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1-31-2477 Amanda vs. Angela BEDROOM FIGHT

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Offline Ishmael Green

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    • Green Tower City
1-31-2477 Amanda vs. Angela BEDROOM FIGHT
« on: September 26, 2019, 02:13:29 PM »
Amanda vs. ???
(The Poison Lair)


The sold out crowd at The Poison lair goes bananas for the veteran brawler standing in the center of the ring with her arms up and her foot still resting firmly on the broken neck of her latest victim, an 18 year old blonde fighter from Girl’s Town who was convinced she could make a name for herself by winning a Birthday Girl Death Match against Green Tower City’s oldest fighter.  Like so many before her, she was sadly and fatally mistaken.


The dark haired 42 year old brawler holds her victory pose and basks in the adoration of the crowd for several minutes, occasionally giving her victim’s neck a little twist with her heel to get another muscle jerk out of the dead girl.  Finally she locks eyes on me, smiles and points her finger at me.  I climb  into the ring and go to her, my duty as always to reward the winners of fights in the illustrious fighting capital of the world:  Green Tower City. She pulls me in close and kisses me, her crotch grinding against my already hardened member. 

“I hope your ready for a wild night,” she purrs into my ear.  I step back and Amanda reaches down, grabs the urine moistened crotch of her deceased adversary’s panties and slides them off with one smooth motion.  (A task she has performed many many times in her 2 and a half decades of fighting in and around the city. The 53 kills stated by the announcer of The Poison lair reflect only the kills she has attained in professional fights.  She has had quite a few more than that in Outer City venues such as The Bloody Mattress and The Padded Room. Amanda takes my hand and we make our way out of the fighting arena, not looking back as the mat girls, in their plain white bikinis, climb into the ring to dispose of the loser’s body.  It will be unceremoniously dumped down the “Shark Chute” a tube that dumps it’s contents out of the side of the bluff face and down into the shark infested ocean below.

Amanda and I board her dogsled, a wheeled carriage pulled by two of her slaves.  (Slaves are girls Amanda has defeated in death matches but spared for a life of servitude to her.)

“Run.”  Amanda instructs curtly and the carriage begins to move quickly through the streets.  It will take us about ten minutes to get to Amanda’s house just on the other side of The Wall in the Outer City (where property taxes are much lower, not that it really matters much to the very successful Amanda.

When we arrive at Amanda’s house she pays no attention to her dog sled girls as another slave rushes out of the house to unchain them and bring them into the slave kennel.  Amanda takes my hand and we approach the front door of her house.  She pauses to turn the red light on.

“I’m not even close to being satisfied.”  She says.  We enter the house and go to the bedroom.  Amanda strips off her nylons and shoes and mounts me on her bed, wearing just her black fighting panties.  We are playing the “don’t cum game” as we make out on her bed.  The idea is to get Amanda as horny as possible before an inevitable bedroom challenger shows up.  It doesn’t take too long..

Amanda vs. Angela
(Amanda’s Bedroom)

The dick tease has gone on for nearly fifteen minutes and I know Amanda will give in soon and take me inside her, though I also know she REALLY wants to fight again first.  The short little death fight she won a couple hours ago was not nearly enough excitement for the brutal fighter, and she desperately wants to pummel another girl before she has victory sex with me, but I don’t know how much more I can take.  I slip my fingers around her waist, running my index finger just inside the waistband of her black cotton fighting panties and running it along her hips.  She moans with pleasure and that’s when the silhouette appears in the door.   I glance at the clock and see that it is 12:01 am.  The figure steps into the light.  It is Angela, the notorious bedroom fighter.  She strides slowly towards the bed, her breasts heaving up and down as she gulps in big breaths of air in anticipation of a bedroom fight. 

Amanda turns, grinding her cotton clad crotch across my stiffened member as she begins to lift her weight off me and step methodically off the bed, her nipples hardening.  She parts her lips and sucks in a breath, ready for battle.  Unlike the rookie she put down earlier, Angels is a notorious veteran bedroom brawler and is only a couple years younger than her.  Amanda is focused completely on her enemy now and the two women side-step into the large open area at the front of the bedroom and begin a large circle around each other.  No words are spoken.  Their hips sway slightly as they take one slow calculated step after another.

They make almost three full circles when they both purse their lips and take a couple steps forward, raising their fists as they do so.

THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD!  They exchange a furious exchange of punches and then their bodies slap together as they begin to grapple. 

They grip each other by the waistbands and hair, and stumble about the room moaning and gasping.  It seems like a pretty even fight.  They hit the bed and tumble over onto the floor with a loud thud.  Angela is on top. She cocks her fist…

CRACK!!!  She blasts Amanda in the face.  Amanda is stunned! I see her eyes widen and she tries to squirm backward, but Angela is firmly straddling her at the crotch.  She winds up for another punch...

“AAAAAHHHH!!!”  Amanda claws Angela in the right tit as she is pulling her fist back.  She  shrieks in agony but still throws a punch, which glances off Amanda’s chin with a thud.  Amanda suddenly reaches up and wraps her arms around Angela, pulling her down and close in.  Their bodies are flopping around.  Amanda is trying to turn them over, but Angela is struggling back furiously.  Their arms are clasped tightly around each other’s midsections and their legs are writhing together like snakes coiling together.  Amanda reaches up with one hand and snatches Angela’s ponytail, yanking back hard. 

‘AAAAHHHH!!!”  Angela yells as she is yanked back by the hair, suddenly Amanda is on top. 

CRACK!!!  She hauls back and smacks Angela in the face, HARD.

CRACK! CRACK!  A backhand and another face slap.  Angela’s face is turning bright pink.  She is hurt and stunned.  She squirms desperately, trying to scoot away from her attacker.

PLUD!!! Amanda gives Angela a savage knee to the crotch and raises up, letting her twitch on her back.  It looks like the fight might be over already.  Angela is hurt BAD.  Amanda loves to torture her foes though, especially in the bedroom, and slowly starts to circle her flattened foe.   

THUD!!!  A stomp to Angela’s crotch makes her body lurch and fall limp again.  She is out cold and completely at Amanda’s mercy, of which there is none.

THUD!!! A stomp to the bridge of Angela’s nose sends blood spraying out onto the carpet.  Her body lurches and goes limp again.  I figure I better stop this.

“Come on Amanda!  She’s had it!  Come get your trophy!”

PLUD!!! One more crotch stomp and Amanda strikes a victory pose, placing her foot solidly on Angela’s crotch as she raises her arms victoriously.  I climb off the bed and walk over to kiss her.   Angela will have to be hauled to the curb for hospital pick up before Amanda and I retire to bed for a night of victory celebration. 

After kissing me while still holding her victory pose for a couple minutes, Amanda grabs her destroyed opponent by the ankle and drags her out the door to leave her in a pile of garbage next to the curb.  Angela will wake up in a hospital bed.  Amanda will wake up in bed with me. 

To see more of my drawing sand stories, visit my blog!