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your knickers are mine bitch!!!!

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your knickers are mine bitch!!!!
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:05:10 PM »
    Even though she had done it before Amy still took a deep breath before knocking on the door. As she waited for an answershe looked aroound at all the cars in the car park. It looked like there was a good crowd in.
    The door opened and a large no nonsence woman in a loose fitting track suit stood there. She looked to be about Amy's age, early thirties and the look she gave Amy was very criticalas she looked her up and down.
    "You must be Amy Reed."
   " We thought you were going to be a no-show."
    "Sorry I'm late. The traffic was bad and I've not been here before."
    "You had better come in. I'm Stella. I'll be refereeing you tonight. You're scheduled for the third fight."
    Amy led her into a small reception room and eased her bulk behind a cluttered desk. She tapped a keyboard and glanced at a screen. "You' say you've done thi ssort of thing before?"
     "Yes, bit of wrestling, boxing,catfight."
    "Well there are two doors out of this room. The one you came in and that one." she jerked a thumb at a door behind her, "I'm going to let youknow how it happens hereand then you can decide which door you want to go through."
     "Fair enough."
     "Bra and knickers only, no one-piece. Submissions only so forget your wrestling pins. Forget blows too, except for slaps by either the palmor baackof the hand. Thirty minute match best of three submissions. We don't have to many rules. No scratching, biting or gouging. Apart from the eyes any part of your body can be targeted. I don't take any shit. You break the rules I sort it. You understand?
     Amy nodded.
    "Good now I'll explain the forfeit. You submit once you lose your bra, you submit twice you lose your knickers and you will leave the room naked and only after I've officially announced the result and your opponent has left the room. If you can get the bra or knickers off while you have her in hold I will allow it provided she has submitted. You can also demand she hand them to you if this is feasible. Failing that I will strip her." Stella leaned back and folded her arms. "That's pretty much it. Now which door do you want."
    So it was based on humiliation. Amy swallowed hard. Confident in her ability she pointed to the door behind the big woman.
    "That one."
    "Very well." Stella opened a drawer and took out a numbered key. "Through there is the changing area. That's your locker key. Get yourself ready, and wait n the waiting room until your called. I'll take your key just before you go in. Good luck to you."
    "Thank you."
    Amy took the key and went through the door. Changng booths lined one side. Lockers the other. The room was deserted. From somewhere she could hear the rumble of excited voices. The tournament had started. Going into one of the booths she stripped down to black pants and bra and while she combed out her shoulder length auburn hair she admired the firmness of her buttocks and the impressive swelling of her breasts under the tight black lace of her bra. Gathering up clothes she found the appropraite locker andsecured them away,the tiled cold under her feet.
    She wentb through a door marked "waiting area" and found herself in a long tiled room with benches scattered around. Behind double doors at the end the sound of the audience was much louder. Some poor girl was already taking a beating. There were at least half a dozen scantily clad women sat around, not talking, sitting by themselves. They barely glanced up at Amy, they were absorbed in their thoughts . A blackboard on the wall had names chalked on it. She noticed hers written next to the name Rhonda and wondered which one of the women was Rhonda as she sat down. She didn't have long to wait.
     A tall blonde in early twenties got up and approached her somewhat haughtily. Nice hips and pert buttocks wre encased in sleek purple panties while the matching bra bulged tantalisingly. She stood in front of Amy,hands on hips."You must be Amy."
    "You must be Rhonda."
    "That's right. I was hoping you would wear purple, like me."
    "I have nineteen bras and fourteen knickers already but so many are black pink of white. If you'res had been purple it would have added a different colour to my wall."
     "Sorry to disappoint." Amy was finding Rhonda  disagreeable already but she kept her voice pleasant.
     "Well you're new so I guess I can let you  off. Rest assured I will teach you how to submit."
     "Maybe I'll have purple knickers on my wall." Amy said mildly.
