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KATTERINA vs Shannon Tweed health spa catfight

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KATTERINA vs Shannon Tweed health spa catfight
« on: March 16, 2014, 10:46:59 PM »
Katterina vs Shannon Tweed Health Spa catfight

Katterina was simply gorgeous.
Not knowing the ladies age, as her body was still very firm, and pleasing, as her face was young looking and beautiful.
It would have been easy to mistake her for some hot young college girl.
Katterina was very full figured, yet fit, and toned as well.
Long blonde hair, that hung down well past her shoulders, and eyes that were pretty, and vibrant.
Katterina was blonde, and enjoyed very much, people thinking less of how smart she was, just due to her hair color.
I knew Katterina, was also very smart, and very naughty and fun at times.
Lately she had been doing some part time hours, at a exclusive spa.
One of the perks, being Katterina could slip in and use it, even after hours, for her own pleasure. Plus she could get free massages, and things if desired during hours, if someone did not have a client waiting.
This weekend, the spa was closed, for regular annual maintenance, and things needed.
The buxom blonde unable to keep from making it her own, for the day, managed to talk me into going with her.
The spa itself, was set inside a nice sized private manor, on a very nice sized grounds.
An outdoor pool, as well as an extra buidling with an indoor pool, and showers.
The interior of the main building, holding the front meeting area, and service desk. That Katterina at times worked at.
A steam room, several rooms for massages. A nice sized work out gyn, as well as other various ameneties, including mud baths.
Katterina was chattering happily, as the sun was still out, and she used her keys, to let us both in.
Katterina was wearing some light, flowery skirt. The skirt was easily see through if wet or light shining through it.
It also ran at a slant across her body. The one side, barely down past her hip, while the other side, was hanging slightly past her knee.
It was light, and seemed to glide around her long legs, as she gave me a tour.
The t-shirt she was wearing, tight, and esily showing not only did Katterina choose not to wear a bra today. The lady still did not need to, as she was still very firm, beneath the shirt.
Katterina's eyes dancing, and laughing at me, as mine kept going from her face, to her chest, as it heaved and jiggled as she walked. 
Her skirt caressing her hips, and thighs.
As Katterina is giving me the tour, leading me into one of the massage rooms.
Outside an expensive car pulls up. The lady inside a model, B movie actress, and very stressed out partner to a rock star.
Shannon Tweed, had not paid attention to the message sent her. So did not know the spa was not open today.
Since Katterina, did not think it possible, she had not locked the door behind us.
"Hello where is everyone ?" A woman's unhappy voice calls out.
Katterina gives me a very mishievious smile, and strips her shirt, giving me a very nice view of her large, firm breasts.
"In here." She yells back, as she hops onto the table, and tells me to oil her some.
Katterina laying on her back, her bare breasts heaving before me, as her nipples begin to harden. "Do it or I get in trouble." Katterina says as she lays waiting.
I hear the clack of high heels and quickly grab a bottle of scented massage oil, and pour some of it over the soft mounds, of Katterina's breasts.
I did not know if she was being truthful or not, so I had to go along with it.
As Katterina lays, her hand quickly loosening, and dropping her skirt to the floor. Katterina lays in only her soft panties, as my hands massage and gently rub the oil over and into the tender skin of her tits.
Her nipples becoming fully engorged, beneath my fingers as Shannon struts in.
Katterina smiling, having me unsure if it was my hands roaming her body or the look on Shannon Tweeds face.
Katterina making me blush, as she grabs one of my hands, and guides it down, to the top of her panties. "Mmmmm a little there as well." She says smiling, as I begin to massage over her taut belly, and slightly above her womanhood.
Her eyes catching mine briefly. "Lower please." She says flashing a smile.
As Shannon watches the tips of my fingers now dipping beneath Katterina's panties.
My other hand adding more lotion, and continuing, to glide over her breasts and belly.
Her head turning again to Shannon. "Oh I'm sorry, the spa is closed this weekend." "You should have gotten the notice." Katterina says calmly, yet the subtle change in her voice, letting me know, she was starting to get aroused by her own game.
"Look the door was open, I need to be taken care off, and who the hell is he?" "I never saw him here before." Shannon says, as her eyes seem to enjoy watching my hands roam Katterina's sexy body.
"Oh him, he is a new masseuse I am supposed to try out, before the regular clients have him work on them." She says, as she strips her panties now, and lays fully nude.
"That was a full body massage." Katterina informs me, as she tries to keep from laughing, at the look on my face. 
