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The case of the missing model Episode 10 : Final chapter By the Masked Writer

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Offline maskedwriter

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The case of the missing model Episode 10 : Final chapter
By the Masked Writer
Here I am, naked to the waist and pantyhose down, facing the opponent the Master (or more probably, I suspect, the Mistress) has found for me. Obviously the leaders have decided it was beatdown night. My client Catherine Johnson just took a frightful beating by a muscular midget, and finished by the Mistress herself, and now it is my turn.
Facing me, on the other side of the mat, dressed like me with pantyhose only, stands the tallest woman I have ever seen. That girl, in her twenties, I would say, is more than a head taller than me.  And she is not the model type, thin as a thread. She has got broad shoulders and huge breast. Not very muscular but visibly a solid, big boned, giantess of a woman.
But then the Master starts the presentation :
-My friend, her is our last match for tonight ! First, at my left, at 5 ft 5, 130 pounds, 56 years old spy and traitor Anika Cross !
Yea. Boos and Hisses.
-In the corner at my right, at 6 ft 6 inches (Ok I think : not 7 ft), 250 pds, the eight wonder of the world, Mika “the giant Amazon”, Brown !
-Let’s rumble !
I step on the mat, trying to see how I will take on this giantess. As we circle around each other, I figure I am quicker than she is. It might be my only chance. As I look at her position, I see she is not a very experienced fighter. She stays straight and keeps her arms away from her body, leaving her legs exposed to an attack. I figure my best chance is to get her on the ground, where her size will not be such an advantage. So I rush head first, slip under her long arms and grab her legs at the knees, putting all my weight behind me, but she bends forward, spreading legs and manages to keep her balance.
Then I fill her long arms wrapping around my waist, from above. She lift me like I was a child. For a second I am head down, legs kicking the air powerlessly. Then she literally throws me away. I fly on a distance of, about 6 feet. There is no controlling my fall there. I land on the side, left arm, shoulder and hips taking the shock. It hurts like hell.
As I work my way up on my feet, feeling dizzy and with my left arm almost paralyzed, I can see her long legs and feet coming towards me. Suddenly, I feel her gigantic hand on my neck. I feel like she is going to break it. She pulls me up, standing straight. Then her other hand grabs my crotch and she lift me in the air, over her head, like a baby. I can see the whole assistance from over 7 feet high. (I notice, weirdly, that blond Noémie is not behind the Master’s couple anymore). Then the giantess let me down. I land flat on my stomach. The pain explode in my head as my breast are crushed on the ground and the air expelled from my lungs. 
I can’t help folding on myself like a pretzel. My opponent then puts her massive foot on my head, crushing my face down in the mat, cutting my air.
Desperately, I begin to struggle like a fish out of water and manage to slip from under her foot. I roll as far and as fast as I can, but in an instant she's already on me. With her giant grip, she grabs a handful of my hair and literally pulls me up, forcing me to stand up.
In a desperate move, I grab her wrist and try to twist it into an armlock. It seems to work at first but she uses her other arm to grab my wrists and easily reverse the grip. I feel like a child fighting with an adult!
That's when she slaps me with the back of her hand (her hand almost completely covers my face!) and I feel like a bomb is exploding in my head. I spin around and I'm thrown face down on the floor, again.
The room seems to be revolving all around me as I try to get back up. I am still on all four when she kicks me in the ribs with her oversized foo and I roll over, falling on my back. Through a curtain of tears I can see her towering over me like some kind of colossal statue for a moment. Then she sits down on my stomach, straddling me. Her weight expels whatever air I still had in my lungs. I try to punch her in the stomach and on her bountiful boobs but I have no strength left and I can’t even make her wince. She then grabs my upper arms with her hands. I never thought my arms as “skinny” or “flabby” but her hands encircle my biceps without difficulty and I can feel her fingers digging in the soft muscle like it was jello. She pins me down and moves her knees sot as to kneel on my shoulders, immobilizing my arms completely. I try to kick her in the back with my knees but can’t reach her, as I have no more breath.
Then she puts her hands around my neck and starts to squeeze.

I am trying to arch my body to lift her but she is too heavy and I am too weak. I feel her fingers compressing my throat and I can’t breathe. I think my head is going to explode, my sight gets blurred, then, as I am about to lose conscience,  something happens as I feel her grip relaxing. As I take a deep breath I feel her weight moving from my chest and I can free my arms. Then I see a slim silhouette with short blond hairs.
It is Catherine ! She was nearby, recovering from the beating she just received and she comes to my rescue, tired as she is and her body still aching everywhere.
She just took grabbed my opponent with a chinlock and pulled her away from me.  Giantess Mika was taken by surprise and did not resist on the moment. 
I heard the voice of the Master saying:
-Nobody moves!
So he wanted to make it a handicap match.
But however surprised the giantess was, Catherine is certainly no match for her. She grabs Mrs Johnson slender wrists with her giant hands and easily pulls her arms apart. As I am painfully and sluggishly trying to get back on my feet I see her raising and taking Catherine by the throat with one hand, by the crouch with the other and lifting her in the air like a baby, and slamming her on the mat. Catherine’s body twists in pain and becomes limp.
Then the giantess lifts her right foot, ready to stomp her helpless victim.  Then I muster all the energy I have left (not much) and I plunge forward, ramming with all my weight on her left hip while she stands on one leg only. She falls like a tree, making a loud noise as her body touch the ground. Then I kick her as hard as I can on the side of the knee, hoping to make enough damage to handicap her. But I am so tired I can’t hit hard enough. She owls in pain but I feel nothing breaking or tearing in her knee. And she replies by kicking me in the stomach. I fall back on my butts, exhausted.
 That is when a deafening noise, like an explosion, shakes the house. Acrid smoke, stinging the eyes, invades the room. Cries are heard, deafening, I hear a door smash. It takes a moment for me to realize what's going on. Suddenly I see all the assistants with their hands up, including the giantess. I imitate them, instinctively.
It is only then that I see the SWAT cops, masked, helmets pointed guns and all.
I pass out, as much from relief as exhaustion.
When I wake up, there is a worried-looking nurse taking my pulse. She smiles when she sees I come back to life. Since I am still lying on the ground, I stand up on my elbows and take a look around.  I see a lot of people handcuffed, being pushed outside by armed cops. Among those arrested I can see the Master and the Mistress. They don’t look nearly so proud, now. Among the cops I see… Noemie ! I had this I idea that the blonde terror could be a cop.  Obviously she was undercover, gathering evidence to have this bunch of pseudo-religious weirdos arrested.
And closer to me there is Catherine, crying while hugging a beautiful red-headed girl. It is her daughter Kate ! She is wearing a bulletproof jacket. I hear her telling her mother that she escaped the cult a few days ago and convinced the police, which had already infiltrated the cult, that it was time to act.
Well : case closed !
The end


Offline krispin

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Very nice story. Waiting for something more from you.


Offline SunnyB

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Yeah, sometimes size matters!  ;) ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!