     Rhonda coloured up and turning bent over to thrust her arse in Amys face. Her name was emblazoned acroos them in large yellow letters. "I have my name on mine because I no I ain't gonna lose them bitch!" Behind the double doors a large cheer went up. Rhonda turned and scowled at her. "We'll be on soon and we'll see what you've got to say after I've  twisted your fucking nipples and plucked half your cxnt hair out."
     With that she stalked uoff just as the double doors opened and a brunette came out. She still possessed her bra and knickers and was holding her arms up in celebration. In each hand she held a small piece of orange maerial. She cheered aloud and Rhonda went up to her.
    "Julie." she cried,"how did it go?"
    "I had her tits out in one minute and her cxnt in five. Poor bloody cow."
    "Nice one"
     With that they emraced while at the same time the doors opened again and a petite girl came out. She couldn't have been much more than eighteen and she was totally naked and sobbing. Head down she stumbled toward sthe changing rooms trying to hide her modesty. Amy noticed that her left breast was covered in red marks, the nipple looking very sore and then were bruises starting to appear on her buttocks. Juie called after her and frantically waved her trophies. Nobody else. spoke. A couple of woman shifted uncomfortably on the benches.The distressed girl went through the door.
      A woman sitting near Amy sidled up to her. "You watch that Rhonda. She's a right bitch especially with anyone new.. Once she get's your bra off she really goes for the tits. She' fucking brawler. You watch out or you'll end up like that."
     "Thanks." Amy said. She had no intention of ending up like that. When she left tonight she had every intention of having  Rhonda's knickers tucked away in her handbag.
     Five minutes later they  were called. Stella appeared, took their keys and led them towards the double doors.
    "Hope your ready for this bitch." Rhonda sneered at her.
    "Save it for in there Rhonda." Stella snarled.
    "Oh I will."
    Amy said nothing, she was composng herself. Rhonda being so disagreeable was just going to make it that much easier to beat her up.
    The centre of the gymnasium was covered in large crashmats around which the audence sat on benches, there was a murmer of voices and an expectant air inthe room as Stella led them on to the mats and made the introductions. Amy largely ignored tha crowd, as she always did, to her they were just a sea of faces. They were here for their own private satisfaction, she for hers. For Amy it was all about besting the other woman, of getting the win and tonight it was also about something else, getting Rhonda's knickers.
     Stella got them together as a hush fell over the onlookers.
     "Webdon't have to many rules here but those we do have I take fucking seriously. Break those rules and I will personally strip you. Understand?"   
      Amy nodded.
     "Rhonda? Did you fucking hear me!"
     "I heard." Rhonda said sullenly.
     "Right. Seperate and when I say fight you fight."
     "Get ready real bitch." Rhonda snarled at Amy and then spun on her heel and walked away a few paces. Amy did the same.
     "Fight!" Yelled Stella and a cheer filled the room.
     Rhonda flew at her, rushing forwards and temporarirly catching Amy unawares. She managed to get her arms up as the blonde collided with her only to have the right one twisted cruelly and jerked volently up behind her back. Amy's breath shot our as her shoulder arm exploded and she was aware of the other woman stepping behind her. Rhonda's left hand held Amys trapped wrist against her back, well above the bra strap while her left snaked around Amys waist and plunged inside the front of Amys panties. Eager, grasping fingers sought out the soft pubic mound and once they found purchase yanked upwards driving stinging pain through Amys crotch.
     "I told you I'd pluck out you cxnt hair." Rhonda told her, pulling still harder.
     Amy yelled out as the pain in her crotch strove to compete with that in her arm. She started to struggle, first to the left and then to the right. To no avail. Rhonda held her. Reaching out with her left hand Amy started to counter, finding Rhonda's left buttock and gripping her fingers into the soft yielding flesh under the purple panties. Rhonda grunted and both her holds relented a little. Amy twisted to the left, trying undo the back hammer, as it started to come loose her left hand left the buttock and she got her elbow under Rhondas chin forcing the head back. Rhonda pulled her pubic mound for all she was worth but, gritting her teeeth, Amy forced down the excutiating pain. Whenforcing the head back failed to dislodge her opponent Amy curled her arm around Rhondas left leg and hauled it up pushing back at the same time to send her off balance.
