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The Rookie and The Veteran

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Offline DarkKnight9980

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The Rookie and The Veteran
« on: December 15, 2022, 07:28:30 PM »
The Rookie and The Veteran:
The video catfight market has been going on decades. With fights happening around the world where models have fought, porn stars and even housewives battering each other to earn a nice pay check. While men and women have paid to watch these modern day gladiators do battle in all sorts of attire.

Today sees a young woman take her first steps into the industry in England. Walking into the house that is based in a seemingly quiet rural village you'd see on a documentary or maybe something like "Midsummer Murders." She was greeted by a husband and wife who run a catfight business in this home.

The young woman shakes both their hands. Saying "hi I am Beth, I answered your advert online. I'd love to have a go at fighting and the paycheck seemed nice." Making the couple laugh as the wife replies "I am Sally and as you saw this is Hugh. He will be the one behind the camera and giving you a paycheck." Winking at the last part as all three have a chuckle.

Beth is a leggy brunette at 5'10 and has a toned physique. Though for the time being that is hidden by a blue coat and jeans to go with some boots as the weather is freezing outside. She is as much pleased being in the warmth after her journey from London to get to there. As the redhead older Sally leads Beth off to a guest bedroom where Sally explains how this works.

"Ok so you have to sign this contract before we get started. It's for both of us trust me (handing the contract over to Beth, who gives it a quick scan.) Once you sign that you can of course change in here. Then I'll come get you and lead you to where you'll be fighting. Don't worry we don't have a creepy basement haha. We use the garage Hugh converted for this. There you'd be expected to put up at least a fight honey. Anything terrible and we will not be able to sell the fight... Oh and while I love your name, you'll need one for the cameras. Mostly to protect your identity, of course people who already know you will be like.. Oh there's Beth. You don't want the regular Joe knowing your name honey." Explains Sally. Beth nods along as she puts her coat on a hook by the door. Slowly peeling her black T-shirt off and placing it on the bed. Getting a big Smile from Sally as she sees she is keen to do this alright.

Leaving Beth to getting changed or striped down. Sally hears the front door open and Hugh saying "hello Clara." Coming back to the hallway to see the other fighter. A gorgeous blonde. Sally and Clara give each other a warm hug. Each saying that it had been too long. With Clara replying "well you know work. They don't exactly know I fight other women for some holiday pay." Laughing as the Scottish lass jokes around with the hosts.

Clara stands 5'8 as she wears a blue coat and black jeans to match her boots. Hair partly hidden under a black wooly hat. She heads to the owners bedroom. Sally and Clara catch up a little as this is far from her first rodeo. In fact at one time Sally and Clara fought three times on camera. To think at one time Hugh had to keep them separate as they nearly would kick off when Clara walked through the door. Clara won their rivalry and as good sports, they shook hands that day, ever since respect blossomed into a friendship.

Both of the fighters accepted a cup of tea to partly calm the nerves of Beth. Mostly to warm both up as they had heaters in their room. The main heater being used in the garage as both women needed the money. While the hosts could use some revenue for the holidays. Times getting tough and an extra bonus for the winner usually got the competition to fight harder. Well during these times it should be a hell of a motivation felt the couple.

Hugh asked if he could first come into the spare room to see Beth. Getting an okay as Beth had stripped down to her black bra and knickers. Hugh pulled up a chair as he pointed out that he needed to do an interview. A stable of catfight videos to sell that these women wanted to fight for pride as well as the money. Beth grinned when asked for what name she decided on. Hugh nodded when he heard and then got his hand camera out. Giving the three... Two... One signal that they were rolling.

First Beth was asked to state her name, age and height for the camera. She answered "I am the Vixen. I'm twenty years old. Stand 5'10." As she sits on the bed with hands on her hips. Her eyes locked on the camera with a playful grin. Her 32C breasts firm under her bra as there isn't any real fat on her.

The next question is what made her want to fight here. The Vixen as she is now christened replies "while the money is nice of course for a Christmas bonus. I have fought on nights out and handled myself. I am not a prude so when I saw a few of your videos, well I decided I want a crack at some of the bitches you have fight for you." Hugh smiling ear to ear behind the camera. Seeing that she looks a star with how she is handling these questions. Sometimes used to these rookies to this needing a few takes to answer the questions.

The final one was what does she have to say to her opponent. Beth smirks as she flexes her arms. She says "you are getting the beating of a lifetime you fucking bitch. I am here to win and you are in my way." Hugh stops the footage and says "wow." Which is made funnier as Beth asks "was that ok?" With an almost hint of shyness. Hugh telling her that was brilliant as he gives her a thumbs up.

