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Story: Aubrey Plaza vs. Janet Montgomery (long story)

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Story: Aubrey Plaza vs. Janet Montgomery (long story)
« on: July 27, 2014, 11:07:20 PM »
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Aubrey Plaza waited a long time for this fight.

She was in the office setting of Parks and Recreation; they reinforced the door to Ron’s office so it couldn’t be entered.  They put plexiglass on all the windows and removed heavy parts of computers and chairs from the set save for two chairs that both promised not to use to smash the other.  They left the desks however and Aubrey was seating on April Ludgates desk.  She was wearing a pair of jeans with a sleeveless shirt.  God this was the most nervous she had ever been in her entire life

Janet Montgomery wanted this rematch because of actions Aubrey had taken in their first fight that she didn’t avenge.  She didn’t want this rematch because a part of her felt she got lucky in that win and now she had to reprove herself in front of Americans. 

All the main cast and crew would watch this fight from the different viewpoints, Rons office, hallway outside the work area, outside.  Janet got to the door and was checked for weapons, she was allowed to keep her belt because Aubrey had one on as well.  Janet removed her shoes and put them next to Aubrey’s and asked “Do you really want to watch this.”

Amy Poehler stepped up “Do I want to see my friend fight in the fight of her life… No I’d prefer you two do this in private and none of us see it but hear the result.  She wants us to see it, she has never been this ready for anything in her life.”

Janet put her head down “Listen, we all know Aubrey and I are professional rivals who respect each other but we will tear into each other.  I have been in an area like this before and nothing is worst then watching it.  If it gets to a point… If it … Just stop watching because you can’t go back after you witness it.”

Amy looked at Janet and she had talked to people in London and they say it was scary watching the Janet/Katie slug fest.  “I don’t think this is going to be a fist fight, it’s going to be a everything fight… JANETS RIGHT THOUGH, this is going to be a out and out catfight.  Neither is going to give up they’re going to punish each other to win.  You can’t unsee what is about to happen.”

Most people left leaving Retta, Chris Pratt, Nick Offerman, Aziz Ansari, the shows creator and Amy stayed “I’m staying because Aubrey’s my friend and win or lose she’ll need me right away.”

Chris Pratt who watched his wife Anna Faris get into many a fight looked at Aziz “Dude you can’t handle this, go join Adam and Rob.”

Amy looked at Janet who had a bag behind her back “What’s in there?”

Janet showed her and Amy smiled “Nice touch”

Janet walked into the room, she surveyed the set.  Aubrey was seating on a desk on the far end near a window.  There were four total desks, there was a hallway but they had it blocked off, there were some file cabinets behind each desk and a circular table in the middle of the room.  In front of Janet was a large four foot high wooden waiting area made of solid oak on the wall was the entrance a gate you lifted up and let drop.

Janet and Aubrey stared across the room at each other, Janet walked in front of the flip gate that was there like a government office to let office workers get to their work.  Aubrey nodded yes and Janet lifted it and walked in and let the gate drop. 

 “What’s in the bag Janet?”

“My souvenir from our last battle” Janet took Aubrey’s multi colored shirt from the first fight out “Thought you’d want a chance to get it back.”

“Cool”  Aubrey left the desk and walked to the circular table and Janet did as well.  “Do you remember the first time we met; the after party and what we did?”

“I beat you in an arm wrestle”

Aubrey sat down at the table and pushed the other chair out for Janet “Care to try again.”

Janet smiled and sat down “don’t mind at all.”  Janet sat down and pushed her chair in and looked at Aubrey who met Janet’s stare.

“I really do just want to do the arm wrestle, I thought of this walking to the ring.  Thought of it at the after party, thought of it after the fight there.  Thought about it when I seen you pull out of the parking lot, really Janet only time I didn’t think of wanting to arm wrestle you again was when I challenged you to a kiss fight.”

“Do you want to do that as well?”

