Angie by the hair and forces her to stand up.  She then grabs Angie by the arm and whips her around and Angie is sent flying into the  cage back first.  Angie drops to her knees.  She reaches around to hold her arching back as she winces in pain.

Angie is in really bad shape now and is past the point of making a comeback.  Nancy knows the fight is hers.  She moves in and grabs Angie and lifts her up .  As she starts to drop her, she extends her knee giving Angie a killer backbreaker.  Angie lets out a soft moan.  Nancy then picks her up slowly and places her leaning her up against the cage.  Nancy curls up her hands into a fist and starts driving
combo punches into her Angie's belly and face. After 10 hard hits, Nancy stops.   Angie's exhausted boy slides off the cage and crumples to the floor.  Angie is barely conscious.  Her back is badly injured and she is no condition to continue the match.  Nancy stands over her and smiles "That's right bitch, your career is finished, your finished, and now all of the glory will soon be mine".  She then places her foot on Angie's throat.She presses them tight against her throat cutting off Angie's air supply.    Nancy is going for the finisher and the crowd eggs her on.  Angie is too weak to try and get free and this allows Nancy to keep the hold making sure Angie is out cold.  After close to a minute, Nancy gets off Angie and grabs Angie's right arm and lifts it up.  She releases it and it falls limply to the floor.  Angie is out cold.  The crowd is cheering.

Nancy starts strutting around the cage pit showing off her sexy body  and shouts "Look at me standing here with my killer body and killer good looks.  I think the fans have spoken for a true winner".  She turns to the crowd as they start up "


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2014, 09:27:04 AM »
Peach Pit - East Regional Final

#11 - Sandra James - Custom Car Care Owner



#13 - Candice Beckman - Accounting Intern


Candice is the first to come down the ramp as the crowd roars for her approval for the "little engine that could".  She has on a blue silk robe and enters the cage pit as Candice now walks down the ramp.  The crowd cheers loudly for the African Beast Sandra James  down to the cage pit wearing a matching blue silk robe.  Sandra enters the cage pit and glares over to Candice .  Candice then slowly walks over to Sandra and says "I know that this could very well be one of our last fights and I am well aware of the consequences involved.  Whatever happens let's be sure to fight hard and not hold anything against each other'.

Sandra spits in her face "You're in my space....fuck off!"  Candice wipes the spit off her face and they retreat to opposite corners of the cage pit wall.  The two gals then come out of their corners with their arms curled up in fists knee bent.  Sandra is motioned with her hand and pointing to her ribs "come on honey right here...let's see if you can make them believe in miracles". 

Candice keeps her composure and fires a left and right sidekick to her sides followed by a knee to her gut which has no effect.  All kicks and knee strikes were absorbed as Sandra tightens her abs and unleashes 3 right and left jabs into Candice's sides softening her up. 

Candice is wincing pain as she is bent over and s tarts walking back toward the cave  corner wall holding her sides.  Candice then holding her sides looking up and doesn't react in time as Sandra drives her right shoulder deep into Candice's belly ramming her up against the cave corner wall.  Candice's jaw drops as all of the air rushes out of her lungs.  Candice's body is still held up as Sandra takes a step back and sends a hard sidekick into Candice's gut with her foot.  Candice got some air in her lungs and is able to let out a loud moan.  Sandra continues to work on Candice's belly sending kicks and hooks ot her sides as Candice moans in pain.

After a dozen kicks and sharp jabs to the side, Candice's head is drooped forward as she tries to suck in air.  Sandra then pulls her fist back and slams it straight in Candice's face as she lets out a groan.  Sandra punches her face again.  A small cut appears on Candice's forehead.  Candice tries fighting her way through the pain.  She is cut off as Sandra slams her fist on her head gain.  The cut on Candice's face opens wider and more blood trickles out.  Candice then slouches against the cave corner wall as the "little engine that could" is turning out to be the biggest one hit wonder in Peach Pit Fight History.

Candice is in a real bad position now and needs to get free otherwise she is at the tender mercies of Sandra who will continue to work her over without her able to defend herself.  Candice then slowly stumbled out of the cave corner wall holding her belly but is unable to evade herself as Sandra pulls back her foot and sends a sidekick to her face as she lets out a loud moan.  Candice then slumps down to the floor clutching her sore belly and face. 

Sandra then moves over to Candice and raises her knee above her head.  She then slams it down on Candice's head.  Candice groans as it hits.  Sandra then pulls her head back and sends her knee to her face a few times.  She then rolls Candice onto her back and slams her knee down onto her back.  Candice moans in pain. 