In Clara's room he sees Sally sharing a cup of tea with her. Making him shake his head with a big smile. Remembering the days he would have found hair all over the floor if they'd have done this. Instead he jokes "time for your close up Clara." Making Clara brush back her blonde hair as Sally leaves them to it.

The camera starts rolling again with Clara in blue and black tartan bra and knickers. Her own 32C tits on show as she crosses her right leg over her left. Starting off the mini interview by telling the camera "I am the Tartan Terror. I am thirty six years old and stand 5'8 of pure Scottish muscle." Flexing her right arm as she hits the gym like her opponent to be nicely toned on a sexy body.

She is asked what brought her back to fight today. Clara replies "I always love a good scrap as you know. Not many women can step up to me and claim to have won. The fact you told me this is some scrubber who thinks she can walk into my domain and be a top fighter. I will happily be her teacher in the art of hard knocks." Raising her fists up with a cheeky wink.

Hugh asks if she has anything else to say to her opponent. The Tartan Terror shrugs her shoulders and says "I'll give her all I have to say on the mats as I rip her to fucking shreds." Hugh stops the footage and tells Clara "a pro as always" getting Clara cupping her face and replying "a damn sexy pro you mean." As both laugh. You wouldn't think that either woman in the bedrooms was about to go to war with somebody how relaxed they seem.

After both are given time to stretch and warm up in the rooms. Sally comes first to get Beth. Leading her down the stairs and out to a large garage. The walls are white with blue gym mats on the floor to give some padding but not an awful lot. Beth sees the first aid kit near the shutters and bottles of water. A little surprised by how well planned it all is. Even though this couple has been making videos the past five years.

Beth is allowed a moment to walk around the room. Feeling the mats on her feet. Lightly bouncing on her toes before Sally asks her to remove her bra. Reminding the Vixen that this is a topless fight. Making the brunette nod and reach behind herself to remove it. Sally taking it for safe keeping as she places it near the first aid kit. Then points out that Beth has to stand a corner furthest away from the door she came in.

Soon enough Sally goes and has a topless Clara walk into the garage. Instinctively both of the combatants scowl at each other. Hands on hips as Hugh starts the camera rolling again. Having a small Webcam attached to the opposite wall for different angles. Clara goes to the corner to the right of her rival today.

Sally explains as she stands at the center of the mats in a red dress and barefoot "these two ladies are about to fight it out for your pleasure. Three rounds of action. Five minutes each for the first two before the third if needed is to a finish. There are no slaps or punches to faces. Anything else is on the table. Main objective is to be the woman to make their rival quit or force me to stop the fight."

Sally then turning to the fighters. Asking Beth first "ready to fight?" Getting a firm nod from the rookie. Turning to Clara she asks "are you?" Getting a nod and the blonde saying "let's get fucking started." Making Sally smile as she walks off to the side. She tells both "ok step to the mats ladies" with both walking out the corners to stand hands at their sides like gunslingers not far apart. The timer is set as Sally yells "fight!"

Clara is looking to overwhelm her rookie opponent with early slaps to her boobs. Beth grimaces as she hisses but she replies by firmly grabbing two hand fulls of Clara's hair. Both snarling as Beth asks "jealous bitch?" While Clara replies "of what you cxnt" as her head is shaken around.

Punching at Beth's body with hooks. Clara isn't holding back on her rival. The thuds of knuckles on flesh ring out along with groans from the brunette. Who fires her right knee towards the pussy of her rival. Sally stunned by the aggression from both. Beth doesn't land her knee flush but she gets a satisfying groan from her foe as she makes her back up a step.

Next time she tries the knee though Clara grabs her leg and pushes Beth to her back. The rookie getting her first taste of how these mats feel to crash into as a thud rings out along with her groan. Sally looks to get on top of Beth but nearly gets a kick to her pussy. Beth crawling back as she looks to get back to a standing position. The veteran looking to keep her down as she stalks after her younger foe.

Timing her dive on top of the Vixen. The Tartan Terror showing why as she swings in hooks to the body and tits of Beth. Who cries out as Sally watches and wonders if we might see an early finish with still over three minutes in the round. But the Cockney girl grabs Clara's tits. Yanking her over as she screams "fucking cow!" Making Sally nod impressed that Beth isn't some wallflower after a quick payday. She really is in this to win.

Scratching up the tits of the blonde to make her yelp. Clara though yanks her hair and scissors the waist of her foe. Even with the cold outside there's a sheen of sweat starting to form on both fighters. Clara hissing "this all you got southern girl?" Shaking the head of Beth to try to disorientate her before turning the back around.