“Nah we’re not lesbos, let’s do this”  Aubrey put her elbow on the table and Janet smiled and did the same.  They locked thumbs and looked at each other and shared a smile and closed hands ready for the arm wrestling.

Janet brought her left hand up and lifted a finger “One”

Aubrey brought her left hand up and raised two fingers “Two”

Simultaneously they said “THREE” and they started at a stalemate which was unlike the first time when Janet took an immediate advantage.

Their first arm wrestle at the after party of “My Idiot Brother” last 90 seconds and Janet won it.  Now they surpassed 90 seconds without moving the other’s arm.  Faces turning red and grunts were the course of this battle

Aubrey got Janet’s arm down a quarter of the way at the three minute mark but couldn’t do much more.  Janet stayed there fighting it off for 15 seconds when she made a move and nearly slammed Aubrey down but Aubrey stopped it mere inches from the table.  She wasn’t going to lose an arm wrestle to Janet; she wasn’t going to lose the fight she just wasn’t losing EVER again to Janet Montgomery no matter the contest

Aubrey got her back to the stalemate and now they couldn’t move the other, arms shaking and sweat coming down from the brow.  They both leaned forward and screamed, foreheads touching but still they couldn’t win Janet said “Draw” Aubrey replied “Ok” 

Janet relaxed her hand and Aubrey slammed it down to the table then let go and backhanded Janet off the chair.  Aubrey stood up and kicked Janet in the side “No draws, no equality just me kicking your ass.”

Aubrey grabbed Janet by the hair and stared at her “No more talking, we’ve had enough” 

Janet kicked Aubrey’s shin which surprised Aubrey causing her to let go of Janet’s hair.  Janet then slapped Aubrey backing her toward the table they just arm wrestled on “We did talk enough just time to fight.” Janet then leaped at Aubrey and they ended up on the table then slid clean off it. 

They got up and Aubrey slapped Janet and tackled Janet onto the table were they grabbed at each other’s hair and wrestled until the table flipped over and they fell to their sides.  They groaned then Aubrey rolled away from Janet and grabbed a plastic trash can and got up sneaking what was in her hands. 

Janet got up and walked toward Aubrey but could see what Aubrey was doing as this wasn’t fake wrestling where a object could be hidden from the ref.  Aubrey swung the trash bin at Janet’s head but it was ducked and Janet went forward her shoulder getting into Aubrey’s arm pit she pushed her into the corner wall.  To the immediate left of the wall was a filing cabinet with a couple things on top nothing to heavy and it was waist high.  To the right there was another file cabinet along with a desk adjoined.

Aubrey groaned Janet repeated the move but when she went a third time, Aubrey got her feet up behind her.  She blocked the move and used her leg power and a bit of technique to throw Janet into the filing cabinet chest first

Janet groaned and Aubrey uppercutted her in the stomach followed by a hair pull into the wall.  She went for a knee between the legs but Janet blocked it by getting her elbow down.  Aubrey delayed she was frozen that was never blocked but then she felt both of Janet’s hands get under chin and she moved her body back, a knee from Montgomery came up and missed the sensitive target but got Aubrey in the ribs

Aubrey backed up and Janet took a breath and then readied her feet to jump up and knee Aubrey but when she jumped Aubrey did as well pushing Janet clear over the desk.  Janet rolled and started to pull herself up on the desk where Aubrey waited to see her head.  Aubrey grabbed Janet by the hair slammed her face into the desk twice “Come on witchy poo, conjure a spell for me.”

Aubrey got one knee on top of the desk and hauled herself up and as she got both knee’s o the desk Janet pushed her back down and Aubrey fell face first onto the desk.  It was the equivalent of the two slams she hit on Janet and both women were now face down on the desk.