Sandra then grabs a handful of her hair and gets a surprise as a punch lands in Sandra's belly.  Sandra is caught off guard and moans as their is still a spark of life left in  Candice.  Candice then gets back up and sends a jab to her face.  Sandra then fires back a punch and Candice blocks it and sends another fist into Sandra's belly.  Sandra then drops to her knees and Candice drives her knee into Sandra's face .  Sandra falls to hte floor and grabs her head.  Candice then acts on payback and sends her knee down onto Sandra's back .  Candice then grabs Sandra's hair and pulls her to her feet.  Candice sends a jab to Sandra's throat causing Sandra to gasp for air.  With Sandra clutching her throat,  Candice pushes her up against the cave corner wall. Candice then steps back and raises a hard sidekick to Sandra's belly.  Sandra groans from the kick.  Candice continues to send kick after kick into Sandra's belly.  Sandra's head droops forward as Candice's kicks are taking the life right out of her.  After a dozen kicks and hooks to the face.  Candice stops, pauses, and then steps forward pulling her fist back and sending it into Sandra's face.  Sandra lets out a loud moan.  Her legs are wobbly and she is getting weak.Candice hits her again and again and again.  After 10 solid hits, Candice steps forward and places both of her hands on her throat and squeezes her.  Sandra is already out of breath form the attacks and is fading. 

Candice continue to choke Sandra in a amazing display of determination as the crowd is obvious in shock in this amazing turn of events ever before conceived in a Peach Pit fight.  Candice keeps up the choke for awhile and moves away.  Sandra falls to the arena floor.  Candice then grabs Sandra's legs and pulls her to the center of the pit and traps her in a leg scissors.  Candice tightens her sexy legs around Sandra's waist.  Candice squeezes her legs taking the air out of Sandra.

Sandra is moaning in pain.  She reaches for Candice's ankles and  tries to pry apart the legs.  Candice squeezes harder and Sandra lets out another moan.  Candice has Sandra trapped in this hold and if she holds it long enough it might take Sandra out of it.  Sandra is getting weaker and she knows she needs to break free.  Candice is in control and continues to apply pressure to Sandra's midsection.  Sandra is getting desperate and moves her hand to Candice's thigh and digs her fingernails into Candice's skin.  Candice lets out a soft cry but it does not break the hold.  Sandra digs her nails deeper into Candice's pretty leg  .  Sandra's nails scratch across Candice's thigh drawing some blood.  Candice is forced to release the hold and she rolls to the side .  She pushes herself up on her knees and looks down at her thighs.  Blood is beginning to pool.  As Candice tends to her thigh, Sandra reaches out to get some air back into her lungs.  One of these gals needs to act quickly in order to gain the upper hand to victory.  Sandra stars to crawl over to Sandra.  She nears her opponent and stands in front of Candice who is still on her knees.

Sandra pulls back her knee grabs Candice's head and drives it forward upside her chin.  Candice lets out a deafening scream and falls back to the floor.  She buries her hands on her face and lets out another wail.  It looks like  Sandra is back in charge to put this joker out for good.  Sandra then grabs Candice and drags her over to the nearest cave corner wall.  She place's Candice's upper back as she sits leaned up holding her head.  Sandra then sends a hard punch to her face.  Candice groans as Sandra continue the assault on Candice's unprotected midsection.

Candice is hurting but is not able to stop Sandra's attack.  After a few more punches, Candice tries to suck in air not knowing what dastardly deed Sandra has in store for her.  She then grabs Candice by the hair dragging her out shouting "SO, you want to get cute with me by choking me? Even with an advantage you're too young and too stupid to get it done.

She gets behind her puts her arms between Candice's throat and begins choking her.  Candice grasps for air as her oxygen supply is cut off.  Sandra pulls hard on the hold taking the air out of Candice.  Candice's arms are trapped and she cannot get them free.  With Sandra standing behind her there is no way she has enough energy to kick her to make her stop.  It looks like Candice is in trouble .  Sandra continues to apply more pressure and Candice is fading fast.

Candice is kicking her legs on the mat.  She is struggling to stay conscious.  Sandra pulls on the choke hold harder.  The hold is really digging into Candice's neck.  It looks like this could be curtains for the little jackrabbit Candice.  She had a good run but not enough street smarts to finish the job.  Sandra is not letting up as she continues to pull on the hold.

Candice's eyes are starting to flutter.  Sandra leans back and applies maximum pressure.  Finally Candice's body goes limp,  and with a crack of her neck she is out cold.  Sandra releases the hold. The crowd cheers as Sandra now punches and plows her way into the Ferocious Four .


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2014, 09:50:18 AM »

Well everyone after a very long year fought battle starting in 2013 now concludes this January with four finalists battling it out as part of The Ferocious Four. 


The winner of this isn't necessarily deemed the winner.....just yet. 

Remember...this is the Sexy 69 tournament.

Where 64 fighters have fought to make it through Part 1.  There are still 5 fighters left for Part Two .

And the winner of part one meets part two as part of the GAME OF DEATH SERIES

DESTINATION ??????????????????????????????????????????????????