A minute and a half to go. Clara gets her left hand onto the waistband of her foes knickers, yanking it up to make Beth howl. Clearly not used to that type of attack. Her right hand squeezes the left boob of her rival. Beth trying to get the hand off her knickers. Showing a little nativity to not strike off the bottom to try to force off the blonde. Who yells "fucking thought you could fight me huh you stupid fucking cow!"

A buzzer goes off and Clara let's go of Beth's knickers and tit. Beth wiping a few tears from her eyes as Clara stands up. Showing a few marks on her tits and her hair is a mess. But Hugh and Sally would agree if this was scored on points she'd have taken round one. Standing in her designated corner getting a bottle of water from Sally as there's a two minute break.

Beth holds her hands out to say she doesn't need help as she gets to her knees. Up to her feet walking over to her corner with eyes firmly locked onto her opponent with a nasty glare. Pulling her knickers out from her pussy. Beth tells Sally when asked if she is ok to fight on "will take more then that to fucking stop me." Taking a drink from her bottle as both women keep staring intensely at each other through the break.

Sally takes the bottles off both with ten seconds to go. Walking off the mats as the fighters head back to their starting points. Clara asking "this all you wanted when you signed up bitch?" Beth replying "I expected more you cxnt." Both have their fists clenched as Sally yells "fight!"

Both dig in punches to the others body to start. Circling and body boxing. Each grits their teeth but the winces from both are clear to see. Beth sees Clara try to charge her around the minute mark. Grabbing the hair of the blonde to instead use her momentum to swing her into a wall back first. Sally winces hearing the slap of body on concrete. Wondering if she should step in but Clara doesn't complain even if she cries out in pain.

Throwing punches to the body of the Scottish lass. Beth looks to be enjoying beating on her foe. Clara needing to clinch up. Both trying to trip the other up in the clinch. Insults flying as their hard nipples fence in close. Reaching down Beth grabs the knickers of Clara to repay her for the wedgie. Howling in pain as her head tilts back, Clara is certainly getting to know that Beth is vindictive.

Still half of round two to go. Clara grabs the knickers of Beth again to make her cry out. Both wrestling the other around as they show their strength. Hisses and cries of pain filling this arena. Sally is stunned that Beth is doing so well. She hoped that she would for their sales but to see her going toe to toe with Clara has her excited. Pussy getting wet as she bites her bottom lip.

Soon knickers find their breaking point as both tear their rivals set off. Screaming out as they break apart. Tears running down their cheeks as they are bent over rubbing their pussies with their left hand. Right holding the torn garments. When they both feel ready to resume they throw the ruined knickers at each other before grabbing hair.

Throwing knees towards each others pussies. Neither lands a solid strike to them but the thuds of knees onto thighs and around their stomaches rings out. Along with grunts and gasps. Beth manages to land her right knee into the belly button of Clara to make her groan and bend over slightly. Yanking down Clara with a vicious hair pull as hair litters the mat. Beth is kneeing and punching the body of the Scottish lass.

Sally watches with a keen eye for a submission or if she should step in. Beth is really pounding the body of Clara. The buzzer sounds to save Clara as Sally rushes in to stop Beth. Who lets go and yells "I fucking had you Scottish tart!" Walking looking pained back to her corner as Sally hands her a fresh water bottle.

Clara meanwhile rolls to her back as she takes in air. Sally kneeling next to her so the camera can see them, asking "can you still fight?" With Clara taking a moment to catch her breath. She answers "yes I can.." then sits up as she takes the water bottle. Getting a drink before pushing to her feet. Clara telling Beth "I ain't fucking done with you yet." As both scowl at each other.

Taking the ruined knickers off both women, Sally whispers to Hugh "Jesus did you expect this fight to go this way?" He replies in a hushed tone "well Beth sounded tough when she called me to fight but wow." Looking at both women with red marks on their bodies. Scratches over their tits and tears on their cheeks. Beth had certainly took round two on their scorecards. Question was who would take the fight now it was to a finish?

The break over as Sally takes their bottles again. Asking both as she stands at the center "ok ladies do you want to go on? If you do then step to me and fight to a finish." With both doing as told to show they were in this to the end. The tension clear for all to see between these women who only met each other just under fifteen minutes ago.

No handshakes or any sign of respect. Just down to business when they are told to fight. Grabbing hair as they try to power each other back. Slaps and scratches to back coming with their left hands. Doing anything to try to overpower each other in this battle of alpha females.

Clara looks to hook the right leg of her foe with her left. Beth trying to keep on her feet. Punching Clara with her left around her ribs to make her cry out as Sally sees both women's sweat soaked bodies flexing. In the end Clara gets down Beth with a mighty struggle, as another slap of their bodies to the mats ring out.