They were both hurting but feeling the other right next to them was motivation enough.  They started to get u and looked at each other, slow motion ended and they both pushed up and went wild on the other.  Ripped at hair, tore at the other’s shirt and each hit some slaps.  They grabbed at the other’s hair and hauled at the back trying to force the other backwards but Janet changed tactics


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Re: Story: Aubrey Plaza vs. Janet Montgomery (long story)
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 11:07:57 PM »

She dug her fingers into Aubrey’s neck and twisted her to the end of the desk.  She had forced Aubrey’s head over the edge of the desk.  “Good fight luv but now is time to end it.” She pressed her hand down on Aubrey’s throat choking her.  It was more vicious because of where she had Aubrey’s neck and Aubrey didn’t panic but she was close to quitting

She grabbed at Janet’s shirt and yanked it up and to the right twisting it around Janet’s neck.  The fabric tore into Janet’s neck and she couldn’t believe it but she had to let Aubrey go.  Aubrey then hauled down and Janet hung off the desk on her stomach.  Aubrey relaxed and Janet rolled off the desk and stood u and grabbed Aubrey by the shirt and was going to yank Aubrey and the shirt clean off the desk.

Aubrey rolled a little so when Janet hauled her it wasn’t clean off the desk like Janet intended.  Instead it was Aubrey who fell off the desk and kicked Janet in the head at the same time.

Janet backed up a little dazed from the shin hitting her head. 

Aubrey got up coughed and stretched her neck she could feel the edge of the desk on the back of her neck but more then anything could feel Janets fingers still around her throat.  She wanted her hands around Janet’s throat as soon as possible. 

She ran at Janet and Janet sidestepped it enough and the two went over April Ludgates desk.  They rolled around the narrow area between desk and shelving area.  They got up to their knees grabbed the other’s hair Janet yanked back and Aubrey yanked back and to the side.  Plaza put Montgomery down but it just initiated more tight body rolling that no spectator could see.

“Hate you so much” Aubrey said not able to truly get any kind of victory

“I love fighting you” Janet said

“You bring…” Up on their knees and Janet pushed Aubrey into the shelving area some things on it shook and Aubrey pushed back putting Janet into the desk itself.  She didn’t slam janet into the edge but pushed her there.  Aubrey dropped her hands from Janet’s hair and brought them down to her throat “Bring out all my abilities.”

Her eye’s got wider with delight as Janet’s fluttered with consciousness.  Janet tried to do to Aubrey what was done to her but Aubrey brought one hand down from the throat and knocked Janet’s arm down.  Before janet could do anything to break her choke she brought that hand back onto janet’s long neck and squeezed “You are good Janet but I’m better”

Janet didn’t go high for Aubrey’s shirt to get out she was feeling consciousness disappearing.  She brought both hands down and got them in Aubrey’s pants.  Aubrey let go and before she could do anything to stop what was about to happen it happened.  Janet Montgomery yanked Aubrey Plaza’s panties up giving her a front wedgie

Janet turned Aubrey and they both went to floor again.  She let go of Aubrey’s panties and grabbed at Aubrey’s shirt and lifted it over Plaza’s face “You’ll never be better than me, sweetie” Janet hit two punches to Aubrey’s stomach but then Aubrey got her hands behind Janet and returned the wedgie favor.

Aubrey rolled Janet onto her back and couldn’t see Janet as she was still blinded by her own shirt.  Janet actually brought the shirt more over her face.  She grabbed at Janet’s shirt and hauled it over Janet’s face she scratched at Janet’s stomach.

The two rolled back and forth keeping right hand on shirt and the left was hitting short punches to wherever they could land

Outside they were wondering what was going on when they saw a set of legs in blue jeans go up in the air and end up on top of the shelving cabinet.  They wondered who it was and a minute later a woman stood up and turned around walked away from the desk and threw a shirt away.  The shirt thrown away was recognized as Aubrey Plaza’s she was obviously the woman kicked up high and ended up on the cabinet.