Katterina was my friend, and yet here she lay naked, and glistening in all her glory. I could either stop, and put her into maybe a lot of trouble or I could continue.
More lotion poured onto her body, as one hand now worked around her sex, and her thighs, and legs. Katterina holding the other to her heaving, wet looking breasts.
Shannon was wearing a side slit, skin tight mini skirt. A blouse, that was a size too small, and was beginning to be unbuttoned quickly. Her own ample breasts heaving in a lace bra.
"Look you little slut, I have a standing appointment, on Sundays if needed." She begins as she strips her blouse, and frees her well formed tits from her bra. As I hear Katterina moan softly, as my one hand has roamed to a most intimate area.
"He can fuck you later if he wants, but I am going to work out, maybe use an exercise bike." "Then he is going to give me a full body massage, understood, itty bitty kitty?" Shannon says chest heaving, as she turns and clacks away.
"The name is Katterina you bitch." Katterina says softly, her voice and eye showing the anger building inside. My hand held to her breast, the other squeezed between her thighs. Before she releases me, and holds her arms out to me.
Katterina was naked, and looking wet, from her breasts to her calves by now. I help her off the table, and she stands arms around me, body pressed to mine, as her eyes look into mine. "I have never liked that uppity, snooty bitch Shannon." Katterina says, as I can see by her look. She was making some plans for our unwanted guest.
"She calls me kitty again, she will see this Katt has claws." She goes, on as I begin to see the gentle lady, giving way to the catfighting vixen.
"Let's have some fun with her." She says playfully, before letting me go, and staying naked, walks out before me.
Katterina allows Shannon some time to think she has already won the argument.  Katterina even taking Shannon a towel, as the blonde uses the exercise bike. Light coming through the blinde on the window beside her.
Shannon's new top, very thin, and white. Her heavy breasts easily seen through it, as she perspires, and the light hits it as well.
The thin, skin tight sweats clinging to her body, as she takes the towel, and drinks from a water bottle.
Katterina was dressed now in a barely there bikini. Her full figured body, looking very firm, and sexy.
"You can wait for me in a different massage room, unless you hose the other table off from her cheap perfume first." Shannon says, adding more insult to Katterina. Yet the lady keeping her cool for now.
"See you at the front desk, before your massage." Katterina says sweetly, before turning to leave. Yet I could tell she was wanting to get dirty, with the actress.
Katterina, was pacing, as I gently grabbed her shoulder. "Hey talk to me." I tell her softly. Katterina tensing then slipping in for a hug.
"I am so tired of these Hollywood bitches treating me like I am some blonde, bimbo, that does not have a brain besides my tits." She says, letting me hug her. Her body soft, yet tense as well.
Soft footfalls sound coming towards us. "I don't believe this. " We hear from behind us.
"If you must fuck some cheap whore, please do it quickly, then take care of your clients." She says, as Shannon has truly pushed Katterina over the edge.
"Oh I'm sorry, who would that be?" Katterina says moving over to the desk.
Opening the schedule book, and acting as if looking at it.
"I understand you being interested in her as a piece of ass." "Just don't expect a slut like that to ever be more than a low income whore." Shannon says to me, as Katterina lifts the appontment book, and slams it down again.
My eyes trying not to stare at Shannon's pert breasts beneath her clingy sodden, sweat soaked top.
"Oh I'm sorry MZ TWAT !!!! " Katterina begins.
"That is Tweed." Shannon corrects as I just want to warn her to run.
Katterina has turned, and is advancing. Her long, well manicured nails seeming larger, as her slender fingers curl.
"No I meant TWAT, as in you are a fucking BITCH!!! " Katterina says, as she grabs Shannons top, tears it from her, and loudly her hand slaps against Shannon's firm breastss.
Shannon crying out, as Katterina slaps her tits again.
"You uppity society bitches, and half rate actresses coming in here, looking down your noses at me, all the time." She continues, as Shannon backs up a little.
"Well today I have had enough." Katterina says, as she shoves her chest against Shannons.
"I am every bit as smart as any of you." "I don't need this job or your shit anymore." Katterina says, before slapping Shannon's face.
Shannon's sensuous lip splitting, and blood showing, as she tastes it.
Her own eyes narrowing, as she grabs Katterina's bikini top, ripping it off, before clawing Katterina's right breast, and slapping it.
"You have just been elected to help me get some anger out slut." Shannon says, before both ladies begin to pull hair, slap and punch one another, as I watch.
I was not thrilled with stepping between them. Yet I would, if it seemed one lady could no longer defend herself.