    As she crashed on to her back Rhondas cheated hand slipped out of Amy's breifs and she also lost the arm hold. Amy lost no time in falling across her upper body to pinion her down. If pins were allowed her arms would be on the shoulders now, instead Amy grabbed for the space between Rhondas thrashing legs and got the target her fingers gripping into Rhonda's crotch. Ignoring the blondes howls and struggles her fingers sought andfoundthe elastic at the top of the right leg. Slipping under it they explored the area within, brushing against the soft pubic hair. Almost delicatey her thumb and forefinger selected a small portion of the pussy before twisting it around and pulling hard.
    Rhonda screamed her agony and began to thresh vlently but Amyhad enough weight on her to keepher there.
    "Get off me bitch!" She cried, atear welling up in her eye.
    "When I'm ready darling." Amy told her and pulled harder.
    Moving her body over Rhonda's head to hold her Amy used her other hand to claw at her stomach, forcing her fngertips into the flesh as deep as they would go. She was only dimly aware of Stellsa standing close and the roar of the crowd above Rhondas anguished cries for she was only focused on one thing now. Rhonda was slowly getting her right arm out from under Amys weight, desperation driving her on and so Amywas forced torelease the stomach claw and grab the wrist. Still not releasing the pussy she shimmed forward towards it and took Rhonda's head between her thighs immediately, to the delight of the crowd, squeezing hard.
    The head scissors immediately muffled Rhondas cries, turnng them to stifled growns. The fingers inside the panties were now becomng moist. Despite her pain the blonde was starting to get turned on. She writhed her hips turning to the left and Amy, releasing the other womans wrist couldn't resist delivering a hard resounding slap to the exposed buttock.
    It was a mistake. Rhondas hand shot up and grabbed a fist full of hair yanking Amy's head back bythe scalp andpulling her to the side. Amy felt the tension in her just before she surged upwards with her upper body, freeng her head and thrusting Amy to the side. She was rolled on to back and lost Rhondas pussy just as her wown was grabbed again. This time Rhonda ddn't go inside, just grabbing the cxnt through the knickers. Rhonda got to her knees with Amy now on her back. Amy shot a hand to rescue her crotch but the wrist was grabbed and twisted.
    Now the pain was Amys again. Crying out she sat up and grabbed Rhondas left foot, pulling it towards her, twisting the ankle. Rhonda howled and renewed her assault on Amys tortured crotch.
    Ripping her leg free Rhonda turned to face Amy and grabbed at the left breast, squeezing hard.  Amy responded by grabbng bothof Rhondas and pulling hard. For long seconds they were there in pain-frozen tableau, sweat glistening on their bodies, breathing coming in long gasps until Rhonda released the tit had brought the back of her hand hard across Amys face, reddening the right cheek with a stinging blow. Amy rocked back, losing her hold. Rhonda grabbed her left breast, deftling flicking it out of the cup she grabbed the exposed nipple hard and commenced to twist.
     "Come on bitch. Give!" she demanded.
    "No! Amy shouted back, her nipple was now hurting like hell and her crotch was hot bed of agony but shewas determined not to give.
     Reaching for the hand on her breast with both of hers she managed to claw it away and grabbed had Rhonda hair has hung down above her. Yanking the head down she managed to headlock it down to her breasts but still her crotch was held. Rhonda was not beng diverted, she was keeping up the pressure,determined to pluck the cxnt. Amy had to get her off. Summoning all her strength she rolled them over so Rhonda was on her back. The blonde yanked her head free. Amy got up on to her side, supporng herself with her left elbow and grabbed at the hand trmenting her but couldn't pull it away. It was like clam stuck on her knickers. In desperation she sank her clawed fngers into Rhondas thigh and then it happened. Rhonda had slipped an arm through her armpit and the arm, supporting her, the left, was grabbed and thrust up her back. Rhonda was quick to get up on to her side and face Amy. Her crotch was released as the blonde reached behind Amy, seized the arm thet was already trapped there and pull it even higher, until the hand was well past the bra strap and up between the shoulders and Amy taken into a lethal embrace.