Janet turned around and was sent back with a very hard punch from Aubrey Plaza.  Janet slunk down to the floor after hitting the office door and Aubrey stayed by her desk one hand on it she took some deep breaths.  After her shirt was taken off she knew she had to do something, Janet had snuck two strong legs between her own and flipped her then removed her shirt.

Aubrey looked down at Janet who already had some bruising forming around her sharp cheekbone.  She looked at her friends who watched all this and walked toward Janet grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up to her feet.  Aubrey hit two hard punches to the stomach followed by a hair yank so she got a gasp from Janet.

Aubrey stared right at a hurting Janet “What do you think of me now?”

She grabbed the back of Janet’s shirt and flashed back to the first fight as she was hauling it off.  In their first fight it was she who was first to remove the opponents top then got hers removed.  This fight that was reversed and soon the result would be as well

She got the shirt over Janet’s body but Janet dropped to a knee and when her shirt came off she dropped to the other knee and lifted Aubrey’s legs up taking Aubrey down.  Aubrey landed hard on her back and she tossed Janet’s shirt and then got hit with two punches.  She wanted to counter but she felt Janet get one leg on the outside of hers she didn’t know how maybe it was all the training but she scissor the other leg but got hit with two more punches.

“That is what I think”

Aubrey pulled down on Janet’s leg and dug her finger nails into Janet’s 32B’s ad gave them such a squeeze and twist it froze Janet’.  She was in frozen in pain, could  not believe the power Aubrey Plaza had from the bottom.  She didn’t realize Aubrey had slipped out from beneath her until one hand left her tit

She breathed relief when the other hand left her tit but then Aubrey took off her bra.  She woke up and dropped down to her elbows and tucked her head in.

Aubrey threw a leg over Janet’s back thinking the fight was just about over and it was time to really hurt janet when Janet snuck out the back and Aubrey ended up on her stomach.  Janet sat on Aubrey’s legs and grabbed her bra strap and removed Aubrey’s bra.

Aubrey pushed herself up to try and escape but as her bra left her tits Janet’s hands found them and gave an equal squeeze and haul downwards.  Aubrey screamed and fell flat down and that stopped the torture but also trapped Janet’s hands.  Janet tried getting them out but couldn’t.

Aubrey reached back grabbed Janet by the hair and rolled now Janet was on her back and before Janet could torture her tits she grabbed Janet’s hands removed them from her 32Bs then spun so she was tit on tit with Janet.  Damaged 32B vs. damaged 32B and their feud had hit a new level

The attacks stopped as they felt their bare breasts against each other eyes opened at this new development.  They glanced down then locked eyes and the attacks continued as they grabbed at dark locks and ripped violently eventually working their way up to their knees.  What those watching didn’t see while there was furious rolling was they both wanted to go tit vs. tit.

On their knees Janet was pushing forward two deep handfuls of Aubrey Plaza’s hair yanked hard back towards the exit door to the outside.  Aubrey never felt such power and was desperate so she hauled down to her left but at the same time her back heel hit the little rise before the exit.  Aubrey fell back and she landed on her back but was able to throw Janet face first into the floor.

Aubrey was so thankful the pain in her scalp was gone and she heard a groan and knew it wasn’t from her she looked  Janet had hit real hard she twisted to get atop Janet’s back, she grabbed the back of Montgomery’s hair and slammed the brits face into the floor once.

She was tired and beaten but she knew this was a big opportunity and Janet was trying to fight out she got one arm under Janets and got a half nelson.  “I’m going to end this fight now bitch in a way that shows how much stronger I am.”

Janet fought the second arm and got punched in the back of the neck and had some elbows dropped on her shoulder.  When she lifted that arm from the elbow smash Aubrey got the full nelson in.