Both women were breathing hard as this becomes a war of attrition. Tits getting punches, along with ribs and hips as they swap top position. Clara calling Beth "cxnt!" As Beth fires back "tart!" As tempers flare up. As they tug at hair again as they roll around the mats. Leaving hair and coating it in their sweat as they cry out.

Getting visibly tired as the rolling slows down. Clara lands a hard right under the ribs of Beth. Who howls as her head tilts back. Sending blood in the water Clara gets her legs around the body of her brunette rival. Squeezing her in a tight scissors as Beth is howling like a wounded animal. Clara says "I'll snap you in two bitch" as she fights off Beth's hands as they try to fight back.

Tapping the leg of Clara; Beth howls "I submit!" With Clara releasing the scissors and kicking Beth off her with a kick to the chest. Both women laying on their backs panting as the garage bares witness to the war that took place with the hair and sweat over it. Sally rushing in to check on them both with water and her first aid kit if needed. Both are exhausted as they lay on the mats. Beth rubbing her ribs on her left side where she got punched near the end. Sobbing as she feels the pain through her body and the sting of defeat.

It takes a good five minutes for either to sit up. Clara looking over at Beth as the adrenaline that was running through her is going to be replaced by pain throughout her body. She sees Beth roll to her back and tells her "fuck... you are tough." Reaching out to pat the beaten woman on her right shoulder to show her respect.

But for the cameras Clara pushes to her feet. Placing her right foot on the stomach of Beth. Arms flexed to show the world who the best fighter in this room is. Not smiling as she doesn't feel too elated as part of her wonders if she is getting too old for this when pushed so hard by someone new to this.

The cameras stop and Clara walks off to her corner to sit down as Sally rushes off to get the showers going for each fighter to go into right away. Beth has stopped sobbing and rolls to her front before getting to her knees. She says to Clara "you are tough too.." head down as she stares at the mats.

Both are silent after that as they are lost in their thoughts. Beth torn between the excitement she felt to have fought another woman on camera and in some a primal way. To have gotten nude in a fight was something weeks ago she wouldn't have dared to do. Here she is naked and beaten up. Still was this something she would do again?

While Clara sat back and wondered on her own future. She thought back to all the brawls she had on this mat. She hadn't won every fight and she did wonder why Sally had asked her to fight this rookie. Was it because Sally even thought she was starting to lose it as a fighter. Would her younger self have absolutely bulldozed through Beth?

Both were taken out their thoughts by Sally. Who helped both up and they slowly walked down the hallway and up the stairs to the rooms they had been given to use. Glad for the showers as they washed the sweat and tears away. Used their fingers to take the pulled out hairs stuck in their hair out. Feeling the hot water soothe their bodies a little as they both leaned against the tiles. Not realising that the showers were only separated by the wall they were leaning against as they were deep in thought about their futures in the fight game.

Once they were done with their showers, they dried themselves and then dressed back in their clothes. Neither putting their bras back on as their tits were suffering from the scratch marks. Both came down the stairs together as Sally hugged them both softly when they got to the bottom. Praising them for one the best fights she had gotten to see in person.

Both former rivals embraced as they showed no hard feelings for what they had done to each other. Clara telling Beth "you have a bright future in this kid. I can't wait to see you again on those mats, maybe Sally will let me come watch you." Making Sally grin and Beth smile as she nods.

"Well I hope to have a rematch someday with you. Though maybe let me get a few fights under my belt first because you are amazing." Beth says to Clara. Who can't help smile with a nod. Beth not realising that she helped Beth feel better about herself after all the negative thoughts she was feeling.

Sally butts in by saying "I will happily sign you two to a rematch but I think you'd want these more." Handing each a cheque. Of course Clara's had more money but Beth was surprised that her cheque was slightly more then what the advert said a loser got. As she looked at the redhead with a stunned look, Sally told her "me and Hugh decided for your effort you deserved a Christmas bonus. Don't get me wrong, Clara still has gotten more then you. For a first time go at this you were outstanding." Making Beth fight back a tear. Hugging Sally and Hugh as she thanked them profusely for the gesture.

Clara jokes "hey you old cow! You never did that with me and I kicked your arse." Sally replying "that's because I was in a bad mood because someone kicked my arse!" Making everyone laugh as suddenly it was more like a Christmas party.

Not long later Sally and Hugh said goodbye to Beth and Clara. All them wishing each other a happy holidays before they left to go their separate ways. Sally told Hugh "we need to get this fight up quickly. The world needs to see these two go at it." But Hugh has another idea of what needs dealt with first. Whispering to his wife about it to make her eyes light up. Sally laughs and drags Hugh upstairs by his hand as they decide to give each other a gift.


Offline Dan Zone43

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Re: The Rookie and The Veteran
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2022, 01:35:11 PM »