     "Now submit bitch!" Rhonda said.
    Pain lanced up the whole of Amy's arm, threatening to engulf her.  Amy slappedat her frantically with her free hand, pulling the hair, tring to get at the breasts but it was hopeless. For good measure the hand hat had originally applied the backhammer was pushing up on the bent elbow, adding to the torment.
     "NO.....No....arrrggghhh." I don't " Amy wailed, eyes moist with tears, face twisted in pain as she shook her head furiously.
     "Come on.....get your bra off...let them see your tits."
     "No...I....wont..." Amy sobbed and then it hapened, the pain flooded over the barrier like an angry sea and she could hold back no longer, she had to scream it out, nothing else mattered, she needed an end to the pain.   "Yes....yes...please...I submit.....I submit......"
     "Yeeeessssss" Rhonda cried out in glee, as releasing the hold her hands scrabbled for Amys bra clasp.
     Amy didn't care, the roar of the crowd meant nothing, neither for the moment did the humiliaton, the pain was ebbing away, tha was all that mattered. She hung there on her knees as Rhonda yanked her bra off, her breasts spilling free to a resounding cheer.
     Finally she got up holding her left arm while Rhonda stood there twirling her trophy and Stella announced to first score to a joyous audience.
     "Knickers next bitch!" Rhonda called out as Amy tried to compose herself fot the restart wiping unwelcome moisture from eyes and knowing that she had to keep her armaway from Rhonda.
    Rhonda having now dropped her trophy came out more slowly ths time and a wary Amy had the disturbing sensation of being stalked .Trying to protect her arm as she was it was easy for Rhonda to duck low scoop her legs and send her onto her back, her exposed breasts flopping havily from side to side. Rhonda came down on top of her and instincively Amy grabbed at and managed to get her crotch only for Rhonda to grab hers which was still protesting from previous treatement. Enraged Amy surged up, rolling her off, both crotch holds were lost as Amy grabbed the right leg, flipped her over onto her stomach and bent the leg back over the blondes buttocks, pressing the heel hard into the left one. It sankinto the flesh through the panties sending out creases in the purple fabric that looked like tiny cracks. It was a standard wrestling single toehold, not that dangerous but it was giving Rhonda stress and Amya breather. As Rhonda lay there moaning Amy kept the leg held and rolled her over onto her back before dgragging the knee over her head and bending it against the neck. Amy tightened it and brought a sucession of shrieks out of her opponent before the blonde manage to swivel and seize Amys left breasts as it hung down,unrestrained and vulnerable. The nipple was twisted so vicoulsly that Amy was forced to cast aside Rhondas leg and claw at the tormenting fingers, finally prising themaway ad twisting the wrist. Rhonda got her other hand there and manage to twist free and twist Amy's before Amy yanked free and grabbed her leg once more.
     Amy got the ankle and lifted the leg up. She stood over her prone opponent an placing her left foot between her legs forced down on the pubic bone, twisting her foot from side to side, grinding at the crotch. Rhonda shreiked and snapped to the sitting position, grabbing at the foot. Will a sheer effort of will she was able tolift it enough and thrust upwards with to send Amy flying over backwards. Rhonda scrabbled up quickly still holdig Amy's foot her intention no doubt to return the compliments but Amy wasn't there she was rolling away, twsting free and coming up quickly. Rhonda closed on her, Amy saw her coming. Rhonda ducked low for a leg, Amy stepped out of reach. Leaning forward she grabbed her opponent by the head and rolled her over her hip onto her back, coming down wih her, still holding the head. Rhonda cried out. Amy lay beside her and wrenched the head upwards and to the side while her full weight brushed the breasts and kept the torso down.