Janet immediately rolled and stopped Aubrey from locking her hands.  She tried to power out but Aubrey was winning the power battle and they kept rolling.  Aubrey and Janet were in offence vs defence mode and it ended up with Aubrey getting to the outside of Janet’s side with the full nelson locked in. As they went off that little ledge from the rolling

She had it in for a full two minutes and could hear something but wasn’t sure what as she ended up with Janet’s face pinned tightly into the floor.  Janet tried to power up with just her neck and Aubrey answered that by moving Janet’s face into the edge of the step she was powering Janet into submission but added the grinding of Janet’s face.  She grinded Janet from forehead to chin and heard a scream “Say it”

“Please Aubrey I”  Aubrey was bringing janet up again and Janet’s mouth got trapped on the edge and she couldn’t talk so she just gurgled.


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Re: Story: Aubrey Plaza vs. Janet Montgomery (long story)
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 11:09:14 PM »

Aubrey had so much rage in her and was so focused on delivering pain she had a delayed reaction.  “Did you want to say something Janet?  Were you quitting?”

She loosened up on janet’s neck “Go Ahead and say it again.”

“Please Aubrey I can take more.”  Janet said and ducked her head getting the back of her head against the four inch rise she used it as a lever and flipped herself and Aubrey onto the small rise in front of the exit.

Janet powered her arms down and rolled away She took a deep breath but that wasn’t long as Aubrey was up on her feet “Glad you didn’t quit Im kind of liking hurting you.”

She picked Janet up by the hair and Janet knew she needed to do something and quick.  She got her hands on Aubrey’s ribs and squatted her legs and pushed forward slamming Aubrey into the exit door which was braced shut.  As she stood up straight she used a Aubrey Plaza special move and slammed her knee between Aubrey’s legs

Everyone was in shock they could see Aubrey’s face make the o shape, her body just seemed to be in denial as to what just happened.  Janet stepped back got her foot arches on the ledge and grabbed Aubrey’s hair and threw her across the room.

Aubreys back hit a filing cabinet.  Janet stayed on her back taking some deep breaths she could hear Aubrey on the other side of the room groaning and taking deep breaths as well.  This rematch was much more brutal then their first fight as it was expected to be considering all the talks they had building it.

Janet looked and saw Aubrey she remembered something from their first fight and found the motivation to get up.  She walked to Aubrey with a purpose as she walked she took off her pants.  The onlookers thought Janet might have lost a few pounds but she was still wirey strong.  Tight muscles throughout her body, pert tits which were slightly damaged but she was still Janet Montgomery they saw from Human Target and The League which made them worry what was to happen now to Aubrey

Janet put her hands on top of the filing cabinet “I can still smell you sometimes you know.”  Janet jumped up and when she came down she thrust her pussy into Aubrey’s face.  It was a move Aubrey had done to Janet in the first fight.  Janet stayed there and while during the first fight pumped her pussy into Janet’s face Janet gyrated hers into Aubrey’s

“Karma’s a bitch and so are we.”

Aubrey kicked her legs frantically she was being humiliated and she had to do something.  She got her hands on Janet’s ass and got two handfuls of panties and yanked up.  Janet stopped what she was doing and gasped then Aubrey let got and turned into Janet’s left leg and forced her down to her back.

Aubrey held down Janet’s shins and jumped up on her legs sat up quickly getting two balled fists over her head she slammed them down on Janet’s stomach.  She stood up “Bitch my friends are watching this.” Aubrey took off her pants then dropped down flat her pussy on Janet’s face she was thrusting up and down.

Janet got her forearms between Aubrey’s legs and pushed her away.  Both got up and jumped at the other.  Aubrey threw Janet down but then was thrown over as Janet held onto Aubrey’s arm.

Both got up exchanged slaps then stepped forward for another slap each missed and ended up in a tie up.  Right arms behind the other’s neck they went around in a circle and Janet powered Aubrey into the wall right next to opening she had originally walked through all that time ago.  Aubrey looked over and saw her friends she took a deep breath and hit two punches to Janet’s ribs then pushed off and turned Janet around.