I see bloody marks streak along Shannon's left breast, as Katterina's nails rake it and score a hit.
The two sexy blonde, shoving, and now moving down along the hallways, as they fight.
A door not closed all the way, as they crash through it. Katterina crying out, as Shannon grabs her bikini bottom, and pulls it up.
Luckily, the slender tie gives way, and the garment falls free, in Shannon's hand, before doing too much damage.
Katterina managing to grab the front of the skin tight sweats, and using it to take Shannon to the floor. Arms, and legs flailing, as they roll, and soon splash together into a low set hut tub.
Katterina burts forth, her breasts bouncing, and quivering as she breathes, and proudly holds up the sweats, she has stripped from Shannon.
Shannon breaking up, out of the water, her own tits, proud, and firm, and heaving as she gasps for air.
Then the two ladies tie up again.
Shannon being rocked by a blow to the side of her head, as with glee. Katterina finishes stripping Shannon naked. The model's panties thrown sodden, out of the tub.
Shannon managing to punch Katterina's belly. Making the naked beauty double up gasping for air.
Shannon smiling, as she grabs Katterina's long wet hair. Looking at me. "This is how we wash the stench off." She says, before pushing Katterina's head under water.
This was enough, I began moving to the tub, as I was not going to just stand by, and see Katterina hurt badly.
Then Shannon begins to scream, as Katterina is clawing at Shannon's pussy, with her nails.
Shannon's sensitive womanhood, being torn, as Katterina's head burts back out of the water. Long hair flying around her, as she lets go of her hold. Even as Shannon had let go of Katterina, to try and ease the pain of her womanhood.
Katterina begins to slap, and punch Shannon's breasts and face. Water splashing, and sloshing around them.
Shannon's arms trying to just block now. The fight leaving her, as Katterina has proven to be too much woman for her.
"Enough  !!!" "Please stop !!!" Shannon begs, as Katterina slaps her tits again, then backs up. Smoothing her own long wet hair, from her lovely face. Her breasts, wet and heaving, as she turns to smile at me.
Then turns back to Shannon. Grabbing a handful of hair, she begins leading Shannon Tweed, from the hot tub, and out of the room.
Shannon weakly going along, as her naked body looked good, but was showing the signs of her fatigue.
We enter a new room, and Katterina guides her, by her hair, until Shannon is facing the tub.
"This is what we do with dirty, uptight whores like you." Katterina says, before giving a shove, and sending Shannon face first into the mud.
Shannon falling with a wet splat, face first into the mud bath.
Katterina happily using her foot, to kick Shannon's up thrust ass, to send the former playmate further into the mud. Fully beaten and humiliated.
I move ahead. Katterina was breathing deeply, giving me an incredible view, of her wet naked body, as she stood by and let me rescue Shannon.
Katterina standing with hands on her shapely hips, as I roll Shannon over, and clear some of the mud from her face. Making sure she was breathing easily.
Shannon laying in the mud, as I cradle her naked body, and begin to explain a few facts to her.
"Now Mrs. Tweed, I am sure you do not want to report this or try and get Katterina in trouble right?" I ask.
Shannon's eyes pleading with me, to help her.
"No please, I promise, I will not say anything." She begs, as she knows if she says the wrong thing. Katterina would be on her again.
I lift her out, and begin to carry her down to the showers for her to clean up.
Katterina following, and humming happily to herself.
Shannon letting me help clean the mud from her as her body was exhausted, after the beating she took.
We soon had her dressed and heading on her way. Shannon dropping her eyes, not meeting Katterina's gaze. The final sign she had her ass kicked by Katterina at the spa. Plus that she would not be telling anyone.
Katterina back to her happy bubbly self, as she told me to follow her.
I do, and she leads me back to the room, where her bikini bottoms laying on the floor. As the buxom blonde guides me to the tub. Then with out warning wraps her arms around me, and pulls us both in.
Soon I am in the tub, with a wet, naked Katterina standing facing me, her arms partially around me, as she stands smiling at me.
"That was because your muddy, and have that slut's scent on you." She says playfully.
"I figured you needed a bath, before taking me to dinner." She finishes, her eyes questioning me.
Katterina was beautiful, she was naked. Her eyes holding mine, as I agreed to take her to dinner.
Katterina laughs, and hugs me fully. "I'll go get ready." She says and slips from the tub. As I stand in it watching her.
I knew Katterina would be her best, pleasing and well mannered self again, at dinner. Yet I also knew, if some woman, pushed her buttons like Shannon Tweed had. There would be another catfight for Katterina that night as well.

The end