     "Nooooooh......nooooohh..." Rhonda cried and Amy's heart leapt, she had expected her oppent to be overly troubled but it appeared she was.
Greatly encouraged she wrenched it on harder and started to encourage Rhonda.
     "Come on. Let's have it."
    "Fuck you!" Rhonda attemped defiance but Amy detected not only desperation there but a ring of panic.
     "Submit!" she demanded.
     "Alright....I give...get off you bitch....get off..."
     Amy released. Rhonda fell back, she pounded the mats in anger. Amy reached behind and hauled her, deftly opening the clasp. "Mine I think." she said triuphantly and pulled the bra off. When she got to her feet and held it up for the cheers while Rhonda still lay prone it felt so good. She had the equaliser. Now she needed the winner.
     When Rhonda finally got up Amy taunted her by waving the bra at her. She only dropped it when Stella shouted restart.
     Rhonda charged this time, angry at having submitted she lashed out, slapping Amy's cheek hard and jerking her head to the side. Amy retaliated by charging into her and reaching for the crotch grab yet again, this time getting her hands inside the knickers while at the same time grabbing the head to hold her. Rhonda returned the compliment her own hand dipping under Amy's elastic to grab the hidden hair. Amy gasped with pain and Rhonda jerking her head free delivered another slap to the face, sensding Amy reeling. Amy slapped Rhonda hard against her now exposed breasts. They stood there, both grabbing pussy and sparring with ther free hands until Rhondas free hand which was her right got a grip on Amy's left wrist and managed to twisted it around enugh to force her to release the other womans pussy and attempt to free it.
    Amy managed to free it but with lightening speed Rhondas left arm coiled arond Amy's wast and once more she was dragged into a lethal embrace. Her breasts crashed into Rhondas and they crushed together as the blonde gathered her in and then lifted her enough to get her feet clear of the mats. The moment they were Rhondas left hand, which was still working at Amy's cxnt , grabbed a huge clump of pubic hair and she pulled it down in one terrific cxnt numbing pull. Amy shrieks filled the room, once more she was slapping helplessly at her opponent as a great cloak of agony began to rise up and her tortured crotch got ready to say that it had had enough. Amy started to panic.
    Rhonda had already sensed it. "Submit! Come on! Give it up!"   
    They were so close that there was nothing Amy could do. She couldn't get hat thearms or breasts or legs and Rhonda was keeping her head tucked in too. Amy grabbed hair but itb didn't seem to be deflecting her opponent. Her only hope was that her opponent woud not have enough
strength to hold her up for too much longer put there seemed no sign of that. Much longer and she would have to give in!
     "Get fucked."
     "I told you I'd pluck your cxnt."
     "....and get your knickers! Come on...submit"
     Then Amy did. The defeat didn't mean anything, she just couldn't take it any more. "Yeeessss...." she almost blubbered it out as the tears welled up in her eyes. "I've one....."
      "Got your knickers bitch." Rhonda cried as she turned off the agony. Her hand left the crotch and both seized the top of Amys pants just above her buttocks. She pushed hard and as Amy fell over on to her back Rhondas gripped hoisted the knickers up her legs until they came free of  her ankles. All she wanted to do was lie in a foetal and hold her tortured crotch but rough hands arrived and hauled her onto her feet. Stella was getting her up for the humiliation she had warned her about.
     "Gentleman. Your winner is Rhonda! Apreciation please for a gallant loser. Amy!"
     Amy stood there beaten, hands held firmly by Stella, unable to hide her dignity while a jubilant Rhonda held up her underwear for all to see. Only when the blonde had finally left was Amy allowed to go through the doors and take the same path as the young girl had done earier.
                                                                      THE END



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Re: your knickers are mine bitch!!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 09:11:36 PM »
Great sensual fight ... welcome! Hope to see you post more!  :P
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline grappleread

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Re: your knickers are mine bitch!!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2014, 12:18:23 PM »
Glad you liked it.
Watch this space as they say