They battled there again this time Aubrey powered Janet but they were just past the wall and went down the hallway into a desk and over it.  They got up and exchanged punches to the ribs and both women’s left hands snuck down and grabbed at panties.  They yanked hard and both screamed then opened eyes and looked at the other.

They each twisted the panties of the other and gave it another yank.  They stood there staring at the other panties entering tightly into woman hood just staring at the other.  Tears started to roll down both women’s faces and they let go and backed up a step.

Janet looked at Aubrey and it wasn’t the same breathing hard Aubrey Plaza she fought before.   They were both equally beaten up their bodies were more equal than Janet ever realized.   

Aubrey had never had a fight last this long in her life whatever the other did it was returned.  It should have been over at the full nelson but it wasn’t.  Now as she slid her panties off rather than be wedgied again she was thankful she got a trim.  She knew now more than ever for Janet she was about the moment what was presented she would take.

Janet slid off her panties and sized Aubrey up, Aubrey was a fighter who simply won.  She didn’t care how she had to win how much pain she had to deliver she enjoyed it and fighting someone like Aubrey you had to match that.

This amount of time they stood there after battling with dueling wedgies was the longest amount of time they had gone without attacking the other.  Even her brutal slugfest with Katie had numerous breaks but this was break neck pace from the moment Aubrey cheated the arm wrestle.

“Give up” Aubrey said hoping Janet would just give in already the fight was more of a draw

“He that your dead pan humor Aubrey.”

“Then let’s finish this where they can see.”

Aubrey and Janet both stood far enough apart that no striking attack would land and it was as if they just signed an agreement.  Walking sideways not taking their eyes off the other just in case.  Though both wanted those others to witness just which of them would end up the victor they both wanted to tear the others body apart.

Aubrey moved backwards then right in front of her friends and Janet stayed five feet away from her. 

“Here we are.” Janet said

“Here we are.  Last time it was in front of one of my castmates this time when I win they all see it.”

“And if I win its not just you losing they see but they’ve seen you naked now.”

“When I said we should fight here I knew there was a strong chance they’d see me like this so… Let’s get to it.”

“Yes, Let’s”

They each took the quick two step, Aubrey hit a right handed slap but Janet’s right hand was right behind that.  They exchanged two more slaps then Aubrey grabbed Janet by the hair slammed her into the plexiglass and hit two hard punches to Janet’s stomach.  Janet grimaced but got her right calf behind Aubrey’s left calf and turned Aubrey around and grabbed Aubrey by the hair and slammed her into the plexiglass

Janet hit two hard punches to Aubrey’s stomach then got her arms tied up by Aubrey.  Aubrey got both her feet on the lower part of the wall and pushed slammed Janet’s back into the waiting counter.  She untied her right arm from the back of Janet’s neck and hit two punches to outside of Janet’s abdominal muscle.

Janet got her left arm under Aubrey’s arm pit and tied the arm up and got her feet on the waiting counter and pushed slamming Aubrey into the plexiglass.  Janet hit two right punches to Aubrey’s stomach.  Aubrey was trying to tie up Janet’s arm but all the effort of Janet trying not to caused Aubrey to get her arm free

They were both tired of going for the dirty boxing of tying one up and tried for something else.  It was something Janet remembered quickly was her fight with Katie.  She and Katie had found themselves in this similar position left arm behind opponent’s neck and right hand free for body punches.  From the four body punches she had already hit she knew that Aubrey’s stomach muscles were firmer then Katie’s.

They exchanged more and after two minutes of body punches and labored breath on the others shoulder. Aubrey hit a punch and it raised Janet’s leg she was happy but Janet’s next punch did the same to Aubrey.  Both women’s stomachs were taking a beating but neither was backing down but Aubrey knew she was doing well but would probably end up losing this or win this and be damaged. 

Janet couldn’t believe how hard Aubrey’s stomach was and the fact her punches really dug.  Moreso then Katies, while Katie hit harder it wasn’t the same.  Aubrey knew how to throw a punch and dig into muscle.  She wasn’t completely sure if she’d win the stomach punching and she was less sure of winning the fight.

Aubrey was the first to do something non gut punch when she pushed her right hand straight and the heel of her hand got on the inside of Janet’s left boob.  Her fingers dug into the outside of the nipple and she pushed the boob outwards.

Janet screamed at the attack and fell to one knee “Quit English”


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Re: Story: Aubrey Plaza vs. Janet Montgomery (long story)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 11:10:34 PM »

“Go to…” Janet jumped back up her two hands getting on Aubrey’s 32Bs the heels of her hand on the underside of Aubrey’s breasts and fingernails digging just above the nipple.  The force of Janet’s jumping up forced Aubrey into the plexiglass “Hell”

Aubrey screamed her head off and then snuck her left hand under Janet’s right hand and got her fingers on the inside of Janet’s nipple heel on the outside of the breast and she turned that one inwards.

Both women dropped to a knee then stood up tears in their eyes.  Aubrey turned Janet around and it was returned then they found themselves at a stalemate.  Aubrey tried to turn Janet around to be pressed against then the door but Janet stopped it and tried to force Aubrey back into the door but Aubrey fought it off.

Aubrey closed her eyes and thought about quitting but could feel some blood coming on her fingers but she also felt Janet’s fingers break her skin.  Now she was truly considering quitting but Janet let go and she felt relief then she opened her eyes and got a last split second view of Janet’s head just before the forehead crashed into her mouth.

Aubrey let go of Janet’s boobs and fell back into the door.  Her mouth was definitely bloodied now and her thoughts of quitting were gone.  She wanted revenge for that and she looked at Janet who was leaning back on the end of the counter. 

Janet loved hitting that headbutt she couldn’t take her breasts being attacked any more and when she saw Aubrey’s eyes closed tightly she took her chance.  Now though she was physically exhausted this fight was mostly on its feet anytime the fight went to the ground it was mostly a wrestle and transition game of one upmanship.  She still felt the bruise on her face and Aubrey had definitely been ahead on the stand up battle.

She stood up and put everything in her 115 pound slim frame into a punch.  Aubrey blocked the punch and threw her head forward after getting her arm up stopping the punch which surely would have knocked her out.  Instead she connected with a headbutt just below Janet’s eye. 

Montgomery fell back and nearly down but held on dear life to the counter.  Her headbutt didn’t put Aubrey down so she damn sure wasn’t going down either.  She looked and saw Aubrey still against the door and she could feel the swelling starting under her eye it was close enough to where the other big punch landed she was definitely going to have a black eye.

Aubrey pushed herself off and put all her 115 pounds behind a punch meaning to knock Janet out but now Janet blocked the punch and she grabbed Aubrey by the throat with her right hand.  Aubrey recovered quick from the punch block and got her right hand on Janet’s throat and the two fought into the entrance way

The second hand got on the other woman’s throat and as they locked eyes it stayed even for a moment but the physically stronger woman gained a advantage.  Aubrey Plaza was losing she was pushed back against the gate and looked at her cast who saw she was about to lose.  “No.”

Not knowing where it came from, Aubrey let got of janet’s throat got her arms between Janet’s broke Janet’s choke.  She then came up with a knee between Janet’s legs and finally a uppercut which spun Janet around and had her nearly knocked out face first on the counter.
It was the second time Aubrey had a punch that rocked Janet and this time she lifted Janet up onto counter.  She climbed up and scratched Janet’s ass then climbed atop Janet’s back.  Willing herself she sat up on Janet Montgomery’s back her knees barely on the counter she grabbed the back of Janet’s hair and yanked.  Then with her other hand she got it under Janet’s chin and she leaned back “QUIT DAMN IT.  QUIT”

Aubrey got both hands under a screaming Janet Montgomery’s chin and she leaned back further “I won” she screamed as Janet’s shouts of agony filled the room.  No one could know how it truly felt to be Aubrey Plaza right now she went toe to toe literally at times with a woman she knew she could beat.  After months of face to face show downs and hearing how great of a fighter Janet Montgomery was here she was proving she was greater.  Janet had to quit though to truly be defeated in Aubrey’s eye after all she quit.

Janet grabbed the edge of the counter and with all her strength pulled in one last ditch effort she pulled both off the counter and Aubrey landed very hard.  Janet rolled away from Aubrey and was out of the sight of the onlooker as she was on that wall where the plexiglass was.  Aubrey rolled and relaxed against the counter. 

So much pain in her body so much frustration she had Janet beaten.  Yet the fight continued she opened her eyes and saw Janet try and fail to get up.  She then tried to get up but couldn’t just yet.  Janet was starting to get up and Aubrey willed herself up they pushed off the desk and wall and exchanged slaps.  Then fell back a step and Aubrey screamed and threw a punch but it was sloppy and it was ducked.  Janet got behind Aubrey and pushed Aubrey’s face into the plexiglass.

She relaxed and then realizing Aubrey was groaning and heard a snivel that usually correlated to tears.  She got a full nelson on Aubrey and slammed her face into the plexiglass three more times.

On the other side they could see Aubrey’s face smash and smush into it and Aubrey was just about out of the fight.  She opened her eyes and saw her scared friends and rose a foot to push off and slam Janet’s back into the counter but Janet hauled her away and slammed her face first into the solid oak counter.  Fight was over; Janet Montgomery once again beat Aubrey Plaza

Janet hit Aubrey’s face into the counter again and then let go turned Aubrey around and held her up by the throat.  She wanted to say something but instead let her drop to the ground completely out of it just crying on the ground. She ended the fight making sure it was finished by slamming six hard punches to Aubrey’s face. Janet barely able to walk but still made an effort to get her clothing and all of Aubrey’s she was about to leave when she looked back down at Aubrey.

“I hate you so much and I will get you.” Aubrey said

“I’ve beaten your ass twice, and no ma..” Janet dropped the clothes and went back at Aubrey she could feel the fear behind her.  Janet sat atop Aubrey’s lap and put her right hand on Aubrey’s throat and pinned her against the counter and with her left hand she pushed away Aubrey’s hair “I beat you, say it.”

“Fuck you”

Janet rode Aubrey a little “That what you want slag.”  She gave it a couple more pumps then stopped “We fought twice we fought the urge to fight three other times.  You came up short both times and you say you hate me… Guess what I hate you.  The difference my hate leads to wins and your hate of me leads to you having this done.”  Janet remembered the old talk of a kiss fight and forcefully kissed Aubrey choking Aubrey with her tongue.  Janet got up and slapped Aubrey’s ass “I did that and you did nothing live with it bitch.”  Janet picked up her clothes and two of Aubrey’s shirts leaving Aubrey her pants. She took a final look at Aubrey, her face beaten up, her body beaten up she was bloody and that made Janet happy then she saw her reflection as she left and realized she was just as beaten up, just as bloody but the difference was she was walking out.

Janet looked over at the Parks and Rec cast gave a big smile her face full of blood.
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 She got to the exit where she had a big jacket which she learned from the Katie fight was have extra clothes ready.  She thought of Katie and of Aubrey she loved Katie, despised Aubrey but as she looked at the reflection in a window the rematch with Katie had to happen she knew that and the blood on her face now paled in comparison to what she and Katie did to each other the first time.

Red blood, red… red… She loved Katie, despised Aubrey but she hated Rose Leslie.  She needed to enjoy this win, maybe a trip back to London.  Her agency was throwing a party to celebrate its success this victory was the latest.  Hit show and a hard fought win over a American who many believed she couldn’t beat. 

(Upcoming: Camilla Belle vs Emmy Rossum, Rose Leslie vs. Janet Montgomery, WBACCF 12, Aftermath fight)